file win32test.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stddef.h>
#include <canfestival/applicfg.h>
#include "canfestival/def.h"
#include "canfestival/can.h"
#include "canfestival/objdictdef.h"
#include "canfestival/pdo.h"
#include "canfestival/sdo.h"
#include "canfestival/sync.h"
#include "canfestival/lifegrd.h"
#include "canfestival/nmtSlave.h"
/* Declaration of the mapped variables */
UNS8 seconds = 0; // Mapped at index 0x2000, subindex 0x01
UNS8 minutes = 0; // Mapped at index 0x2000, subindex 0x02
UNS8 hours = 0; // Mapped at index 0x2000, subindex 0x03
UNS8 day = 0; // Mapped at index 0x2000, subindex 0x04
UNS32 canopenErrNB = 0; // Mapped at index 0x6000, subindex 0x00
UNS32 canopenErrVAL = 0; // Mapped at index 0x6001, subindex 0x00
UNS8 strTest[10] = 0; // Mapped at index 0x6002, subindex 0x00
/* Declaration of the value range types */
UNS32 Linux_slave_valueRangeTest (UNS8 typeValue, UNS32 unsValue, REAL32 realValue)
switch (typeValue) {
return 0;
/* The node id */
/* node_id default value.
This default value is deprecated.
You should always overwrite this by using the function setNodeId(UNS8 nodeId) in your C code.
#define NODE_ID 0x01
UNS8 Linux_slave_bDeviceNodeId = NODE_ID;
/* Array of message processing information */
/* Should not be modified */
const UNS8 Linux_slave_iam_a_slave = 1
// Macros definition
/* Beware :
index *must* be writen 4 numbers in hexa
sub_index *must* be writen 2 numbers in hexa
size_variable_in_UNS8 *must* be writen 2 numbers in hexa
#define PDO_MAP(index, sub_index, size_variable_in_bits)\
0x ## index ## sub_index ## size_variable_in_bits
/** This macro helps creating the object dictionary entries.
* by calling this macro
* it creates an entry in form of: 7 of entries, pointer to the entry.
#define DeclareIndexTableEntry(entryname, index) { (subindex*)entryname,sizeof(entryname)/sizeof(entryname[0]), index}
// Make your change, depending of your application
/* index 0x1000 : Device type.
You have to change the value below, so
it fits your canopen-slave-module */
/* Not used, so, should not be modified */
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1000 = 0;
subindex Linux_slave_Index1000[] =
{ RO, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1000 }
/* index 0x1001 : Error register.
Change the entries to fit your application
Not used, so, should not be modified */
/*const*/ UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1001 = 0x0;
/*const*/ subindex Linux_slave_Index1001[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof(UNS8), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1001 }
/* index 0x1005 : COB_ID SYNC */
/* Should not be modified */
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1005 = 0x00000080; // bit 30 = 1 : device can generate a SYNC message
// Beware, it is over written when the node
// enters in reset mode
// See initResetMode() in init.c
/*const*/ subindex Linux_slave_Index1005[] =
{ RW, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1005 }
/* index 0x1006 : SYNC period */
// For producing the SYNC signal every n micro-seconds.
// Put 0 to not producing SYNC
/*const*/ UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1006 = 0x0;
// Default 0 to not produce SYNC //
// Beware, it is over written when the
// node enters in reset mode.
// See initResetMode() in init.c
/*const*/ subindex Linux_slave_Index1006[] =
{ RW, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1006 }
/* index 0x1007 : Synchronous Window Length
Seems to be needed by DS401 to generate the SYNC signal ! */
/*const*/ UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1007 = 0x0; /* Default 0 */
/*const*/ subindex Linux_slave_Index1007[] =
{ RW, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1007 }
/* index 0x1008 : Manufacturer device name */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1008[] = "Appli_Slave_HC12"; /* Default 0 */
subindex Linux_slave_Index1008[] =
{ RO, uint32, sizeof(Linux_slave_obj1008), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1008 }
/* index 0x1009 : Manufacturer hardware version */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1009[] = "__DATE__"; /* Default 0 */
subindex Linux_slave_Index1009[] =
{ RO, uint32, sizeof(Linux_slave_obj1009), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1009 }
/* index 0x100A : Manufacturer software version */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj100A[] = __TIME__; /* Default 0 */
subindex Linux_slave_Index100A[] =
{ RO, uint32, Linux_slave_sizeof(obj100A), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj100A}
TIMER_HANDLE Linux_slave_heartBeatTimers[1] = {TIMER_NONE,};
/* index 0x1016 : HeartBeat consumers
The nodes which can send a heartbeat */
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1016[] = {// Consumer time for each node
0x00000000}; // Format 0x00NNTTTT (N=Node T=time in ms)
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1016_cnt = 1; // 1 nodes could send me
// their heartbeat.
subindex Linux_slave_Index1016[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof(UNS8), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1016_cnt },
{ RW, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1016[0] }
/* index 0x1017 : Heartbeat producer
Every HBProducerTime, the node sends its heartbeat */
UNS16 Linux_slave_obj1017 = 0; //HBProducerTime in ms. If 0 : not activated
// Beware, it is over written when the
// node enters in reset mode.
