author Robert Lehmann <robert.lehmann@sitec-systems.de>
Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:36:55 +0200
changeset 793 72e9e1064432
parent 765 90b738e4ede5
child 792 2b9fd5086704
permissions -rw-r--r--
timers_unix: Fix termination problem of WaitReceiveTaskEnd

The function pthread_kill sends the Signal thread and to the own process.
If you use this construct than the application which calls uses the
canfestival api will terminate at the call of canClose. To avoid that
use pthread_cancel instead of pthread_kill. To use the pthread_cancel call
you need to set the cancel ability in the thread function. That means
you need to call pthread_setcancelstate and pthread_setcanceltype.
For the termination of the thread at any time it is important to set the
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
#Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
#See COPYING file for copyrights details.
#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#Lesser General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

from node import *
from types import *

import re, os

word_model = re.compile('([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)')
type_model = re.compile('([\_A-Z]*)([0-9]*)')
range_model = re.compile('([\_A-Z]*)([0-9]*)\[([\-0-9]*)-([\-0-9]*)\]')

categories = [("SDO_SVR", 0x1200, 0x127F), ("SDO_CLT", 0x1280, 0x12FF),
              ("PDO_RCV", 0x1400, 0x15FF), ("PDO_RCV_MAP", 0x1600, 0x17FF),
              ("PDO_TRS", 0x1800, 0x19FF), ("PDO_TRS_MAP", 0x1A00, 0x1BFF)]
index_categories = ["firstIndex", "lastIndex"]

generated_tag = """\n/* File generated by gen_cfile.py. Should not be modified. */\n"""

internal_types = {}
default_string_size = 10

#Verify that the name does not start with a digit
def UnDigitName(name):
    start_with_digit = re.compile(r'^(\d.*)')
    if start_with_digit.match(name):
        return start_with_digit.sub(r'_\1', name)
    return name

# Format a string for making a C++ variable
def FormatName(name):
    wordlist = [word for word in word_model.findall(name) if word != '']
    return "_".join(wordlist)

# Extract the informations from a given type name
def GetValidTypeInfos(typename, items=[]):
    if typename in internal_types:
        return internal_types[typename]
        result = type_model.match(typename)
        if result:
            values = result.groups()
            if values[0] == "UNSIGNED" and int(values[1]) in [i * 8 for i in xrange(1, 9)]:
                typeinfos = ("UNS%s"%values[1], None, "uint%s"%values[1], True)
            elif values[0] == "INTEGER" and int(values[1]) in [i * 8 for i in xrange(1, 9)]:
                typeinfos = ("INTEGER%s"%values[1], None, "int%s"%values[1], False)
            elif values[0] == "REAL" and int(values[1]) in (32, 64):
                typeinfos = ("%s%s"%(values[0], values[1]), None, "real%s"%values[1], False)
            elif values[0] in ["VISIBLE_STRING", "OCTET_STRING"]:
                size = default_string_size
                for item in items:
                    size = max(size, len(item))
                if values[1] != "":
                    size = max(size, int(values[1]))
                typeinfos = ("UNS8", size, "visible_string", False)
            elif values[0] == "DOMAIN":
                size = 0
                for item in items:
                    size = max(size, len(item))
                typeinfos = ("UNS8", size, "domain", False)
            elif values[0] == "BOOLEAN":
                typeinfos = ("UNS8", None, "boolean", False)
                raise ValueError, _("""!!! %s isn't a valid type for CanFestival.""")%typename
            if typeinfos[2] not in ["visible_string", "domain"]:
                internal_types[typename] = typeinfos
            raise ValueError, _("""!!! %s isn't a valid type for CanFestival.""")%typename
    return typeinfos

def ComputeValue(type, value):
    if type == "visible_string":
        return "\"%s\""%value, ""
    elif type == "domain":
        return "\"%s\""%''.join(["\\x%2.2x"%ord(char) for char in value]), ""
    elif type.startswith("real"):
        return "%f"%value, ""
        return "0x%X"%value, "\t/* %s */"%str(value)

def WriteFile(filepath, content):
    cfile = open(filepath,"w")

