Updated configure and fixes in Makefiles.in for cygwin compiling.
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __sdo_h__
#define __sdo_h__
typedef void (*SDOtimeoutError_t)(UNS8 line);
struct struct_s_transfer;
#include "timer.h"
typedef void (*SDOCallback_t)(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId);
/* The Transfer structure
Used to store the different segments of
- a SDO received before writing in the dictionary
- the reading of the dictionary to put on a SDO to transmit
struct struct_s_transfer {
UNS8 nodeId; //own ID if server, or node ID of the server if client
UNS8 whoami; // Takes the values SDO_CLIENT or SDO_SERVER
UNS8 state; // state of the transmission : Takes the values SDO_...
UNS8 toggle;
UNS32 abortCode; // Sent or received
// index and subindex of the dictionary where to store
// (for a received SDO) or to read (for a transmit SDO)
UNS16 index;
UNS8 subIndex;
UNS32 count; // Number of data received or to be sent.
UNS32 offset; // stack pointer of data[]
// Used only to tranfer part of a line to or from a SDO.
// offset is always pointing on the next free cell of data[].
// WARNING s_transfer.data is subject to ENDIANISATION
// (with respect to CANOPEN_BIG_ENDIAN)
UNS8 dataType; // Defined in objdictdef.h Value is visible_string
// if it is a string, any other value if it is not a string,
// like 0. In fact, it is used only if client.
TIMER_HANDLE timer; // Time counter to implement a timeout in milliseconds.
// It is automatically incremented whenever
// the line state is in SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS or
// SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS, and reseted to 0
// when the response SDO have been received.
SDOCallback_t Callback; // The user callback func to be called at SDO transaction end
typedef struct struct_s_transfer s_transfer;
#include "data.h"
/// The 8 bytes data of the SDO
struct BODY{
UNS8 data[8];
/// The SDO structure ...
struct struct_s_SDO {
UNS8 nodeId; //in any case, Node ID of the server (case sender or receiver).
struct BODY body;
typedef struct struct_s_SDO s_SDO;
/** Reset all sdo buffers
void resetSDO (CO_Data* d);
/** Copy the data received from the SDO line transfert to the object dictionary
* Returns SDO error code if error. Else, returns 0;
UNS32 SDOlineToObjdict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line);
/** Copy the data from the object dictionary to the SDO line for a network transfert.
* Returns SDO error code if error. Else, returns 0;
UNS32 objdictToSDOline (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line);
/** copy data from an existant line in the argument "* data"
* Returns 0xFF if error. Else, returns 0;
UNS8 lineToSDO (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 nbBytes, UNS8 * data);
/** Add data to an existant line
* Returns 0xFF if error. Else, returns 0;
UNS8 SDOtoLine (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 nbBytes, UNS8 * data);
/** Called when an internal SDO abort occurs.
* Release the line * Only if server *
* If client, the line must be released manually in the core application.
* The reason of that is to permit the program to read the transfers[][] structure before its reset,
* because many informations are stored on it : index, subindex, data received or trasmited, ...
* In all cases, sends a SDO abort.
* Returns 0
UNS8 failedSDO (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS8 whoami, UNS16 index,
UNS8 subIndex, UNS32 abortCode);
/** Reset an unused line.
void resetSDOline (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line);
/** Initialize some fields of the structure.
* Returns 0
UNS8 initSDOline (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 state);
/** Search for an unused line in the transfers array
* to store a new SDO.
* ie a line which value of the field "state" is "SDO_RESET"
* An unused line have the field "state" at the value SDO_RESET
* bus_id is hardware dependant
* whoami : create the line for a SDO_SERVER or SDO_CLIENT.
* return 0xFF if all the lines are on use. Else, return 0
UNS8 getSDOfreeLine (CO_Data* d, UNS8 whoami, UNS8 *line);
/** Search for the line, in the transfers array, which contains the
* beginning of the reception of a fragmented SDO
* whoami takes 2 values : look for a line opened as SDO_CLIENT or SDO_SERVER
* bus_id is hardware dependant
* nodeId correspond to the message node-id
* return 0xFF if error. Else, return 0
UNS8 getSDOlineOnUse (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS8 whoami, UNS8 *line);
/** Close a transmission.
