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\renewcommand\thesection{\arabic{section} -} nico@208: \renewcommand\thesubsection{\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection})} nico@208: \renewcommand\thesubsubsection{\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}.\arabic{subsubsection})} nico@208: \renewcommand\theparagraph{\alph{paragraph})} nico@208: \renewcommand\thesubparagraph{\roman{subparagraph})} nico@208: % List styles nico@208: \newcommand\liststyleLi{% nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemi{{--}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemii{{--}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemiii{{--}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemiv{{--}} nico@208: } nico@208: \newcommand\liststyleLii{% nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemi{{--}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemii{{--}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemiii{{--}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemiv{{--}} nico@208: } nico@208: \newcommand\liststyleLiii{% nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemi{{--}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemii{{--}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemiii{{--}} nico@208: 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nico@208: } nico@208: \newcommand\liststyleLxiii{% nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemi{{\textbullet}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemii{{\textbullet}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemiii{{\textbullet}} nico@208: \renewcommand\labelitemiv{{\textbullet}} nico@208: } etisserant@249: nico@208: \begin{document} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\centering\sffamily\Huge The CanFestival CANOpen stack manual.} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: \renewcommand\contentsname{CanFestival v3.0 Manual} nico@208: \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} nico@208: \tableofcontents nico@208: \section{Introduction} etisserant@249: CanFestival is an OpenSource (LGPL and GPL) CANOpen framework. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{The CanFestival project} nico@208: This project, initiated by Edouard TISSERANT in 2001, as grown thanks to nico@208: Francis DUPIN and other contributors. nico@208: nico@208: Today, CanFestival focuses on providing an ANSI{}-C platform independent nico@208: CANOpen stack that can be implemented as master or slave nodes on PCs, nico@208: Real{}-time IPCs, and Microcontrollers. nico@208: nico@208: CanFestival is a project supported by Lolitech. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{What is CANopen} nico@208: CANopen is a CAN based high level protocol. It defines some protocols to nico@208: : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLi nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Configure a CAN network. nico@208: \item Transmit data to a specific node or in broadcast. nico@208: \item Administrate the network. For example detecting a not responding nico@208: node. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: The documentation can be found in the Can in automation website : nico@208: nico@208: \href{}{http://www.can{}} nico@208: nico@208: The most important document about CANopen is the normative CiA Draft nico@208: Standard 301, version 4.02. You can now download with no cost the nico@208: specification in Can in automation website. nico@208: nico@208: To continue reading this document, let us assume that you have read some nico@208: papers introducing CANopen. nico@208: nico@208: \section{CanFestival Features} nico@208: \subsection{Tools } nico@208: The CANopen library is coming with some tools : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Object Dictionary editor GUI. WxPython Model{}-View{}-Controler nico@208: based GUI, that help a lot in generating object dictionary source code nico@208: for each node. nico@208: \item A configure script, that let you chose compile time options such nico@208: as target CPU/HOST, CAN and TIMER drivers.\newline nico@208: This script have not been generated with autoconf, it have been made nico@208: keeping micro{}-controller target in mind. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsection{Standard conformance} nico@208: \paragraph{Multi{}-Platform} nico@208: \liststyleLiii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Library source code is C{}-ANSI. nico@208: \item Driver and examples coding conventions merely depend on target nico@208: specific contributor/compiler. nico@208: \item Unix compatible interfaces and examples should compile and run on nico@208: any Unix system (tested on GNU/Linux and GNU/FreeBSD). nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \paragraph{CanOpen conformance} nico@208: {\bfseries\upshape nico@208: DS{}-301} nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLiv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Should conform to DS301. V.4.02 13 february 2002. nico@208: \item Master and Slave functionality implemented. nico@208: \item Sending SYNC implemented. nico@208: \item 1 SDO server per node. (update: more than one possible. To be more nico@208: tested) nico@208: \item Unlimited SDO client. nico@208: \item SDO transmission mode : normal, expedited download and upload. nico@208: \item Unlimited PDO receive. nico@208: \item Unlimited PDO transmit. nico@208: \item Object Data type implemented : 8, 16, 32 bits values, and fixed nico@208: length strings. nico@208: \item Slave state full implemented. nico@208: \item NMT to change slave{\textquotesingle}s state implemented. nico@208: \item PDO transmission mode : on request, every reception of 0 to n nico@208: SYNC, on event. nico@208: \item NMT Heartbeat implemented : A node can be either heartbeat nico@208: producer or receiver. nico@208: \item NMT NodeGuard implemented : Not fully implemented. nico@208: \item TIME (time Stamp) : Not implemented. luis@284: \item EMCY (emergency objects) : Sending and reception of EMCY objectos (without manufacturer specific error field). nico@208: \item PDO Mapping bit per bit implemented. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: {\bfseries\upshape nico@208: DS{}-302} nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLiv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} etisserant@249: \item Concise \space DFC : implemented. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \section{How to start} nico@208: \subsection{Host requirements} nico@208: What you need on your development workstation. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Object Dictionary Editor GUI} nico@208: \liststyleLv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Python, with nico@208: \item wxPyhon modules installed (at least version 2.6.3). nico@208: \item Gnosis xml tools. (Optional can also be installed locally to the nico@208: project automatically will the help of a Makefile. Please see nico@208: \hyperlink{a91UsingDictionaryEditorGUIoutline}{9.1) Using Dictionary nico@208: Editor GUI} ) nico@208: \end{enumerate} etisserant@249: \subsubsection[\space Linux and Unix{}-likes]{\space Linux and Unix{}-likes} nico@208: \liststyleLv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Linux, FreeBSD, Cygwin or any Unix environment with GNU toolchain. nico@208: \item The GNU C compiler (gcc) or any other ANSI{}-C compiler for your nico@208: target platform. nico@208: \item Xpdf, and the official 301\_v04000201.pdf file in order to get GUI etisserant@249: context sensitive help. Download the ds301 at\newline nico@208: \href{}{http://www.can{}}. nico@208: \item GNU Make nico@208: \item Bash and sed nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsubsection{Windows (for native win32 target)} nico@208: \liststyleLv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Visual Studio Express 2005 or worst. nico@208: \item Microsoft platform SDK (requires Genuine Advantage) nico@208: \item Cygwin (for configuration only) nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsection{How to get CanFestival} nico@208: Please always use CVS, this is the best way to get the most reactive nico@208: support from the developer community : nico@208: nico@208: cvs {} nico@208: login\newline nico@208: (type return, without entering a password) nico@208: nico@208: Then, enter : \newline nico@208: cvs {}-z3 {} co nico@208: {}-P CanFestival{}-3 nico@208: nico@208: \section{Understanding Canfestival} nico@208: \subsection{CanFestival Project tree layout} nico@208: Simplified directory structure. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./src ANSI{}-C source of CANOpen stack} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries etisserant@249: \space /include Exportables Header files} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./drivers Interfaces to specific platforms/HW} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/unix Linux and Cygwin OS interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/win32 Native Win32 OS interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/timers\_xeno Xenomai timers/threads (Linux only)} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/timers\_unix Posix timers/threads (Linux, Cygwin)} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/can\_peak\_linux PeakSystem CAN library interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/can\_peak\_win32 PeakSystem PCAN{}-Light interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/can\_uvccm\_win32 Acacetus{\textquotesingle}s RS232 nico@208: ``CAN{}-uVCCM'' interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/can\_virtual Fake CAN network (Linux, Cygwin)} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/hcs12 HCS12 full target interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./examples Examples} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/TestMasterSlave 2 nodes, NMT SYNC SDO PDO, win32+unix} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/TestMasterMicroMod 1 node, control Peak I/O Module, unix} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/gene\_SYNC\_HCS12 Just send periodic SYNC on HCS12} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/win32test Ask some DS301 infos to a node (\textbf{win32)}} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./objdictgen Object Dictionary editor GUI} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./objdictgen/config Pre{}-defined OD profiles} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./objdictgen/examples Some examples/test OD} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./doc Project and CanOpen doc} nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Implement CanFestival in your application} nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} etisserant@249: \includegraphics[width=12cm]{Pictures/10000201000003F9000002CF880931E7.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{CanFestival CAN interfaces} nico@208: Because most CAN controllers and drivers implement FIFOs, CanFestival nico@208: consider sending message as a non bloking operation. nico@208: nico@208: In order to prevent reentrent calls to the stack, messages reception is nico@208: implemented differently on {\textmu}C and OS.: nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLvi nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item {\textmu}C must provide interuption masking for timer and can nico@208: receive IT\newline nico@208: \begin{center} etisserant@249: \includegraphics[width=12cm]{Pictures/10000201000003CA0000016604E6A5EF.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \item OS must provide a receive thread, a timer thread and a mutex. CAN nico@208: reception is a bloking operation.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} etisserant@249: \includegraphics[width=12cm]{Pictures/10000201000003F9000002CF8B0CDAEA.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsection{CanFestival events scheduling} nico@208: A CanOpen node must be able to take delayed actions. nico@208: nico@208: As exemples, periodic sync emission, heartbeat production or SDO timeout nico@208: need to set some alarms that will be called later and do the job. nico@208: nico@208: {\textmu}C generaly do not have enough free timers to handle all the nico@208: CanOpen needs directly. Moreover, CanFestival internal data may be nico@208: corrupt by reentrant calls. nico@208: nico@208: CanFestival implement a micro{}-scheduler (timer.c). It uses only one nico@208: timer to mimic many timers. It manage an alarm table, and call alarms nico@208: at desired time. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} etisserant@249: \includegraphics[width=12cm]{Pictures/100000000000022C000000DEDAD2140C.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: Scheduler can handle short clock value ranges limitation found on some nico@208: {\textmu}C. As an example, value range for a 16bit clock counter with nico@208: 4{\textmu}s tick is crossed within 0.26 seconds... Long alarms must be nico@208: segmented. nico@208: nico@208: Chronogram illustrate a long alarm (A) and a short periodic alarm (B), nico@208: with a A value {\textgreater} clock range {\textgreater} B value. nico@208: Values t0...t8 are successive setTimer call parameter values. t1 nico@208: illustrates an intermediate call to TimeDispatch, caused by a delay nico@208: longer than clock range. Because of long alarm segmentation, at the end nico@208: of t1, TimeDispatch call will not trig any alarm callback. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} etisserant@249: \includegraphics[width=12cm]{Pictures/1000000000000396000000FFC42573DA.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \section{Linux Target} nico@208: Linux target is default configure target. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Linux Compilation and installation} nico@208: Call ./configure {--}help to see all available compile time options. nico@208: nico@208: After invoking ./configure with your platform specific switches, just nico@208: type make. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./configure [options]} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: make install} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Standard Linux node} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-timers=unix} nico@208: nico@208: To do a CANopen node running on PC{}-Linux, you need : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLvii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item A working linux distribution nico@208: \item One or more Peak system PC CAN interface and the last Peak Linux nico@208: driver installed. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsubsection{Real{}-Time Linux node} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-timers=xeno} nico@208: nico@208: To do a CANopen node running on PC{}-Linux, you need : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLviii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item A working Linux distribution patched with XENOMAI 2.1 or greater. nico@208: \item One or more Peak system PC CAN interface and the last Peak Real nico@208: Time Linux driver installed. