author etisserant
Mon, 02 Jul 2007 18:22:58 +0200
changeset 236 905677ed00f3
parent 235 f812bf6b7237
child 251 cab66ef3e68e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Full preliminary implementation of TPDO transmit type:
- SYNC (N) (1-240)
- RTR only + SYNC (252)
- RTR only (253)
- EVENT, with timer and inhibit time (254 and 255)

User app have to call sendPDOevent(d) to eventually signal mapped data changes.
Callbacks added to 0x140N, TPDO comm parameters for on the fly timers values change.
TestMasterSlave updated.
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 

Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN

See COPYING file for copyrights details.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#ifndef __data_h__
#define __data_h__

/* declaration of CO_Data type let us include all necessary headers
 struct struct_CO_Data can then be defined later
typedef struct struct_CO_Data CO_Data;

#include "applicfg.h"
#include "def.h"
#include "can.h"
#include "objdictdef.h"
#include "objacces.h"
#include "sdo.h"
#include "pdo.h"
#include "states.h"
#include "lifegrd.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "nmtMaster.h"

/* This structurs contains all necessary information for a CanOpen node */
struct struct_CO_Data {
	/* Object dictionary */
	UNS8 *bDeviceNodeId;
	const indextable *objdict;
	s_PDO_status *PDO_status;
	quick_index *firstIndex;
	quick_index *lastIndex;
	UNS16 *ObjdictSize;
	const UNS8 *iam_a_slave;
	valueRangeTest_t valueRangeTest;
	/* SDO */
	/* s_sdo_parameter *sdo_parameters; */

	/* State machine */
	e_nodeState nodeState;
	s_state_communication CurrentCommunicationState;
	initialisation_t initialisation;
	preOperational_t preOperational;
	operational_t operational;
	stopped_t stopped;

	/* NMT-heartbeat */
	UNS8 *ConsumerHeartbeatCount;
	UNS32 *ConsumerHeartbeatEntries;
	TIMER_HANDLE *ConsumerHeartBeatTimers;
	UNS16 *ProducerHeartBeatTime;
	TIMER_HANDLE ProducerHeartBeatTimer;
	heartbeatError_t heartbeatError;
	e_nodeState NMTable[NMT_MAX_NODE_ID]; 

	/* SYNC */
	TIMER_HANDLE syncTimer;
	UNS32 *COB_ID_Sync;
	UNS32 *Sync_Cycle_Period;
	/*UNS32 *Sync_window_length;;*/
	post_sync_t post_sync;
	post_TPDO_t post_TPDO;
	/* General */
	UNS8 toggle;
	CAN_HANDLE canHandle;	
	scanIndexOD_t scanIndexOD;
	storeODSubIndex_t storeODSubIndex; 
	/* DCF concise */
	UNS8* dcf_cursor;
	UNS32 dcf_count_targets;

#define NMTable_Initializer Unknown_state,

#define s_transfer_Initializer {\
		0,          /* nodeId */\
		0,          /* wohami */\
		SDO_RESET,  /* state */\
		0,          /* toggle */\
		0,          /* abortCode */\
		0,          /* index */\
		0,          /* subIndex */\
		0,          /* count */\
		0,          /* offset */\
		{0},        /* data (static use, so that all the table is initialize at 0)*/\
		0,          /* dataType */\
		-1,         /* timer */\
		NULL        /* Callback */\

/* A macro to initialize the data in client app.*/
/* CO_Data structure */
	/* Object dictionary*/\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _bDeviceNodeId,     /* bDeviceNodeId */\
	NODE_PREFIX ## _objdict,             /* objdict  */\
	NODE_PREFIX ## _PDO_status,          /* PDO_status */\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _firstIndex,        /* firstIndex */\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _lastIndex,         /* lastIndex */\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _ObjdictSize,       /* ObjdictSize */\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _iam_a_slave,       /* iam_a_slave */\
	NODE_PREFIX ## _valueRangeTest,      /* valueRangeTest */\
	/* SDO, structure s_transfer */\
	/* State machine*/\
	Unknown_state,      /* nodeState */\
	/* structure s_state_communication */\
		0,          /* csBoot_Up */\
		0,          /* csSDO */\
		0,          /* csEmergency */\
		0,          /* csSYNC */\
		0,          /* csHeartbeat */\
		0           /* csPDO */\
	_initialisation,     /* initialisation */\
	_preOperational,     /* preOperational */\
	_operational,        /* operational */\
	_stopped,            /* stopped */\
	/* NMT-heartbeat */\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _highestSubIndex_obj1016, /* ConsumerHeartbeatCount */\
	NODE_PREFIX ## _obj1016,                   /* ConsumerHeartbeatEntries */\
	NODE_PREFIX ## _heartBeatTimers,           /* ConsumerHeartBeatTimers  */\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _obj1017,                 /* ProducerHeartBeatTime */\
	TIMER_NONE,                                /* ProducerHeartBeatTimer */\
	_heartbeatError,           /* heartbeatError */\
                                                   /* is  well initialized at "Unknown_state". Is it ok ? (FD)*/\
	/* SYNC */\
	TIMER_NONE,                                /* syncTimer */\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _obj1005,                 /* COB_ID_Sync */\
	& NODE_PREFIX ## _obj1006,                 /* Sync_Cycle_Period */\
	/*& NODE_PREFIX ## _obj1007, */            /* Sync_window_length */\
	_post_sync,                 /* post_sync */\
	_post_TPDO,                 /* post_TPDO */\
	/* General */\
	0,                                         /* toggle */\
	NULL,                   /* canSend */\
	NODE_PREFIX ## _scanIndexOD,                /* scanIndexOD */\
	_storeODSubIndex,                /* storeODSubIndex */\
	NULL,		/*dcf_cursor*/\
	1		/*dcf_count_targets*/\

#endif /* __data_h__ */