author Robert Lehmann <robert.lehmann@sitec-systems.de>
Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:36:55 +0200
changeset 793 72e9e1064432
parent 615 1eec2f9a7f5f
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
timers_unix: Fix termination problem of WaitReceiveTaskEnd

The function pthread_kill sends the Signal thread and to the own process.
If you use this construct than the application which calls uses the
canfestival api will terminate at the call of canClose. To avoid that
use pthread_cancel instead of pthread_kill. To use the pthread_cancel call
you need to set the cancel ability in the thread function. That means
you need to call pthread_setcancelstate and pthread_setcanceltype.
For the termination of the thread at any time it is important to set the
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-26 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-02 18:17+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: networkedit.py:926
msgid ""
"An error happens.\n"
"Click on OK for saving an error report.\n"
"Please be kind enough to send this file to:\n"
msgstr ""

#: gen_cfile.py:199
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Domain variable not initialized\n"
"index : 0x%04X\n"
"subindex : 0x00"
msgstr ""
"指标: 0x%04X\n"
"子指标:: 0x00"

#: networkedit.py:34
msgid ""
"Usage of networkedit.py :"
msgstr ""
"networkedit.py 的使用:"

#: objdictedit.py:33
msgid ""
"Usage of objdictedit.py :"
msgstr ""

#: objdictgen.py:30
msgid ""
"Usage of objdictgen.py :"
msgstr ""

#: networkedit.py:938
#: objdictedit.py:991
msgid " : "
msgstr ":"

#: commondialogs.py:560
#: commondialogs.py:1209
#, python-format
msgid " and %s"
msgstr "和 %s"

#: commondialogs.py:367
#: commondialogs.py:562
msgid " must be integer!"
msgstr "必须为整数!"

#: commondialogs.py:365
#: commondialogs.py:560
msgid " must be integers!"
msgstr "必须为整数!"

#: networkedit.py:640
#: objdictedit.py:537
#, python-format
msgid " possibly defined %d times"
msgstr " 可能定义 %d 时间"

#: gen_cfile.py:77
#: gen_cfile.py:81
#, python-format
msgid "!!! %s isn't a valid type for CanFestival."
msgstr "!!! %s 不是一个CanFestival的有效类型。"

#: gen_cfile.py:102
#, python-format
msgid "!!! Datatype with value \"0x%4.4X\" isn't defined in CanFestival."
msgstr "!!! 带值的数据类型 \"0x%4.4X\" 在CanFestival中未定义。"

#: nodelist.py:158
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" EDS file is not available"
msgstr "\"%s\" EDS文件无效"

#: nodelist.py:99
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" folder doesn't exist"
msgstr "\"%s\" 文件夹不存在"

#: eds_utils.py:232
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid CPJ line"
msgstr "\"%s\" 不是有效的 CPJ 线"

#: eds_utils.py:367
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid EDS line"
msgstr "\"%s\" 不是有效的 EDS 线"

#: objdictedit.py:789
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid file!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 不是有效的文件!"

#: objdictedit.py:813
#: objdictedit.py:837
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid folder!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 不是有效的文件夹!"

#: eds_utils.py:333
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid formula for attribute \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""
msgstr "\"%s\" 不是一个有效的公式用于属性 \"%s\" 段的 \"[%s]\""

#: eds_utils.py:177
#: eds_utils.py:339
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for attribute \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""
msgstr "\"%s\" 不是一个有效的公式用于属性 \"%s\" 段的 \"[%s]\""

#: commondialogs.py:1508
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 不是有效值!"

