2008-05-27 greg fix bug MasterMap1 callback
2007-11-12 etisserant Better EMCY support. Now EMCY COB-ID depend on OD 1014h entry, as told in DS-301.
2007-10-11 etisserant Updated .od files to keep compatible with $NODEID+... way to express OD entry values, as in EDS.
2007-09-26 luis Implemented EMCY objects.
2007-07-02 etisserant Full preliminary implementation of TPDO transmit type:
2007-05-16 greg Boolean variable mapped in PDO
2007-05-04 greg Master configure slave's heartbeat producer time by concise DCF.
2006-05-22 oremeq Modification of the dictionnary to support NVRAM.
2006-05-10 etisserant Commit a new cvs repo.