nico@207: # Doxyfile 1.5.1 nico@207: nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # Project related configuration options nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: PROJECT_NAME = CanFestival nico@207: PROJECT_NUMBER = 3 nico@210: OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = ./ nico@207: CREATE_SUBDIRS = NO nico@207: OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English nico@207: USE_WINDOWS_ENCODING = NO nico@207: BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC = YES nico@207: REPEAT_BRIEF = YES nico@207: ABBREVIATE_BRIEF = "The $name class" "The $name widget" "The $name file" is provides specifies contains represents a an the nico@207: ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC = NO nico@207: INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB = NO nico@207: FULL_PATH_NAMES = YES etisserant@212: STRIP_FROM_PATH = ../../ nico@207: STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = nico@207: SHORT_NAMES = NO nico@207: JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF = NO nico@207: MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF = NO nico@207: DETAILS_AT_TOP = NO nico@207: INHERIT_DOCS = YES nico@207: SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES = NO nico@207: TAB_SIZE = 8 nico@207: ALIASES = nico@207: OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C = YES nico@207: OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA = NO nico@207: BUILTIN_STL_SUPPORT = NO nico@207: DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC = NO nico@207: SUBGROUPING = YES nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # Build related configuration options nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: EXTRACT_ALL = YES nico@207: EXTRACT_PRIVATE = YES nico@207: EXTRACT_STATIC = NO nico@207: EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = YES nico@207: EXTRACT_LOCAL_METHODS = NO nico@207: HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = NO nico@207: HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES = NO nico@207: HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS = NO nico@207: HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO nico@207: INTERNAL_DOCS = NO nico@207: CASE_SENSE_NAMES = YES nico@207: HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES = NO nico@207: SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES = YES nico@207: INLINE_INFO = YES nico@207: SORT_MEMBER_DOCS = YES nico@207: SORT_BRIEF_DOCS = NO nico@207: SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME = NO nico@207: GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES nico@207: GENERATE_TESTLIST = YES nico@207: GENERATE_BUGLIST = YES nico@207: GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST = YES nico@207: ENABLED_SECTIONS = nico@207: MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES = 30 nico@207: SHOW_USED_FILES = YES etisserant@212: SHOW_DIRECTORIES = YES nico@207: FILE_VERSION_FILTER = nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to warning and progress messages nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: QUIET = NO nico@207: WARNINGS = YES nico@207: WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED = YES nico@207: WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR = YES nico@207: WARN_NO_PARAMDOC = NO nico@207: WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text" nico@207: WARN_LOGFILE = nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to the input files nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- greg@464: INPUT = ../../src ../../drivers/can_lincan ../../drivers/can_peak_linux ../../drivers/can_vscom ../../drivers/can_peak_win32 ../../drivers/can_socket ../../drivers/can_uvccm_win32 ../../drivers/can_virtual ../../drivers/hcs12 ../../drivers/timers_unix ../../drivers/timers_xeno ../../drivers/unix ../../drivers/win32 ../../examples/gene_SYNC_HCS12 ../../examples/TestMasterSlave ../../examples/TestMasterMicroMod ../../examples/win32test ../../include ../../drivers/can_serial etisserant@212: etisserant@212: etisserant@212: nico@207: FILE_PATTERNS = *.c *.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.c++ *.d *.java *.ii *.ixx *.ipp *.i++ *.inl *.h *.hh *.hxx *.hpp *.h++ *.idl *.odl *.cs *.php *.php3 *.inc *.m *.mm *.dox *.py *.C *.CC *.C++ *.II *.I++ *.H *.HH *.H++ *.CS *.PHP *.PHP3 *.M *.MM *.PY nico@207: RECURSIVE = YES nico@207: EXCLUDE = nico@207: EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS = NO nico@207: EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = nico@207: EXAMPLE_PATH = nico@207: EXAMPLE_PATTERNS = * nico@207: EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE = NO nico@207: IMAGE_PATH = nico@207: INPUT_FILTER = nico@207: FILTER_PATTERNS = nico@207: FILTER_SOURCE_FILES = NO nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to source browsing nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@208: SOURCE_BROWSER = YES nico@207: INLINE_SOURCES = NO nico@207: STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = YES