#: eds_utils.py:242
#, python-format
msgid "\"Node%dPresent\" keyname in \"[%s]\" section is missing"
msgstr "\"节点%d父目录\" 关键名在 \"[%s]\" 段消失"

#: eds_utils.py:235
#, python-format
msgid "\"Nodes\" keyname in \"[%s]\" section is missing"
msgstr "\"节点\" 关键名在 \"[%s]\" 段消失"

#: eds_utils.py:238
msgid "\"Nodes\" value not corresponding to number of nodes defined"
msgstr "\"节点\" 值没有相应的被定义的一些节点"

#: eds_utils.py:278
#: eds_utils.py:291
#: eds_utils.py:304
#, python-format
msgid "\"[%s]\" section is defined two times"
msgstr "\"[%s]\" 段被定义两次"

#: commondialogs.py:1250
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Would you like to replace it ?"
msgstr ""

#: networkedit.py:698
#: objdictedit.py:595
#, python-format
msgid "%s Profile"
msgstr "%s "

#: objdictgen.py:66
#, python-format
msgid "%s is not a valid file!"
msgstr "%s 不是有效的文件!"

#: objdictedit.py:734
#, python-format
msgid "%s is not a valid folder!"
msgstr "%s 不是有效的文件夹!"

#: networkedit.py:645
#: objdictedit.py:542
#, python-format
msgid "%s: %s entry of struct %s%s."
msgstr "%s: %s 结构的入口 %s%s。"

#: eds_utils.py:384
#: eds_utils.py:392
msgid ", "
msgstr ","

#: networkedit.py:914
#: networkedit.py:916
#: networkedit.py:917
#: objdictedit.py:967
#: objdictedit.py:969
#: objdictedit.py:970
msgid ",   "
msgstr ","

#: commondialogs.py:367
#: commondialogs.py:562
#: commondialogs.py:1211
#, python-format
msgid ", %s"
msgstr ",%s"

#: networkedit.py:912
#: objdictedit.py:965
msgid ". "
msgstr "。"

#: commondialogs.py:1232
msgid "A Node with this ID already exist in the network!"
msgstr "一个有ID的节点已存在于网络!"

#: commondialogs.py:564
msgid "A type must be selected!"
msgstr "必须选择一个类型!"

#: networkedit.py:284
#: objdictedit.py:277
msgid "About"
msgstr "关于"

#: networkedit.py:783
#: objdictedit.py:459
msgid "About CAN Festival"
msgstr "关于 CAN Festival"

#: commondialogs.py:1468
#: networkedit.py:185
#: objdictedit.py:175
#: subindextable.py:456
msgid "Add"
msgstr "添加"

#: commondialogs.py:275
msgid "Add Map Variable"
msgstr "添加地图变量"

#: networkedit.py:209
msgid "Add Slave Node"
msgstr "添加从节点"

#: commondialogs.py:475
msgid "Add User Type"
msgstr "添加用户类型"

#: commondialogs.py:1152
msgid "Add a slave to nodelist"
msgstr "添加从到节点列表"

#: subindextable.py:338
#: subindextable.py:853
msgid "Add subindexes"
msgstr "添加子指标"

#: subindextable.py:346
msgid "Add to DCF"
msgstr "添加至DCF"

#: objdictgen.py:73
msgid "All done"
msgstr "全部完成"

#: subindextable.py:861
#: subindextable.py:882
msgid "An integer is required!"
msgstr "要求一个整数!"

#: eds_utils.py:776
#, python-format
msgid "Array or Record entry 0x%4.4X must have a \"SubNumber\" attribute"
msgstr "阵列或记录入口 0x%4.4X 必须有一个 \"子数\"属性"

#: eds_utils.py:386
#: eds_utils.py:394
#, python-format
msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is"
msgstr "属性 \"%s\" 是"

#: eds_utils.py:384
#: eds_utils.py:392
#, python-format
msgid "Attributes %s are"
msgstr "属性 %s 是"

#: objdictedit.py:196
msgid "Build Dictionary\tCTRL+B"
msgstr "建立词典\tCTRL+B"

#: networkedit.py:214
msgid "Build Master Dictionary"
msgstr "建立主词典"

#: networkedit.py:280
#: objdictedit.py:273
msgid "CAN Festival Docs\tF2"
msgstr "CAN Festival 文档\tF2"

#: objdictedit.py:820
msgid "CANFestival C files (*.c)|*.c|All files|*.*"
msgstr "CANFestival C 文件 (*.c)|*.c|所有文件|*.*"

