FIXED: - the macro SUB_PROG_CFLAGS was overwritten for 64bit machines using gcc. Because of this the xenomai compilation failed.
HOW TO configure CanFestival for a CO-PCICAN card for COMEDI in the kernel (optionally with Xenomai):
- install the CO-PCICAN card
- install and load COMEDI and the corresponding driver co_pcican.ko
(COMEDI sources are expected in /usr/src/comedi)
- optionally: install the Xenomai package
(Xenomai sources are expected in /usr/xenomai)
- unpack the package to your target (if not already done)
- perform package configuration:
sh ./configure --can=copcican_comedi --timers=kernel --kerneldir='/lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build'
optionally: use --timers=kernel_xeno for the realtime Xenomai timer functions
- patch the sed "s:-I:-I$(src)/:g" statement to
's:-I../..:-I/canopeninstalldir:g' in drivers/unix/Makefile
's:-I..:-I/canopeninstalldir:g' in src/Makefile
The original statement did not run on my computer !
- build the CanFestival Unix library:
cd drivers/unix
- build the CanFestival library:
cd src
make install
- build the CO-PCICAN driver interface:
cd drivers/can_copcican_comedi
make install
- build the example application (not for Xenomai):
cd examples/test_copcican_comedi
make install
Run test_copcican_comedi with the script to see it works...
For Xenomai please use the example /usr/src/scale-rt-canopendemo of the SCALE-RT distribution.
Copyright (C) 2010 Cosateq GmbH & Co.KG