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsubsection{CAN devices} nico@208: Curently supported CAN devices and corresponding configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Peak systems} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-can=peak\_linux} nico@208: nico@208: PeakSystems CAN interface is automatically chosen as default CAN nico@208: interface if libpcan is present in the system. nico@208: nico@208: Please download driver at nico@208: \href{}{http://www.peak{}} nico@208: and follow instructions in order to install driver on your system. nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Socket{}-Can (} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-can=socket} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{LinCan} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-can=lincan} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Virtual CAN interfaces (for test/debug)} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-can=virtual} nico@208: nico@208: Virtual CAN interface use Unix pipes to emulate a virtual CAN network. nico@208: Each message issued from a node is repeat to all other nodes. Currently nico@208: only works with nodes running in the same process, and does not support nico@208: work with Xenomai. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Testing your CanFestival installation} nico@208: Sample provided in /example/TestMasterSlave is installed into your nico@208: system during installation. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: TestMasterSlave} nico@208: nico@208: Default can driver library is libcanfestival\_can\, which nico@208: will simply pass CAN messages through Unix pipes between Master and nico@208: Slave. nico@208: nico@208: You may also want to specify different can interface and define some CAN nico@208: ports. An other example using Peak{\textquotesingle}s dual PCMCIA nico@208: (configure and install with {--}can=peak) : nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: TestMasterSlave {}-l libcanfestival\_can\ {}-s 40 {}-m 41} nico@208: nico@208: \section{Windows Targets} nico@208: CanFestival can be compiled and run on Windows platform. It is possible nico@208: to use both Cygwin and win32 native runtime environment. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Object Dictionary Editor GUI installation.} nico@208: Please refer to nico@208: \hyperlink{a821UsingDictionaryEditorGUIoutline}{8.2.1)Using Dictionary nico@208: Editor GUI} nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{CYGWIN} nico@208: \subsubsection{Requirements} nico@208: Cygwin have to be installed with those packages : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLix nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item gcc nico@208: \item unzip nico@208: \item wget nico@208: \item make nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: Currently, the only supported CAN devices are PeakSystems ones, with nico@208: PcanLight driver and library. nico@208: nico@208: Please download driver at nico@208: \href{}{http://www.peak{}\_gb.html} etisserant@249: \space and follow instructions in order to install driver on your system. nico@208: nico@208: Install Cygwin as required, and the driver for your Peak CAN device. nico@208: nico@208: Open a Cygwin terminal, and follow those instructions: nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Cygwin configuration and compilation} nico@208: \paragraph{A single node with PcanLight and Peak CAN{}-USB adapter} nico@208: Download the PCAN{}-Light Zip file for your HW ( URL from download page nico@208: ): nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: wget http://www.peak{}} nico@208: nico@208: Extract its content into your cygwin home (it will create a ``Disk'' nico@208: directory): nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: unzip} nico@208: nico@208: Configure CanFestival3 providing path to the desired PcanLight nico@208: implementation: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cd CanFestival{}-3} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: export PCAN\_INCLUDE=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Api/} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: export PCAN\_HEADER=Pcan\_usb.h} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: export PCAN\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash} nico@208: C++/Pcan\_usb.lib} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./configure {}-{--}can=peak\_win32} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make} nico@208: nico@208: In order to test, you have to use another CanFestival node, connect with nico@208: a CAN cable. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_usb.dll .} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/TestMasterSlave/TestMasterSlave {\textbackslash}} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-l drivers/can\_peak\_win32/cygcan\_peak\_win32.dll nico@208: {\textbackslash}} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-S 500K {}-M none} nico@208: nico@208: Then, on the other node : nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./TestMasterSlave {}-l my\ {}-S none {}-M 500K} nico@208: nico@208: Now messages are beeing exchanged between master and slave node. nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Two nodes with PcanLight and Peak dual PCMCIA{}-CAN adapter} nico@208: Download the PCAN{}-Light Zip file for your HW ( URL from download page nico@208: ): nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: wget http://www.peak{}} nico@208: nico@208: Extract its content into your cygwin home (it will create a ``Disk'' nico@208: directory): nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: unzip} nico@208: nico@208: The configure CanFestival3 providing path to the desired PcanLight nico@208: implementation: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: export PCAN\_INCLUDE=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Api/\newline nico@208: export PCAN\_HEADER=Pcan\_pcc.h\newline nico@208: export PCAN\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash} nico@208: C++/Pcan\_pcc.lib\newline nico@208: export PCAN2\_HEADER=Pcan\_2pcc.\newline nico@208: export PCAN2\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash} nico@208: C++/Pcan\_2pcc.lib} nico@208: nico@208: In order to test, just connect together both CAN ports of the PCMCIA nico@208: card. Don{\textquotesingle}t forget 120ohms terminator. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_pcc.dll .} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_2pcc.dll .} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/TestMasterSlave/TestMasterSlave {\textbackslash}} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-l drivers/can\_peak\_win32/cygcan\_peak\_win32.dll} nico@208: nico@208: Messages are then exchanged between master and slave node, both inside nico@208: TestMasterSlave{\textquotesingle}s process. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Visual Studio C++} nico@208: \subsubsection{Requirements} nico@208: Minimal Cygwin installation is required at configuration time in order nico@208: to create specific header files (config.h and cancfg.h). Once this nico@208: files created, cygwin is not necessary any more. nico@208: nico@208: Project and solution files have been created and tested with Visual nico@208: Studio Express 2005. Be sure to have installed Microsoft Platform SDK, nico@208: as recommended at the end of Visual Studio installation. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Configuration with cygwin} etisserant@249: Follow instructions given at etisserant@249: \hyperlink{Cygwin configuration and compilation}{Cygwin nico@208: configuration and compilation}, but do neither call make nor do tests, nico@208: just do configuration steps. This will create headers files accordingly nico@208: to your configuration parameters, and the desired CAN hardware. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Compilation with Visual Studio} nico@208: You can either load independents ``*.vcproj'' project files along your nico@208: own projects in your own solution or load the provided nico@208: ``CanFestival{}-3.vc8.sln'' solution files directly. nico@208: nico@208: Build CanFestival{}-3 project first. nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{PcanLight and the can\_peak\_win32 project.} nico@208: Chosen Pcan\_xxx.lib and eventually Pcan\_2xxx.lib files must be added etisserant@249: to can\_peak\_win32 \space \space project before build of the DLL. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Testing} nico@208: Copy eventually needed dlls (ie : Pcan\_Nxxx.lib) into Release or Debug nico@208: directory, and run the test program: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: TestMasterSlave.exe {}-l can\_peak\_win32.dll} nico@208: greg@282: \subsection{MSYS} greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: \subsubsection{Requirements} greg@282: greg@282: Download from :\_id=2435 greg@282: greg@282: \begin{enumerate} greg@282: \item MSYS-1.0.10.exe greg@282: \item MinGW-5.1.3.exe greg@282: \item mingwPORT (which contains wget-1.9.1) greg@282: \end{enumerate} greg@282: Please download driver at\_gb.html greg@282: and follow instructions in order to install driver on your system. greg@282: Install MSYS and MingW as required, and the driver for your Peak CAN greg@282: device. Open a MSYS terminal, and follow those instructions:\\ greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: \begin{itemize} greg@282: \item extract wget-1.9.1-mingwPORT.tar.bz2 greg@282: \item copy wget.exe in c:\textbackslash{}msys\textbackslash{}1.0\textbackslash{}bin\textbackslash{} greg@282: \item start MSYS and check the file /etc/fstab contain the line c:/MinGW greg@282: /mingw greg@282: \end{itemize} greg@282: greg@282: \subsubsection{MSYS configuration and compilation} greg@282: greg@282: Instructions for compilation are nearly the same as CYGWIN part. greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: \paragraph{A single node with PcanLight and Peak CAN-USB adapter} greg@282: greg@282: Download the PCAN-Light Zip file for your HW ( URL from download page greg@282: ): greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{wget}~\\ greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: Extract its content into your MSYS's home (it will create a \char`\"{}Disk\char`\"{} greg@282: directory): greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{unzip}~\\ greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: Configure CanFestival3 providing path to the desired PcanLight implementation: greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{cd CanFestival-3} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{export PCAN\_INCLUDE=\~{ }/Disk/PCAN-Light/Api/} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{export PCAN\_HEADER=Pcan\_usb.h} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{export PCAN\_LIB=\~{ }/Disk/PCAN-Light/Lib/Visual\textbackslash{} greg@282: C++/Pcan\_usb.lib} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{./configure -{}-can=peak\_win32} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{make}~\\ greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: In order to test, you have to use another CanFestival node, connect greg@282: with a CAN cable. greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{cp \~{ }/Disk/PCAN-Light/Pcan\_usb.dll .} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{./examples/TestMasterSlave/TestMasterSlave \textbackslash{}} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{-l drivers/can\_peak\_win32/cygcan\_peak\_win32.dll \textbackslash{}} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{-S 500K -M none}~\\ greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: Then, on the other node : greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{./TestMasterSlave -l my\ -S none -M 500K -m 0} greg@282: greg@282: Now messages are beeing exchanged between master and slave node. greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: \paragraph{Two nodes with PcanLight and Peak dual PCMCIA-CAN adapter} greg@282: greg@282: Download the PCAN-Light Zip file for your HW ( URL from download page greg@282: ): greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{wget}~\\ greg@282: \\ greg@282: Extract its content into your MSYS's home (it will create a \char`\"{}Disk\char`\"{} greg@282: directory): greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{unzip}~\\ greg@282: \\ greg@282: The configure CanFestival3 providing path to the desired PcanLight greg@282: implementation:\\ greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{export PCAN\_INCLUDE=\~{ }/Disk/PCAN-Light/Api/} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{export PCAN\_HEADER=Pcan\_pcc.h} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{export PCAN\_LIB=\~{ }/Disk/PCAN-Light/Lib/Visual\textbackslash{} greg@282: C++/Pcan\_pcc.lib} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{export PCAN2\_HEADER=Pcan\_2pcc.h} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{export PCAN2\_LIB=\~{ }/Disk/PCAN-Light/Lib/Visual\textbackslash{} greg@282: C++/Pcan\_2pcc.lib}~\\ greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: In order to test, just connect together both CAN ports of the PCMCIA greg@282: card. Don't forget 120ohms terminator. greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{cp\~{ }/Disk/PCAN-Light/Pcan\_pcc.dll ~.} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{cp \~{ }/Disk/PCAN-Light/Pcan\_2pcc.dll ~.} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{./examples/TestMasterSlave/TestMasterSlave \textbackslash{}} greg@282: greg@282: \texttt{-l drivers/can\_peak\_win32/cygcan\_peak\_win32.dll -m 0 -s greg@282: 1}~\\ greg@282: greg@282: greg@282: Messages are then exchanged between master and slave node, both inside greg@282: TestMasterSlave's process. greg@282: nico@208: \section{Motorola HCS12} nico@208: The examples have been tested on a MC9S12DG255 mounted on a nico@208: Elektronikladen HCS12 T{}-board. nico@208: nico@208: Beware that there are a few differences in the MSCAN module of the nico@208: 68HC12 and HCS12 microcontroller. For a HC12, you must adapt the driver etisserant@249: that we provide for \space the HCS12. nico@208: nico@208: For the difference MSCAN HC12/HCS12, see the Motorola application note nico@208: AN2011/D. nico@208: nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-target=hcs12} nico@208: nico@208: To do a CANopen node running on a microncontroller Motorola MC9S12DP256, nico@208: you need : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLx nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item The compiler GNU gcc for HC11, HC12, HCS12 : m6811{}-elf. \newline nico@208: Download the \textbf{release 3.1} at : etisserant@249: \space \href{}{\_pkg\_rpm.php} nico@208: nico@208: \item A board with this chip. We are using the T{}-board from nico@208: Electronikladden. nico@208: \item At least about 40 kBytes of program memory. nico@208: \item A tool to flash the memory. (We are using the hight cost nico@208: Lauterbach debugger). nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsection{Running a HCS12 node} nico@208: \subsubsection{Compiling Canfestival:} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./configure {--}target=hcs12} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Compiling and building an example} nico@208: Enter in the folder of an HCS12 example, nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make all} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Flashing the memory :} nico@208: Use your prefered loader ! If you are using a debugger Lauterbach, you nico@208: can load the bash file : trace32\_flash\_programmer.cmm. It loads nico@208: directly the elf file. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Connecting to a serial RS232 console :} nico@208: Connect the portS(TxD0) of the HCS12 to a console configured at 19200 nico@208: bauds 8N1, via a Max232 chip to adapt the electricals levels. On Linux, nico@208: you can use minicom. Connecting to a console is usefull to read the nico@208: messages, but not required. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Connecting to the CAN network :} nico@208: Connect the port CAN0 (pin PM0, PM1) to the network via a CAN nico@208: controller. On our board, the CAN controler is a PCA82C250 chip. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{starting the node :} nico@208: Press the reset of your HCS12 board. nico@208: nico@208: \section{Example and test program:} nico@208: The ``examples'' directory contains some test program you can use as nico@208: example for your own developments. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{TestMasterSlave} nico@208: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: **************************************************************\space} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space TestMasterSlave etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space A simple example for PC. It does implement 2 CanOpen \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space nodes in the same process. A master and a slave. Both \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space communicate together, exchanging periodically NMT, SYNC, \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space SDO and PDO. Master configure heartbeat producer time \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space at 1000 ms for slave node{}-id 0x02 by concise DCF. etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space Usage: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space ./TestMasterSlave \space [OPTIONS] etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space OPTIONS: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-l : Can library nico@208: [{\textquotedbl}libcanfestival\_can\{\textquotedbl}] etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space Slave: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-s : bus name [{\textquotedbl}0{\textquotedbl}] etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-S : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K,none(disable) \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space Master: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-m : bus name [{\textquotedbl}1{\textquotedbl}] etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-M : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K,none(disable) \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: **************************************************************} nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: Notes for Concise DCF :} nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily etisserant@249: In this example, Master configure \space heartbeat producer time at 1000 ms nico@208: for slave node{}-id 0x02 by concise DCF according DS{}-302 profile. } nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: } nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: Index 0x1F22 , sub{}-index 0x00 of the master OD, correspond to the nico@208: number of entries. This equal to the maximum possible nodeId (127). nico@208: Each sub{}-index points to the Node{}-ID of the device, to which the nico@208: configuration belongs. } nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: To add more parameters configurations to the slave, the value at nico@208: sub{}-index 0x02 must be a binary stream (little{}-endian) following etisserant@249: this structure :\newline etisserant@249: \{ etisserant@249: (UNS32) nb of entries\newline etisserant@249: (UNS16) index parameter 1\newline etisserant@249: (UNS8) sub{}-index parameter 1\newline etisserant@249: (UNS32) size data parameter 1\newline etisserant@249: (DOMAIN) data parameter 1\newline etisserant@249: (UNS16) index parameter 2\newline etisserant@249: (UNS8) sub{}-index parameter 2\newline etisserant@249: (UNS32) size data parameter 2\newline etisserant@249: (DOMAIN) data parameter 2\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space ....\newline etisserant@249: (UNS16) index parameter n\newline etisserant@249: (UNS8) sub{}-index parameter n\newline etisserant@249: (UNS32) size data parameter n\newline etisserant@249: (DOMAIN) data parameter n\newline etisserant@249: \} etisserant@249: } nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: So the binary value stream to configure heartbeat producer time must be etisserant@249: :\newline nico@208: 0100000017100002000000e803} nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: The slave node is configured just before the Master entering in nico@208: Pre\_operational state.} nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{gene\_SYNC\_HCS12 :} nico@208: This is a simple CanOpen node that only send cyclic SYNC message. It nico@208: demonstrate implementation on HCS12 based board. nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{TestMasterMicroMod } nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: **************************************************************} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space TestMasterMicroMod etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space A simple example for PC. etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space A CanOpen master that control a MicroMod module: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- setup module TPDO 1 transmit type etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- setup module RPDO 1 transmit type etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- setup module hearbeatbeat period etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- disable others TPDOs etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- set state to operational etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- send periodic SYNC etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- send periodic RPDO 1 to Micromod (digital output) \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- listen Micromod{\textquotesingle}s TPDO 1 (digital input) etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space {}- Mapping RPDO 1 bit per bit (digital input) etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space Usage: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space ./TestMasterMicroMod \space [OPTIONS] etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space OPTIONS: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-l : Can library nico@208: [{\textquotedbl}libcanfestival\_can\{\textquotedbl}] etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space Slave: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-i : Slave Node id format [0x01 , 0x7F] etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space Master: etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-m : bus name [{\textquotedbl}1{\textquotedbl}] etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} etisserant@249: etisserant@249: {\ttfamily etisserant@249: * \space \space \space \space {}-M : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: **************************************************************} nico@208: nico@208: \section{Developing a new node} nico@208: Using provided examples as a base for your new node is generally a good nico@208: idea. You can also use the provided *.od files as a base for your node nico@208: object dictionary. nico@208: nico@208: Creating a new CanOpen node implies to define the Object Dictionary of nico@208: this node. For that, developer have to provide a C file. This C file nico@208: contains the definition of all dictionary entries, and some kind of nico@208: index table that helps the stack to access some entries directly. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Using Dictionary Editor GUI} nico@208: The Object Dictionary Editor is a WxPython based GUI that is used to nico@208: create the C file needed to create a new CanOpen node. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Installation and usage on Linux} nico@208: You first have to download and install Gnosis XML modules. This is nico@208: automated by a Makefile rule. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cd objdictgen} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make} nico@208: nico@208: Now start the editor. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: python [od files...]} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Installation and usage on Windows} nico@208: Install Python (at least version 2.4) and wxPython (at least version nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: Cygwin users can install Gnosis XML utils the same as Linux use. Just nico@208: call make. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cd objdictgen} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make} nico@208: nico@208: Others will have to download and intall Gnosis XML by hand : nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: Gnosis Utils:} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208:} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208:\_Utils.More/Gnosis\_Utils{}-1.2.1.win32{}-py24.exe} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: Get latest version.} nico@208: nico@208: Download CanFestival archive and uncompress it. Use windows file nico@208: explorer to go into CanFestival3{\textbackslash}objdicgten, and nico@208: double{}-click on nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{About} nico@208: The Object Dictionary editor GUI is a python application that use the nico@208: Model{}-View{}-Controller design pattern. It depends on WxPython to nico@208: display view on any supported platform. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=7cm]{Pictures/10000201000001FC000001E5D65E8766.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Main view} nico@208: Top list let you choose dictionary section, bottom left list is the nico@208: selected index in that dictionary, and bottom right list are edited nico@208: sub{}-indexes. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} etisserant@249: \includegraphics[width=12cm]{Pictures/10000201000003E7000001C7B0296577.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pictures/10000000000000B6000000DF1EDD1E73.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AC000000C9C3F53FA6.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pictures/100000000000006D000000A31EC8CB54.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AA0000006014F74635.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{New node} nico@208: Edit your node name, ID and type. Choose your inherited specific nico@208: profile. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=11cm]{Pictures/10000201000001CB0000015F4FC09B68.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Node info} nico@208: Edit your node name, ID and type. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=7cm]{Pictures/10000201000001010000011DA724D25C.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Profile editor} nico@208: Chose the used profile to edit.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=4cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AB000000C88F594413.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: Pick up optional chosen profile entries.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=11cm]{Pictures/10000201000002DE000001D82D89C224.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{User types} nico@208: Use User Types to implement value boundaries, and string lentgth\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=11cm]{Pictures/10000201000001C40000010766961D7F.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Mapped variable} nico@208: Add your own specific dictionary entries and associated mapped nico@208: variables.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=11cm]{Pictures/10000201000001C4000000DD129D4661.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Integrated help} nico@208: Using F1 key, you can get context sensitive help.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} etisserant@249: \includegraphics[width=12cm]{Pictures/10000201000002F30000020B23ED7F67.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: In order to do that, official 301\_v04000201.pdf file must be placed nico@208: into doc/ directory, and xpdf must be present on your system. nico@208: nico@208: F2 key open HTML CanFestival help.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} etisserant@249: \includegraphics[width=12cm]{Pictures/10000201000003440000025ACC3FD2F1.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Generating the object Dictionary} nico@208: Once object dictionary has been edited and saved, you have to generate nico@208: object dictionary C code for your CanFestival node. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{With GUI} nico@208: Menu entry ``File/Build Dictionary''. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=4cm]{Pictures/10000201000000B7000000C66AF89CD5.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: Choose C file to create or overwrite. Header file will be also created nico@208: with the same prefix as C file. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{With command line} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: Usage of :\newline nico@208: python XMLFilePath CfilePath} nico@208: nico@208: \section{FAQ} nico@208: \subsection{General} nico@208: \subsubsection{Does the code compiles on Windows ?} nico@208: Yes, with both Cygwin and Visual Studio C++. nico@208: nico@208: Because CANopen layer is coded with C, put a compilation option /TC or nico@208: /TP if you plan to mix C++ files. See the MSDN documentation about nico@208: that. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{How to fit the library to an other microcontr\^oler ?} nico@208: First, be sure that you have at least 40K bytes of program memory, and nico@208: about 2k of RAM. nico@208: nico@208: You have to create target specific interface to HW resources. Take model nico@208: on bundled interfaces provided in drivers/ and create your own nico@208: interface. You also have to update files for target nico@208: specific cflags and options. Chose {--}targer= configure switch to nico@208: compile your specific interface. nico@208: nico@208: You are welcome to contribute{}-back your own interfaces ! Other nico@208: Canfestival users will use it and provide feedback, tests and nico@208: enhancements. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Is CanFestival3 conform to DS301 v.4.02 ?} nico@208: Thanks to Philippe Foureys (IUT of Valence), a slave node have been nico@208: tested with the National Instrument CanOpen Conformance Test. It passed nico@208: the test with success. nico@208: nico@208: Some very small unconformity have been found in very unusual situations, nico@208: for example in the SDO code response to wrong messages. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{LINUX} nico@208: \subsubsection{How to use a Peaksystem CAN board ?} nico@208: Just install peak driver and then compile and install Canfestival. Peak nico@208: driver is detected at compile time. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{How to use an unsupported CAN board ?} nico@208: You have to install the specific driver on your system, with necessary nico@208: libs and headers. nico@208: nico@208: Use can\_peak.c/h or can\_virtual.c/h as an example, and adapt it to nico@208: your driver API. nico@208: nico@208: Execute configure script and choose {}-{}-can=mydriver nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Win32} nico@208: Compatibility: nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLxi nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Code was compiled MS VisualStudio 2003.NET and VisualStudio etisserant@249: 2005.NET for WindowsXP \space with ANSI and UNICODE configurations and for nico@208: WindowsCE 5.0. nico@208: \item Some preliminary testing was done, but not enough to be used in nico@208: mission critical projects. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: Additional Features: nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLxii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Non{}-integral integers support implementation UNS24, UNS40, UNS48 nico@208: etc. nico@208: \item When enable debug output with DEBUG\_WAR\_CONSOLE\_ON or nico@208: DEBUG\_ERR\_CONSOLE\_ON, you can navigate in CanFestival source code by nico@208: double clicking at diagnostic lines in VisualStudio.NET 200X Debug nico@208: Output Window. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: Custom size integral types such as INTEGER24, UNS40, INTEGER56 etc. have nico@208: been defined as 64 bits integers. You will need to replace sizeof(TYPE) nico@208: operators to sizeof\_TYPE definitions in generated code, i.e. replace nico@208: sizeof(UNS40) with sizeof\_UNS40. nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{HCS12} nico@208: \subsubsection{Which board are you using ?} nico@208: A T{}-board from elektronikladen with a MC9S12DP256 or MC9S12DG256. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Does the code compile with an other compiler than GNU gcc nico@208: ?} nico@208: It is known to work with Metrowerks CodeWarrior. Here are some tips from nico@208: Philippe Foureys. : nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Interrupt functions} nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for GCC:} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: // prototype\newline nico@208: void \_\_attribute\_\_((interrupt))timer3Hdl(void):\newline nico@208: // function\newline nico@208: void \_\_attribute\_\_((interrupt))timer3Hdl(void)\{...\}} nico@208: nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: // protoype\newline nico@208: void interrupt timer3Hdl(void);\newline nico@208: // function\newline nico@208: pragma CODE\_SEG\_\_NEAR\_SEG\_NON\_BANKED\newline nico@208: void interrupt timer3Hdl(void)\newline nico@208: \{...\}\newline nico@208: pragma CODE\_SEG\_DEFAULT} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Interrupt lock, unlock} nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for GCC} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: void unlock (void)\newline nico@208: \{\newline etisserant@249: \space \_\_asm\_\_ nico@208: \_\_volatile\_\_({\textquotedbl}cli{\textquotedbl});\newline nico@208: \}\newline nico@208: void lock (void)\newline nico@208: \{\newline etisserant@249: \space unsigned short mask;\newline etisserant@249: \space \_\_asm\_\_ nico@208: \_\_volatile\_\_({\textquotedbl}tpa{\textbackslash}n{\textbackslash}tsei{\textquotedbl}:{\textquotedbl}=d{\textquotedbl}(mask));\newline nico@208: \}} nico@208: nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: void unlock (void)\newline nico@208: \{\newline etisserant@249: \space \_\_asm({\textquotedbl}cli{\textquotedbl});\newline nico@208: \}\newline nico@208: void lock (void)\newline nico@208: \{\newline etisserant@249: \space unsigned short mask;\newline etisserant@249: \space \_\_asm\newline nico@208: \{\newline etisserant@249: \space tpa:tsei:{\textquotedbl}=d{\textquotedbl}(mask);\newline nico@208: \}\newline nico@208: \}} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Initialize function} nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for GCC} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: void initCanHCS12 (void)\newline etisserant@249: \{ \space \newline etisserant@249: \space //Init the HCS12 microcontroler for CanOpen \newline etisserant@249: \space initHCS12();\newline etisserant@249: \space \space // Init the HCS12 \space CAN driver\newline etisserant@249: \space const canBusInit bi0 = \{\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no low power \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */ nico@208: \newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no time stamp etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 1, \space \space \space /* enable MSCAN etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* clock source : oscillator (In fact, it is not used) etisserant@249: \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no loop back etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no listen only etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no low pass filter for wk up */\newline etisserant@249: \space CAN\_Baudrates[CAN\_BAUDRATE\_250K],\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \{\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, \space \space \space /* Filter on 16 bits.\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space See Motorola Block Guide V02.14 fig nico@208: 4{}-3 */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 hight accept all msg etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 low accept all msg etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 hight filter all of \space msg etisserant@249: \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 low filter all of \space msg etisserant@249: \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 hight filter most of \space msg nico@208: */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 low filter most of \space msg etisserant@249: \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 hight filter most of \space msg nico@208: */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 low filter most of \space msg etisserant@249: \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \}\newline etisserant@249: \space \};} nico@208: nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: void initCanHCS12 (void)\newline etisserant@249: \{ \space \newline etisserant@249: \space //Init the HCS12 microcontroler for CanOpen \newline etisserant@249: \space initHCS12();\newline etisserant@249: \space \space // Init the HCS12 \space CAN driver\newline etisserant@249: \space const