Configuration manager with DCF in object 0x1F22 rewritten almost from scratch.
1. The boot-up message from a device starts a verification of entries
2. If all entries matches the node is started
3. If an entry differs the whole dcf is written and a save is done
4. A reset is send to the node
5. If several boot-up are received at the same time they will be managed one
by one thus only one free sdo client is needed for the whole process.
<AVRWorkspace><IOSettings><CurrentRegisters/></IOSettings><part name="AT90CAN128"/><Files><File00000 Name="I:\Entwicklung\Firmware\CAN\CanFestival-3\examples\AVR\Slave\main.c" Position="332 160 1009 573" LineCol="47 0" State="Maximized"/><File00001 Name="I:\Entwicklung\Firmware\CAN\CanFestival-3\examples\AVR\Slave\Makefile" Position="262 71 1119 661" LineCol="18 46" State="Maximized"/><File00002 Name="I:\Entwicklung\Firmware\CAN\CanFestival-3\examples\AVR\Slave\AVR-Studio\default\Makefile" Position="266 94 939 481" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/></Files></AVRWorkspace>