2007-09-04Code corrections
lbessard [Tue, 04 Sep 2007 17:47:46 +0200] rev 266
Code corrections

2007-09-04Create "eds" folder if it doesn't exist in any case
lbessard [Tue, 04 Sep 2007 17:47:04 +0200] rev 265
Create "eds" folder if it doesn't exist in any case

2007-08-31Updated .cvsignores
etisserant [Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:20:10 +0200] rev 264
Updated .cvsignores

2007-08-31Minor changes in SYNC. Splitted SendSync in SendSync and SendSyncMessage to allow manual SYNC message transmission and separate SYNC proceeding (synced TPDOs)
etisserant [Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:19:46 +0200] rev 263
Minor changes in SYNC. Splitted SendSync in SendSync and SendSyncMessage to allow manual SYNC message transmission and separate SYNC proceeding (synced TPDOs)

2007-08-30Added exclusion mechanism to TestMasterSlave finish code
etisserant [Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:03:34 +0200] rev 262
Added exclusion mechanism to TestMasterSlave finish code

2007-08-30Prevent potential problem with missing 0x1005 OD entry
etisserant [Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:01:45 +0200] rev 261
Prevent potential problem with missing 0x1005 OD entry

2007-08-30Better code readability
etisserant [Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:01:11 +0200] rev 260
Better code readability

2007-08-28Bugs fixed on objdictedit dialogs
lbessard [Tue, 28 Aug 2007 14:32:05 +0200] rev 259
Bugs fixed on objdictedit dialogs

2007-08-23Some bugs fixed:
lbessard [Thu, 23 Aug 2007 17:07:02 +0200] rev 258
Some bugs fixed:
- Using __file__ instead of sys.path[0] for extracting CWD
- EDS generation errors (reported by Robert McCullough)

2007-08-08*** empty log message ***
leonid [Wed, 08 Aug 2007 18:40:47 +0200] rev 257
*** empty log message ***