author lbessard
Tue, 05 Jun 2007 17:34:33 +0200
changeset 209 2cb34a4ac65a
parent 208 05d95c45b388
child 215 f49e5a6b7804
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug on RefreshStatusBar corrected
  This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen

  Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN

  See COPYING file for copyrights details.

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
#include "pdo.h"
#include "objacces.h"
#include "canfestival.h"

** @file   pdo.c
** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
** @date   Tue Jun  5 09:32:32 2007
** @brief
UNS8 sendPDO(CO_Data* d, s_PDO pdo, UNS8 req)
  UNS8 i;
  if( d->nodeState == Operational ) {
    Message m;

    /*! Message copy for sending */
    m.cob_id.w = pdo.cobId & 0x7FF; /*! Because the cobId is 11 bytes
                                      length */
    if ( req == NOT_A_REQUEST ) {
      UNS8 i;
      m.rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
      m.len = pdo.len;
      /*! memcpy(&, &, m.len); */
      /*! This Memcpy depends on packing structure. Avoid */
      for (i = 0 ; i < pdo.len ; i++)[i] =[i];
    else {
      m.rtr = REQUEST;
      m.len = 0;

    MSG_WAR(0x3901, "sendPDO cobId :", m.cob_id.w);
    MSG_WAR(0x3902,  "     Nb octets  : ",  m.len);
    for (i = 0 ; i < m.len ; i++) {
      MSG_WAR(0x3903,"           data : ",[i]);

    return canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
  } /*! end if */
  return 0xFF;

** PDO Manager
** @param d
** @param cobId
** @return
UNS8 PDOmGR(CO_Data* d, UNS32 cobId)
  UNS8 res;
  UNS8 i;
  s_PDO pdo;

  MSG_WAR(0x3905, "PDOmGR",0);

  /*! if PDO is waiting for transmission,
    preparation of the message to send */
  pdo.cobId = cobId;
  pdo.len =  d->process_var.count;
  /*! memcpy(&(, &(, pdo.len); */
     /* Ce memcpy devrait tre portable */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < pdo.len ; i++)[i] = d->[i];

    res = sendPDO(d, pdo, NOT_A_REQUEST);

    return res;

#if 0
/* TODO : implement bit mapping                          			 */

UNS8 buildPDO(CO_Data* d, UNS16 index)
{ /* DO NOT USE MSG_ERR because the macro may send a PDO -> infinite loop if it fails. */	
  UNS16 ind;
  UNS8      subInd;

  UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;      /* count of mapped objects... */
  /* pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo */
/*  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;  */
  /* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an mapping entry  */ 
  UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;

  UNS8      Size;
  UNS8      dataType;
  UNS8      offset;
  UNS16     offsetObjdict;
  UNS16     offsetObjdictPrm;
  UNS32     objDict;

  offset = 0x00;
  ind = index - 0x1800;

  MSG_WAR(0x3910,"Prepare PDO to send index :", index);

  /*! only operational state allows PDO transmission */
  if( d->nodeState != Operational ) {
    MSG_WAR(0x2911, "Unable to send the PDO (node not in OPERATIONAL mode). Node : ", index);
    return 0xFF;
  offsetObjdictPrm = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
  offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;

  if (offsetObjdictPrm && offsetObjdict)
      /*! get mapped objects number to transmit with this PDO */
      pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + ind)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
      MSG_WAR(0x3912, "Nb maped objects : ",* pMappingCount);
      MSG_WAR(0x3913, "        at index : ", 0x1A00 + ind);
      while (subInd < *pMappingCount) { /*! Loop on mapped variables */
        /*! get mapping parameters */
        pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + ind)->pSubindex[subInd + 1].pObject;
        MSG_WAR(0x3914, "Get the mapping      at index : ", (UNS16)0x1A00 + ind);
        MSG_WAR(0x3915, "                     subIndex : ", subInd + 1);
        MSG_WAR(0x3916, "                     value    : ", *(UNS32 *)pMappingParameter);
        /*! Get the mapped variable */
        Size = ((UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3));
        objDict = getODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
                             (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF),
                             (void *)&d->[offset], &Size, &dataType, 0 );

        if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
          MSG_WAR(0x2919, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", subInd + 1);
          MSG_WAR(0x2920, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
          MSG_WAR(0x2921, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
          return 0xFF;

        offset += Size;
        d->process_var.count = offset;
      }/*! end Loop on mapped variables  */
  return 0;

** @param d
** @param cobId
** @return
UNS8 sendPDOrequest( CO_Data* d, UNS32 cobId )
  UNS32 * pwCobId;
  UNS16          offset;
  UNS16          lastIndex;
  UNS8           err;

  MSG_WAR(0x3930, "sendPDOrequest ",0);
  /*! Sending the request only if the cobid have been found on the PDO
     receive */
  /*! part dictionary */
  offset = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
  lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;
  if (offset)
    while (offset <= lastIndex) {
      /*! get the CobId*/
      pwCobId = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject;

      if ( *pwCobId  == cobId ) {
        s_PDO pdo;
        pdo.cobId = *pwCobId;
        pdo.len = 0;
        err  = sendPDO(d, pdo, REQUEST);
        return err;
  MSG_WAR(0x1931, "sendPDOrequest : COBID not found : ", cobId);
  return 0xFF;

