file CanFestival-3.vc8.sln was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
#Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT, Francis DUPIN and Laurent BESSARD
#See COPYING file for copyrights details.
#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#Lesser General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
from gnosis.xml.pickle import *
from gnosis.xml.pickle.util import setParanoia
from node import *
import xml_in, gen_cfile
from types import *
import os, re
UndoBufferLength = 20
type_model = re.compile('([\_A-Z]*)([0-9]*)')
range_model = re.compile('([\_A-Z]*)([0-9]*)\[([\-0-9]*)-([\-0-9]*)\]')
name_model = re.compile('(.*)\[(.*)\]')
def IsOfType(object, typedef):
return type(object) == typedef
# Formating Name of an Entry
Format the text given with the index and subindex defined
def StringFormat(text, idx, sub):
result = name_model.match(text)
if result:
format = result.groups()
return format[0]%eval(format[1])
return text
# Search in a Mapping Dictionary
Return the index of the informations in the Object Dictionary in case of identical
def FindIndex(index, mappingdictionary):
if index in mappingdictionary:
return index
listpluri = [idx for idx in mappingdictionary.keys() if mappingdictionary[idx]["struct"] & OD_IdenticalIndexes]
for idx in listpluri:
nb_max = mappingdictionary[idx]["nbmax"]
incr = mappingdictionary[idx]["incr"]
if idx < index < idx + incr * nb_max and (index - idx)%incr == 0:
return idx
return None
Return the index of the typename given by searching in mappingdictionary
def FindTypeIndex(typename, mappingdictionary):
testdic = {}
for index, values in mappingdictionary.iteritems():
if index < 0x1000:
testdic[values["name"]] = index
if typename in testdic:
return testdic[typename]
return None
Return the name of the type by searching in mappingdictionary
def FindTypeName(typeindex, mappingdictionary):
if typeindex < 0x1000 and typeindex in mappingdictionary:
return mappingdictionary[typeindex]["name"]
return None
Return the default value of the type by searching in mappingdictionary
def FindTypeDefaultValue(typeindex, mappingdictionary):
if typeindex < 0x1000 and typeindex in mappingdictionary:
return mappingdictionary[typeindex]["default"]
return None
Return the list of types defined in mappingdictionary
def FindTypeList(mappingdictionary):
list = []
for index in mappingdictionary.keys():
if index < 0x1000:
list.append((index, mappingdictionary[index]["name"]))
return list
Return the name of an entry by searching in mappingdictionary
def FindEntryName(index, mappingdictionary):
base_index = FindIndex(index, mappingdictionary)
if base_index:
infos = mappingdictionary[base_index]
if infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalIndexes:
return StringFormat(infos["name"], (index - base_index) / infos["incr"] + 1, 0)
return infos["name"]
return None
Return the informations of one entry by searching in mappingdictionary
def FindEntryInfos(index, mappingdictionary):
base_index = FindIndex(index, mappingdictionary)
if base_index:
copy = mappingdictionary[base_index].copy()
if copy["struct"] & OD_IdenticalIndexes:
copy["name"] = StringFormat(copy["name"], (index - base_index) / copy["incr"] + 1, 0)
return copy
return None
Return the informations of one subentry of an entry by searching in mappingdictionary
def FindSubentryInfos(index, subIndex, mappingdictionary):
base_index = FindIndex(index, mappingdictionary)
if base_index:
struct = mappingdictionary[base_index]["struct"]
if struct & OD_Subindex:
if struct & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
if struct & OD_IdenticalIndexes:
incr = mappingdictionary[base_index]["incr"]
incr = 1
if subIndex == 0:
return mappingdictionary[base_index]["values"][0].copy()
elif 0 < subIndex <= mappingdictionary[base_index]["values"][1]["nbmax"]:
copy = mappingdictionary[base_index]["values"][1].copy()
copy["name"] = StringFormat(copy["name"], (index - base_index) / incr + 1, subIndex)
return copy
elif struct & OD_MultipleSubindexes and 0 <= subIndex < len(mappingdictionary[base_index]["values"]):
return mappingdictionary[base_index]["values"][subIndex].copy()
elif subIndex == 0:
return mappingdictionary[base_index]["values"][0].copy()
return None
Return the list of variables that can be mapped defined in mappingdictionary
def FindMapVariableList(mappingdictionary, Manager):
list = []
for index in mappingdictionary.iterkeys():
if Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index):
for subIndex, values in enumerate(mappingdictionary[index]["values"]):
if mappingdictionary[index]["values"][subIndex]["pdo"]:
