author Robert Lehmann <>
Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:36:55 +0200
changeset 793 72e9e1064432
parent 384 83793fc7ce48
child 801 32d146b64a35
permissions -rw-r--r--
timers_unix: Fix termination problem of WaitReceiveTaskEnd

The function pthread_kill sends the Signal thread and to the own process.
If you use this construct than the application which calls uses the
canfestival api will terminate at the call of canClose. To avoid that
use pthread_cancel instead of pthread_kill. To use the pthread_cancel call
you need to set the cancel ability in the thread function. That means
you need to call pthread_setcancelstate and pthread_setcanceltype.
For the termination of the thread at any time it is important to set the
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 

Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN

See COPYING file for copyrights details.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


#include <stddef.h> /* for NULL */

#include "../include/hcs12/asm-m68hc12/portsaccess.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/asm-m68hc12/ports_def.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/asm-m68hc12/ports.h"
#include "../include/data.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/applicfg.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/candriver.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/interrupt.h"
#include "../include/hcs12/canOpenDriver.h"
#include "../include/can.h"
#include "../include/objdictdef.h"
#include "../include/timer.h"

volatile static Message stackMsgRcv[NB_LINE_CAN][MAX_STACK_MSG_RCV]; 
volatile static t_pointerStack ptrMsgRcv[NB_LINE_CAN];
volatile static TIMEVAL last_time_set = TIMEVAL_MAX;
static UNS8 timer_is_set = 0;

/* Prototypes */
UNS8 f_can_receive(UNS8 notused, Message *m);
UNS8 canSend(UNS8 notused, Message *m);
void __attribute__((interrupt)) timer4Hdl (void);

#define max(a,b) a>b?a:b

void setTimer(TIMEVAL value)
  IO_PORTS_16(TC4H) += value;
  timer_is_set = 1; 

TIMEVAL getElapsedTime()
  return (IO_PORTS_16(TC4H) > last_time_set ? IO_PORTS_16(TC4H) - last_time_set : last_time_set - IO_PORTS_16(TC4H));

void resetTimer(void)


void initTimer(void)
  lock();   // Inhibition of interruptions
  // Configure the timer channel 4
  IO_PORTS_8(TIOS) |= 0x10; // Canal 4 in output
  IO_PORTS_8(TCTL1) &= ~(0x01 + 0x02); // Canal 4 unconnected to pin output
  IO_PORTS_8(TIE) |= 0x10; // allow interruption channel 4
  IO_PORTS_8(TSCR2) |= 0X05; // Pre-scaler = 32 
                             // If this value is changed, change must be done also
                             // in void __attribute__((interrupt)) timer4Hdl (void)

  IO_PORTS_8(TSCR1) |= 0x80; // Start timer
  unlock(); // Allow interruptions

void __attribute__((interrupt)) timer4Hdl (void)
  last_time_set = IO_PORTS_16(TC4H);
  IO_PORTS_8(TFLG1) = 0x10; // RAZ flag interruption timer channel 4
  // Compute the next event : When the timer reach the value of TC4, an interrupt is
  // started 
  //IO_PORTS_16(TC4H) += 250; // To have an interruption every 1 ms
  //MSG_WAR(0xFFFF, "timer4 IT", 0);
    //MSG_WAR(0xFFFF, "t4 ", IO_PORTS_16(TCNTH) - IO_PORTS_16(TC4H));

void initSCI_0(void)
    ((1000000 / SERIAL_SCI0_BAUD_RATE) * BUS_CLOCK) >> 4 ;  
  IO_PORTS_8(SCI0  + SCICR1) = 0;    // format 8N1
  IO_PORTS_8(SCI0  + SCICR2) = 0x08; // Transmit enable only

void initSCI_1(void)
    ((1000000 / SERIAL_SCI1_BAUD_RATE) * BUS_CLOCK) >> 4 ;  
  IO_PORTS_8(SCI1  + SCICR1) = 0;    // format 8N1
  IO_PORTS_8(SCI1  + SCICR2) = 0x08; // Transmit enable only

char *
hex_convert (char *buf, unsigned long value, char lastCar)
  //Thanks to Stphane Carrez for this function
  char num[32];
  int pos;