#: nodelist.py:303
#: nodelist.py:313
msgid "Can't find node"
msgstr "无法找到节点"

#: commondialogs.py:1085
#: objdictedit.py:668
#: objdictedit.py:722
#: objdictedit.py:767
#: objdictedit.py:796
#: objdictedit.py:820
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "选择一个文件"

#: networkedit.py:455
#: networkedit.py:483
msgid "Choose a project"
msgstr "选择一个项目"

#: networkedit.py:568
msgid "Choose a slave to remove"
msgstr "选择一个从移除"

#: commondialogs.py:1240
msgid "Choose an EDS file"
msgstr "选择一个EDS文件"

#: networkedit.py:194
#: objdictedit.py:184
msgid "Close\tCTRL+W"
msgstr "关闭\tCTRL+W"

#: objdictedit.py:482
msgid "Close Application"
msgstr "关闭应用"

#: objdictedit.py:743
msgid "Close File"
msgstr "关闭文件"

#: networkedit.py:521
msgid "Close Project"
msgstr "关闭项目"

#: nodemanager.py:220
msgid "Couldn't find DS-302 in 'config' folder!"
msgstr "不能在 “config” 文件夹中找到 DS-302 "

#: commondialogs.py:893
msgid "Create a new Node"
msgstr "创建一个新节点"

#: commondialogs.py:140
msgid "Current Profile Indexes:"
msgstr "当前Profile指标:"

#: networkedit.py:232
#: objdictedit.py:225
msgid "DS-301 Profile"
msgstr "DS-301 Profile"

#: networkedit.py:277
#: objdictedit.py:270
msgid "DS-301 Standard\tF1"
msgstr "DS-301 标准\tF1"

#: commondialogs.py:954
#: networkedit.py:234
#: objdictedit.py:227
msgid "DS-302 Profile"
msgstr "DS-302 Profile"

#: commondialogs.py:718
msgid "Default String Size:"
msgstr "默认字符串大小"

#: subindextable.py:343
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "默认值"

#: commondialogs.py:1473
#: subindextable.py:363
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "删除"

#: subindextable.py:340
#: subindextable.py:874
msgid "Delete subindexes"
msgstr "删除子指标"

#: commondialogs.py:726
#: commondialogs.py:982
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "描述:"

#: eds_utils.py:698
#, python-format
msgid "Domain entry 0x%4.4X DataType must be 0xF(DOMAIN) if defined"
msgstr "域入口 0x%4.4X 数据类型必须是 0xF(DOMAIN) 如果已定义"

#: commondialogs.py:1202
msgid "EDS File"
msgstr "EDS文件"

#: commondialogs.py:1172
msgid "EDS File:"
msgstr "EDS文件:"

#: nodelist.py:137
msgid "EDS file already imported"
msgstr "EDS文件已导入"

#: commondialogs.py:1243
#: objdictedit.py:767
#: objdictedit.py:796
msgid "EDS files (*.eds)|*.eds|All files|*.*"
msgstr "EDS 文件 (*.eds)|*.eds|所有文件|*.*"

#: commondialogs.py:762
#: commondialogs.py:1038
#: networkedit.py:473
#: networkedit.py:760
#: networkedit.py:766
#: objdictedit.py:436
#: objdictedit.py:442
#: objdictedit.py:656
#: subindextable.py:861
#: subindextable.py:882
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "错误"

#: networkedit.py:184
#: objdictedit.py:174
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑"

#: networkedit.py:810
#: objdictedit.py:858
#, python-format
msgid "Edit %s Profile"
msgstr "Edit %s Profile"

#: commondialogs.py:112
msgid "Edit Communication Profile"
msgstr "编辑 Communication Profile"

#: commondialogs.py:1444
msgid "Edit DCF Entry Values"
msgstr "编辑DCF输入值"

#: networkedit.py:801
#: objdictedit.py:849
msgid "Edit DS-301 Profile"
msgstr "编辑 DS-301 Profile"