def GetTypeName(Node, typenumber):
    typename = Node.GetTypeName(typenumber)
    if typename is None:
        raise ValueError, _("""!!! Datatype with value "0x%4.4X" isn't defined in CanFestival.""")%typenumber
    return typename

def GenerateFileContent(Node, headerfilepath, pointers_dict = {}):
    pointers_dict = {(Idx,Sidx):"VariableName",...}
    global type
    global internal_types
    global default_string_size
    texts = {}
    texts["maxPDOtransmit"] = 0
    texts["NodeName"] = Node.GetNodeName()
    texts["NodeID"] = Node.GetNodeID()
    texts["NodeType"] = Node.GetNodeType()
    texts["Description"] = Node.GetNodeDescription()
    texts["iam_a_slave"] = 0
    if (texts["NodeType"] == "slave"):
        texts["iam_a_slave"] = 1
    default_string_size = Node.GetDefaultStringSize()
    # Compiling lists of indexes
    rangelist = [idx for idx in Node.GetIndexes() if 0 <= idx <= 0x260]
    listIndex = [idx for idx in Node.GetIndexes() if 0x1000 <= idx <= 0xFFFF]
    communicationlist = [idx for idx in Node.GetIndexes() if 0x1000 <= idx <= 0x11FF]
    sdolist = [idx for idx in Node.GetIndexes() if 0x1200 <= idx <= 0x12FF]
    pdolist = [idx for idx in Node.GetIndexes() if 0x1400 <= idx <= 0x1BFF]
    variablelist = [idx for idx in Node.GetIndexes() if 0x2000 <= idx <= 0xBFFF]

#                       Declaration of the value range types
    valueRangeContent = ""
    strDefine = "\n#define valueRange_EMC 0x9F /* Type for index 0x1003 subindex 0x00 (only set of value 0 is possible) */"
    strSwitch = """    case valueRange_EMC:
      if (*(UNS8*)value != (UNS8)0) return OD_VALUE_RANGE_EXCEEDED;
    internal_types["valueRange_EMC"] = ("UNS8", "", "valueRange_EMC", True)
    num = 0
    for index in rangelist:
        rangename = Node.GetEntryName(index)
        result = range_model.match(rangename)
        if result:
            num += 1
            typeindex = Node.GetEntry(index, 1)
            typename = Node.GetTypeName(typeindex)
            typeinfos = GetValidTypeInfos(typename)
            internal_types[rangename] = (typeinfos[0], typeinfos[1], "valueRange_%d"%num)
            minvalue = Node.GetEntry(index, 2)
            maxvalue = Node.GetEntry(index, 3)
            strDefine += "\n#define valueRange_%d 0x%02X /* Type %s, %s < value < %s */"%(num,index,typeinfos[0],str(minvalue),str(maxvalue))
            strSwitch += "    case valueRange_%d:\n"%(num)
            if typeinfos[3] and minvalue <= 0:
                strSwitch += "      /* Negative or null low limit ignored because of unsigned type */;\n"
                strSwitch += "      if (*(%s*)value < (%s)%s) return OD_VALUE_TOO_LOW;\n"%(typeinfos[0],typeinfos[0],str(minvalue))
            strSwitch += "      if (*(%s*)value > (%s)%s) return OD_VALUE_TOO_HIGH;\n"%(typeinfos[0],typeinfos[0],str(maxvalue))
            strSwitch += "    break;\n"

    valueRangeContent += strDefine
    valueRangeContent += "\nUNS32 %(NodeName)s_valueRangeTest (UNS8 typeValue, void * value)\n{"%texts
    valueRangeContent += "\n  switch (typeValue) {\n"
    valueRangeContent += strSwitch
    valueRangeContent += "  }\n  return 0;\n}\n"

