Configuration manager with DCF in object 0x1F22 rewritten almost from scratch.
1. The boot-up message from a device starts a verification of entries
2. If all entries matches the node is started
3. If an entry differs the whole dcf is written and a save is done
4. A reset is send to the node
5. If several boot-up are received at the same time they will be managed one
by one thus only one free sdo client is needed for the whole process.
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
Copyright (C): Cosateq GmbH & Co.KG
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
example for application with CO-PCICAN card.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "canfestival.h"
/* only for usleep() */
#include <linux/delay.h>
#define CHTX 2 /* channel number of the CO-PCICAN */
#define CHRX 0 /* channel number of the CO-PCICAN */
void mySyncHandler( CO_Data* d )
printf( " got a SYNC message...\n" );
int main()
LIB_HANDLE driver;
/* handles for additional CO-PCICAN functions */
int (*get_fd_of_port)( CAN_PORT port );
int (*co_pcican_enter_run_mode)( const int fd );
int (*co_pcican_enter_config_mode)( const int fd );
int (*co_pcican_select_channel)( const unsigned char channel, const unsigned int direction );
int (*co_pcican_configure_selected_channel)( const int fd, s_BOARD *board, const unsigned int direction );
s_BOARD bd;
CO_Data myData;
CAN_PORT port;
Message myMessage;
const char busname[] = "/dev/co_pcican-0";
const char baudrate[] = "1M";
int fd;
memset( &myData, 0x00, sizeof(CO_Data) );
myData.CurrentCommunicationState.csSYNC = 1;
myData.post_sync = mySyncHandler;
bd.busname = (char*)busname;
bd.baudrate = (char*)baudrate;
printf( "This example sends three SYNCs from port#%u to port#%u with a CO-PCICAN card\n", CHTX, CHRX );
driver = LoadCanDriver( "/usr/local/lib/" );
if( driver == NULL )
/* something strange happenend */
return 0;
/* dynamic load of additional library functions */
get_fd_of_port = dlsym( driver, "get_fd_of_port" );
co_pcican_enter_run_mode = dlsym( driver, "co_pcican_enter_run_mode" );
co_pcican_enter_config_mode = dlsym( driver, "co_pcican_enter_config_mode" );
co_pcican_select_channel = dlsym( driver, "co_pcican_select_channel" );
co_pcican_configure_selected_channel = dlsym( driver, "co_pcican_configure_selected_channel" );
/* direction: 0=RX, 1=TX */
co_pcican_select_channel( CHRX, 0 );
co_pcican_select_channel( CHTX, 1 );
port = canOpen( &bd, &myData );
if( port == NULL )
UnLoadCanDriver( driver );
/* something strange happenend */
return 0;
/* get file descriptor to control the opened device */
fd = get_fd_of_port( port );
co_pcican_enter_config_mode( fd );
co_pcican_configure_selected_channel( fd, &bd, 0 );
co_pcican_configure_selected_channel( fd, &bd, 1 );
co_pcican_enter_run_mode( fd );
memset( &myMessage, 0x00, sizeof(Message) );
myMessage.cob_id = 0x80; /* SYNC message */
myMessage.len = 1;[0] = 0xA5;
canSend( port, &myMessage );[0] = 0x5A;
canSend( port, &myMessage );[0] = 0xA5;
canSend( port, &myMessage );
/* mySyncHandler() is called by the receive thread and shows a received SYNC message on console */
usleep( 1*1000*1000 ); /* 1s */
canClose( &myData );
UnLoadCanDriver( driver );
return 0;