  *buf++ = '0';
  *buf++ = 'x';

  pos = 0;
  while (value != 0) {
    char c = value & 0x0F;
    num[pos++] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[(unsigned) c];
    value = (value >> 4) & (0x0fffffffL);
  if (pos == 0)
    num[pos++] = '0';

  while (--pos >= 0)
    *buf++ = num[pos];

  *buf++ = lastCar;
  *buf = 0;
  return buf;

void printSCI_str(char sci, const char * str) 
  char i = 0;
  while ((*(str + i) != 0) && (i < 0xFF)) {
    if (*(str + i) == '\n')
	while ((IO_PORTS_8(sci + SCISR1) & 0X80) == 0); // wait if buffer not empty	
	IO_PORTS_8(sci + SCIDRL) = 13; // return to start of line
    while ((IO_PORTS_8(sci + SCISR1) & 0X80) == 0); // wait if buffer not empty
    IO_PORTS_8(sci + SCIDRL) = *(str + i++);


void printSCI_nbr(char sci, unsigned long nbr, char lastCar) 
  char strNbr[12];
  hex_convert(strNbr, nbr, lastCar);
  printSCI_str(sci, strNbr);

// PLL 24 MHZ if quartz on board is 16 MHZ
void initPLL(void)
  IO_PORTS_8(CLKSEL) &= ~0x80; // unselect the PLL
  IO_PORTS_8(PLLCTL) |= 0X60;  // PLL ON and bandwidth auto
  IO_PORTS_8(SYNR) = 0x02;
  IO_PORTS_8(REFDV) = 0x01;
  while ((IO_PORTS_8(CRGFLG) & 0x08) == 0);
  IO_PORTS_8(CLKSEL) |= 0x80;

void initHCS12(void)

# ifdef USE_PLL
  MSG_WAR(0x3620, "Use the PLL ", 0);
# endif


char canAddIdToFilter(UNS16 adrCAN, UNS8 nFilter, UNS16 id)
  UNS8 fiMsb;
  UNS8 fiLsb;
  UNS8 idMsb = (UNS8) (id >> 3);
  UNS8 idLsb = (UNS8) (id << 5);

  if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
    /* Error because not init mode */
    MSG_WAR(0X2600, "Not in init mode ", 0);
    return 1;   
  switch (nFilter) {
    case 0:
      nFilter = CANIDAR0; /* First  bank */
    case 1:
      nFilter = CANIDAR2; /* First  bank */
    case 2:
      nFilter = CANIDAR4; /* Second bank */
    case 3:
      nFilter = CANIDAR6; /* Second bank */   
  if (! IO_PORTS_16(adrCAN + nFilter)) {
    /* if CANIDARx = 0 */
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter) = idMsb;
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 1) = idLsb;
  fiMsb = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter) ^ idMsb;
  fiLsb = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 1) ^ idLsb;
  /* address of CANIDMRx */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 4) = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 4) | fiMsb;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 5) = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 5) | fiLsb;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 5) |= 0x10; /* Not filtering on rtr value */
  return 0;

char canChangeFilter(UNS16 adrCAN, canBusFilterInit fi)
  /* If not in init mode, go to sleep before going in init mode*/
  if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
  //update the filters configuration
  canInitFilter(adrCAN, fi);
  return 0;

char canEnable(UNS16 adrCAN)
  /* Register CANCTL1
  bit 7 : 1 MSCAN enabled
  Other bits : default reset values
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) = 0X80;
  return 0;