nico@208: REFERENCED_BY_RELATION = YES nico@208: REFERENCES_RELATION = YES nico@207: REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE = YES nico@207: USE_HTAGS = NO nico@208: VERBATIM_HEADERS = YES nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to the alphabetical class index nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: ALPHABETICAL_INDEX = NO nico@207: COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX = 5 nico@207: IGNORE_PREFIX = nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to the HTML output nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: GENERATE_HTML = YES nico@207: HTML_OUTPUT = html nico@207: HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .html nico@207: HTML_HEADER = nico@207: HTML_FOOTER = nico@207: HTML_STYLESHEET = nico@207: HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS = YES nico@207: GENERATE_HTMLHELP = NO nico@207: CHM_FILE = nico@207: HHC_LOCATION = nico@207: GENERATE_CHI = NO nico@207: BINARY_TOC = NO nico@207: TOC_EXPAND = NO nico@207: DISABLE_INDEX = NO nico@207: ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE = 4 nico@207: GENERATE_TREEVIEW = YES nico@207: TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 250 nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to the LaTeX output nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@210: GENERATE_LATEX = NO nico@207: LATEX_OUTPUT = latex nico@207: LATEX_CMD_NAME = latex nico@207: MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME = makeindex nico@207: COMPACT_LATEX = NO nico@207: PAPER_TYPE = a4wide nico@207: EXTRA_PACKAGES = nico@207: LATEX_HEADER = nico@207: PDF_HYPERLINKS = YES nico@207: USE_PDFLATEX = YES nico@207: LATEX_BATCHMODE = NO nico@207: LATEX_HIDE_INDICES = NO nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to the RTF output nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: GENERATE_RTF = NO nico@207: RTF_OUTPUT = rtf nico@207: COMPACT_RTF = NO nico@207: RTF_HYPERLINKS = NO nico@207: RTF_STYLESHEET_FILE = nico@207: RTF_EXTENSIONS_FILE = nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to the man page output nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: GENERATE_MAN = NO nico@207: MAN_OUTPUT = man nico@207: MAN_EXTENSION = .3 nico@207: MAN_LINKS = NO nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to the XML output nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: GENERATE_XML = NO nico@207: XML_OUTPUT = xml nico@207: XML_SCHEMA = nico@207: XML_DTD = nico@207: XML_PROGRAMLISTING = YES nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF = NO nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # configuration options related to the Perl module output nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: GENERATE_PERLMOD = NO nico@207: PERLMOD_LATEX = NO nico@207: PERLMOD_PRETTY = YES nico@207: PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX = nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # Configuration options related to the preprocessor nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: ENABLE_PREPROCESSING = YES nico@207: MACRO_EXPANSION = NO nico@207: EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF = NO nico@207: SEARCH_INCLUDES = YES nico@207: INCLUDE_PATH = nico@207: INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS = nico@207: PREDEFINED = nico@207: EXPAND_AS_DEFINED = nico@207: SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS = YES nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # Configuration::additions related to external references nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: TAGFILES = nico@207: GENERATE_TAGFILE = nico@207: ALLEXTERNALS = NO nico@207: EXTERNAL_GROUPS = YES nico@207: PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # Configuration options related to the dot tool nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@208: CLASS_DIAGRAMS = NO nico@207: HIDE_UNDOC_RELATIONS = YES nico@208: HAVE_DOT = YES nico@207: CLASS_GRAPH = YES nico@207: COLLABORATION_GRAPH = YES nico@207: GROUP_GRAPHS = YES nico@207: UML_LOOK = NO nico@207: TEMPLATE_RELATIONS = NO nico@207: INCLUDE_GRAPH = YES nico@207: INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH = YES nico@207: CALL_GRAPH = YES nico@207: CALLER_GRAPH = NO nico@207: GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY = YES nico@207: DIRECTORY_GRAPH = YES nico@207: DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = png nico@207: DOT_PATH = nico@207: DOTFILE_DIRS = nico@207: MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH = 1024 nico@207: MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT = 1024 nico@207: MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH = 1000 nico@207: DOT_TRANSPARENT = NO nico@207: DOT_MULTI_TARGETS = NO nico@207: GENERATE_LEGEND = YES nico@207: DOT_CLEANUP = YES nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: # Configuration::additions related to the search engine nico@207: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nico@207: SEARCHENGINE = NO