#: networkedit.py:806
#: objdictedit.py:854
msgid "Edit DS-302 Profile"
msgstr "编辑 DS-302 Profile"

#: commondialogs.py:965
msgid "Emergency support"
msgstr "紧急支援"

#: commondialogs.py:1448
msgid "Entry Values:"
msgstr "输入值:"

#: commondialogs.py:368
#: commondialogs.py:566
#: commondialogs.py:1212
#: commondialogs.py:1223
#: commondialogs.py:1228
#: commondialogs.py:1232
#: commondialogs.py:1508
#: networkedit.py:501
#: networkedit.py:513
#: networkedit.py:527
#: networkedit.py:559
#: networkedit.py:583
#: networkedit.py:875
#: networkedit.py:894
#: networkedit.py:939
#: networkedit.py:949
#: objdictedit.py:687
#: objdictedit.py:712
#: objdictedit.py:730
#: objdictedit.py:734
#: objdictedit.py:785
#: objdictedit.py:789
#: objdictedit.py:809
#: objdictedit.py:813
#: objdictedit.py:833
#: objdictedit.py:837
#: objdictedit.py:931
#: objdictedit.py:950
#: objdictedit.py:992
#: objdictedit.py:1002
msgid "Error"
msgstr "错误"

#: eds_utils.py:414
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error on section \"[%s]\":\n"
"%s incompatible with DataType"
msgstr ""
"段有错误 \"[%s]\":\n"
"%s 与数据类型不符合"

#: eds_utils.py:387
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error on section \"[%s]\":\n"
"%s required for a %s entry"
msgstr ""
"段有错误 \"[%s]\":\n"
"%s 所需一个 %s 入口"

#: eds_utils.py:395
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error on section \"[%s]\":\n"
"%s unsupported for a %s entry"
msgstr ""
"段有错误 \"[%s]\":\n"
"%s 不受支持 %s 入口"

#: networkedit.py:200
#: objdictedit.py:199
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "出口"

#: objdictedit.py:805
#: objdictedit.py:829
msgid "Export successful"
msgstr "导出成功"

#: objdictedit.py:194
msgid "Export to EDS file"
msgstr "导出成EDS文件"

#: nodelist.py:188
msgid "Fail to save Master Node"
msgstr "保存主节点失败"

#: nodelist.py:228
msgid "Fail to save node list"
msgstr "保存节点列表失败"

#: subindextable.py:46
msgid "False"
msgstr "假"

#: networkedit.py:182
#: objdictedit.py:173
msgid "File"
msgstr "文件"

#: commondialogs.py:1212
#, python-format
msgid "Form isn't complete. %s must be filled!"
msgstr "形式不完整。%s 必须补充!"

#: commondialogs.py:368
#: commondialogs.py:566
#, python-format
msgid "Form isn't valid. %s"
msgstr "形式无效。%s"

#: commondialogs.py:960
msgid "Generate SYNC"
msgstr "生成 SYNC"

#: subindextable.py:806
#, python-format
msgid "Give a new name for index 0x%04X"
msgstr "为指标重命名为 0x%04X"

#: subindextable.py:443
msgid "Have Callbacks"
msgstr "有回访"

#: commondialogs.py:945
msgid "Heartbeat"
msgstr "心跳"

#: networkedit.py:186
#: objdictedit.py:176
msgid "Help"
msgstr "帮助"

#: commondialogs.py:1179
msgid "Import EDS"
msgstr "导入EDS"

#: objdictedit.py:192
msgid "Import EDS file"
msgstr "导入EDS文件"

#: objdictedit.py:781
msgid "Import successful"
msgstr "导入成功"

#: commondialogs.py:353
#: commondialogs.py:1287
msgid "Index"
msgstr "指标"

#: nodemanager.py:627
#, python-format
msgid "Index 0x%04X already defined!"
msgstr "指标 0x%04X 已定义!"

#: nodemanager.py:629
#, python-format
msgid "Index 0x%04X isn't a valid index for Map Variable!"
msgstr "指标 0x%04X 不是一个地图变量的有效指标!"

