Windows CAN DLL driver sanity check.
/* can.h
* Header file for the Linux CAN-bus driver.
* Written by Arnaud Westenberg
* Rewritten for new CAN queues by Pavel Pisa - OCERA team member
* This software is released under the GPL-License.
* Version lincan-0.3 17 Jun 2004
#ifndef _CAN_DRVAPI_T_H
#define _CAN_DRVAPI_T_H
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <linux/time.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#else /* __KERNEL__ */
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
#include "./canmsg.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* CAN ioctl magic number */
#define CAN_IOC_MAGIC 'd'
typedef unsigned long bittiming_t;
typedef unsigned short channel_t;
* struct can_baudparams_t - datatype for calling CONF_BAUDPARAMS IOCTL
* @flags: reserved for additional flags for chip configuration, should be written -1 or 0
* @baudrate: baud rate in Hz
* @sjw: synchronization jump width (0-3) prescaled clock cycles
* @sampl_pt: sample point in % (0-100) sets (TSEG1+1)/(TSEG1+TSEG2+2) ratio
* The structure is used to configure new set of parameters into CAN controller chip.
* If default value of some field should be preserved, fill field by value -1.
struct can_baudparams_t {
long flags;
long baudrate;
long sjw;
long sample_pt;
/* CAN ioctl functions */
#define CAN_DRV_QRY_BRANCH 0 /* returns driver branch value - "LINC" for LinCAN driver */
#define CAN_DRV_QRY_VERSION 1 /* returns driver version as (major<<16) | (minor<<8) | patch */
#define CAN_DRV_QRY_MSGFORMAT 2 /* format of canmsg_t structure */
#define CMD_START _IOW(CAN_IOC_MAGIC, 1, channel_t)
#define CMD_STOP _IOW(CAN_IOC_MAGIC, 2, channel_t)
//#define CMD_RESET 3
#define CONF_BAUD _IOW(CAN_IOC_MAGIC, 4, bittiming_t)
//#define CONF_ACCM
//#define CONF_XTDACCM
//#define CONF_TIMING
//#define CONF_OMODE
#define CONF_FILTER _IOW(CAN_IOC_MAGIC, 8, unsigned char)
//#define CONF_FENABLE
#define STAT _IO(CAN_IOC_MAGIC, 9)
#define CANQUE_FILTER _IOW(CAN_IOC_MAGIC, 10, struct canfilt_t)
#define CONF_BAUDPARAMS _IOW(CAN_IOC_MAGIC, 11, struct can_baudparams_t)
#define CANRTR_READ _IOWR(CAN_IOC_MAGIC, 12, struct canmsg_t)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C"*/
#endif /*_CAN_DRVAPI_T_H*/