2010-11-12 edouard CosateQ contribution.
2009-09-24 'Gr?gory Tr?lat re-use macro for objaccess
2009-09-16 greg Replace macro functions for setODentry and getODentry
2009-07-16 greg Add doxygen comments in headers file
2009-03-16 etisserant Changed OD size from UNS8 to UNS32, and repercuted change to PDO and SDO. Thanks to Jari Kuusisto for patch.
2009-01-19 greg Second time, Re-write doxygen tags in headers files to generate User API documentation
2009-01-17 greg Re-write doxygen tags in headers files to generate User API documentation
2008-06-04 etisserant Applied edward's patch for OD acces macros (optimization) and boudaries check (safety).
2008-02-01 etisserant As requested long ago, added CoData* parameter to all this applications callback, let application designer use identical callback for multiple nodes, and reduce source code length.
2007-04-24 etisserant Added writeLocalDict and readLocalDict, that have to be called from application instead of getODEntry and setODEntry. Fix potential endianization problem.
2007-04-14 etisserant SetODEntry now call CO_data->storeODSubEntry(Index,SubIndex) for variables to be Stored (when column Save==True in GUI)
2007-01-29 frdupin compiler compatibility : accessDictionaryError contains nothing out of debogue mode
2007-01-25 frdupin compilator compatitibility
2006-05-17 dejoigny Modifs mineures.
2006-05-10 etisserant Commit a new cvs repo.