** @param d
** @param m
** @return
UNS8 proceedPDO(CO_Data* d, Message *m)
  UNS8   numPdo;
  UNS8   numMap;  /*! Number of the mapped varable */
  UNS8 i;
  UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;    /*! count of mapped objects... */
  /*! pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo... */
  /*!  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;   */
  /*! pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an
     mapping entry */
  UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
  UNS8  *    pTransmissionType = NULL; /*! pointer to the transmission
                                         type */
  UNS32 *    pwCobId = NULL;
  UNS8       Size;
  UNS8       dataType;
  UNS8       offset;
  UNS8       status;
  UNS32      objDict;
  UNS16      offsetObjdict;
  UNS16      lastIndex;
  status = state1;

  MSG_WAR(0x3935, "proceedPDO, cobID : ", ((*m).cob_id.w & 0x7ff));
  offset = 0x00;
  numPdo = 0;
  numMap = 0;
  if((*m).rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST ) { /*! The PDO received is not a
                                     request. */
    offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
    lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;

    /*! study of all the PDO stored in the dictionary */
      while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {

        switch( status ) {

        case state1:/*! data are stored in process_var array */
          /*! memcpy(&(, &m->data, (*m).len); */
          /*! Ce memcpy devrait etre portable */
          for ( i = 0 ; i < m->len ; i++)
            d->[i] = m->data[i];
          d->process_var.count = (*m).len;

          status = state2;

        case state2:
          /*! get CobId of the dictionary correspondant to the received
             PDO */
          pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject;
          /*! check the CobId coherance */
          /*!pwCobId is the cobId read in the dictionary at the state 3
          if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ){
            /*! The cobId is recognized */
            status = state4;
            MSG_WAR(0x3936, "cobId found at index ", 0x1400 + numPdo);
          else {
            /*! cobId received does not match with those write in the
              dictionnary */
            status = state2;

            case state4:/*! Get Mapped Objects Number */
               /*! The cobId of the message received has been found in the
                 dictionnary. */
               offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
             lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
             pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
             numMap = 0;
             while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
               UNS8 tmp[]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
               UNS8 ByteSize;
               pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
               if (pMappingParameter == NULL) {
                 MSG_ERR(0x1937, "Couldn't get mapping parameter : ", numMap + 1);
                 return 0xFF;
               /*! Get the addresse of the mapped variable. */
               /*! detail of *pMappingParameter : */
               /*! The 16 hight bits contains the index, the medium 8 bits
                 contains the subindex, */
               /*! and the lower 8 bits contains the size of the mapped
                 variable. */

               Size = (UNS8)(*pMappingParameter);

               /*! copy bit per bit in little endian */
               CopyBits(Size, (UNS8*)&d->[offset>>3], offset%8, 0, ((UNS8*)tmp), 0, 0);

               ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3); /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 =>
                                                   2, ... */

               objDict = setODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
                                    (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF),
                                 tmp, &ByteSize, 0 );

               if(objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
                 MSG_ERR(0x1938, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);
                 MSG_WAR(0x2939, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
                 MSG_WAR(0x2940, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
                 return 0xFF;

               MSG_WAR(0x3942, "Variable updated with value received by PDO cobid : ", m->cob_id.w);
               MSG_WAR(0x3943, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
               MSG_WAR(0x3944, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
               /*! MSG_WAR(0x3945, "                data : ",*((UNS32*)pMappedAppObject)); */
               offset += Size;
             } /*! end loop while on mapped variables */

             numMap = 0;
             return 0;

        }/*! end switch status*/
      }/*! end while*/
  }/*! end if Donnees */
  else if ((*m).rtr == REQUEST ){
    MSG_WAR(0x3946, "Receive a PDO request cobId : ", m->cob_id.w);
    status = state1;
    offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
    lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
    if(offsetObjdict) while( offsetObjdict  <= lastIndex ){
      /*! study of all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */

      switch( status ){

      case state1:/*! check the CobId */
        /*! get CobId of the dictionary which match to the received PDO
        pwCobId = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict)->pSubindex[1].pObject;
        if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ) {
          status = state4;
        else {
        status = state1;

      case state4:/*! check transmission type (after request?) */
        pTransmissionType = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
        if ( (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR) || (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC ) || (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT) ) {
          status = state5;
        else {
          /*! The requested PDO is not to send on request. So, does
            nothing. */
          MSG_WAR(0x2947, "PDO is not to send on request : ", m->cob_id.w);
          return 0xFF;

      case state5:/*! get mapped objects number */
        offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
        lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
        pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
        numMap = 0;
        while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
          pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
          /*! Get the mapped variable */
          Size = ((UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3));
          objDict = getODentry( d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)16),
                                (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & 0xFF),
                                (void *)&d->[offset], &Size, &dataType, 0 );
          if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
            MSG_ERR(0x1948, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);
            MSG_WAR(0x2949, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
            MSG_WAR(0x2950, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
            return 0xFF;
          offset += (UNS8) (((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3);
          d->process_var.count = offset;