#: commondialogs.py:279
msgid "Index:"
msgstr "指标:"

#: networkedit.py:630
#: objdictedit.py:527
#, python-format
msgid "Index: 0x%04X"
msgstr "指标:0x%04X"

#: objdictedit.py:781
#: objdictedit.py:805
#: objdictedit.py:829
msgid "Information"
msgstr "信息"

#: eds_utils.py:196
#: eds_utils.py:200
#: eds_utils.py:204
#: eds_utils.py:208
#: eds_utils.py:215
#: eds_utils.py:222
#: eds_utils.py:360
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid value \"%s\" for keyname \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""
msgstr "无效值 \"%s\" 属于关键名 \"%s\" 段的 \"[%s]\""

#: eds_utils.py:228
#: eds_utils.py:357
#, python-format
msgid "Keyname \"%s\" not recognised for section \"[%s]\""
msgstr "关键名 \"%s\" 不被段识别 \"[%s]\""

#: commondialogs.py:552
msgid "Length"
msgstr "长度"

#: commondialogs.py:513
msgid "Length:"
msgstr "长度:"

#: networkedit.py:636
#: objdictedit.py:533
msgid "Mandatory"
msgstr "强制"

#: networkedit.py:259
#: objdictedit.py:252
#: subindextable.py:65
msgid "Map Variable"
msgstr "地图变量"

#: commondialogs.py:546
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "最大值"

#: commondialogs.py:505
msgid "Maximum:"
msgstr "最大值:"

#: commondialogs.py:541
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "最小值"

#: commondialogs.py:497
msgid "Minimum:"
msgstr "最小值:"

#: subindextable.py:361
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "修改 "

#: commondialogs.py:287
#: commondialogs.py:694
#: commondialogs.py:901
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "名字:"

#: networkedit.py:183
msgid "Network"
msgstr "网络"

#: commondialogs.py:931
msgid "Network Management:"
msgstr "网络管理:"

#: networkedit.py:318
#: networkedit.py:596
msgid "Networkedit"
msgstr "网络编辑器"

#: networkedit.py:594
#, python-format
msgid "Networkedit - %s"
msgstr "网络编辑器 - %s"

#: networkedit.py:190
#: objdictedit.py:180
msgid "New\tCTRL+N"
msgstr "新建\tCTRL+N"

#: subindextable.py:52
msgid "No"
msgstr "否"

#: networkedit.py:880
#: objdictedit.py:936
msgid "No map variable index left!"
msgstr "无剩余地图变量指标!"

#: nodelist.py:235
#, python-format
msgid "Node 0x%2.2X doesn't exist"
msgstr "节点 0x%2.2X 不存在 "

#: commondialogs.py:940
msgid "Node Guarding"
msgstr "节点护卫"

#: commondialogs.py:760
#: commondialogs.py:1036
msgid "Node ID must be integer!"
msgstr "节点ID必须是整数!"

#: commondialogs.py:702
#: commondialogs.py:905
msgid "Node ID:"
msgstr "节点ID:"

#: commondialogs.py:690
#: networkedit.py:230
#: objdictedit.py:223
msgid "Node infos"
msgstr "节点信息"

#: commondialogs.py:755
#: commondialogs.py:1031
msgid "Node name can't be undefined or start with a digit and must be composed of alphanumerical characters or underscore!"
msgstr "节点名称不能是未定义的或以数字开头的,必须由字母数字混合字符或下划线组成!"

