2009-07-17fix method to exit properly CanReceiveLoop
greg [Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:26:22 +0200] rev 570
fix method to exit properly CanReceiveLoop

2009-07-17fix message dialog when objdictedit can't find the pdf reader
greg [Fri, 17 Jul 2009 13:47:39 +0200] rev 569
fix message dialog when objdictedit can't find the pdf reader

2009-07-17fix some minor bugs
greg [Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:56:24 +0200] rev 568
fix some minor bugs

2009-07-17update manual
greg [Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:51:22 +0200] rev 567
update manual

2009-07-17fixed : unlock and terminate CanReceive loop thread when canclose is called.
greg [Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:48:41 +0200] rev 566
fixed : unlock and terminate CanReceive loop thread when canclose is called.

2009-07-16fixed bug in timerscfg.h for win32
greg [Thu, 16 Jul 2009 13:51:49 +0200] rev 565
fixed bug in timerscfg.h for win32

2009-07-16Add new function defines to compile peak driver on win32
greg [Thu, 16 Jul 2009 12:03:37 +0200] rev 564
Add new function defines to compile peak driver on win32

2009-07-16update canReceive_driver to match with Peak new read function (event)
greg [Thu, 16 Jul 2009 11:53:07 +0200] rev 563
update canReceive_driver to match with Peak new read function (event)

2009-07-16updated manual_en.pdf with CANOpenShell example
greg [Thu, 16 Jul 2009 10:44:32 +0200] rev 562
updated manual_en.pdf with CANOpenShell example

2009-07-16Add doxygen comments in headers file
greg [Thu, 16 Jul 2009 10:06:57 +0200] rev 561
Add doxygen comments in headers file
modify Doxyfile