infos = Manager.GetEntryInfos(mappingdictionary[index]["values"][subIndex]["type"])
if mappingdictionary[index]["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
values = Manager.GetCurrentEntry(index)
for i in xrange(len(values) - 1):
list.append((index, i + 1, infos["size"], StringFormat(mappingdictionary[index]["values"][subIndex]["name"],1,i+1)))
list.append((index, subIndex, infos["size"], mappingdictionary[index]["values"][subIndex]["name"]))
return list
Return the list of mandatory indexes defined in mappingdictionary
def FindMandatoryIndexes(mappingdictionary):
list = []
for index in mappingdictionary.iterkeys():
if index >= 0x1000 and mappingdictionary[index]["need"]:
return list
Class implementing a buffer of changes made on the current editing Object Dictionary
class UndoBuffer:
Constructor initialising buffer
def __init__(self, currentstate, issaved = False):
self.Buffer = []
self.CurrentIndex = -1
self.MinIndex = -1
self.MaxIndex = -1
# if current state is defined
if currentstate:
self.CurrentIndex = 0
self.MinIndex = 0
self.MaxIndex = 0
# Initialising buffer with currentstate at the first place
for i in xrange(UndoBufferLength):
if i == 0:
# Initialising index of state saved
if issaved:
self.LastSave = 0
self.LastSave = -1
Add a new state in buffer
def Buffering(self, currentstate):
self.CurrentIndex = (self.CurrentIndex + 1) % UndoBufferLength
self.Buffer[self.CurrentIndex] = currentstate
# Actualising buffer limits
self.MaxIndex = self.CurrentIndex
if self.MinIndex == self.CurrentIndex:
# If the removed state was the state saved, there is no state saved in the buffer
if self.LastSave == self.MinIndex:
self.LastSave = -1
self.MinIndex = (self.MinIndex + 1) % UndoBufferLength
self.MinIndex = max(self.MinIndex, 0)
Return current state of buffer
def Current(self):
return self.Buffer[self.CurrentIndex]
Change current state to previous in buffer and return new current state
def Previous(self):
if self.CurrentIndex != self.MinIndex:
self.CurrentIndex = (self.CurrentIndex - 1) % UndoBufferLength
return self.Buffer[self.CurrentIndex]
return None
Change current state to next in buffer and return new current state
def Next(self):
if self.CurrentIndex != self.MaxIndex:
self.CurrentIndex = (self.CurrentIndex + 1) % UndoBufferLength
return self.Buffer[self.CurrentIndex]
return None
Return True if current state is the first in buffer
def IsFirst(self):
return self.CurrentIndex == self.MinIndex
Return True if current state is the last in buffer
def IsLast(self):
return self.CurrentIndex == self.MaxIndex
Note that current state is saved
def CurrentSaved(self):
self.LastSave = self.CurrentIndex
Return True if current state is saved
def IsCurrentSaved(self):
return self.LastSave == self.CurrentIndex
Class which control the operations made on the node and answer to view requests
class NodeManager:
def __init__(self):
self.LastNewIndex = 0
self.FilePaths = []
self.FileNames = []
self.NodeIndex = -1
self.CurrentNode = None
self.UndoBuffers = []
# Type and Map Variable Lists
Generate the list of types defined for the current node
def GenerateTypeList(self):
self.TypeList = ""
self.TypeTranslation = {}
list = self.GetTypeList()
sep = ""
for index, name in list:
self.TypeList += "%s%s"%(sep,name)
self.TypeTranslation[name] = index
sep = ","
Generate the list of variables that can be mapped for the current node
def GenerateMapList(self):
self.MapList = "None"
self.NameTranslation = {"None" : "00000000"}
self.MapTranslation = {"00000000" : "None"}
list = self.GetMapVariableList()
for index, subIndex, size, name in list:
self.MapList += ",%s"%name
map = "%04X%02X%02X"%(index,subIndex,size)
self.NameTranslation[name] = map
self.MapTranslation[map] = name
Return the list of types defined for the current node
def GetCurrentTypeList(self):
return self.TypeList
Return the list of variables that can be mapped for the current node
def GetCurrentMapList(self):
return self.MapList
# Create Load and Save Functions
Create a new node and add a new buffer for storing it
def CreateNewNode(self, name, id, type, profile, filepath, NMT, options):
# Create a new node
node = Node()
# Try to load profile given
result = self.LoadProfile(profile, filepath, node)
if not IsOfType(result, StringType):
# if success, initialising node
self.CurrentNode = node
AddIndexList = self.GetMandatoryIndexes()
if NMT == "NodeGuarding":
AddIndexList.extend([0x100C, 0x100D])
elif NMT == "Heartbeat":
for option in options:
if option == "DS302":
# Charging DS-302 profile if choosen by user
if os.path.isfile("config/DS-302.prf"):
Mapping = {}
AddMenuEntries = []
return "Problem with DS-302! Syntax Error."