#: nodelist.py:165
#, python-format
msgid "Node with \"0x%2.2X\" ID doesn't exist"
msgstr "节点ID为 \"0x%2.2X\" 不存在"

#: commondialogs.py:935
#: commondialogs.py:1010
#: commondialogs.py:1020
#: commondialogs.py:1056
#: commondialogs.py:1096
msgid "None"
msgstr "毫无"

#: commondialogs.py:358
msgid "Number"
msgstr "数字"

#: subindextable.py:852
msgid "Number of subindexes to add:"
msgstr "一些子指标需要添加:"

#: subindextable.py:873
msgid "Number of subindexes to delete:"
msgstr "一些子指标需要删除:"

#: commondialogs.py:291
msgid "Number:"
msgstr "数字:"

#: commondialogs.py:1085
msgid "OD Profile files (*.prf)|*.prf|All files|*.*"
msgstr "OD Profile 文件 (*.prf)|*.prf|所有文件|*.*"

#: objdictedit.py:668
#: objdictedit.py:722
msgid "OD files (*.od)|*.od|All files|*.*"
msgstr "OD 文件 (*.od)|*.od|所有文件|*.*"

#: objdictedit.py:309
#: objdictedit.py:508
msgid "Objdictedit"
msgstr "Objdictedit"

#: objdictedit.py:506
#, python-format
msgid "Objdictedit - %s"
msgstr "Objdictedit - %s"

#: networkedit.py:192
#: objdictedit.py:182
msgid "Open\tCTRL+O"
msgstr "打开\tCTRL+O"

#: networkedit.py:634
#: objdictedit.py:531
msgid "Optional"
msgstr "可选择的"

#: commondialogs.py:950
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "选项:"

#: commondialogs.py:1019
#: commondialogs.py:1084
msgid "Other"
msgstr "其他 "

#: networkedit.py:236
#: networkedit.py:706
#: objdictedit.py:229
#: objdictedit.py:603
msgid "Other Profile"
msgstr "其他 Profile"

#: networkedit.py:257
#: objdictedit.py:250
#: subindextable.py:63
msgid "PDO Receive"
msgstr "PDO 接收"

#: networkedit.py:255
#: objdictedit.py:248
#: subindextable.py:64
msgid "PDO Transmit"
msgstr "PDO传输"

#: objdictgen.py:58
msgid "Parsing input file"
msgstr "解析输入文件"

#: networkedit.py:154
#: objdictedit.py:145
#, python-format
msgid "Please point your browser at: %s"
msgstr "请在您的浏览器上输入下面的地址:%s "

#: commondialogs.py:116
msgid "Possible Profile Indexes:"
msgstr "可能的 Profile 指标:"

#: nodemanager.py:218
msgid "Problem with DS-302! Syntax Error."
msgstr "DS-302有问题!语法错误。"

#: commondialogs.py:909
msgid "Profile:"
msgstr "Profile:"

#: commondialogs.py:1250
msgid "Question"
msgstr "问题"

#: subindextable.py:38
#: subindextable.py:39
msgid "Read Only"
msgstr "只读"

#: subindextable.py:38
#: subindextable.py:39
msgid "Read/Write"
msgstr "读/写"

#: networkedit.py:227
#: objdictedit.py:220
msgid "Redo\tCTRL+Y"
msgstr "重做\tCTRL+Y"

#: networkedit.py:222
#: objdictedit.py:215
msgid "Refresh\tCTRL+R"
msgstr "刷新\tCTRL+R"

#: networkedit.py:211
msgid "Remove Slave Node"
msgstr "移除从节点"

#: networkedit.py:568
msgid "Remove slave"
msgstr "移除从"

#: subindextable.py:359
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "重命名"

#: subindextable.py:807
msgid "Rename an index"
msgstr "重命名一个指标"

#: networkedit.py:253
#: objdictedit.py:246
#: subindextable.py:62
msgid "SDO Client"
msgstr "SDO 客户端"

#: networkedit.py:251
#: objdictedit.py:244
#: subindextable.py:61
msgid "SDO Server"
msgstr "SDO 服务器"

#: networkedit.py:197
#: objdictedit.py:187
msgid "Save\tCTRL+S"
msgstr "保存\tCTRL+S"

#: objdictedit.py:189
msgid "Save As...\tALT+S"
msgstr "另存为...\tALT+S"

#: commondialogs.py:970
msgid "Save Configuration"
msgstr "保存配置"

#: eds_utils.py:248
#: eds_utils.py:311
#, python-format
msgid "Section \"[%s]\" is unrecognized"
msgstr "段 \"[%s]\" 不能识别"

#: commondialogs.py:1287
msgid "Size"
msgstr "尺寸"

#: commondialogs.py:1198
msgid "Slave Name"
msgstr "从名字"

#: commondialogs.py:1156
msgid "Slave Name:"
msgstr "从名字:"

#: commondialogs.py:1200
msgid "Slave Node ID"
msgstr "从节点ID"

#: commondialogs.py:1223
msgid "Slave Node ID must be a value in decimal or hexadecimal!"
msgstr "从节点ID必须是一个十进制或十六进制的值!"

