author Christian Taedcke <>
Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:43:13 +0100 (2012-01-23)
changeset 699 c26ea35559f8
parent 391 7802a7d5584f
permissions -rw-r--r--
- removed inline definition of dcf variable, which is not allowed on many c compilers.
- removed SaveNode() call using ifdef, because not all canopen devices support this feature.
Later on it should be possible to enable this for each dcf entry using objdictedit.
- fixed bug when dereferencing an dcf entry from the object dictionary.

Contributors :

Leonid Tochinski ltochinski _at_ ( native win32 port (visual studio))

Vladimir Chren (kernel space port)

Raphael Zulliger (author of slavelib project)

Other unsorted contribs:
	Camille BOSSARD
	David DUMINY (sté A6R)
	Laurent ROMIEUX
	Zakaria BELAMRI

Many thanks to the main contributors for their great work.