return "Couldn't find DS-302 in 'config' folder!"
elif option == "GenSYNC":
AddIndexList.extend([0x1005, 0x1006])
elif option == "Emergency":
elif option == "SaveConfig":
AddIndexList.extend([0x1010, 0x1011, 0x1020])
elif option == "StoreEDS":
AddIndexList.extend([0x1021, 0x1022])
# Add a new buffer
# Add Mandatory indexes
self.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(AddIndexList, [])
# Regenerate lists
return True
return result
Load a profile in node
def LoadProfile(self, profile, filepath, node):
if profile != "None":
# Try to charge the profile given
return True
return "Bad OD Profile file!\nSyntax Error."
# Default profile
return True
Open a file and store it in a new buffer
def OpenFileInCurrent(self, filepath):
# Open and load file
file = open(filepath, "r")
node = load(file)
self.CurrentNode = node
# Add a new buffer and defining current state
self.AddNodeBuffer(self.CurrentNode.Copy(), True)
# Regenerate lists
return True
Save current node in a file
def SaveCurrentInFile(self, filepath = None):
# if no filepath given, verify if current node has a filepath defined
if not filepath:
filepath = self.GetCurrentFilePath()
if filepath == "":
return False
# Save node in file
file = open(filepath, "w")
dump(self.CurrentNode, file)
# Update saved state in buffer
return True
Close current state
def CloseCurrent(self, ignore = False):
# Verify if it's not forced that the current node is saved before closing it
if self.UndoBuffers[self.NodeIndex].IsCurrentSaved() or ignore:
return True
return False
Import a xml file and store it in a new buffer if no node edited
def ImportCurrentFromFile(self, filepath):
# Generate node from definition in a xml file
node = xml_in.GenerateNode(filepath, self)
if node:
self.CurrentNode = node
if len(self.UndoBuffers) == 0:
return result
Build the C definition of Object Dictionary for current node
def ExportCurrentToFile(self, filepath):
return gen_cfile.GenerateFile(filepath, self)
# Add Entries to Current Functions
Add the specified number of subentry for the given entry. Verify that total
number of subentry (except 0) doesn't exceed nbmax defined
def AddSubentriesToCurrent(self, index, number):
# Informations about entry
length = self.CurrentNode.GetEntry(index, 0)
infos = self.GetEntryInfos(index)
subentry_infos = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, 1)
# Get default value for subindex
if "default" in subentry_infos:
default = subentry_infos["default"]
default = self.GetTypeDefaultValue(subentry_infos["type"])
# First case entry is record
if infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
for i in xrange(1, min(number,subentry_infos["nbmax"]-length) + 1):
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, length + i, default)
# Second case entry is array, only possible for manufacturer specific
elif infos["struct"] & OD_MultipleSubindexes and 0x2000 <= index <= 0x5FFF:
values = {"name" : "Undefined", "type" : 5, "access" : "rw", "pdo" : True}
for i in xrange(1, min(number,0xFE-length) + 1):
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, length + i, values = values.copy())
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, length + i, 0)
Remove the specified number of subentry for the given entry. Verify that total
number of subentry (except 0) isn't less than 1
def RemoveSubentriesFromCurrent(self, index, number):
# Informations about entry
infos = self.GetEntryInfos(index)
length = self.CurrentNode.GetEntry(index, 0)
# Entry is a record, or is an array of manufacturer specific
if infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes or 0x2000 <= index <= 0x5FFF and infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
for i in xrange(min(number, length - 1)):
self.RemoveCurrentVariable(index, length - i)
Add a SDO Server to current node
def AddSDOServerToCurrent(self):
# An SDO Server is already defined at index 0x1200
if self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(0x1200):
indexlist = [self.GetLineFromIndex(0x1201)]
if None not in indexlist:
self.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(indexlist, [])
# Add an SDO Server at index 0x1200
self.ManageEntriesOfCurrent([0x1200], [])
Add a SDO Server to current node
def AddSDOClientToCurrent(self):
indexlist = [self.GetLineFromIndex(0x1280)]
if None not in indexlist:
self.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(indexlist, [])
