author Robert Lehmann <>
Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:36:55 +0200
changeset 793 72e9e1064432
parent 750 bfb63ff7106e
permissions -rw-r--r--
timers_unix: Fix termination problem of WaitReceiveTaskEnd

The function pthread_kill sends the Signal thread and to the own process.
If you use this construct than the application which calls uses the
canfestival api will terminate at the call of canClose. To avoid that
use pthread_cancel instead of pthread_kill. To use the pthread_cancel call
you need to set the cancel ability in the thread function. That means
you need to call pthread_setcancelstate and pthread_setcanceltype.
For the termination of the thread at any time it is important to set the
  This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen

  Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN

  See COPYING file for copyrights details.

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307

** @file   lifegrd.c
** @author Edouard TISSERANT
** @date   Mon Jun  4 17:19:24 2007
** @brief

#include <data.h>
#include "lifegrd.h"
#include "canfestival.h"
#include "dcf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"

void ConsumerHeartbeatAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
void ProducerHeartbeatAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
UNS32 OnHearbeatProducerUpdate(CO_Data* d, const indextable * unused_indextable, UNS8 unused_bSubindex);

void GuardTimeAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
UNS32 OnNodeGuardUpdate(CO_Data* d, const indextable * unused_indextable, UNS8 unused_bSubindex);

e_nodeState getNodeState (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId)
  e_nodeState networkNodeState = Unknown_state;
  if(nodeId < NMT_MAX_NODE_ID)
    networkNodeState = d->NMTable[nodeId];
  return networkNodeState;

** The Consumer Timer Callback
** @param d
** @param id
 * @ingroup heartbeato
void ConsumerHeartbeatAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
  UNS8 nodeId = (UNS8)(((d->ConsumerHeartbeatEntries[id]) & (UNS32)0x00FF0000) >> (UNS8)16);
  /*MSG_WAR(0x00, "ConsumerHearbeatAlarm", 0x00);*/

  /* timer have been notified and is now free (non periodic)*/
  /* -> avoid deleting re-assigned timer if message is received too late*/
  /* set node state */
  d->NMTable[nodeId] = Disconnected;
  /*! call heartbeat error with NodeId */
  (*d->heartbeatError)(d, nodeId);

void proceedNODE_GUARD(CO_Data* d, Message* m )
  UNS8 nodeId = (UNS8) GET_NODE_ID((*m));

  if((m->rtr == 1) )
    ** Notice that only the master can have sent this
    ** node guarding request
      ** Receiving a NMT NodeGuarding (request of the state by the
      ** master)
      ** Only answer to the NMT NodeGuarding request, the master is
      ** not checked (not implemented)
      if (nodeId == *d->bDeviceNodeId )
          Message msg;
          UNS16 tmp = *d->bDeviceNodeId + 0x700;
          msg.cob_id = UNS16_LE(tmp);
          msg.len = (UNS8)0x01;
          msg.rtr = 0;
[0] = d->nodeState;
          if (d->toggle)
    [0] |= 0x80 ;
              d->toggle = 0 ;
            d->toggle = 1 ;
          /* send the nodeguard response. */
          MSG_WAR(0x3130, "Sending NMT Nodeguard to master, state: ", d->nodeState);
          canSend(d->canHandle,&msg );

    }else{ /* Not a request CAN */
      /* The state is stored on 7 bit */
      e_nodeState newNodeState = (e_nodeState) ((*m).data[0] & 0x7F);

      MSG_WAR(0x3110, "Received NMT nodeId : ", nodeId);
      ** Record node response for node guarding service
      d->nodeGuardStatus[nodeId] = *d->LifeTimeFactor;

      if (d->NMTable[nodeId] != newNodeState)
        (*d->post_SlaveStateChange)(d, nodeId, newNodeState);
        /* the slave's state receievd is stored in the NMTable */
        d->NMTable[nodeId] = newNodeState;

      /* Boot-Up frame reception */
      if ( d->NMTable[nodeId] == Initialisation)
          ** The device send the boot-up message (Initialisation)
          ** to indicate the master that it is entered in
          ** pre_operational mode
          MSG_WAR(0x3100, "The NMT is a bootup from node : ", nodeId);
          /* call post SlaveBootup with NodeId */
		  (*d->post_SlaveBootup)(d, nodeId);

      if( d->NMTable[nodeId] != Unknown_state ) {
        UNS8 index, ConsumerHeartBeat_nodeId ;
        for( index = (UNS8)0x00; index < *d->ConsumerHeartbeatCount; index++ )
            ConsumerHeartBeat_nodeId = (UNS8)( ((d->ConsumerHeartbeatEntries[index]) & (UNS32)0x00FF0000) >> (UNS8)16 );
            if ( nodeId == ConsumerHeartBeat_nodeId )
                TIMEVAL time = ( (d->ConsumerHeartbeatEntries[index]) & (UNS32)0x0000FFFF ) ;
                /* Renew alarm for next heartbeat. */
                d->ConsumerHeartBeatTimers[index] = SetAlarm(d, index, &ConsumerHeartbeatAlarm, MS_TO_TIMEVAL(time), 0);

/*! The Producer Timer Callback
** @param d
** @param id
 * @ingroup heartbeato
void ProducerHeartbeatAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
      Message msg;
      /* Time expired, the heartbeat must be sent immediately
      ** generate the correct node-id: this is done by the offset 1792
      ** (decimal) and additionaly
      ** the node-id of this device.
      UNS16 tmp = *d->bDeviceNodeId + 0x700;
      msg.cob_id = UNS16_LE(tmp);
      msg.len = (UNS8)0x01;
      msg.rtr = 0;[0] = d->nodeState; /* No toggle for heartbeat !*/
      /* send the heartbeat */
      MSG_WAR(0x3130, "Producing heartbeat: ", d->nodeState);
      canSend(d->canHandle,&msg );

      d->ProducerHeartBeatTimer = DelAlarm(d->ProducerHeartBeatTimer);