char canInit(UNS16 adrCAN, canBusInit bi)
  /* If not in init mode, go to sleep before going in init mode*/
  if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
  canEnable(adrCAN);                  /* Does nothing if already enable */
     /* The most secure way to go in init mode : put before MSCAN in sleep mode */
     /* Put MSCAN in Init mode */ 
  canInitClock(adrCAN, bi.clk); 
  /* Init CANCTL1 register. Must be in init mode */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) &=0xC4;// 0xCB; /* Clr the bits that may be modified */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) = (bi.cane << 7) | (bi.loopb << 5 ) | 
    (bi.listen << 4) | (bi.wupm << 2);
  /* Initialize the filters for received msgs */
  /* We should decide to accept all the msgs  */
  /* Before to modify CANCTL0, we must leave the init mode */
  /* Init CANCTL0 register. MSCAN must not be in init mode */
  /* Do not change the value of wupe (should be 0) and slprq (should be 1) */
  /* Do not change the value of initrq (should be 0) */	
  /* rxfrm is cleared, mupe also (should be before)*/
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) &= 0x53; /* Clr the bits that may be modified */
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) = (bi.cswai << 5) | (bi.time << 3);
    canInitModeQ(adrCAN); /* Leave the init mode */
    canSleepModeQ(adrCAN); /* Leave the sleep mode */    
  return 0;

char canInitClock(UNS16 adrCAN, canBusTime clk)
  if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
    /* Not in Init mode */
    MSG_WAR(0X2601, "not in init mode ", 0);
    return 1;   
  /* Set or reset CLKSRC (register CANCTL1). Does not change the other bits*/
  clk.clksrc = clk.clksrc << 6;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) &= 0xBF;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) |= clk.clksrc;
  /* Build the CANBTR0 register */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANBTR0) = 0x00;        /* Clear before changes */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANBTR0) = (clk.sjw << 6) | (clk.brp);
  /* Build the CANBTR1 register */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANBTR1) = 0x00;        /* Clear before changes */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANBTR1) = (clk.samp << 7) | (clk.tseg2 << 4) | 
  return 0;

char canInit1Filter(UNS16 adrCAN, UNS8 nFilter, UNS16 ar, UNS16 mr)
  if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
    /* Error because not init mode */
    MSG_WAR(0X2602, "not in init mode ", 0);
    return 1;   
  switch (nFilter) {
    case 0:
      nFilter = CANIDAR0; /* First  bank */
    case 1:
      nFilter = CANIDAR2; /* First  bank */
    case 2:
      nFilter = CANIDAR4; /* Second bank */
    case 3:
      nFilter = CANIDAR6; /* Second bank */   
  /* address of CANIDARx */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter)     = (UNS8) (ar >> 8);
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 1) = (UNS8) (ar);
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 4) = (UNS8) (mr >> 8);
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + nFilter + 5) = (UNS8) (mr);
  return 0;

char canInitFilter(UNS16 adrCAN, canBusFilterInit fi)
if (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
    /* Error because not init mode */
    MSG_WAR(0X2603, "not in init mode ", 0);
    return 1;   
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAC)  = fi.idam << 4;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR0) = fi.canidar0;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR0) = fi.canidmr0;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR1) = fi.canidar1;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR1) = fi.canidmr1;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR2) = fi.canidar2;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR2) = fi.canidmr2;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR3) = fi.canidar3;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR3) = fi.canidmr3;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR4) = fi.canidar4;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR4) = fi.canidmr4;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR5) = fi.canidar5;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR5) = fi.canidmr5;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR6) = fi.canidar6;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR6) = fi.canidmr6;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDAR7) = fi.canidar7;
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANIDMR7) = fi.canidmr7;
  return 0;

char canInitMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) |= 0x01; /* Set the bit INITRQ */ 
  while (! canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
  return 0;

char canInitModeQ(UNS16 adrCAN)
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) &= 0xFE; /* Clear the bit INITRQ */ 
  while (canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
  return 0;