#            Creation of the mapped variables and object dictionary

    mappedVariableContent = ""
    pointedVariableContent = ""
    strDeclareHeader = ""
    strDeclareCallback = ""
    indexContents = {}
    indexCallbacks = {}
    for index in listIndex:
        texts["index"] = index
        strIndex = ""
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(index)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"].encode('ascii','replace')
        values = Node.GetEntry(index)
        callbacks = Node.HasEntryCallbacks(index)
        if index in variablelist:
            strIndex += "\n/* index 0x%(index)04X :   Mapped variable %(EntryName)s */\n"%texts
            strIndex += "\n/* index 0x%(index)04X :   %(EntryName)s. */\n"%texts
        # Entry type is VAR
        if not isinstance(values, ListType):
            subentry_infos = Node.GetSubentryInfos(index, 0)
            typename = GetTypeName(Node, subentry_infos["type"])
            typeinfos = GetValidTypeInfos(typename, [values])
            if typename is "DOMAIN" and index in variablelist:
                if not typeinfos[1]:
                    raise ValueError, _("\nDomain variable not initialized\nindex : 0x%04X\nsubindex : 0x00")%index
            texts["subIndexType"] = typeinfos[0]
            if typeinfos[1] is not None:
                texts["suffixe"] = "[%d]"%typeinfos[1]
                texts["suffixe"] = ""
            texts["value"], texts["comment"] = ComputeValue(typeinfos[2], values)
            if index in variablelist:
                texts["name"] = UnDigitName(FormatName(subentry_infos["name"]))
                strDeclareHeader += "extern %(subIndexType)s %(name)s%(suffixe)s;\t\t/* Mapped at index 0x%(index)04X, subindex 0x00*/\n"%texts
                mappedVariableContent += "%(subIndexType)s %(name)s%(suffixe)s = %(value)s;\t\t/* Mapped at index 0x%(index)04X, subindex 0x00 */\n"%texts
                strIndex += "                    %(subIndexType)s %(NodeName)s_obj%(index)04X%(suffixe)s = %(value)s;%(comment)s\n"%texts
            values = [values]
            subentry_infos = Node.GetSubentryInfos(index, 0)
            typename = GetTypeName(Node, subentry_infos["type"])
            typeinfos = GetValidTypeInfos(typename)
            if index == 0x1003:
                texts["value"] = 0
                texts["value"] = values[0]
            texts["subIndexType"] = typeinfos[0]
            strIndex += "                    %(subIndexType)s %(NodeName)s_highestSubIndex_obj%(index)04X = %(value)d; /* number of subindex - 1*/\n"%texts
            # Entry type is RECORD
            if entry_infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
                subentry_infos = Node.GetSubentryInfos(index, 1)
                typename = Node.GetTypeName(subentry_infos["type"])
                typeinfos = GetValidTypeInfos(typename, values[1:])
                texts["subIndexType"] = typeinfos[0]
                if typeinfos[1] is not None:
                    texts["suffixe"] = "[%d]"%typeinfos[1]
                    texts["type_suffixe"] = "*"
                    texts["suffixe"] = ""
                    texts["type_suffixe"] = ""
                texts["length"] = values[0]
                if index in variablelist:
                    texts["name"] = UnDigitName(FormatName(entry_infos["name"]))
                    texts["values_count"] =  str(len(values)-1)
                    strDeclareHeader += "extern %(subIndexType)s%(type_suffixe)s %(name)s[%(values_count)s];\t\t/* Mapped at index 0x%(index)04X, subindex 0x01 - 0x%(length)02X */\n"%texts
                    mappedVariableContent += "%(subIndexType)s%(type_suffixe)s %(name)s[] =\t\t/* Mapped at index 0x%(index)04X, subindex 0x01 - 0x%(length)02X */\n  {\n"%texts
                    for subIndex, value in enumerate(values):
                        sep = ","
                        if subIndex > 0:
                            if subIndex == len(values)-1:
                                sep = ""
                            value, comment = ComputeValue(typeinfos[2], value)
                            if len(value) is 2 and typename is "DOMAIN":
                                raise ValueError("\nDomain variable not initialized\nindex : 0x%04X\nsubindex : 0x%02X"%(index, subIndex))
                            mappedVariableContent += "    %s%s%s\n"%(value, sep, comment)
                    mappedVariableContent += "  };\n"
                    strIndex += "                    %(subIndexType)s%(type_suffixe)s %(NodeName)s_obj%(index)04X[] = \n                    {\n"%texts
                    for subIndex, value in enumerate(values):
                        sep = ","
                        if subIndex > 0:
                            if subIndex == len(values)-1:
                                sep = ""
