author Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com>
Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:43:13 +0100
changeset 699 c26ea35559f8
parent 413 57c7a451c671
permissions -rw-r--r--
- removed inline definition of dcf variable, which is not allowed on many c compilers.
- removed SaveNode() call using ifdef, because not all canopen devices support this feature.
Later on it should be possible to enable this for each dcf entry using objdictedit.
- fixed bug when dereferencing an dcf entry from the object dictionary.
<AVRWorkspace><IOSettings><CurrentRegisters/></IOSettings><part name="AT90CAN128"/><Files><File00000 Name="I:\Entwicklung\Firmware\CAN\CanFestival-3\examples\AVR\Slave\main.c" Position="332 160 1009 573" LineCol="47 0" State="Maximized"/><File00001 Name="I:\Entwicklung\Firmware\CAN\CanFestival-3\examples\AVR\Slave\Makefile" Position="262 71 1119 661" LineCol="18 46" State="Maximized"/><File00002 Name="I:\Entwicklung\Firmware\CAN\CanFestival-3\examples\AVR\Slave\AVR-Studio\default\Makefile" Position="266 94 939 481" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/></Files></AVRWorkspace>