char canMsgTransmit(UNS16 adrCAN, Message msg)
  /* Remind : only CAN A msg implemented. ie id on 11 bits, not 29 */
  UNS8 cantflg;
  UNS8 i;
  /* Looking for a free buffer */
  cantflg = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTFLG);
  if ( cantflg == 0) { /* all the TXEx are set */
    MSG_WAR(0X2604, "No buffer free. Msg to transmit is losted ", 0);
    return 1; /* No buffer free */
    /* Selecting a buffer */
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTBSEL) = cantflg;
    /* We put ide = 0 because id is on 11 bits only */
     IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTRSID) = (UNS8)(msg.cob_id >> 3);
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTRSID + 1) = (UNS8)((msg.cob_id << 5)|
    (msg.rtr << 4));
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTRSLEN) = msg.len & 0X0F;
    /* For the priority, we put the highter bits of the cob_id */
    for (i = 0 ; i < msg.len ; i++) {
      IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTRSDTA + i) =[i];
    /* Transmitting the message */ 
    cantflg = IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTBSEL);/* to know which buf is selected */
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTBSEL) = 0x00;  
    IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTFLG) = cantflg;  /* Ready to transmit ! */  
  return 0;

char canSetInterrupt(UNS16 adrCAN) 
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANRIER) = 0X01; /* Allow interruptions on receive */
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANTIER) = 0X00; /* disallow  interruptions on transmit */
  return 0;  
char canSleepMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) &= 0xFB;   /* clr the bit WUPE  to avoid a wake-up*/ 
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) |= 0x02;   /* Set the bit SLPRQ. go to Sleep !*/ 

   // IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) |= 0x04;
   // IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) |= 0x02;   /* Set the bit SLPRQ */ 
   while ( ! canTestSleepMode(adrCAN)) {

  return 0;

char canSleepModeQ(UNS16 adrCAN)
  if (canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
    /* Error because in init mode */
    MSG_WAR(0X2606, "not in init mode ", 0);
    return 1;   
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) &= 0xFD;   /* clr the bit SLPRQ */ 
    while ( canTestSleepMode(adrCAN)) {
  return 0;
char canSleepWupMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
  if (canTestInitMode(adrCAN)) {
    MSG_WAR(0X2607, "not in init mode ", 0);
    return 1;   
  IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL0) |= 0x06;   /* Set the bits WUPE & SLPRQ */ 
  while ( ! canTestSleepMode(adrCAN)) {
  return 0;

char canTestInitMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
  return IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) & 0x01; /* Test the bit INITAK */

char canTestSleepMode(UNS16 adrCAN)
  return IO_PORTS_8(adrCAN + CANCTL1) & 0x02; /* Test the bit SLPAK */

UNS8 canSend(UNS8 notused, Message *m)
  canMsgTransmit(CANOPEN_LINE_NUMBER_USED, *m);
  return 0;

UNS8 canChangeBaudRate_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd, char* baud)
    return 0;
UNS8 f_can_receive(UNS8 notused, Message *msgRcv)
  UNS8 i, j;

  case CAN0 : j = 0; break;
  case CAN1 : j = 1; break;
  case CAN2 : j = 2; break;
  case CAN3 : j = 3; break;
  case CAN4 : j = 4; break;

  /* See if a message is pending in the stack */
  if (ptrMsgRcv[j].r == ptrMsgRcv[j].w)
    return 0x0; // No new message

  /* Increment the reading pointer of the stack */
  if (ptrMsgRcv[j].r == (MAX_STACK_MSG_RCV - 1)) 
     ptrMsgRcv[j].r = 0;
    ptrMsgRcv[j].r ++;

  /* Store the message from the stack*/
  msgRcv->cob_id = stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].cob_id;
  msgRcv->len = stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].len;
  msgRcv->rtr = stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].rtr;
  for (i = 0 ; i < stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].len ; i++)
    msgRcv->data[i] = stackMsgRcv[j][ptrMsgRcv[j].r].data[i];
  return 0xFF;

