Updated configure and fixes in Makefiles.in for cygwin compiling.
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stddef.h> /* for NULL */
#include "../include/hcs12/asm-m68hc12/portsaccess.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/asm-m68hc12/ports_def.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/asm-m68hc12/ports.h"
#include "../include/data.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/applicfg.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/candriver.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/interrupt.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/canOpenDriver.h"
#include "../include/can.h"
#include "../include/objdictdef.h"
#include "../include/timer.h"
volatile static Message stackMsgRcv[NB_LINE_CAN][MAX_STACK_MSG_RCV];
volatile static t_pointerStack ptrMsgRcv[NB_LINE_CAN];
volatile static TIMEVAL last_time_set = TIMEVAL_MAX;
static UNS8 timer_is_set = 0;
/* Prototypes */
UNS8 f_can_receive(UNS8 notused, Message *m);
UNS8 canSend(UNS8 notused, Message *m);
void __attribute__((interrupt)) timer4Hdl (void);
#define max(a,b) a>b?a:b
void setTimer(TIMEVAL value)
IO_PORTS_16(TC4H) += value;
timer_is_set = 1;
TIMEVAL getElapsedTime()
return (IO_PORTS_16(TC4H) > last_time_set ? IO_PORTS_16(TC4H) - last_time_set : last_time_set - IO_PORTS_16(TC4H));
void resetTimer(void)
void initTimer(void)
lock(); // Inhibition of interruptions
// Configure the timer channel 4
IO_PORTS_8(TIOS) |= 0x10; // Canal 4 in output
IO_PORTS_8(TCTL1) &= ~(0x01 + 0x02); // Canal 4 unconnected to pin output
IO_PORTS_8(TIE) |= 0x10; // allow interruption channel 4
IO_PORTS_8(TSCR2) |= 0X05; // Pre-scaler = 32
// If this value is changed, change must be done also
// in void __attribute__((interrupt)) timer4Hdl (void)
IO_PORTS_8(TSCR1) |= 0x80; // Start timer
unlock(); // Allow interruptions
void __attribute__((interrupt)) timer4Hdl (void)
last_time_set = IO_PORTS_16(TC4H);
IO_PORTS_8(TFLG1) = 0x10; // RAZ flag interruption timer channel 4
// Compute the next event : When the timer reach the value of TC4, an interrupt is
// started
//IO_PORTS_16(TC4H) += 250; // To have an interruption every 1 ms
//MSG_WAR(0xFFFF, "timer4 IT", 0);
//MSG_WAR(0xFFFF, "t4 ", IO_PORTS_16(TCNTH) - IO_PORTS_16(TC4H));
void initSCI_0(void)
((1000000 / SERIAL_SCI0_BAUD_RATE) * BUS_CLOCK) >> 4 ;
IO_PORTS_8(SCI0 + SCICR1) = 0; // format 8N1
IO_PORTS_8(SCI0 + SCICR2) = 0x08; // Transmit enable only
void initSCI_1(void)
((1000000 / SERIAL_SCI1_BAUD_RATE) * BUS_CLOCK) >> 4 ;
IO_PORTS_8(SCI1 + SCICR1) = 0; // format 8N1
IO_PORTS_8(SCI1 + SCICR2) = 0x08; // Transmit enable only
char *
hex_convert (char *buf, unsigned long value, char lastCar)
//Thanks to Stéphane Carrez for this function
char num[32];
int pos;
*buf++ = '0';
*buf++ = 'x';
pos = 0;
while (value != 0) {
char c = value & 0x0F;
num[pos++] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[(unsigned) c];
value = (value >> 4) & (0x0fffffffL);
if (pos == 0)
num[pos++] = '0';
while (--pos >= 0)
*buf++ = num[pos];
*buf++ = lastCar;
*buf = 0;
return buf;
void printSCI_str(char sci, const char * str)
char i = 0;
while ((*(str + i) != 0) && (i < 0xFF)) {
if (*(str + i) == '\n')
while ((IO_PORTS_8(sci + SCISR1) & 0X80) == 0); // wait if buffer not empty
IO_PORTS_8(sci + SCIDRL) = 13; // return to start of line
while ((IO_PORTS_8(sci + SCISR1) & 0X80) == 0); // wait if buffer not empty
IO_PORTS_8(sci + SCIDRL) = *(str + i++);
void printSCI_nbr(char sci, unsigned long nbr, char lastCar)
char strNbr[12];
hex_convert(strNbr, nbr, lastCar);
printSCI_str(sci, strNbr);
// PLL 24 MHZ if quartz on board is 16 MHZ
void initPLL(void)
IO_PORTS_8(CLKSEL) &= ~0x80; // unselect the PLL
IO_PORTS_8(PLLCTL) |= 0X60; // PLL ON and bandwidth auto
IO_PORTS_8(SYNR) = 0x02;
IO_PORTS_8(REFDV) = 0x01;
while ((IO_PORTS_8(CRGFLG) & 0x08) == 0);
IO_PORTS_8(CLKSEL) |= 0x80;
void initHCS12(void)
# ifdef USE_PLL
MSG_WAR(0x3620, "Use the PLL ", 0);
# endif
char canAddIdToFilter(UNS16 adrCAN, UNS8 nFilter, UNS16 id)
UNS8 fiMsb;
UNS8 fiLsb;
UNS8 idMsb = (UNS8) (id >> 3);
UNS8 idLsb = (UNS8) (id << 5);
if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
/* Error because not init mode */
MSG_WAR(0X2600, "Not in init mode ", 0);
return 1;
switch (nFilter) {
case 0:
nFilter = CANIDAR0; /* First bank */
case 1:
nFilter = CANIDAR2; /* First bank */
case 2:
nFilter = CANIDAR4; /* Second bank */
case 3:
nFilter = CANIDAR6; /* Second bank */
if (! IO_PORTS_16(adrCAN + nFilter)) {
/* if CANIDARx = 0 */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter) = idMsb;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 1) = idLsb;
