Adding support for loading any eds file (subindex 0 not corresponding to subindex number)
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "can_driver.h"
struct SAnaGatePort
int hHandle;
Message sMsgBuffer;
struct SAnaGatePort *pNext;
struct SAnaGatePort *pPrev;
int bBufferFull;
struct SAnaGatePort *pFistAnaGatePort = NULL;
/********* AnaGate API CAN receive callback Funciton ****************/
void AnaGateReceiveCallBack (int nIdentifier, const char* pcBuffer, int nBufferLen, int nFlags, int hHandle)
int i;
struct SAnaGatePort *pAnaGatePort = pFistAnaGatePort;
while (pAnaGatePort->hHandle != hHandle )
pAnaGatePort = pAnaGatePort->pNext;
if (pAnaGatePort == pFistAnaGatePort )
pAnaGatePort = NULL;
printf("AnaGateReceiveCallBack (AnaGate_Linux): ERROR: Can't find AnaGatePort-Objekt to the Received Handle %d\n",hHandle);
while (pAnaGatePort->bBufferFull)
pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.cob_id = nIdentifier;
pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.len= nBufferLen;
if (nFlags == 2)
pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.rtr = 1;
pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.rtr = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < nBufferLen; i++)
pAnaGatePort->[i] = pcBuffer[i];
pAnaGatePort->bBufferFull = 1;
/*********functions which permit to communicate with the board****************/
UNS8 canReceive_driver(CAN_HANDLE fd0, Message *m)
int i;
struct SAnaGatePort* pAnaGatePort = (struct SAnaGatePort*)fd0;
while (pAnaGatePort->bBufferFull == 0)
usleep (5000);
m->cob_id = pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.cob_id;
m->len = pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.len;
m->rtr = pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.rtr;
for (i = 0 ; i < pAnaGatePort->sMsgBuffer.len; i++)
m->data[i] = pAnaGatePort->[i];
pAnaGatePort->bBufferFull = 0;
return 0;
UNS8 canSend_driver(CAN_HANDLE fd0, Message *m)
struct SAnaGatePort* pAnaCanPort = (struct SAnaGatePort*)fd0;
char cErrorMsg[100];
int nRetCode;
int nMsgTyp;
if (m->rtr == 0)
nMsgTyp = 0; //Normal;
nMsgTyp = 2; //Remote frame;
if ( (nRetCode = CANWrite(pAnaCanPort->hHandle , m->cob_id,(const char*) m->data, m->len, nMsgTyp) ) )
CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
fprintf(stderr,"canSend_driver (AnaGate_Linux) %s \n",nRetCode);
//printf("canSend_driver (AnaGate_Linux) %s \n",nRetCode);
return 1;
return 0;
int TranslateBaudeRate(char* optarg){
if(!strcmp( optarg, "1M")) return 1000000;
if(!strcmp( optarg, "800K")) return 800000;
if(!strcmp( optarg, "500K")) return 500000;
if(!strcmp( optarg, "250K")) return 250000;
if(!strcmp( optarg, "125K")) return 125000;
if(!strcmp( optarg, "100K")) return 100000;
if(!strcmp( optarg, "50K")) return 50000;
if(!strcmp( optarg, "20K")) return 20000;
if(!strcmp( optarg, "10K")) return 10000;
return 0x0000;
UNS8 canChangeBaudRate_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd0, char* baud)
int nRetCode;
char cErrorMsg[100];
struct SAnaGatePort* pAnaGatePort = (struct SAnaGatePort*)fd0;
if (nRetCode = CANSetGlobals (pAnaGatePort->hHandle, TranslateBaudeRate(baud), 0, 0, 1) )
CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
fprintf(stderr, "canChangeBaudRate_drive (AnaGate_Linux): %s\n", cErrorMsg);
//printf("canChangeBaudRate_drive (AnaGate_Linux): %s\n", cErrorMsg);
return 1;
return 0;
/* To open a connection to AnaGate CAN the s_BOARD board->busname must be
the AnaGate IP-Adresse followed from the CAN-Port (A or B) you want to use
For example ""
CAN_HANDLE canOpen_driver(s_BOARD *board)
int nPortNr;
char cErrorMsg[100];
int nRetCode;
char sIPAddress[16];
struct SAnaGatePort *pNewAnaGatePort;
unsigned int nBusnameLen;
char bBusnameValid = 1;
// Do some checkings concerning the busname
// format should be IP-Adress:Port
// e.g.
