author fbeaulier
Tue, 16 Aug 2011 14:15:52 +0200
changeset 663 70fc3603e36f
parent 614 9b1fe0532d0d
permissions -rw-r--r--
timers_unix.c : remove sigint and sigterm catch
sdo : Allow multiple servers
The sdo transfer struct is not anymore referenced by server's node id but by
client or server number in the OD. Node id is not relevant in SDO transfert.
Source: canfestival
Section: devel
Priority: standard
Maintainer: edouard <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5)
Standards-Version: 3.7.2

Package: canfestival-devel
Architecture: all
Description: Canfestival library
 This package contains the CanFestival library for unix platform.

Package: canfestival-examples
Architecture: all
Description: Program's Examples for canfestival
 This package contains some test programs you can use as example
 for your own developments.
 - TestMasterSlave : Two CanOpen nodes in the same process
 - CANOpenShell : A CanOpen node that can execute some user commands through stdin

Package: canfestival-virtual
Architecture: all
Depends: canfestival-devel, canfestival-objdictedit
Description: Virtual Can Interfaces

Package: canfestival-objdictedit
Architecture: all
Depends: python-wxgtk2.8
Description: A CanOpen Node Editor
 Objdictedit, the Object Dictionary Editor, is a WxPython based GUI that is used to
 create the C file needed to create a new CanOpen node.