// See initResetMode() in init.c
subindex Linux_slave_Index1017[] =
{ RW, uint16, sizeof(UNS16), &Linux_slave_obj1017 }
/* index 0x1018 : Identity object */
/** index 1018: identify object. Adjust the entries for your node/company
/* Values can be modified */
s_identity Linux_slave_obj1018 =
4, // number of supported entries
0, // Vendor-ID (given by the can-cia)
0, // Product Code
0, // Revision number
0 // serial number
subindex Linux_slave_Index1018[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof(UNS8), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1018.count },
{ RO, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1018.vendor_id},
{ RO, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1018.product_code},
{ RO, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1018.revision_number},
{ RO, uint32, sizeof(UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1018.serial_number}
/* index 0x1200 : The SDO Server parameters */
/* BEWARE You cannot define more than one SDO server */
/* The values should not be modified here,
but can be changed at runtime */
// Beware that the default values that you could put here
// will be over written at the initialisation of the node.
// See setNodeId() in init.c
s_sdo_parameter Linux_slave_obj1200 =
{ 3, // Number of entries. Always 3 for the SDO
0x601, // The cob_id transmited in CAN msg to the server
0x581, // The cob_id received in CAN msg from the server
0x01 // The node id of the client. Should not be modified
subindex Linux_slave_Index1200[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1200.count },
{ RO, uint32, sizeof( UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1200.cob_id_client },
{ RO, uint32, sizeof( UNS32), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1200.cob_id_server },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1200.node_id }
/* index 0x1280 : SDO client parameter */
s_sdo_parameter Linux_slave_obj1280 =
{ 3, // Nb of entries
0x600, // cobid transmited to the server. The good value should be 0x600 + server nodeId
0x580, // cobid received from the server. The good value should be 0x580 + server nodeId
0x01 // server NodeId
subindex Linux_slave_Index1280[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1280.count },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1280.cob_id_client },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1280.cob_id_server },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1280.node_id }
/* index 0x1400 : PDO receive communication parameter */
s_pdo_communication_parameter Linux_slave_obj1400 =
{ 2, // Largest subindex supported
0x0, // Default COBID (overwritten at init for index 0x1400 to 0x1403)
253 // Transmission type. See objdictdef.h
subindex Linux_slave_Index1400[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1400.count },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1400.cob_id },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1400.type },
/* index 0x1401 : PDO receive communication parameter */
s_pdo_communication_parameter Linux_slave_obj1401 =
{ 2, // Largest subindex supported
0x0, // Default COBID (overwritten at init for index 0x1400 to 0x1403)
253 // Transmission type. See objdictdef.h
subindex Linux_slave_Index1401[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1401.count },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1401.cob_id },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1401.type },
/* index 0x1402 : PDO receive communication parameter */
s_pdo_communication_parameter Linux_slave_obj1402 =
{ 2, // Largest subindex supported
0x0, // Default COBID (overwritten at init for index 0x1400 to 0x1403)
253 // Transmission type. See objdictdef.h
subindex Linux_slave_Index1402[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1402.count },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1402.cob_id },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1402.type },
/* index 0x1600 : PDO receive mapping parameter of PDO communication index 0x1400 */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1600_cnt = 0; // Number of mapped variables
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[] = {
subindex Linux_slave_Index1600[] =
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_cnt },
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[0]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[1]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[2]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[3]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[4]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[5]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[6]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1600_mappedVar[7]}
/* index 0x1601 : PDO receive mapping parameter of PDO communication index 0x1401 */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1601_cnt = 0; // Number of mapped variables
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[] = {
subindex Linux_slave_Index1601[] =
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_cnt },
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[0]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[1]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[2]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[3]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[4]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[5]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[6]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1601_mappedVar[7]}
/* index 0x1602 : PDO receive mapping parameter of PDO communication index 0x1402 */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1602_cnt = 0; // Number of mapped variables
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[] = {
subindex Linux_slave_Index1602[] =
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_cnt },
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[0]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[1]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[2]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[3]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[4]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[5]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[6]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1602_mappedVar[7]}
/* index 0x1800 : PDO transmit communication parameter */
s_pdo_communication_parameter Linux_slave_obj1800 =
{ 2, // Largest subindex supported
0x0, // Default COBID (overwritten at init for index 0x1400 to 0x1403)
253 // Transmission type. See objdictdef.h
subindex Linux_slave_Index1800[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1800.count },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1800.cob_id },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1800.type },
/* index 0x1801 : PDO transmit communication parameter */