 ******************************* CAN INTERRUPT  *******************************/

void __attribute__((interrupt)) can0HdlTra (void)

void __attribute__((interrupt)) can0HdlRcv (void)
  UNS8 i;
  IO_PORTS_8(PORTB) &= ~ 0x40; // led 6 port B : ON
  UNS8 NewPtrW; 
  /* We are obliged to save the message while the interruption is pending */
  /* Increment the writing stack pointer before writing the msg */
  if (ptrMsgRcv[0].w == (MAX_STACK_MSG_RCV - 1)) 
    NewPtrW = 0;
    NewPtrW = ptrMsgRcv[0].w + 1;
  if (NewPtrW == ptrMsgRcv[0].r) {
    /* The stack is full. The last msg received before this one is lost */
    MSG_WAR(0X1620, "Stack for received msg is full", 0);
    //IO_PORTS_8(PORTB) &= ~0x40; // led  6         : ON (for debogue)
    ptrMsgRcv[0].w = NewPtrW;
  /* Store the message */
  stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].cob_id = IO_PORTS_16(CAN0 + CANRCVID) >> 5;
  stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].len = IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANRCVLEN) & 0x0F;
  stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].rtr = (IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANRCVID + 1) >> 4) & 0x01;
  for (i = 0 ; i < stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].len ; i++)
    stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].data[i] = IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANRCVDTA + i);
  // The message is stored , so
  // we can now release the receive foreground buffer
  // and acknowledge the interruption
  IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANRFLG) |= 0x01;
  // Not very usefull
  IO_PORTS_8(CAN0 + CANCTL0) |= 0x80;
  IO_PORTS_8(PORTB) |= 0x40; // led 6 port B : OFF

void __attribute__((interrupt)) can0HdlWup (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can0HdlErr (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can1HdlTra (void)

void __attribute__((interrupt)) can1HdlRcv (void)
  UNS8 i;
  UNS8 NewPtrW; 
  /* We are obliged to save the message while the interruption is pending */
  /* Increment the writing stack pointer before writing the msg */
  if (ptrMsgRcv[1].w == (MAX_STACK_MSG_RCV - 1)) 
    NewPtrW = 0;
    NewPtrW = ptrMsgRcv[1].w + 1;
  if (NewPtrW == ptrMsgRcv[1].r) {
    /* The stack is full. The last msg received before this one is lost */
    MSG_WAR(0X2620, "Stack for received msg is full", 0);
    ptrMsgRcv[1].w = NewPtrW;
  /* Store the message */
  stackMsgRcv[1][ptrMsgRcv[1].w].cob_id = IO_PORTS_16(CAN1 + CANRCVID) >> 5;
  stackMsgRcv[1][ptrMsgRcv[1].w].len = IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANRCVLEN) & 0x0F;
  stackMsgRcv[0][ptrMsgRcv[0].w].rtr = (IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANRCVID + 1) >> 4) & 0x01;
  for (i = 0 ; i < stackMsgRcv[1][ptrMsgRcv[1].w].len ; i++)
    stackMsgRcv[1][ptrMsgRcv[1].w].data[i] = IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANRCVDTA + i);
  // The message is stored , so
  // we can now release the receive foreground buffer
  // and acknowledge the interruption
  IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANRFLG) |= 0x01;
  // Not very usefull
  IO_PORTS_8(CAN1 + CANCTL0) |= 0x80;

void __attribute__((interrupt)) can1HdlWup (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can1HdlErr (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can2HdlTra (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can2HdlRcv (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can2HdlWup (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can2HdlErr (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can3HdlTra (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can3HdlRcv (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can3HdlWup (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can3HdlErr (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can4HdlTra (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can4HdlRcv (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can4HdlWup (void)


void __attribute__((interrupt)) can4HdlErr (void)
