author Robert Lehmann <>
Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:36:55 +0200
changeset 793 72e9e1064432
parent 0 4472ee7c6c3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
timers_unix: Fix termination problem of WaitReceiveTaskEnd

The function pthread_kill sends the Signal thread and to the own process.
If you use this construct than the application which calls uses the
canfestival api will terminate at the call of canClose. To avoid that
use pthread_cancel instead of pthread_kill. To use the pthread_cancel call
you need to set the cancel ability in the thread function. That means
you need to call pthread_setcancelstate and pthread_setcanceltype.
For the termination of the thread at any time it is important to set the

/* L'espace mémoire du MCS12DP256 en "Normal single ship */
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
/* 0X0000 - 0X0399 : Registres
   0X0400 - 0X0FFF : 4KO EEPROM
   0X1000 - 0X3FFF : 12KO RAM
   0X4000 - 0XFFFF : 48KO FLASH (accès par pages jusau'à 256 KO 
                     entre 0X8000 et 0XBFFF)                   

Programme dans la flash, données dans la RAM interne

/* Fixed definition of the available memory banks.
   See generic emulation script for a user defined configuration.  */
  /* Registres softs utilisés par gcc. Ne jamais modifier */
  page0 (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x0, LENGTH = 256

  /* Programme placé en flash, de 4000 à FF00-1 */
  /* (Les vecteurs d'interruption sont en flash entre 0XFF00 et 0XFFFF */
  text  (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x4000, LENGTH = 0xFF00 - 0x4000
  /* Données en RAM (12k), de 0X1000 à 0X3FFF*/
  data        : ORIGIN = 0x1000, LENGTH = 0x4000 - 0x1000
/* Setup the stack on the top of the data memory bank.  */
PROVIDE (_stack = 0x3FFF);

vectors_addr = 0xff00;