s_pdo_communication_parameter Linux_slave_obj1801 =
{ 2, // Largest subindex supported
0x0, // Default COBID (overwritten at init for index 0x1400 to 0x1403)
253 // Transmission type. See objdictdef.h
subindex Linux_slave_Index1801[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1801.count },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1801.cob_id },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1801.type },
/* index 0x1802 : PDO transmit communication parameter */
s_pdo_communication_parameter Linux_slave_obj1802 =
{ 2, // Largest subindex supported
0x0, // Default COBID (overwritten at init for index 0x1400 to 0x1403)
253 // Transmission type. See objdictdef.h
subindex Linux_slave_Index1802[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1802.count },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1802.cob_id },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1802.type },
/* index 0x1A00 : PDO transmit mapping parameter of PDO communication index 0x1800 */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1A00_cnt = 0; // Number of mapped variables
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[] = {
subindex Linux_slave_Index1A00[] =
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_cnt },
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[0]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[1]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[2]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[3]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[4]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[5]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[6]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A00_mappedVar[7]}
/* index 0x1A01 : PDO transmit mapping parameter of PDO communication index 0x1801 */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1A01_cnt = 0; // Number of mapped variables
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[] = {
subindex Linux_slave_Index1A01[] =
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_cnt },
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[0]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[1]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[2]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[3]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[4]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[5]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[6]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A01_mappedVar[7]}
/* index 0x1A02 : PDO transmit mapping parameter of PDO communication index 0x1802 */
UNS8 Linux_slave_obj1A02_cnt = 0; // Number of mapped variables
UNS32 Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[] = {
subindex Linux_slave_Index1A02[] =
{ RW, uint8, sizeof( UNS8 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_cnt },
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[0]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[1]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[2]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[3]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[4]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[5]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[6]},
{ RW, uint32, sizeof( UNS32 ), (void*)&Linux_slave_obj1A02_mappedVar[7]}
/* index 0x2000 : Mapped variable */
UNS8 Linux_slave_highestSubIndex_2000 = 4; // number of subindex - 1
subindex Linux_slave_Index2000[] =
{ RO, uint8, sizeof (UNS8), (void*)&Linux_slave_highestSubIndex_2000 },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof (UNS8), (void*)&seconds },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof (UNS8), (void*)&minutes },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof (UNS8), (void*)&hours },
{ RW, uint8, sizeof (UNS8), (void*)&day }
/* index 0x6000 : Mapped variable */
UNS8 Linux_slave_highestSubIndex_6000 = 0; // number of subindex - 1
subindex Linux_slave_Index6000[] =
{ RW, uint32, sizeof (UNS32), (void*)&canopenErrNB }
/* index 0x6001 : Mapped variable */
UNS8 Linux_slave_highestSubIndex_6001 = 0; // number of subindex - 1
subindex Linux_slave_Index6001[] =
{ RW, uint32, sizeof (UNS32), (void*)&canopenErrVAL }
/* index 0x6002 : Mapped variable */
UNS8 Linux_slave_highestSubIndex_6002 = 0; // number of subindex - 1
subindex Linux_slave_Index6002[] =
{ RW, visible_string, sizeof (strTest), (void*)&strTest }
const indextable Linux_slave_objdict[] =
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1000, 0x1000),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1001, 0x1001),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1005, 0x1005),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1006, 0x1006),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1007, 0x1007),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1008, 0x1008),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1009, 0x1009),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index100A, 0x100A),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1016, 0x1016),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1017, 0x1017),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1018, 0x1018),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1200, 0x1200),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1280, 0x1280),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1400, 0x1400),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1401, 0x1401),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1402, 0x1402),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1600, 0x1600),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1601, 0x1601),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1602, 0x1602),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1800, 0x1800),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1801, 0x1801),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1802, 0x1802),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1A00, 0x1A00),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1A01, 0x1A01),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index1A02, 0x1A02),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index2000, 0x2000),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index6000, 0x6000),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index6001, 0x6001),
DeclareIndexTableEntry(Linux_slave_Index6002, 0x6002),
// To count at which received SYNC a PDO must be sent.
// Even if no pdoTransmit are defined, at least one entry is computed
// for compilations issues.
UNS8 Linux_slave_count_sync[1] = {0, };
quick_index Linux_slave_firstIndex = {
SDO_SVR : 11,
SDO_CLT : 12,
PDO_RCV : 13,
PDO_TRS : 19,
quick_index Linux_slave_lastIndex{
SDO_SVR : 11,
SDO_CLT : 12,
PDO_RCV : 15,
PDO_TRS : 21,
UNS16 Linux_slave_ObjdictSize = sizeof(Linux_slave_objdict)/sizeof(Linux_slave_objdict[0]);