2011-08-29patch from Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> : fix-wrong-resetSDOline-for-sdo-timeout.patch
fbeaulier [Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:31:55 +0200] rev 665
patch from Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> : fix-wrong-resetSDOline-for-sdo-timeout.patch
FIXED: - The sdo line must not be closed at the end of SDOTimeoutAlarm() if the same sdo line is closed and reopened for a new transfer inside the callback. (Patch from Jaroslav Fojtik)

2011-08-29CHANGE: SDO block mode added, without CRC support
fbeaulier [Mon, 29 Aug 2011 16:59:55 +0200] rev 664
CHANGE: SDO block mode added, without CRC support
WARNING : API change in client functions

2011-08-16timers_unix.c : remove sigint and sigterm catch
fbeaulier [Tue, 16 Aug 2011 14:15:52 +0200] rev 663
timers_unix.c : remove sigint and sigterm catch
sdo : Allow multiple servers
The sdo transfer struct is not anymore referenced by server's node id but by
client or server number in the OD. Node id is not relevant in SDO transfert.

2011-06-23fixed bug with cross wmingw build
Edouard Tisserant [Thu, 23 Jun 2011 18:12:34 +0200] rev 662
fixed bug with cross wmingw build

2011-06-20Removed unneccessary overhead introduced with the last fix.
Stefan@Sheldon [Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:36:43 +0200] rev 661
Removed unneccessary overhead introduced with the last fix.

2011-06-20Fixed incorrect struct access in sendPDO() and inserted a missing variable in sendOnePDOEvent(). These errors occured at compile-time when configuring the project with './configure --debug=PDO' or './configure --debug=WAR'.
skratochwil [Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:03:54 +0200] rev 660
Fixed incorrect struct access in sendPDO() and inserted a missing variable in sendOnePDOEvent(). These errors occured at compile-time when configuring the project with './configure --debug=PDO' or './configure --debug=WAR'.

2011-04-13Fix some side effects of EDS import, while editing afterward
Edouard Tisserant [Wed, 13 Apr 2011 16:29:59 +0200] rev 659
Fix some side effects of EDS import, while editing afterward

2011-01-28FIXED: - changed make targets from "%o: %c" to "%.o: %.c" (Patch from irc <oleg_osov>)
Christian Taedcke [Fri, 28 Jan 2011 14:51:18 +0100] rev 658
FIXED: - changed make targets from "%o: %c" to "%.o: %.c" (Patch from irc <oleg_osov>)
find . -name 'Make*' | xargs perl -w -i.bak -p -e "s/\%o: \%c/%.o: %.c/g"

2011-01-28FIX: - if a sdo transfer timeout occurres, reset the sdo line even if the callback function does not.
Christian Taedcke [Fri, 28 Jan 2011 14:51:18 +0100] rev 657
FIX: - if a sdo transfer timeout occurres, reset the sdo line even if the callback function does not.

2011-01-27FIXED: - Sdo lines with the internal state SDO_ABORTED_ITERNAL are now closed.
Christian Taedcke [Thu, 27 Jan 2011 17:45:48 +0100] rev 656
FIXED: - Sdo lines with the internal state SDO_ABORTED_ITERNAL are now closed.