author Robert Lehmann <>
Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:36:55 +0200
changeset 793 72e9e1064432
parent 703 00600dcc1dee
permissions -rw-r--r--
timers_unix: Fix termination problem of WaitReceiveTaskEnd

The function pthread_kill sends the Signal thread and to the own process.
If you use this construct than the application which calls uses the
canfestival api will terminate at the call of canClose. To avoid that
use pthread_cancel instead of pthread_kill. To use the pthread_cancel call
you need to set the cancel ability in the thread function. That means
you need to call pthread_setcancelstate and pthread_setcanceltype.
For the termination of the thread at any time it is important to set the
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 

Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN

See COPYING file for copyrights details.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define usleep(micro) Sleep(micro%1000 ? (micro/1000) + 1 : (micro/1000))
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include "can_driver.h"
#include "AnaGateDllCan.h"

typedef struct SAnaGatePort
int		hHandle;
HANDLE	hAnaRecEvent;
HANDLE	hFesticalRecAcknowledge;
Message sMsgBuffer;
struct SAnaGatePort *pNext;
struct SAnaGatePort *pPrev;
} SAnaGatePort;

SAnaGatePort *pFirstAnaGatePort=NULL;

/********* AnaGate API CAN receive callback Funciton  ****************/
void WINAPI AnaGateReceiveCallBack (int nIdentifier, const char* pcBuffer, int nBufferLen, int nFlags, int hHandle)
	SAnaGatePort *pAnaGatePort = pFirstAnaGatePort;
   int           i;
	while (pAnaGatePort->hHandle != hHandle )
		pAnaGatePort = pAnaGatePort->pNext;
		if (pAnaGatePort == pFirstAnaGatePort )
			pAnaGatePort = NULL;
			printf("AnaGateReceiveCallBack (AnaGate_Win32): ERROR: Can't find AnaGatePort-Objekt to the Received Handle %d\n",hHandle);
	pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.cob_id =   nIdentifier;
	pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.len= nBufferLen;
	if (nFlags == 2)
	 pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.rtr = 1;
	 pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.rtr = 0;

	for (i = 0 ; i < nBufferLen; i++)
		pAnaGatePort->[i] = pcBuffer[i];



/*********functions which permit to communicate with the board****************/
UNS8 __stdcall canReceive_driver(CAN_HANDLE fd0, Message *m)
	SAnaGatePort*  pAnaGatePort = (SAnaGatePort*)fd0;
   int            i;

	WaitForSingleObject(			// Wait for receive event
		pAnaGatePort->hAnaRecEvent, // event handle
		INFINITE);				    // indefinite wait

	m->cob_id = pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.cob_id;
	m->len	  = pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.len;
	m->rtr	  = pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.rtr;
	for (i = 0 ; i < pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.len; i++)
	  m->data[i] = pAnaGatePort->[i];

	SetEvent(pAnaGatePort->hFesticalRecAcknowledge);	//Set Acknollede event

	return 0;

UNS8 __stdcall canSend_driver(CAN_HANDLE fd0, Message const *m)
	SAnaGatePort*  pAnaCanPort = (SAnaGatePort*)fd0;
	char cErrorMsg[100];
	int nRetCode;
	int nMsgTyp;

	if (m->rtr == 0)
	  nMsgTyp = 0; //Normal;
	  nMsgTyp = 2; //Remote frame;

	if ( (nRetCode = CANWrite(pAnaCanPort->hHandle , m->cob_id,(const char*) m->data, m->len, nMsgTyp) ) )
	  CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
	  fprintf(stderr,"canSend_driver (AnaGate_Win32) %s \n",nRetCode);
	  //printf("canSend_driver (AnaGate_Win32) %s \n",nRetCode);
	  return 1;

	return 0;

int TranslateBaudeRate(char* optarg){
	if(!strcmp( optarg, "1M"))   return 1000000;
    if(!strcmp( optarg, "800K")) return  800000;
    if(!strcmp( optarg, "500K")) return  500000;
    if(!strcmp( optarg, "250K")) return  250000;
    if(!strcmp( optarg, "125K")) return  125000;
	if(!strcmp( optarg, "100K")) return  100000;
	if(!strcmp( optarg, "50K"))  return   50000;
	if(!strcmp( optarg, "20K"))  return   20000;
	if(!strcmp( optarg, "10K"))  return   10000;
	return 0x0000;

UNS8 __stdcall canChangeBaudRate_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd0, char* baud)
   int nRetCode;
   char cErrorMsg[100];
   struct SAnaGatePort*  pAnaGatePort = (struct SAnaGatePort*)fd0;
   if (nRetCode = CANSetGlobals (pAnaGatePort->hHandle, TranslateBaudeRate(baud), 0, 0, 1, 0) ) 
      CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
      fprintf(stderr, "canChangeBaudRate_drive (AnaGate_Win32): %s\n", cErrorMsg);
      printf("canChangeBaudRate_drive (AnaGate_Win32): %s\n", cErrorMsg);
      return 1;
   return 0;