Add a Transmit PDO to current node
def AddPDOTransmitToCurrent(self):
indexlist = [self.GetLineFromIndex(0x1800),self.GetLineFromIndex(0x1A00)]
if None not in indexlist:
self.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(indexlist, [])
Add a Receive PDO to current node
def AddPDOReceiveToCurrent(self):
indexlist = [self.GetLineFromIndex(0x1400),self.GetLineFromIndex(0x1600)]
if None not in indexlist:
self.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(indexlist, [])
Add a list of entries defined in profile for menu item selected to current node
def AddSpecificEntryToCurrent(self, menuitem):
indexlist = []
for menu, indexes in self.CurrentNode.GetSpecificMenu():
if menuitem == menu:
for index in indexes:
if None not in indexlist:
self.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(indexlist, [])
Search the first index available for a pluri entry from base_index
def GetLineFromIndex(self, base_index):
found = False
index = base_index
infos = self.GetEntryInfos(base_index)
while index < base_index + infos["incr"]*infos["nbmax"] and not found:
if not self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index):
found = True
index += infos["incr"]
if found:
return index
return None
Add entries specified in addinglist and remove entries specified in removinglist
def ManageEntriesOfCurrent(self, addinglist, removinglist):
# Add all the entries in addinglist
for index in addinglist:
infos = self.GetEntryInfos(index)
if infos["struct"] & OD_MultipleSubindexes:
# First case entry is a record
if infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
subentry_infos = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, 1)
if "default" in subentry_infos:
default = subentry_infos["default"]
default = self.GetTypeDefaultValue(subentry_infos["type"])
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 1, default)
# Second case entry is a record
i = 1
subentry_infos = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, i)
while subentry_infos:
if "default" in subentry_infos:
default = subentry_infos["default"]
default = self.GetTypeDefaultValue(subentry_infos["type"])
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, i, default)
i += 1
subentry_infos = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, i)
# Third case entry is a record
subentry_infos = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, 0)
if "default" in subentry_infos:
default = subentry_infos["default"]
default = self.GetTypeDefaultValue(subentry_infos["type"])
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 0, default)
# Remove all the entries in removinglist
for index in removinglist:
Remove an entry from current node. Analize the index to perform the correct
def RemoveCurrentVariable(self, index, subIndex = None):
Mappings = self.CurrentNode.GetMappings()
if index < 0x1000 and subIndex == None:
type = self.CurrentNode.GetEntry(index, 1)
for i in Mappings[-1]:
for value in Mappings[-1][i]["values"]:
if value["type"] == index:
value["type"] = type
elif index == 0x1200 and subIndex == None:
elif 0x1201 <= index <= 0x127F and subIndex == None:
self.CurrentNode.RemoveLine(index, 0x127F)
elif 0x1280 <= index <= 0x12FF and subIndex == None:
self.CurrentNode.RemoveLine(index, 0x12FF)
elif 0x1400 <= index <= 0x15FF or 0x1600 <= index <= 0x17FF and subIndex == None:
if 0x1600 <= index <= 0x17FF and subIndex == None:
index -= 0x200
self.CurrentNode.RemoveLine(index, 0x15FF)
self.CurrentNode.RemoveLine(index + 0x200, 0x17FF)
elif 0x1800 <= index <= 0x19FF or 0x1A00 <= index <= 0x1BFF and subIndex == None:
if 0x1A00 <= index <= 0x1BFF:
index -= 0x200
self.CurrentNode.RemoveLine(index, 0x19FF)
self.CurrentNode.RemoveLine(index + 0x200, 0x1BFF)
found = False
for menu,list in self.CurrentNode.GetSpecificMenu():
for i in list:
iinfos = self.GetEntryInfos(i)
indexes = [i + incr * iinfos["incr"] for incr in xrange(iinfos["nbmax"])]
if index in indexes:
found = True
diff = index - i
for j in list:
jinfos = self.GetEntryInfos(j)
self.CurrentNode.RemoveLine(j + diff, j + jinfos["incr"]*jinfos["nbmax"], jinfos["incr"])
self.CurrentNode.RemoveMapVariable(index, subIndex)
if not found:
infos = self.GetEntryInfos(index)
if not infos["need"]:
self.CurrentNode.RemoveEntry(index, subIndex)
if index in Mappings[-1]:
self.CurrentNode.RemoveMappingEntry(index, subIndex)
def AddMapVariableToCurrent(self, index, name, struct, number):