        } /*! end while */
        PDOmGR( d, *pwCobId ); /*! Transmit the PDO */
        return 0;

      }/*! end switch status */
    }/*! end while */
  }/*! end if Requete */

  return 0;

** @param NbBits
** @param SrcByteIndex
** @param SrcBitIndex
** @param SrcBigEndian
** @param DestByteIndex
** @param DestBitIndex
** @param DestBigEndian
void CopyBits(UNS8 NbBits, UNS8* SrcByteIndex, UNS8 SrcBitIndex, UNS8 SrcBigEndian, UNS8* DestByteIndex, UNS8 DestBitIndex, UNS8 DestBigEndian)
  /*! This loop copy as many bits that it can each time, crossing*/
  /*! successively bytes*/
  // boundaries from LSB to MSB.
  while(NbBits > 0)
      /*! Bit missalignement between src and dest*/
      INTEGER8 Vect = DestBitIndex - SrcBitIndex;

      /*! We can now get src and align it to dest*/
      UNS8 Aligned = Vect>0 ? *SrcByteIndex << Vect : *SrcByteIndex >> -Vect;

      /*! Compute the nb of bit we will be able to copy*/
      UNS8 BoudaryLimit = (Vect>0 ? 8 - DestBitIndex :  8 - SrcBitIndex );
      UNS8 BitsToCopy = BoudaryLimit > NbBits ? NbBits : BoudaryLimit;

      /*! Create a mask that will serve in:*/
      UNS8 Mask = ((0xff << (DestBitIndex + BitsToCopy)) | (0xff >> (8 - DestBitIndex)));

      /*! - Filtering src*/
      UNS8 Filtered = Aligned & ~Mask;

      /*! - and erase bits where we write, preserve where we don't*/
      *DestByteIndex &= Mask;

      /*! Then write.*/
      *DestByteIndex |= Filtered ;

      /*!Compute next time cursors for src*/
      if((SrcBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)/*! cross boundary ?*/
          SrcBitIndex = 0;/*! First bit*/
          SrcByteIndex += (SrcBigEndian ? -1 : 1);/*! Next byte*/

      /*!Compute next time cursors for dest*/
      if((DestBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)
          DestBitIndex = 0;/*! First bit*/
          DestByteIndex += (DestBigEndian ? -1 : 1);/*! Next byte*/

      /*!And decrement counter.*/
      NbBits -= BitsToCopy;


#if 0

/* TODO : reimplement this using CallBacks

** @param d
** @param variable
** @return
UNS8 sendPDOevent( CO_Data* d, void * variable )
{ /*! DO NOT USE MSG_ERR because the macro may send a PDO -> infinite
    loop if it fails.*/
  UNS32           objDict = 0;
  UNS8            ind, sub_ind;
  UNS8            status;
  UNS8            offset;
  UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;
  UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;
  UNS8 *     pTransmissionType = NULL; /*! pointer to the transmission
                                         type */
  UNS32 *    pwCobId = NULL;
  UNS8 *     pSize;
  UNS8       size;
  UNS8       dataType;
  UNS16      offsetObjdict;
  UNS16      offsetObjdictPrm;
  UNS16      lastIndex;
  UNS8       numMap;
  ind     = 0x00;
  sub_ind = 1;
  offset  = 0x00;
  pSize   = &size;
  status  = state1;

  /*! look for the index and subindex where the variable is mapped */
  /*! Then, send the pdo which contains the variable. */

  MSG_WAR (0x3960, "sendPDOevent", 0);
  offsetObjdictPrm = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;

  offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
  lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;

  if (offsetObjdictPrm && offsetObjdict)
    /*! Loop on PDO Transmit */
    while(offsetObjdict <= lastIndex){
      /*! Check the transmission mode */
      pTransmissionType = d->objdict[offsetObjdictPrm].pSubindex[2].pObject;
      if (*pTransmissionType != TRANS_EVENT) {
      pMappingCount = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[0].pObject;
      numMap = 1; /*! mapped variable */
      while (numMap <= *pMappingCount) {
        pMappingParameter = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[numMap].pObject;
        /*! Get the variable */
        objDict = getODentry( d,
                              (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
                              (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF),
                              (void * *)&pMappedAppObject, pSize, &dataType, 0 );
        if( objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL ) {
          MSG_WAR(0x2961, "Error in dict. at index : ",
                  (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)16);

          MSG_WAR(0x2962, "               subindex : ",
                  ((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF);
          return 0xFF;
        if (pMappedAppObject == variable) { // Variable found !
          MSG_WAR(0x3963, "Variable to send found at index : ",
                  (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
          MSG_WAR(0x3964, "                       subIndex : ",
                  ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF);
          buildPDO(d, 0x1800 + ind);
          /*! Get the cobId */
          pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdictPrm].pSubindex[1].pObject;
          PDOmGR( d, *pwCobId ); /*! Send the PDO */
          return 0;
      } /*! End loop on mapped variable */
    } /*! End loop while on PDO */

  MSG_WAR(0x2965, "Variable not found in a PDO to send on event", 0);
  return 0xFF;