* nodeId : Node id of the server if both server or client
* whoami : Line opened as SDO_CLIENT or SDO_SERVER
UNS8 closeSDOtransfer (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS8 whoami);
/** Bytes in the line structure which must be transmited (or received)
* bus_id is hardware dependant.
* return 0.
UNS8 getSDOlineRestBytes (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 * nbBytes);
/** Store in the line structure the nb of bytes which must be transmited (or received)
* bus_id is hardware dependant.
* return 0 if success, 0xFF if error.
UNS8 setSDOlineRestBytes (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 nbBytes);
/** Transmit a SDO frame on the bus bus_id
* sdo is a structure which contains the sdo to transmit
* bus_id is hardware dependant
* whoami takes 2 values : SDO_CLIENT or SDO_SERVER
* return canSend(bus_id,&m) or 0xFF if error
UNS8 sendSDO (CO_Data* d, UNS8 whoami, s_SDO sdo);
/** Transmit a SDO error to the client. The reasons may be :
* Read/Write to a undefined object
* Read/Write to a undefined subindex
* Read/write a not valid length object
* Write a read only object
* whoami takes 2 values : SDO_CLIENT or SDO_SERVER
UNS8 sendSDOabort (CO_Data* d, UNS8 whoami, UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, UNS32 abortCode);
/** Treat a SDO frame reception
* bus_id is hardware dependant
* call the function sendSDO
* return 0xFF if error
* 0x80 if transfert aborted by the server
* 0x0 ok
UNS8 proceedSDO (CO_Data* d, Message *m);
/** Used by the application to send a SDO request frame to write the data *data
* at the index and subIndex indicated
* in the dictionary of the slave whose node_id is nodeId
* Count : nb of bytes to write in the dictionnary.
* datatype (defined in objdictdef.h) : put "visible_string" for strings, 0 for integers or reals or other value.
* bus_id is hardware dependant
* return 0xFF if error, else return 0
UNS8 writeNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index,
UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 count, UNS8 dataType, void *data);
/** Used by the application to send a SDO request frame to read
* in the dictionary of a server node whose node_id is ID
* at the index and subIndex indicated
* bus_id is hardware dependant
* datatype (defined in objdictdef.h) : put "visible_string" for strings, 0 for integers or reals or other value.
* return 0xFF if error, else return 0
UNS8 readNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index,
UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 dataType);
/** Use this function after a readNetworkDict to get the result.
Returns : SDO_FINISHED // data is available
SDO_ABORTED_RCV // Transfert failed. (abort SDO received)
SDO_ABORTED_INTERNAL // Transfert failed. Internal abort.
SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS // Data not yet available
SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS // Should not arrive !
dataType (defined in objdictdef.h) : type expected. put "visible_string" for strings, 0 for integers or reals.
abortCode : 0 = not available. Else : SDO abort code. (received if return SDO_ABORTED_RCV)
example :
UNS32 data;
UNS8 size;
readNetworkDict(0, 0x05, 0x1016, 1, 0) // get the data index 1016 subindex 1 of node 5
while (getReadResultNetworkDict (0, 0x05, &data, &size) != SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
UNS8 getReadResultNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, void* data,
UNS8 *size, UNS32 * abortCode);
Use this function after a writeNetworkDict to get the result of the write
It is mandatory to call this function because it is releasing the line used for the transfer.
Returns : SDO_FINISHED // data is available
SDO_ABORTED_RCV // Transfert failed. (abort SDO received)
SDO_ABORTED_INTERNAL // Transfert failed. Internal abort.
SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS // Data not yet available
SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS // Should not arrive !
abortCode : 0 = not available. Else : SDO abort code. (received if return SDO_ABORTED_RCV)
example :
UNS32 data = 0x50;
UNS8 size;
UNS32 abortCode;
writeNetworkDict(0, 0x05, 0x1016, 1, size, &data) // write the data index 1016 subindex 1 of node 5
while ( getWriteResultNetworkDict (0, 0x05, &abortCode) != SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
UNS8 getWriteResultNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS32 * abortCode);