fiMsb = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter) ^ idMsb;
fiLsb = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 1) ^ idLsb;
/* address of CANIDMRx */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 4) = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 4) | fiMsb;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 5) = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 5) | fiLsb;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 5) |= 0x10; /* Not filtering on rtr value */
return 0;
char canChangeFilter(UNS16 adrCAN, canBusFilterInit fi)
/* If not in init mode, go to sleep before going in init mode*/
if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
//update the filters configuration
canInitFilter(adrCAN, fi);
return 0;
char canEnable(UNS16 adrCAN)
/* Register CANCTL1
bit 7 : 1 MSCAN enabled
Other bits : default reset values
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) = 0X80;
return 0;
char canInit(UNS16 adrCAN, canBusInit bi)
/* If not in init mode, go to sleep before going in init mode*/
if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
canEnable(adrCAN); /* Does nothing if already enable */
/* The most secure way to go in init mode : put before MSCAN in sleep mode */
/* Put MSCAN in Init mode */
canInitClock(adrCAN, bi.clk);
/* Init CANCTL1 register. Must be in init mode */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) &=0xC4;// 0xCB; /* Clr the bits that may be modified */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) = (bi.cane << 7) | (bi.loopb << 5 ) |
(bi.listen << 4) | (bi.wupm << 2);
/* Initialize the filters for received msgs */
/* We should decide to accept all the msgs */
canInitFilter(adrCAN, bi.fi);
/* Before to modify CANCTL0, we must leave the init mode */
/* Init CANCTL0 register. MSCAN must not be in init mode */
/* Do not change the value of wupe (should be 0) and slprq (should be 1) */
/* Do not change the value of initrq (should be 0) */
/* rxfrm is cleared, mupe also (should be before)*/
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) &= 0x53; /* Clr the bits that may be modified */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) = (bi.cswai << 5) | (bi.time << 3);
canInitModeQ(adrCAN); /* Leave the init mode */
canSleepModeQ(adrCAN); /* Leave the sleep mode */
return 0;
char canInitClock(UNS16 adrCAN, canBusTime clk)
if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
/* Not in Init mode */
MSG_WAR(0X2601, "not in init mode ", 0);
return 1;
/* Set or reset CLKSRC (register CANCTL1). Does not change the other bits*/
clk.clksrc = clk.clksrc << 6;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) &= 0xBF;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) |= clk.clksrc;
/* Build the CANBTR0 register */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANBTR0) = 0x00; /* Clear before changes */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANBTR0) = (clk.sjw << 6) | (clk.brp);
/* Build the CANBTR1 register */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANBTR1) = 0x00; /* Clear before changes */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANBTR1) = (clk.samp << 7) | (clk.tseg2 << 4) |
return 0;
char canInit1Filter(UNS16 adrCAN, UNS8 nFilter, UNS16 ar, UNS16 mr)
if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
/* Error because not init mode */
MSG_WAR(0X2602, "not in init mode ", 0);
return 1;
switch (nFilter) {
case 0:
nFilter = CANIDAR0; /* First bank */
case 1:
nFilter = CANIDAR2; /* First bank */
case 2:
nFilter = CANIDAR4; /* Second bank */
case 3:
nFilter = CANIDAR6; /* Second bank */
/* address of CANIDARx */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter) = (UNS8) (ar >> 8);
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 1) = (UNS8) (ar);
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 4) = (UNS8) (mr >> 8);
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 5) = (UNS8) (mr);
return 0;
char canInitFilter(UNS16 adrCAN, canBusFilterInit fi)
if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
/* Error because not init mode */
MSG_WAR(0X2603, "not in init mode ", 0);
