Moced CosateQ's doc at the right place, and fix PDO INHIBIT bit check error again.
#include "timerscfg.h"
#include "can_driver.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "timers_driver.h"
typedef void* LIB_HANDLE;
/** @defgroup userapi User API */
/** @defgroup can CAN management
* @ingroup userapi
* @ingroup can
* @brief Load CAN driver interface.
* @param *driver_name The location of the library to load
* @return
* - handle of the CAN driver interface is returned upon success.
* - NULL is returned if the CAN driver interface can't be loaded.
#define LoadCanDriver(driver_name) 1
* @brief Send a CAN message
* @param port CanFestival file descriptor
* @param *m The CAN message to send
* @return 0 if succes
UNS8 canSend(CAN_PORT port, Message *m);
* @ingroup can
* @brief Open a CANOpen device
* @param *board Pointer to the board structure that contains busname and baudrate
* @param *d Pointer to the CAN object data structure
* @return
* - CanFestival file descriptor is returned upon success.
* - NULL is returned if the CANOpen board can't be opened.
CAN_PORT canOpen(s_BOARD *board, CO_Data * d);
* @ingroup can
* @brief Close a CANOpen device
* @param *d Pointer to the CAN object data structure
* @return
* - 0 is returned upon success.
* - errorcode if error. (if implemented)
int canClose(CO_Data * d);
* @ingroup can
* @brief Change the CANOpen device baudrate
* @param port CanFestival file descriptor
* @param *baud The new baudrate to assign
* @return
* - 0 is returned upon success or if not supported by the CAN driver.
* - errorcode from the CAN driver is returned if an error occurs. (if implemented in the CAN driver)
UNS8 canChangeBaudRate(CAN_PORT port, char* baud);