                            value, comment = ComputeValue(typeinfos[2], value)
                            strIndex += "                      %s%s%s\n"%(value, sep, comment)
                    strIndex += "                    };\n"
                texts["parent"] = UnDigitName(FormatName(entry_infos["name"]))
                # Entry type is ARRAY
                for subIndex, value in enumerate(values):
                    texts["subIndex"] = subIndex
                    if subIndex > 0:
                        subentry_infos = Node.GetSubentryInfos(index, subIndex)
                        typename = GetTypeName(Node, subentry_infos["type"])
                        typeinfos = GetValidTypeInfos(typename, [values[subIndex]])
                        texts["subIndexType"] = typeinfos[0]
                        if typeinfos[1] is not None:
                            texts["suffixe"] = "[%d]"%typeinfos[1]
                            texts["suffixe"] = ""
                        texts["value"], texts["comment"] = ComputeValue(typeinfos[2], value)
                        texts["name"] = FormatName(subentry_infos["name"])
                        if index in variablelist:
                            strDeclareHeader += "extern %(subIndexType)s %(parent)s_%(name)s%(suffixe)s;\t\t/* Mapped at index 0x%(index)04X, subindex 0x%(subIndex)02X */\n"%texts
                            mappedVariableContent += "%(subIndexType)s %(parent)s_%(name)s%(suffixe)s = %(value)s;\t\t/* Mapped at index 0x%(index)04X, subindex 0x%(subIndex)02X */\n"%texts
                            strIndex += "                    %(subIndexType)s %(NodeName)s_obj%(index)04X_%(name)s%(suffixe)s = %(value)s;%(comment)s\n"%texts
        # Generating Dictionary C++ entry
        if callbacks:
            if index in variablelist:
                name = FormatName(entry_infos["name"])
                name = "%(NodeName)s_Index%(index)04X"%texts
            strIndex += "                    ODCallback_t %s_callbacks[] = \n                     {\n"%name
            for subIndex in xrange(len(values)):
                strIndex += "                       NULL,\n"
            strIndex += "                     };\n"
            indexCallbacks[index] = "*callbacks = %s_callbacks; "%name
            indexCallbacks[index] = ""
        strIndex += "                    subindex %(NodeName)s_Index%(index)04X[] = \n                     {\n"%texts
        for subIndex in xrange(len(values)):
            subentry_infos = Node.GetSubentryInfos(index, subIndex)
            if subIndex < len(values) - 1:
                sep = ","
                sep = ""
            typename = Node.GetTypeName(subentry_infos["type"])
            if entry_infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
                typeinfos = GetValidTypeInfos(typename, values[1:])
                typeinfos = GetValidTypeInfos(typename, [values[subIndex]])
            if subIndex == 0:
                if index == 0x1003:
                    typeinfos = GetValidTypeInfos("valueRange_EMC")
                if entry_infos["struct"] & OD_MultipleSubindexes:
                    name = "%(NodeName)s_highestSubIndex_obj%(index)04X"%texts
                elif index in variablelist:
                    name = FormatName(subentry_infos["name"])
                    name = FormatName("%s_obj%04X"%(texts["NodeName"], texts["index"]))
            elif entry_infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
                if index in variablelist:
                    name = "%s[%d]"%(FormatName(entry_infos["name"]), subIndex - 1)
                    name = "%s_obj%04X[%d]"%(texts["NodeName"], texts["index"], subIndex - 1)
                if index in variablelist:
                    name = FormatName("%s_%s"%(entry_infos["name"],subentry_infos["name"]))
                    name = "%s_obj%04X_%s"%(texts["NodeName"], texts["index"], FormatName(subentry_infos["name"]))
            if typeinfos[2] == "visible_string":
                sizeof = str(max(len(values[subIndex]), default_string_size))
            elif typeinfos[2] == "domain":
                sizeof = str(len(values[subIndex]))
                sizeof = "sizeof (%s)"%typeinfos[0]
            params = Node.GetParamsEntry(index, subIndex)
            if params["save"]:
                save = "|TO_BE_SAVE"
                save = ""
            strIndex += "                       { %s%s, %s, %s, (void*)&%s }%s\n"%(subentry_infos["access"].upper(),save,typeinfos[2],sizeof,UnDigitName(name),sep)
            pointer_name = pointers_dict.get((index, subIndex), None)
            if pointer_name is not None:
                pointedVariableContent += "%s* %s = &%s;\n"%(typeinfos[0], pointer_name, name)
        strIndex += "                     };\n"
        indexContents[index] = strIndex
#                     Declaration of Particular Parameters