return 1;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAC) = fi.idam << 4;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR0) = fi.canidar0;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR0) = fi.canidmr0;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR1) = fi.canidar1;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR1) = fi.canidmr1;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR2) = fi.canidar2;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR2) = fi.canidmr2;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR3) = fi.canidar3;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR3) = fi.canidmr3;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR4) = fi.canidar4;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR4) = fi.canidmr4;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR5) = fi.canidar5;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR5) = fi.canidmr5;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR6) = fi.canidar6;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR6) = fi.canidmr6;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR7) = fi.canidar7;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR7) = fi.canidmr7;
return 0;
char canInitMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) |= 0x01; /* Set the bit INITRQ */
while (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
return 0;
char canInitModeQ(UNS16 adrCAN)
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) &= 0xFE; /* Clear the bit INITRQ */
while (canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
return 0;
char canMsgTransmit(UNS16 adrCAN, Message msg)
/* Remind : only CAN A msg implemented. ie id on 11 bits, not 29 */
UNS8 cantflg;
UNS8 i;
/* Looking for a free buffer */
cantflg = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTFLG);
if ( cantflg == 0) { /* all the TXEx are set */
MSG_WAR(0X2604, "No buffer free. Msg to transmit is losted ", 0);
return 1; /* No buffer free */
/* Selecting a buffer */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTBSEL) = cantflg;
/* We put ide = 0 because id is on 11 bits only */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTRSID) = (UNS8)(msg.cob_id.w >> 3);
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTRSID + 1) = (UNS8)((msg.cob_id.w << 5)|
(msg.rtr << 4));
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTRSLEN) = msg.len & 0X0F;
/* For the priority, we put the highter bits of the cob_id */
for (i = 0 ; i < msg.len ; i++) {
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTRSDTA + i) = msg.data[i];
/* Transmitting the message */
cantflg = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTBSEL);/* to know which buf is selected */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTBSEL) = 0x00;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTFLG) = cantflg; /* Ready to transmit ! */
return 0;
char canSetInterrupt(UNS16 adrCAN)
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANRIER) = 0X01; /* Allow interruptions on receive */
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTIER) = 0X00; /* disallow interruptions on transmit */
return 0;
char canSleepMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) &= 0xFB; /* clr the bit WUPE to avoid a wake-up*/
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) |= 0x02; /* Set the bit SLPRQ. go to Sleep !*/
// IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) |= 0x04;
// IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) |= 0x02; /* Set the bit SLPRQ */
while ( ! canTestSleepMode(adrCAN)) {
return 0;
char canSleepModeQ(UNS16 adrCAN)
if (canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
/* Error because in init mode */
MSG_WAR(0X2606, "not in init mode ", 0);
return 1;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) &= 0xFD; /* clr the bit SLPRQ */
while ( canTestSleepMode(adrCAN)) {
return 0;
char canSleepWupMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
if (canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
MSG_WAR(0X2607, "not in init mode ", 0);
return 1;
IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) |= 0x06; /* Set the bits WUPE & SLPRQ */
while ( ! canTestSleepMode(adrCAN)) {
return 0;
char canTestInitMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
return IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) & 0x01; /* Test the bit INITAK */
char canTestSleepMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
return IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) & 0x02; /* Test the bit SLPAK */
UNS8 canSend(UNS8 notused, Message *m)
return 0;
UNS8 f_can_receive(UNS8 notused, Message *msgRcv)
UNS8 i, j;
case CAN0 : j = 0; break;
case CAN1 : j = 1; break;
case CAN2 : j = 2; break;
case CAN3 : j = 3; break;
case CAN4 : j = 4; break;
/* See if a message is pending in the stack */
if (ptrMsgRcv[j].r == ptrMsgRcv[j].w)
return 0x0; // No new message
/* Increment the reading pointer of the stack */
if (ptrMsgRcv[j].r == (MAX_STACK_MSG_RCV - 1))
ptrMsgRcv[j].r = 0;