if 0x2000 <= index <= 0x5FFF:
if not self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index):
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, name = name, struct = struct)
if struct == var:
values = {"name" : name, "type" : 5, "access" : "rw", "pdo" : True}
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 0, values = values)
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 0, 0)
values = {"name" : "Number of Entries", "type" : 2, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False}
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 0, values = values)
if struct == rec:
values = {"name" : name + " %d[(sub)]", "type" : 5, "access" : "rw", "pdo" : True, "nbmax" : 0xFE}
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 1, values = values)
for i in xrange(number):
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, i + 1, 0)
for i in xrange(number):
values = {"name" : "Undefined", "type" : 5, "access" : "rw", "pdo" : True}
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, i + 1, values = values)
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, i + 1, 0)
return None
return "Index 0x%04X already defined!"%index
return "Index 0x%04X isn't a valid index for Map Variable!"%index
def AddUserTypeToCurrent(self, type, min, max, length):
index = 0xA0
while index < 0x100 and self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index):
index += 1
if index < 0x100:
customisabletypes = self.GetCustomisableTypes()
name, valuetype = customisabletypes[type]
size = self.GetEntryInfos(type)["size"]
default = self.GetTypeDefaultValue(type)
if valuetype == 0:
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, name = "%s[%d-%d]"%(name, min, max), struct = 3, size = size, default = default)
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 0, values = {"name" : "Number of Entries", "type" : 0x02, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 1, values = {"name" : "Type", "type" : 0x02, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 2, values = {"name" : "Minimum Value", "type" : type, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 3, values = {"name" : "Maximum Value", "type" : type, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 1, type)
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 2, min)
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 3, max)
elif valuetype == 1:
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, name = "%s%d"%(name, length), struct = 3, size = length * size, default = default)
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 0, values = {"name" : "Number of Entries", "type" : 0x02, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 1, values = {"name" : "Type", "type" : 0x02, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 2, values = {"name" : "Length", "type" : 0x02, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 1, type)
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 2, length)
return None
return "Too many User Types have already been defined!"
# Modify Entry and Mapping Functions
def SetCurrentEntryCallbacks(self, index, value):
if self.CurrentNode and self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index):
entry_infos = self.GetEntryInfos(index)
if "callback" not in entry_infos:
self.CurrentNode.SetParamsEntry(index, None, callback = value)
def SetCurrentEntry(self, index, subIndex, value, name, editor):
if self.CurrentNode and self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index):
if name == "value":
if editor == "map":
value = eval("0x%s"%self.NameTranslation[value])
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, subIndex, value)
elif editor == "bool":
value = value == "True"
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, subIndex, value)
elif editor == "time":
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, subIndex, value)
subentry_infos = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, subIndex)
type = subentry_infos["type"]
dic = {}
for typeindex, typevalue in CustomisableTypes:
dic[typeindex] = typevalue
if type not in dic:
type = self.CurrentNode.GetEntry(type)[1]
if dic[type] == 0:
value = eval(value, {})
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, subIndex, value)
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, subIndex, value)
elif name in ["comment", "save"]:
if editor == "option":
value = value == "Yes"