    if 0x1003 not in communicationlist:
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(0x1003)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"]
        indexContents[0x1003] = """\n/* index 0x1003 :   %(EntryName)s */
                    UNS8 %(NodeName)s_highestSubIndex_obj1003 = 0; /* number of subindex - 1*/
                    UNS32 %(NodeName)s_obj1003[] = 
                      0x0	/* 0 */
                    ODCallback_t %(NodeName)s_Index1003_callbacks[] = 
                    subindex %(NodeName)s_Index1003[] = 
                       { RW, valueRange_EMC, sizeof (UNS8), (void*)&%(NodeName)s_highestSubIndex_obj1003 },
                       { RO, uint32, sizeof (UNS32), (void*)&%(NodeName)s_obj1003[0] }

    if 0x1005 not in communicationlist:
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(0x1005)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"]
        indexContents[0x1005] = """\n/* index 0x1005 :   %(EntryName)s */
                    UNS32 %(NodeName)s_obj1005 = 0x0;   /* 0 */

    if 0x1006 not in communicationlist:
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(0x1006)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"]
        indexContents[0x1006] = """\n/* index 0x1006 :   %(EntryName)s */
                    UNS32 %(NodeName)s_obj1006 = 0x0;   /* 0 */

    if 0x1014 not in communicationlist:
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(0x1014)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"]
        indexContents[0x1014] = """\n/* index 0x1014 :   %(EntryName)s */
                    UNS32 %(NodeName)s_obj1014 = 0x80 + 0x%(NodeID)02X;   /* 128 + NodeID */

    if 0x1016 in communicationlist:
        texts["heartBeatTimers_number"] = Node.GetEntry(0x1016, 0)
        texts["heartBeatTimers_number"] = 0
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(0x1016)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"]
        indexContents[0x1016] = """\n/* index 0x1016 :   %(EntryName)s */
                    UNS8 %(NodeName)s_highestSubIndex_obj1016 = 0;
                    UNS32 %(NodeName)s_obj1016[]={0};
    if 0x1017 not in communicationlist:
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(0x1017)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"]
        indexContents[0x1017] = """\n/* index 0x1017 :   %(EntryName)s */ 
                    UNS16 %(NodeName)s_obj1017 = 0x0;   /* 0 */
    if 0x100C not in communicationlist:
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(0x100C)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"]
        indexContents[0x100C] = """\n/* index 0x100C :   %(EntryName)s */ 
                    UNS16 %(NodeName)s_obj100C = 0x0;   /* 0 */
    if 0x100D not in communicationlist:
        entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(0x100D)
        texts["EntryName"] = entry_infos["name"]
        indexContents[0x100D] = """\n/* index 0x100D :   %(EntryName)s */ 
                    UNS8 %(NodeName)s_obj100D = 0x0;   /* 0 */

#               Declaration of navigation in the Object Dictionary

    strDeclareIndex = ""
    strDeclareSwitch = ""
    strQuickIndex = ""
    quick_index = {}
    for index_cat in index_categories:
        quick_index[index_cat] = {}
        for cat, idx_min, idx_max in categories:
            quick_index[index_cat][cat] = 0
    maxPDOtransmit = 0
    for i, index in enumerate(listIndex):
        texts["index"] = index
        strDeclareIndex += "  { (subindex*)%(NodeName)s_Index%(index)04X,sizeof(%(NodeName)s_Index%(index)04X)/sizeof(%(NodeName)s_Index%(index)04X[0]), 0x%(index)04X},\n"%texts
        strDeclareSwitch += "		case 0x%04X: i = %d;%sbreak;\n"%(index, i, indexCallbacks[index])
        for cat, idx_min, idx_max in categories:
            if idx_min <= index <= idx_max:
                quick_index["lastIndex"][cat] = i
                if quick_index["firstIndex"][cat] == 0:
                    quick_index["firstIndex"][cat] = i
                if cat == "PDO_TRS":
                    maxPDOtransmit += 1
    texts["maxPDOtransmit"] = max(1, maxPDOtransmit)
    for index_cat in index_categories:
        strQuickIndex += "\nconst quick_index %s_%s = {\n"%(texts["NodeName"], index_cat)
        sep = ","
        for i, (cat, idx_min, idx_max) in enumerate(categories):
            if i == len(categories) - 1:
                sep = ""
            strQuickIndex += "  %d%s /* %s */\n"%(quick_index[index_cat][cat],sep,cat)
        strQuickIndex += "};\n"