canBusInit bi0 = \{\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no low power \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */ nico@208: \newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no time stamp etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 1, \space \space \space /* enable MSCAN etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* clock source : oscillator (In fact, it is not used) etisserant@249: \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no loop back etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no listen only etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space 0, \space \space \space /* no low pass filter for wk up */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \{\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space 1, /* clksrc */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space 3, /* brp \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space 0, /* sjw \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space 0, /* samp \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space 1, /* tseg2 \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space 12,/* tseg1 \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \},\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \{\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, \space \space \space /* Filter on 16 bits.\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space See Motorola Block Guide V02.14 fig nico@208: 4{}-3 */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 hight accept all msg etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 low accept all msg etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 hight filter all of \space msg etisserant@249: \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 low filter all of \space msg etisserant@249: \space \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 hight filter most of \space msg nico@208: */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 low filter most of \space msg etisserant@249: \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 hight filter most of \space msg nico@208: */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \space \space 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 low filter most of \space msg etisserant@249: \space \space */\newline etisserant@249: \space \space \space \}\newline etisserant@249: \space \};} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Does the code works in banked memory ?} nico@208: No. Today it seems that the port of gcc is bogged for using the banked nico@208: memory. So, unfortunately, we are limited to 48 Kbytes of memory code. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{What GCC version are you using ?} nico@208: We are using the stable RPM release 2.2 : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLxiii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item GNU Gcc 3.0.4. Build 20030501 nico@208: \item Newlib 1.10.0 Build 20030421 nico@208: \item GNU Binutils 2.12.1 Build 20030427 nico@208: \end{enumerate} etisserant@249: \section{Documentation resources\newline} etisserant@249: \paragraph{CIA : Can in Automation\newline} etisserant@249: Many documentation on CANopen.\newline nico@208: \href{}{http://www.can{}} nico@208: etisserant@249: \paragraph{Resources and training in CANopen\newline} nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: etisserant@249: \paragraph{Elektronikladen HCS12 T{}-board\newline} nico@208: \href{}{\_hcs12tb.html} nico@208: etisserant@249: \paragraph{Gnu gcc compiler for HC12\newline} nico@208: \href{}{\_port.php} nico@208: etisserant@249: \paragraph{Motorola documentation on HC12\newline} nico@208: \href{}{\_summary.jsp?code=MC9S12DP256} nico@208: etisserant@249: \paragraph{Lauterbach debugger for HC12\newline} nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: etisserant@249: \paragraph{Python language\newline} nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: nico@208: \clearpage\section{About the project} nico@208: \subsection{Contributors } nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=10cm]{Pictures/1000020100000258000000832C6FFAB4.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: Unit\'e mixte de recherche INRETS{}-LCPC nico@208: nico@208: sur les Interractions V\'ehicule{}-Infrastructure{}-Conducteur nico@208: nico@208: 14, route de la mini\`ere nico@208: nico@208: 78000 Versailles nico@208: nico@208: FRANCE nico@208: nico@208: Tel : +33 1 40 43 29 01 nico@208: nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: nico@208: \textbf{Contributors :} Francis DUPIN nico@208: nico@208: Camille BOSSARD nico@208: nico@208: Laurent ROMIEUX nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=10cm]{Pictures/100002010000013A0000004A96B0C1FF.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: LOLITECH nico@208: nico@208: 204, rue du Haut du Pin nico@208: nico@208: 88470 Saint{}-Michel sur Meurthe nico@208: nico@208: FRANCE nico@208: nico@208: Tel : +33 3 29 52 95 67 nico@208: nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: Contributors : \textmd{Edouard TISSERANT (Original author)}} nico@208: nico@208: {\mdseries nico@208: Laurent BESSARD} nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: Many thanks to the other contributors for their great work: nico@208: nico@208: \textmd{ }Raphael ZULLIGER nico@208: nico@208: \textmd{ }David DUMINY (st\'e A6R) nico@208: nico@208: \textmd{ }Zakaria BELAMRI nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Getting support} nico@208: Send your feedback and bug reports to nico@208: \href{}{canfestival{}}. nico@208: etisserant@249: For commercial support, \space training and specific integration and nico@208: developments, please ask LOLITECH (see contributors). nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Contributing} nico@208: You are free to contribute your specific interfaces back to the project. nico@208: This way, you can hope to get support from CanFestival users community. nico@208: nico@208: Please send your patch to nico@208: \href{}{canfestival{}}. nico@208: nico@208: Feel free to create some new predefined DS{}-4xx profiles (*.prf) in nico@208: objdictgen/config, as much as possible respectful to the official nico@208: specifications. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{License} nico@208: All the project is licensed with LGPL. This mean you can link nico@208: CanFestival with any code without being obliged to publish it. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: \#This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen nico@208: Stack. \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT, Francis DUPIN and Laurent BESSARD nico@208: \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#See COPYING file for copyrights details. \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \newline nico@208: \#modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public \newline nico@208: \#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \newline nico@208: \#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. nico@208: \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of nico@208: \newline etisserant@249: \#MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \space See the GNU nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#Lesser General Public License for more details. \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA etisserant@249: \space 02111{}-1307 \space USA } nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip etisserant@249: nico@208: \end{document}