if name == "save":
self.CurrentNode.SetParamsEntry(index, subIndex, save = value)
elif name == "comment":
self.CurrentNode.SetParamsEntry(index, subIndex, comment = value)
if editor == "type":
value = self.TypeTranslation[value]
size = self.GetEntryInfos(value)["size"]
self.CurrentNode.UpdateMapVariable(index, subIndex, size)
elif editor in ["access","raccess"]:
dic = {}
for abbrev,access in AccessType.iteritems():
dic[access] = abbrev
value = dic[value]
if editor == "raccess" and not self.CurrentNode.IsMappingEntry(index):
entry_infos = self.GetEntryInfos(index)
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, name = entry_infos["name"], struct = 7)
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 0, values = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, 0, False).copy())
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 1, values = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, 1, False).copy())
self.CurrentNode.SetMappingEntry(index, subIndex, values = {name : value})
if name == "name" or editor == "type":
def SetCurrentEntryName(self, index, name):
self.CurrentNode.SetMappingEntry(index, name=name)
def SetCurrentUserType(self, index, type, min, max, length):
customisabletypes = self.GetCustomisableTypes()
values, valuetype = self.GetCustomisedTypeValues(index)
name, new_valuetype = customisabletypes[type]
size = self.GetEntryInfos(type)["size"]
default = self.GetTypeDefaultValue(type)
if new_valuetype == 0:
self.CurrentNode.SetMappingEntry(index, name = "%s[%d-%d]"%(name, min, max), struct = 3, size = size, default = default)
if valuetype == 1:
self.CurrentNode.SetMappingEntry(index, 2, values = {"name" : "Minimum Value", "type" : type, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.AddMappingEntry(index, 3, values = {"name" : "Maximum Value", "type" : type, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, 1, type)
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, 2, min)
if valuetype == 1:
self.CurrentNode.AddEntry(index, 3, max)
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, 3, max)
elif new_valuetype == 1:
self.CurrentNode.SetMappingEntry(index, name = "%s%d"%(name, length), struct = 3, size = size, default = default)
if valuetype == 0:
self.CurrentNode.SetMappingEntry(index, 2, values = {"name" : "Length", "type" : 0x02, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
self.CurrentNode.RemoveMappingEntry(index, 3)
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, 1, type)
self.CurrentNode.SetEntry(index, 2, length)
if valuetype == 0:
self.CurrentNode.RemoveEntry(index, 3)
# Current Buffering Management Functions
def BufferCurrentNode(self):
def CurrentIsSaved(self):
return self.UndoBuffers[self.NodeIndex].IsCurrentSaved()
def OneFileHasChanged(self):
result = False
for buffer in self.UndoBuffers:
result |= not buffer.IsCurrentSaved()
return result
def GetBufferNumber(self):
return len(self.UndoBuffers)
def LoadCurrentPrevious(self):
self.CurrentNode = self.UndoBuffers[self.NodeIndex].Previous().Copy()
def LoadCurrentNext(self):
self.CurrentNode = self.UndoBuffers[self.NodeIndex].Next().Copy()
def AddNodeBuffer(self, currentstate = None, issaved = False):
self.NodeIndex = len(self.UndoBuffers)
self.UndoBuffers.append(UndoBuffer(currentstate, issaved))
def ChangeCurrentNode(self, index):
if index < len(self.UndoBuffers):
self.NodeIndex = index
self.CurrentNode = self.UndoBuffers[self.NodeIndex].Current().Copy()
def RemoveNodeBuffer(self, index):
self.NodeIndex = min(self.NodeIndex, len(self.UndoBuffers) - 1)
if len(self.UndoBuffers) > 0:
self.CurrentNode = self.UndoBuffers[self.NodeIndex].Current().Copy()
self.CurrentNode = None
def GetCurrentNodeIndex(self):
return self.NodeIndex
def GetCurrentFilename(self):
return self.GetFilename(self.NodeIndex)
def GetAllFilenames(self):
filenames = []
for i in xrange(len(self.UndoBuffers)):
return filenames
def GetFilename(self, index):
if self.UndoBuffers[index].IsCurrentSaved():
return self.FileNames[index]
return "~%s~"%self.FileNames[index]
def SetCurrentFilePath(self, filepath):
self.FilePaths[self.NodeIndex] = filepath
if filepath == "":
self.LastNewIndex += 1
self.FileNames[self.NodeIndex] = "Unnamed%d"%self.LastNewIndex
self.FileNames[self.NodeIndex] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]
def GetCurrentFilePath(self):
if len(self.FilePaths) > 0:
return self.FilePaths[self.NodeIndex]
return ""
def GetCurrentBufferState(self):
first = self.UndoBuffers[self.NodeIndex].IsFirst()
last = self.UndoBuffers[self.NodeIndex].IsLast()
return not first, not last
# Profiles Management Functions
def GetCurrentCommunicationLists(self):
list = []
for index in MappingDictionary.iterkeys():
if 0x1000 <= index < 0x1200:
return self.GetProfileLists(MappingDictionary, list)
def GetCurrentDS302Lists(self):
return self.GetSpecificProfileLists(self.CurrentNode.GetDS302Profile())
def GetCurrentProfileLists(self):
return self.GetSpecificProfileLists(self.CurrentNode.GetProfile())
def GetSpecificProfileLists(self, mappingdictionary):
validlist = []
exclusionlist = []
for name, list in self.CurrentNode.GetSpecificMenu():
for index in mappingdictionary.iterkeys():
if index not in exclusionlist:
return self.GetProfileLists(mappingdictionary, validlist)
def GetProfileLists(self, mappingdictionary, list):
dictionary = {}
current = []
for index in list:
dictionary[index] = (mappingdictionary[index]["name"], mappingdictionary[index]["need"])
if self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index):
return dictionary, current
def GetCurrentNextMapIndex(self):
if self.CurrentNode:
index = 0x2000
while self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index) and index < 0x5FFF:
index += 1
if index < 0x6000:
return index
return None
def CurrentDS302Defined(self):
if self.CurrentNode:
return len(self.CurrentNode.GetDS302Profile()) > 0
return False
# Node State and Values Functions
def GetCurrentNodeInfos(self):
name = self.CurrentNode.GetNodeName()
id = self.CurrentNode.GetNodeID()
type = self.CurrentNode.GetNodeType()
return name, id, type
def SetCurrentNodeInfos(self, name, id, type):
def GetCurrentProfileName(self):
if self.CurrentNode:
return self.CurrentNode.GetProfileName()
return ""
def IsCurrentEntry(self, index):
if self.CurrentNode:
return self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index)
return False
def GetCurrentEntry(self, index, subIndex = None):
if self.CurrentNode:
return self.CurrentNode.GetEntry(index, subIndex)
return None
def GetCurrentParamsEntry(self, index, subIndex = None):
if self.CurrentNode:
return self.CurrentNode.GetParamsEntry(index, subIndex)
return None
def GetCurrentValidIndexes(self, min, max):
validindexes = []
for index in self.CurrentNode.GetIndexes():
if min <= index <= max:
validindexes.append((self.GetEntryName(index), index))
return validindexes
def GetCurrentValidChoices(self, min, max):
validchoices = []
exclusionlist = []
for menu, indexes in self.CurrentNode.GetSpecificMenu():
good = True
for index in indexes:
good &= min <= index <= max
if good:
validchoices.append((menu, None))
list = [index for index in MappingDictionary.keys() if index >= 0x1000]
profiles = self.CurrentNode.GetMappings(False)
for profile in profiles:
for index in list:
if min <= index <= max and not self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index) and index not in exclusionlist:
validchoices.append((self.GetEntryName(index), index))
return validchoices
def HasCurrentEntryCallbacks(self, index):
if self.CurrentNode and self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index):
entry_infos = self.GetEntryInfos(index)
if "callback" in entry_infos:
return entry_infos["callback"]
return self.CurrentNode.HasEntryCallbacks(index)
return False
def GetCurrentEntryValues(self, index):
if self.CurrentNode and self.CurrentNode.IsEntry(index):
entry_infos = self.GetEntryInfos(index)
data = []
editors = []
values = self.CurrentNode.GetEntry(index)
params = self.CurrentNode.GetParamsEntry(index)
if type(values) == ListType:
for i, value in enumerate(values):
data.append({"value" : value})
data.append({"value" : values})
for i, dic in enumerate(data):
infos = self.GetSubentryInfos(index, i)
dic["subindex"] = "0x%02X"%i
dic["name"] = infos["name"]
dic["type"] = self.GetTypeName(infos["type"])
dic["access"] = AccessType[infos["access"]]
dic["save"] = OptionType[dic["save"]]
editor = {"subindex" : None, "save" : "option", "callback" : "option", "comment" : "string"}
if type(values) == ListType and i == 0:
editor["name"] = None
editor["type"] = None
if 0x1600 <= index <= 0x17FF or 0x1A00 <= index <= 0x1C00:
editor["access"] = "raccess"
editor["access"] = None
editor["value"] = None
if infos["user_defined"]:
if entry_infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