 * @brief The guardTime - Timer Callback.
 * This function is called every GuardTime (OD 0x100C) ms <br>
 * On every call, a NodeGuard-Request is sent to all nodes which have a
 * node-state not equal to "Unknown" (according to NMTable). If the node has
 * not responded within the lifetime, the nodeguardError function is called and
 * the status of this node is set to "Disconnected"
 * @param d 	Pointer on a CAN object data structure 
 * @param id
 * @ingroup nodeguardo
void GuardTimeAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
  if (*d->GuardTime) {
    UNS8 i;

    MSG_WAR(0x00, "Producing nodeguard-requests: ", 0);

    for (i = 0; i < NMT_MAX_NODE_ID; i++) {
      /** Send node guard request to all nodes except this node, if the 
      * node state is not "Unknown_state"
      if (d->NMTable[i] != Unknown_state && i != *d->bDeviceNodeId) {

        /** Check if the node has confirmed the guarding request within
        * the LifeTime (GuardTime x LifeTimeFactor)
        if (d->nodeGuardStatus[i] <= 0) {

          MSG_WAR(0x00, "Node Guard alarm for nodeId : ", i);

          // Call error-callback function
          if (*d->nodeguardError) {
            (*d->nodeguardError)(d, i);

          // Mark node as disconnected
          d->NMTable[i] = Disconnected;



        masterSendNMTnodeguard(d, i);

  } else {
    d->GuardTimeTimer = DelAlarm(d->GuardTimeTimer);


 * This function is called, if index 0x100C or 0x100D is updated to
 * restart the node-guarding service with the new parameters
 * @param d 	Pointer on a CAN object data structure 
 * @param unused_indextable
 * @param unused_bSubindex
 * @ingroup nodeguardo
UNS32 OnNodeGuardUpdate(CO_Data* d, const indextable * unused_indextable, UNS8 unused_bSubindex)
  return 0;

/*! This is called when Index 0x1017 is updated.
** @param d
** @param unused_indextable
** @param unused_bSubindex
** @return
 * @ingroup heartbeato
UNS32 OnHeartbeatProducerUpdate(CO_Data* d, const indextable * unused_indextable, UNS8 unused_bSubindex)
  return 0;

void heartbeatInit(CO_Data* d)

  UNS8 index; /* Index to scan the table of heartbeat consumers */
  RegisterSetODentryCallBack(d, 0x1017, 0x00, &OnHeartbeatProducerUpdate);

  d->toggle = 0;

  for( index = (UNS8)0x00; index < *d->ConsumerHeartbeatCount; index++ )
      TIMEVAL time = (UNS16) ( (d->ConsumerHeartbeatEntries[index]) & (UNS32)0x0000FFFF ) ;
      if ( time )
          d->ConsumerHeartBeatTimers[index] = SetAlarm(d, index, &ConsumerHeartbeatAlarm, MS_TO_TIMEVAL(time), 0);

  if ( *d->ProducerHeartBeatTime )
      TIMEVAL time = *d->ProducerHeartBeatTime;
      d->ProducerHeartBeatTimer = SetAlarm(d, 0, &ProducerHeartbeatAlarm, MS_TO_TIMEVAL(time), MS_TO_TIMEVAL(time));

void nodeguardInit(CO_Data* d)

  RegisterSetODentryCallBack(d, 0x100C, 0x00, &OnNodeGuardUpdate);
  RegisterSetODentryCallBack(d, 0x100D, 0x00, &OnNodeGuardUpdate);

  if (*d->GuardTime && *d->LifeTimeFactor) {
    UNS8 i;

    TIMEVAL time = *d->GuardTime;
    d->GuardTimeTimer = SetAlarm(d, 0, &GuardTimeAlarm, MS_TO_TIMEVAL(time), MS_TO_TIMEVAL(time));
    MSG_WAR(0x0, "GuardTime: ", time);

    for (i = 0; i < NMT_MAX_NODE_ID; i++) {
      /** Set initial value for the nodes */
      if (d->NMTable[i] != Unknown_state && i != *d->bDeviceNodeId) { 
        d->nodeGuardStatus[i] = *d->LifeTimeFactor;

    MSG_WAR(0x0, "Timer for node-guarding startet", 0);


void heartbeatStop(CO_Data* d)
  UNS8 index;
  for( index = (UNS8)0x00; index < *d->ConsumerHeartbeatCount; index++ )
      d->ConsumerHeartBeatTimers[index] = DelAlarm(d->ConsumerHeartBeatTimers[index]);

  d->ProducerHeartBeatTimer = DelAlarm(d->ProducerHeartBeatTimer);

void nodeguardStop(CO_Data* d)
  d->GuardTimeTimer = DelAlarm(d->GuardTimeTimer);

void lifeGuardInit(CO_Data* d)

void lifeGuardStop(CO_Data* d)

void _heartbeatError(CO_Data* d, UNS8 heartbeatID){}
void _post_SlaveBootup(CO_Data* d, UNS8 SlaveID){}
void _post_SlaveStateChange(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, e_nodeState newNodeState){}
void _nodeguardError(CO_Data* d, UNS8 id){}