author lbessard
Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:06:29 +0100
changeset 69 c5495b101f57
parent 3 d9cf34cd6823
permissions -rw-r--r--
DS-401 and DS-418 updated
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.

See COPYING file for copyrights details.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

/*                                                                    	*/
/*	LPC2k_ee.H:  Header file enabling EEPROM support		*/
/* 	for Philips LPC2000 microcontroller's on-chip Flash memory	*/
/*     	(revision 1.0, May 13th, 2005.)					*/
/*                                                             		*/
/*	This file is to be used with LPC2k_ee.c	file 		  	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* IMPORTANT: on-chip Flash memory sector(s) intended to be used as 	*/
/* an EEPROM will be unavailable for regular code storage! The smallest	*/
/* amount of Flash memory that can be used as an EEPROM is a single 	*/
/* Flash sector (regardless of the Flash sector actual size). 		*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* If size of desired EEPROM requires several Flash sectors, these	*/
/* sectors must be a consecutive ones.					*/
/*                                                                     	*/

#define EE_SEC_L		1		//Flash sector where EEPROM begins (see UM for details)
#define EE_SEC_H		3	  	//Flash sector where EEPROM ends (see UM for details)
#define EE_ADDR_L		0x00001000	//Must match the EE_SEC_L Flash sector start address
#define EE_ADDR_H		0x00003FFF 	//Must match the EE_SEC_H Flash sector end address
#define EE_CCLK			60000		//system clock cclk expressed in kHz (5*12 MHz)

/*                                                                    	*/
/* ee_data structure can be defined differently from this example.	*/
/* The only requirement is to have _id field as it is defined here	*/
/* since EE_REC_ID character is used to identify a record's presence	*/
/* in the EEPROM memory.						*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* ====================================================================	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* IMPORTANT ARM memory access considerations:				*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* char	: byte alligned. Can be accessed at any location in memory.	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* short int: occupies 2 consecutive bytes. It can be read/write 	*/
/*	  accessed only when half-word alligned. Therefore, it is	*/
/* 	  located at addresses ending with 0x0, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6, 0x8,	*/
/*	  0xA, 0xC or 0xE.						*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* int	: occupies 4 consecutive bytes.	It can be read/write 		*/
/*	  accessed only when half-word alligned. Therefore, it is	*/
/* 	  located at addresses ending with 0x0, 0x4, 0x8 or 0xC.	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* ====================================================================	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* Due to the LPC2000 Flash memory characteristics, an ee_data 		*/
/* structure size (EE_REC_SIZE) is limited to the following set:	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* LPC2101/2/3, LPC2131/2/4/6/8, LPC2141/2/4/6/8: 0x10, 0x20, 0x40,     */ 
/*                                                0x80 or 0x100         */
/*                                                                     	*/
/* LPC2104/5/6, LPC2112/4/9, LPC2124/9, LPC2192/4: 0x10, 0x20, 0x40,    */
/*                                                 0x80, 0x100 or 0x200 */
/*                                                                     	*/
/* ====================================================================	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* example1:                                                          	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* struct ee_data{		//structure starts as word alligned	*/
/*	unsigned char	_id;	//1 byte  - no allignement restr.	*/
/*                                  // 	    3 BYTE GAP!!!!         	*/		
/*	unsigned int	_rec_count; //4 bytes - must be word alligned!	*/
/*	unsigned char	_cs;	//1 byte  - no allignement restr.	*/
/*};				// next structure will start as		*/
/*                                  // word alligned...                 */
/* Structure in example 1 occupies 12 bytes of memory			*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* example2:                                                          	*/
/*                                                                     	*/
/* struct ee_data{		//structure starts as word alligned	*/
/*	unsigned char	_id;	//1 byte  - no allignement restr.	*/
/*	unsigned char	_cs;	//1 byte  - no allignement restr.	*/
/*                              //  	    2 BYTE GAP!!!!         	*/		
/*	unsigned int	_rec_count; //4 bytes - must be word alligned!	*/
/*};				// next structure will start as		*/
/*                                  // word alligned...                 */
/* Structure in example 2 occupies 8 bytes of memory			*/
/*                                                                     	*/

struct ee_data{
	unsigned char	_id;		//  4 bytes: 1 byte (char) + 3 byte GAP!
	unsigned int	_rec_count;	//  4 bytes (int)
	unsigned int	_counter;	//  4 bytes (int)
	unsigned char	_cs;		//  4 bytes: 1 byte (char) + 3 byte GAP!
};					// 16 bytes total

/*									*/
/* 	Disclaimer: all observations presented in example1, example 2 and */
/*	ee_data structure defined here are based on Keil's ARM compiler. */
/*	If another compiler is used, memory usage would have to be 	*/
/*	re-examined and verified.					*/
/*									*/

#define EE_REC_SIZE		0x10	//see restrictions from above

/*									*/
/* 	Valid combinations for 						*/
/*									*/
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------	*/
/*    	256	0xFFFFFF00		0x010	  	0xF0		*/
/*	256	0xFFFFFF00		0x020	 	0xE0		*/
/*    	256	0xFFFFFF00		0x040	  	0xC0		*/
/*	256	0xFFFFFF00		0x080	 	0x80		*/
/*	256	0xFFFFFF00		0x100		0x00		*/
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*    	512	0xFFFFFE00		0x010	  	0x1F0		*/
/*	512	0xFFFFFE00		0x020	 	0x1E0		*/
/*    	512	0xFFFFFE00		0x040	  	0x1C0		*/
/*	512	0xFFFFFE00		0x080		0x180	 	*/
/*	512	0xFFFFFE00		0x100	 	0x100		*/
/*	512	0xFFFFFE00		0x200	 	0x000		*/
/*	For LPC2101/2/3, LPC213x and LPC214x EE_BUFFER_SIZE is 256. */
/*	For all other LPC2000 devices EE_BUFFER_SIZE is always 512. */
#define EE_BUFFER_SIZE	256
#define EE_BUFFER_MASK	0x000000F0

/*!!								  !!*/
/*!!								  !!*/
/*!!	===================================			  !!*/
/*!!								  !!*/

#define EE_REC_ID 				0xAA
#define EE_SIZE					(EE_ADDR_H+1-EE_ADDR_L)
#define NO_SPACE_IN_EEPROM		501
#define INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE		502

#ifndef _EEPROM_
	extern const unsigned char eeprom[];
	extern void ee_erase(unsigned int , unsigned int []);	//function erases EEPROM
	extern void ee_write(unsigned int , unsigned int []);	//function adds a record in EEPROM
	extern void ee_read (unsigned int , unsigned int []);	//function reads the latest valid record in EEPROM
	extern void ee_readn(unsigned int , unsigned int []);	//function reads n-th record in EEPROM
	extern void ee_count(unsigned int , unsigned int []);	//function counts records in EEPROM