patch from Stefan Kratochwil <> : canfestival-3-fm3_698.patch
If an object dictionary entry was requested whose size exceeds
SDO_MAX_LENGTH_TRANSFERT, the memcpy() call at line 139 of objacces.c overwrites
the memory after *pDestData which causes stack corruption.
-> Bugfix:
The bug was corrected by size checking the requested data. An 'Out of
memory' error message will be generated if the requested data exceeds
Additional changes:
Added dynamic buffer allocation for the SDO transfer. This feature can be used
if SDO_DYNAMIC_BUFFER_ALLOCATION is defined in config.h. The size of the
dynamically allocated buffer is controlled with
-> Note:
This change removes the detection of OD_LENGTH_DATA_INVALID errors!
/* File generated by Should not be modified. */
#include "data.h"
/* Prototypes of function provided by object dictionnary */
UNS32 TestSlave_valueRangeTest (UNS8 typeValue, void * value);
const indextable * TestSlave_scanIndexOD (UNS16 wIndex, UNS32 * errorCode, ODCallback_t **callbacks);
/* Master node data struct */
extern CO_Data TestSlave_Data;
extern UNS8 SlaveMap1; /* Mapped at index 0x2000, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS8 SlaveMap2; /* Mapped at index 0x2001, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS8 SlaveMap3; /* Mapped at index 0x2002, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS8 SlaveMap4; /* Mapped at index 0x2003, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS8 SlaveMap5; /* Mapped at index 0x2004, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS8 SlaveMap6; /* Mapped at index 0x2005, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS8 SlaveMap7; /* Mapped at index 0x2006, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS8 SlaveMap8; /* Mapped at index 0x2007, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS8 SlaveMap9; /* Mapped at index 0x2008, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS32 SlaveMap10; /* Mapped at index 0x2009, subindex 0x00*/
extern UNS16 SlaveMap11; /* Mapped at index 0x200A, subindex 0x00*/
extern INTEGER16 SlaveMap12; /* Mapped at index 0x200B, subindex 0x00*/
extern INTEGER16 SlaveMap13; /* Mapped at index 0x200C, subindex 0x00*/
#endif // TESTSLAVE_H