editor["name"] = None
if i > 1:
editor["type"] = None
editor["access"] = None
editor["type"] = "type"
editor["access"] = "access"
if entry_infos["struct"] & OD_MultipleSubindexes:
editor["name"] = "string"
editor["name"] = None
editor["type"] = "type"
editor["access"] = "access"
editor["name"] = None
editor["type"] = None
editor["access"] = None
if index < 0x260:
editor["value"] = None
if i == 1:
dic["value"] = self.GetTypeName(dic["value"])
elif 0x1600 <= index <= 0x17FF or 0x1A00 <= index <= 0x1C00:
editor["value"] = "map"
dic["value"] = self.MapTranslation["%08X"%dic["value"]]
if dic["type"].startswith("VISIBLE_STRING"):
editor["value"] = "string"
if dic["type"] in ["TIME_OF_DAY","TIME_DIFFERENCE"]:
editor["value"] = "time"
elif dic["type"] == "BOOLEAN":
editor["value"] = "bool"
dic["value"] = BoolType[dic["value"]]
result = type_model.match(dic["type"])
if result:
values = result.groups()
if values[0] in ["INTEGER", "UNSIGNED"]:
format = "0x%0" + str(int(values[1])/4) + "X"
dic["value"] = format%dic["value"]
editor["value"] = "string"
elif values[0] == "REAL":
editor["value"] = "float"
elif values[0] == "VISIBLE_STRING":
editor["length"] = values[0]
result = range_model.match(dic["type"])
if result:
values = result.groups()
if values[0] in ("UNSIGNED", "REAL"):
editor["min"] = values[2]
editor["max"] = values[3]
return data, editors
return None
# Node Informations Functions
def GetCustomisedTypeValues(self, index):
values = self.CurrentNode.GetEntry(index)
customisabletypes = self.GetCustomisableTypes()
return values, customisabletypes[values[1]][1]
def GetEntryName(self, index, node = True):
result = None
if node:
NodeMappings = self.CurrentNode.GetMappings()
i = 0
while not result and i < len(NodeMappings):
result = FindEntryName(index, NodeMappings[i])
i += 1
if result == None:
result = FindEntryName(index, MappingDictionary)
return result
def GetEntryInfos(self, index, node = True):
result = None
if node:
NodeMappings = self.CurrentNode.GetMappings()
i = 0
while not result and i < len(NodeMappings):
result = FindEntryInfos(index, NodeMappings[i])
i += 1
if result == None:
result = FindEntryInfos(index, MappingDictionary)
return result
def GetSubentryInfos(self, index, subIndex, node = True):
result = None
if node:
NodeMappings = self.CurrentNode.GetMappings()
i = 0
while not result and i < len(NodeMappings):
result = FindSubentryInfos(index, subIndex, NodeMappings[i])
if result:
result["user_defined"] = i == len(NodeMappings) - 1 and index >= 0x1000
i += 1
if result == None:
result = FindSubentryInfos(index, subIndex, MappingDictionary)
if result:
result["user_defined"] = False
return result
def GetTypeIndex(self, typename, node = True):
result = None
if node:
NodeMappings = self.CurrentNode.GetMappings()
i = 0
while not result and i < len(NodeMappings):
result = FindTypeIndex(typename, NodeMappings[i])
i += 1
if result == None:
result = FindTypeIndex(typename, MappingDictionary)
return result
def GetTypeName(self, typeindex, node = True):
result = None
if node:
NodeMappings = self.CurrentNode.GetMappings()
i = 0
while not result and i < len(NodeMappings):
result = FindTypeName(typeindex, NodeMappings[i])
i += 1
if result == None:
result = FindTypeName(typeindex, MappingDictionary)
return result
def GetTypeDefaultValue(self, typeindex, node = True):
result = None
if node:
NodeMappings = self.CurrentNode.GetMappings()
i = 0
while not result and i < len(NodeMappings):
result = FindTypeDefaultValue(typeindex, NodeMappings[i])
i += 1
if result == None:
result = FindTypeDefaultValue(typeindex, MappingDictionary)
return result
def GetTypeList(self, node = True):
list = FindTypeList(MappingDictionary)
if node:
for NodeMapping in self.CurrentNode.GetMappings():
return list
def GetMapVariableList(self):
list = FindMapVariableList(MappingDictionary, self)
for NodeMapping in self.CurrentNode.GetMappings():
list.extend(FindMapVariableList(NodeMapping, self))
return list
def GetMandatoryIndexes(self, node = True):
list = FindMandatoryIndexes(MappingDictionary)
if node:
for NodeMapping in self.CurrentNode.GetMappings():
return list
def GetCustomisableTypes(self):
dic = {}
for index, valuetype in CustomisableTypes:
name = self.GetTypeName(index)
dic[index] = [name, valuetype]
return dic
def GetCurrentSpecificMenu(self):
if self.CurrentNode:
return self.CurrentNode.GetSpecificMenu()
return []