#                            Write File Content

    fileContent = generated_tag + """
#include "%s"

    fileContent += """
/* Declaration of mapped variables                                        */
""" + mappedVariableContent

    fileContent += """
/* Declaration of value range types                                       */
""" + valueRangeContent

    fileContent += """
/* The node id                                                            */
/* node_id default value.*/
UNS8 %(NodeName)s_bDeviceNodeId = 0x%(NodeID)02X;

/* Array of message processing information */

const UNS8 %(NodeName)s_iam_a_slave = %(iam_a_slave)d;

    if texts["heartBeatTimers_number"] > 0:
        declaration = "TIMER_HANDLE %(NodeName)s_heartBeatTimers[%(heartBeatTimers_number)d]"%texts
        initializer = "{TIMER_NONE" + ",TIMER_NONE" * (texts["heartBeatTimers_number"] - 1) + "}"
        fileContent += declaration + " = " + initializer + ";\n"
        fileContent += "TIMER_HANDLE %(NodeName)s_heartBeatTimers[1];\n"%texts
    fileContent += """

                               OBJECT DICTIONARY

    contentlist = indexContents.keys()
    for index in contentlist:
        fileContent += indexContents[index]

    fileContent += """
/* Declaration of pointed variables                                       */
""" + pointedVariableContent

    fileContent += """
const indextable %(NodeName)s_objdict[] = 
    fileContent += strDeclareIndex
    fileContent += """};

const indextable * %(NodeName)s_scanIndexOD (UNS16 wIndex, UNS32 * errorCode, ODCallback_t **callbacks)
	int i;
	*callbacks = NULL;
    fileContent += strDeclareSwitch
    fileContent += """		default:
			*errorCode = OD_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
			return NULL;
	*errorCode = OD_SUCCESSFUL;
	return &%(NodeName)s_objdict[i];

 * To count at which received SYNC a PDO must be sent.
 * Even if no pdoTransmit are defined, at least one entry is computed
 * for compilations issues.
s_PDO_status %(NodeName)s_PDO_status[%(maxPDOtransmit)d] = {"""%texts

    fileContent += ",".join(["s_PDO_status_Initializer"]*texts["maxPDOtransmit"]) + """};

    fileContent += strQuickIndex
    fileContent += """
const UNS16 %(NodeName)s_ObjdictSize = sizeof(%(NodeName)s_objdict)/sizeof(%(NodeName)s_objdict[0]); 

CO_Data %(NodeName)s_Data = CANOPEN_NODE_DATA_INITIALIZER(%(NodeName)s);


#                          Write Header File Content

    texts["file_include_name"] = headerfilepath.replace(".", "_").upper()
    HeaderFileContent = generated_tag + """
#ifndef %(file_include_name)s
#define %(file_include_name)s

#include "data.h"

/* Prototypes of function provided by object dictionnary */
UNS32 %(NodeName)s_valueRangeTest (UNS8 typeValue, void * value);
const indextable * %(NodeName)s_scanIndexOD (UNS16 wIndex, UNS32 * errorCode, ODCallback_t **callbacks);

/* Master node data struct */
extern CO_Data %(NodeName)s_Data;
    HeaderFileContent += strDeclareHeader
    HeaderFileContent += "\n#endif // %(file_include_name)s\n"%texts
    return fileContent,HeaderFileContent

#                             Main Function

def GenerateFile(filepath, node, pointers_dict = {}):
        headerfilepath = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0]+".h"
        content, header = GenerateFileContent(node, os.path.split(headerfilepath)[1], pointers_dict)
        WriteFile(filepath, content)
        WriteFile(headerfilepath, header)
        return None
    except ValueError, message:
        return _("Unable to Generate C File\n%s")%message