#: commondialogs.py:1228
msgid "Slave Node ID must be between 0 and 127!"
msgstr "从节点ID必须是0到127的数字!"

#: commondialogs.py:1164
msgid "Slave Node ID:"
msgstr "从节点ID:"

#: commondialogs.py:976
msgid "Store EDS"
msgstr "储存 EDS"

#: commondialogs.py:1287
msgid "Subindex"
msgstr "子指标"

#: networkedit.py:631
#: objdictedit.py:528
#, python-format
msgid "Subindex: 0x%02X"
msgstr "子指标: 0x%02X"

#: nodemanager.py:264
msgid ""
"Syntax Error\n"
"Bad OD Profile file!"
msgstr ""

#: networkedit.py:521
#: objdictedit.py:482
#: objdictedit.py:743
msgid "There are changes, do you want to save?"
msgstr "有改动,你想保存吗?"

#: nodemanager.py:659
msgid "Too many User Types have already been defined!"
msgstr "太多用户类型已被定义!"

#: subindextable.py:46
msgid "True"
msgstr "真"

#: commondialogs.py:283
#: commondialogs.py:479
#: commondialogs.py:710
#: commondialogs.py:897
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "类型:"

#: gen_cfile.py:581
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to Generate C File\n"
msgstr ""

#: eds_utils.py:639
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to generate EDS file\n"
msgstr ""

#: eds_utils.py:779
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to import EDS file\n"
msgstr ""

#: nodelist.py:212
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to load CPJ file\n"
msgstr ""

#: nodemanager.py:288
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to load file \"%s\"!"
msgstr "无法载入文件 \"%s\"!"

#: commondialogs.py:321
msgid "Undefined"
msgstr "未定义"

#: networkedit.py:225
#: objdictedit.py:218
msgid "Undo\tCTRL+Z"
msgstr "撤消\tCTRL+Z"

#: nodemanager.py:853
#, python-format
msgid "Unnamed%d"
msgstr "未命名%d"

#: networkedit.py:261
#: objdictedit.py:254
#: subindextable.py:60
msgid "User Type"
msgstr "用户类型"

#: commondialogs.py:1287
msgid "Value"
msgstr "值"

#: commondialogs.py:493
msgid "Values"
msgstr "值"

#: subindextable.py:38
msgid "Write Only"
msgstr "只写"

#: objdictgen.py:68
msgid "Writing output file"
msgstr "写输出文件"

#: subindextable.py:52
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "是"

#: subindextable.py:82
msgid "access"
msgstr "存取"

#: subindextable.py:82
msgid "comment"
msgstr "注释"

#: networkedit.py:914
#: networkedit.py:916
#: objdictedit.py:967
#: objdictedit.py:969
msgid "file : "
msgstr "文件"

#: networkedit.py:917
#: objdictedit.py:970
msgid "function : "
msgstr "功能:"

#: networkedit.py:917
#: objdictedit.py:970
msgid "line : "
msgstr "线:"

#: commondialogs.py:648
msgid "master"
msgstr "主控"

#: subindextable.py:82
msgid "name"
msgstr "名字"

#: subindextable.py:82
msgid "save"
msgstr "保存"

#: commondialogs.py:648
#: commondialogs.py:1007
msgid "slave"
msgstr "从"

#: subindextable.py:82
msgid "subindex"
msgstr "子指标"

#: subindextable.py:82
msgid "type"
msgstr "类型"

#: subindextable.py:82
msgid "value"
msgstr "值"