ct@78566C00-6F59-1014-AAEE-A77C3B9AAB40 [Mon, 08 Aug 2011 11:57:43 +0000] rev 681
CHANGED: - export the function sendOnePDOevent from the windows dll.

ct@78566C00-6F59-1014-AAEE-A77C3B9AAB40 [Thu, 12 May 2011 12:23:20 +0000] rev 680
CHANGED: - Timer implementation for win32 from absolute time (_ftime) to GetTickCount().
This fixes the following bug: When the system time was changed, a heartbeat timeout occurred.
FIXED: - Timeout seems only work properly if EnterMutex() is called before call of GetTickCount() (Patch from Roland Marquis)

2011-12-22FIXED: - The AVR example now compiles in linux.
Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 13:46:00 +0100] rev 679
FIXED: - The AVR example now compiles in linux.
- adapted AVR code to current default branch.

2011-12-22FIXED: - adapted paths for current vscom driver
Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 11:43:08 +0100] rev 678
FIXED: - adapted paths for current vscom driver
- removed chmod +x vs_can_api.dll;
- added option -o to unzip command to overwrite existing files

2011-12-22FIXED: - the macro SUB_PROG_CFLAGS was overwritten for 64bit machines using gcc. Because of this the xenomai compilation failed.
Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 11:42:44 +0100] rev 677
FIXED: - the macro SUB_PROG_CFLAGS was overwritten for 64bit machines using gcc. Because of this the xenomai compilation failed.

2012-01-21Merged some canfestival-3-ica Fixes.
Edouard Tisserant [Sat, 21 Jan 2012 18:49:54 +0100] rev 676
Merged some canfestival-3-ica Fixes.

2011-12-22FIXED: - The AVR example now compiles in linux.
Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 13:46:00 +0100] rev 675
FIXED: - The AVR example now compiles in linux.
- adapted AVR code to current default branch.

2011-12-22FIXED: - adapted paths for current vscom driver
Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 11:43:08 +0100] rev 674
FIXED: - adapted paths for current vscom driver
- removed chmod +x vs_can_api.dll;
- added option -o to unzip command to overwrite existing files

2011-12-22FIXED: - the macro SUB_PROG_CFLAGS was overwritten for 64bit machines using gcc. Because of this the xenomai compilation failed.
Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 11:42:44 +0100] rev 673
FIXED: - the macro SUB_PROG_CFLAGS was overwritten for 64bit machines using gcc. Because of this the xenomai compilation failed.

2011-12-15bug correction in sdo.c, in writeNetworkDictCallBackAI a call to _writeNetworkDict had endianize forced to 1
Mongo [Thu, 15 Dec 2011 14:51:20 +0100] rev 672
bug correction in sdo.c, in writeNetworkDictCallBackAI a call to _writeNetworkDict had endianize forced to 1