ptrMsgRcv[j].r ++;
/* Store the message from the stack*/
msgRcv->cob_id.w = stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].cob_id.w;
msgRcv->len = stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].len;
msgRcv->rtr = stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].rtr;
for (i = 0 ; i < stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].len ; i++)
msgRcv->data[i] = stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].data[i];
return 0xFF;
******************************* CAN INTERRUPT *******************************/
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can0HdlTra (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can0HdlRcv (void)
UNS8 i;
IO_PORTS_8(PORTB) &= ~ 0x40; // led 6 port B : ON
UNS8 NewPtrW;
/* We are obliged to save the message while the interruption is pending */
/* Increment the writing stack pointer before writing the msg */
if (ptrMsgRcv[0].w == (MAX_STACK_MSG_RCV - 1))
NewPtrW = 0;
NewPtrW = ptrMsgRcv[0].w + 1;
if (NewPtrW == ptrMsgRcv[0].r) {
/* The stack is full. The last msg received before this one is lost */
MSG_WAR(0X1620, "Stack for received msg is full", 0);
//IO_PORTS_8(PORTB) &= ~0x40; // led 6 : ON (for debogue)
ptrMsgRcv[0].w = NewPtrW;
/* Store the message */
stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].cob_id.w = IO_PORTS_16(CAN0 + CANRCVID) >> 5;
stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].len = IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANRCVLEN) & 0x0F;
stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].rtr = (IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANRCVID + 1) >> 4) & 0x01;
for (i = 0 ; i < stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].len ; i++)
stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].data[i] = IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANRCVDTA + i);
// The message is stored , so
// we can now release the receive foreground buffer
// and acknowledge the interruption
IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANRFLG) |= 0x01;
// Not very usefull
IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANCTL0) |= 0x80;
IO_PORTS_8(PORTB) |= 0x40; // led 6 port B : OFF
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can0HdlWup (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can0HdlErr (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can1HdlTra (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can1HdlRcv (void)
UNS8 i;
UNS8 NewPtrW;
/* We are obliged to save the message while the interruption is pending */
/* Increment the writing stack pointer before writing the msg */
if (ptrMsgRcv[1].w == (MAX_STACK_MSG_RCV - 1))
NewPtrW = 0;
NewPtrW = ptrMsgRcv[1].w + 1;
if (NewPtrW == ptrMsgRcv[1].r) {
/* The stack is full. The last msg received before this one is lost */
MSG_WAR(0X2620, "Stack for received msg is full", 0);
ptrMsgRcv[1].w = NewPtrW;
/* Store the message */
stackMsgRcv[1][ptrMsgRcv[1].w].cob_id.w = IO_PORTS_16(CAN1 + CANRCVID) >> 5;
stackMsgRcv[1][ptrMsgRcv[1].w].len = IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANRCVLEN) & 0x0F;
stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].rtr = (IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANRCVID + 1) >> 4) & 0x01;
for (i = 0 ; i < stackMsgRcv[1][ptrMsgRcv[1].w].len ; i++)
stackMsgRcv[1][ptrMsgRcv[1].w].data[i] = IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANRCVDTA + i);
// The message is stored , so
// we can now release the receive foreground buffer
// and acknowledge the interruption
IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANRFLG) |= 0x01;
// Not very usefull
IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANCTL0) |= 0x80;
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can1HdlWup (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can1HdlErr (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can2HdlTra (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can2HdlRcv (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can2HdlWup (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can2HdlErr (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can3HdlTra (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can3HdlRcv (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can3HdlWup (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can3HdlErr (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can4HdlTra (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can4HdlRcv (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can4HdlWup (void)
void __attribute__((interrupt)) can4HdlErr (void)