nBusnameLen = strlen(board->busname);
if ( nBusnameLen < strlen( "" ) ) bBusnameValid = 0; // check minimum length of busname
if ( nBusnameLen > strlen( "123.234.345.456:A" ) ) bBusnameValid = 0; // check maximum length of busname
if ( bBusnameValid )
switch (board->busname[nBusnameLen-1]) // check Portname of busname
case ('A'): nPortNr = 0; break;
case ('B'): nPortNr = 1; break;
case ('C'): nPortNr = 2; break;
case ('D'): nPortNr = 3; break;
default : bBusnameValid = 0; break;
if (board->busname[nBusnameLen-2] != ':' ) bBusnameValid = 0; // check Colon before Portname
if ( ! bBusnameValid )
fprintf(stderr, "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Win32): busname (\"%s\") has a wrong format. Use IPAddr:CANPort for example \"\"\n",board->busname);
board->busname[nBusnameLen-2] = 0; // NULL Terminator for IP Address string
strcpy (sIPAddress, board->busname);
pNewAnaGatePort = (struct SAnaGatePort*) malloc(sizeof (struct SAnaGatePort));
if (pFistAnaGatePort == NULL)
pFistAnaGatePort = pNewAnaGatePort;
pNewAnaGatePort->pNext = pNewAnaGatePort;
pNewAnaGatePort->pPrev = pNewAnaGatePort;
{ pNewAnaGatePort->pNext = pFistAnaGatePort;
pNewAnaGatePort->pPrev = pFistAnaGatePort->pPrev;
pFistAnaGatePort->pPrev->pNext = pNewAnaGatePort;
pFistAnaGatePort->pPrev = pNewAnaGatePort;
// Connect to AnaGate
if ( nRetCode = CANOpenDevice (&pNewAnaGatePort->hHandle,
0, /*confimation off*/
1, /*Monitor on*/
1000 /*TimeOut*/ ) )
CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
fprintf(stderr, "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s @ %s Port:%d\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress,nPortNr);
//printf( "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s @ %s Port:%d\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress,nPortNr);
// Inizial Baudrate
if (nRetCode = CANSetGlobals (pNewAnaGatePort->hHandle,
0,/*OperatingMode = normal*/
0,/*CAN-Termination = off*/
1 /*HighSpeedMode = on*/) )
CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
fprintf(stderr, "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
//printf("canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
// Creat receive and receive-acknoledge event
/*pNewAnaGatePort->hAnaRecEvent = CreateEvent(
NULL, // default security attributes
FALSE, // manual-reset event
FALSE, // initial state is nonsignaled
NULL // object name
pNewAnaGatePort->hFesticalRecAcknowledge = CreateEvent(
NULL, // default security attributes
FALSE, // manual-reset event
FALSE, // initial state is nonsignaled
NULL // object name
pNewAnaGatePort->bBufferFull = 0;
// Install receive callback funktion
if (nRetCode = CANSetCallback(pNewAnaGatePort->hHandle, AnaGateReceiveCallBack) )
canClose_driver (pNewAnaGatePort);
CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
fprintf(stderr, "canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
//printf("canOpen_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s @ %s\n", cErrorMsg,sIPAddress);
return (CAN_HANDLE)pNewAnaGatePort;
int canClose_driver(CAN_HANDLE fd0)
struct SAnaGatePort* pAnaGatePort = (struct SAnaGatePort*)fd0;
char cErrorMsg[100];
int nRetCode;
pAnaGatePort->bBufferFull = 1;
if ( nRetCode = CANCloseDevice(pAnaGatePort->hHandle) )
CANErrorMessage( nRetCode, cErrorMsg ,100 ); // Convert returncode to error messge
fprintf(stderr, "canClose_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s\n", cErrorMsg);
printf("canClose_driver (AnaGate_Linux): %s\n", cErrorMsg);
if (pAnaGatePort->pNext == pAnaGatePort)
free (pAnaGatePort);
pAnaGatePort->pNext->pPrev = pAnaGatePort->pPrev;
pAnaGatePort->pPrev->pNext = pAnaGatePort->pNext;
free (pAnaGatePort);
return 0;