/* To open a connection to AnaGate CAN the s_BOARD board->busname must be 
 the AnaGate IP-Adresse followed from the CAN-Port (A or B) you want to use 
 For example ""

CAN_HANDLE __stdcall canOpen_driver(s_BOARD *board)
	int PortNr;
	char cErrorMsg[100];
	int nRetCode;
	char sIPAddress[16];
	struct SAnaGatePort *pNewAnaGatePort;
    char bBusnameValid = TRUE;
	unsigned int nBusnameLen; 

   // Do some checkings concerning the busname
   // format should be IP-Adress:Port
   // e.g.
   nBusnameLen = strlen(board->busname);
   if ( nBusnameLen < strlen( "" ) )         bBusnameValid = FALSE;  // check minimum length of busname
   if ( nBusnameLen > strlen( "123.234.345.456:A" ) ) bBusnameValid = FALSE;  // check maximum length of busname
   if ( bBusnameValid )
      switch (board->busname[nBusnameLen-1])                                 // check Portname of busname
		   case ('A'): PortNr = 0; break;
		   case ('B'): PortNr = 1; break;
		   case ('C'): PortNr = 2; break;
		   case ('D'): PortNr = 3; break;
		   default :   bBusnameValid = FALSE; break;
      if (board->busname[nBusnameLen-2] != ':' )    bBusnameValid = FALSE;   // check Colon before Portname

   if ( ! bBusnameValid )
	   fprintf(stderr, "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Win32): busname (\"%s\") has a wrong format. Use IPAddr:CANPort for example \"\"\n",board->busname);
	   return (CAN_HANDLE) NULL;

   board->busname[nBusnameLen-2] = 0; // NULL Terminator for IP Address string
	strcpy (sIPAddress, board->busname);

	pNewAnaGatePort = (SAnaGatePort*) malloc(sizeof (struct SAnaGatePort));
	if (pFirstAnaGatePort == NULL)
		pFirstAnaGatePort = pNewAnaGatePort;
		pNewAnaGatePort->pNext =  pNewAnaGatePort;
		pNewAnaGatePort->pPrev =  pNewAnaGatePort;
	{   pNewAnaGatePort->pNext =  pFirstAnaGatePort;
		pNewAnaGatePort->pPrev =  pFirstAnaGatePort->pPrev;
		pFirstAnaGatePort->pPrev->pNext = pNewAnaGatePort;
		pFirstAnaGatePort->pPrev = pNewAnaGatePort;

	// Connect to AnaGate
	if ( nRetCode = CANOpenDevice (&pNewAnaGatePort->hHandle, 
		 						0,		/*confirmation*/ 
								1,		/*Monitor*/ 
								1000	/*TimeOut*/ )  )
		CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
		fprintf(stderr, "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Win32): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
		//printf( "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Win32): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
		return (CAN_HANDLE) NULL;

	// Inizial Baudrate
	if (nRetCode = CANSetGlobals (pNewAnaGatePort->hHandle, 
							   0,/*OperatingMode = normal*/ 
							   0,/*CAN-Termination = off*/ 
							   1, /*HighSpeedMode = on*/
							   0 /*Timestamps = off*/) ) 
		CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
		fprintf(stderr, "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Win32): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
		//printf("canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Win32): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
		return (CAN_HANDLE) NULL;
	// Creat receive and receive-acknoledge event 
	pNewAnaGatePort->hAnaRecEvent = CreateEvent(	
												NULL,  // default security attributes
												FALSE, // manual-reset event
												FALSE, // initial state is nonsignaled
												NULL  // object name

	pNewAnaGatePort->hFesticalRecAcknowledge = CreateEvent( 
												NULL,  // default security attributes
												FALSE, // manual-reset event
												FALSE, // initial state is nonsignaled
												NULL   // object name

	// Install receive callback funktion
	if (nRetCode = CANSetCallback(pNewAnaGatePort->hHandle,  AnaGateReceiveCallBack) ) 
		canClose_driver (pNewAnaGatePort);
		CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
		fprintf(stderr, "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Win32): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
		//printf("canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Win32): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
		return (CAN_HANDLE) NULL;

  return (CAN_HANDLE)pNewAnaGatePort;

int __stdcall canClose_driver(CAN_HANDLE fd0)
	SAnaGatePort*  pAnaCanPort = (SAnaGatePort*)fd0;
	char cErrorMsg[100];
	int nRetCode;

	SetEvent	(pAnaCanPort->hAnaRecEvent);
	CloseHandle (pAnaCanPort->hAnaRecEvent);
	CloseHandle (pAnaCanPort->hFesticalRecAcknowledge);

	if ( nRetCode = CANCloseDevice(pAnaCanPort->hHandle) )
	  CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
	  fprintf(stderr, "canClose_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s\n", cErrorMsg);
	  //printf("canClose_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s\n", cErrorMsg);

	if (pAnaCanPort->pNext == pAnaCanPort)
		 free (pAnaCanPort);
	{   pAnaCanPort->pNext->pPrev = pAnaCanPort->pPrev;
		pAnaCanPort->pPrev->pNext = pAnaCanPort->pNext;
		free (pAnaCanPort);

	return 0;