2012-10-01 mwildbolz Doxyfile adapted to show all basic source files, search engine included
2009-07-16 greg Add doxygen comments in headers file
2009-01-19 greg Second time, Re-write doxygen tags in headers files to generate User API documentation
2009-01-17 greg Re-write doxygen tags in headers files to generate User API documentation
2008-05-09 greg update Doxyfile , manual.tex
2008-04-25 etisserant CAN over Serial link (TTY) interface, with serial hub software. Thanks to James Steward.
2007-06-06 etisserant Some fixes in dox.
2007-06-05 nico Manual and Documentation finish
2007-06-05 nico Manual convertion -> latex -> pdf
2007-06-04 nico First doxygen implementation