2008-03-31 etisserant Fixed suspicious code in lss.c
2008-02-18 groke6 some warning errors fixed
2008-02-07 groke6 added canChangeBaudRate to the driver interface
2008-02-04 groke6 added TestMasterSlaveLSS. LSS protocol revised.
2008-01-25 etisserant Fixed some endianization problems caused by switch to UNS16 for cob_id member in CAN messages. To be continued.
2008-01-23 etisserant Changed cob_id from struct{UNS32} to UNS16
2008-01-17 groke6 Added FastScan support to the LSS services.
2007-12-17 etisserant Primary LSS support, thanks to Jorge Berzosa.
2007-02-07 frdupin pointer bogue for *(d->iam_a_slave)
2006-05-10 etisserant Commit a new cvs repo.