Piotr Trojanek (ptroja) cleanup patche. Thanks.
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
Copyright (C): Cosateq GmbH & Co.KG
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
CAN driver interface for CO-PCICAN card.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "can_driver.h"
#include "def.h"
#include "co_pcicanops.h"
/* at the moment not threadsafe :-( */
static unsigned char selectedChannelRx = 0, selectedChannelTx = 0;
static int TranslateBaudRate( char* optarg )
/* values see documentation of CO-PCICAN */
if( !strcmp( optarg, "1M" ) ) return 0;
if( !strcmp( optarg, "800K" ) ) return 1;
if( !strcmp( optarg, "500K" ) ) return 2;
if( !strcmp( optarg, "250K" ) ) return 3;
if( !strcmp( optarg, "125K" ) ) return 4;
if( !strcmp( optarg, "100K" ) ) return 5;
if( !strcmp( optarg, "83.3K" ) ) return 6;
if( !strcmp( optarg, "10K" ) ) return 7;
return -1;
/*********CO-PCICAN specific functions to communicate with the board**********/
typedef struct
char used;
void* receiveTask;
void* d;
} CANPort; /* taken from drivers/unix.c */
int get_fd_of_port( CAN_PORT port )
CANPort *thisPort = (CANPort*)port;
CAN_HANDLE thisHandle;
int *pfd;
if( thisPort == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: get_fd_of_port(): thisPort is NULL\n");
return -1;
thisHandle = thisPort->fd;
if( thisHandle == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: get_fd_of_port(): thisHandle is NULL\n");
return -1;
pfd = (int*)thisHandle;
/*MSG("can_copcican_linux: get_fd_of_port(): handle is %d\n", *pfd);*/
return *pfd;
int co_pcican_enter_run_mode( const int fd )
co_pcican_config_t board_config;
if( fd < 0 )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: co_pcican_enter_run_mode(): invalid file descriptor\n");
return -1;
memset( &board_config, 0x00, sizeof(co_pcican_config_t) );
board_config.opcode = CMDQ_OPC_ENTER_RUN_MODE;
return ioctl( fd, CAN_CONFIG, &board_config );
int co_pcican_enter_config_mode( const int fd )
co_pcican_config_t board_config;
if( fd < 0 )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: co_pcican_enter_config_mode(): invalid file descriptor\n");
return -1;
memset( &board_config, 0x00, sizeof(co_pcican_config_t) );
board_config.opcode = CMDQ_OPC_ENTER_CONFIG_MODE;
return ioctl( fd, CAN_CONFIG, &board_config );
int co_pcican_select_channel( const unsigned char channel, const unsigned int direction )
if( channel >= NUM_CAN_CHANNELS )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: co_pcican_select_channel(): invalid channel\n");
return -1;
/* at the moment not threadsafe :-( */
switch( direction )
case RX: selectedChannelRx = channel;
case TX: selectedChannelTx = channel;
default: return -1;
return 0;
int co_pcican_configure_selected_channel( const int fd, s_BOARD *board, const unsigned int direction )
co_pcican_config_t board_config;
unsigned int selectedChannel;
if( fd < 0 )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: co_pcican_configure_selected_channel(): invalid file descriptor\n");
return -1;
if( board == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: co_pcican_configure_selected_channel(): board is NULL\n");
return -1;
if( board->baudrate == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: co_pcican_configure_selected_channel(): baudrate is NULL\n");
return -1;
switch( direction )
case RX: selectedChannel = selectedChannelRx;
case TX: selectedChannel = selectedChannelTx;
default: selectedChannel = 0xff;
if( selectedChannel >= NUM_CAN_CHANNELS )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: co_pcican_configure_selected_channel(): invalid channel selected\n");
return -1;
memset( &board_config, 0x00, sizeof(co_pcican_config_t) );
board_config.opcode = CMDQ_OPC_SET_CONFIG_CHANNEL;
board_config.param[0] = selectedChannel;
board_config.param[1] = TranslateBaudRate( board->baudrate );
return ioctl( fd, CAN_CONFIG, &board_config );
/*********functions which permit to communicate with the board****************/
UNS8 canReceive_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd0, Message *m )
co_pcican_message_t canmsg;
UNS8 ret = 0;
int *pfd = (int*)fd0;
if( pfd == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canReceive_driver(): file descriptor is NULL\n");
return 1;
if( *pfd < 0 )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canReceive_driver(): invalid file descriptor\n");
return 1;
if( selectedChannelRx >= NUM_CAN_CHANNELS )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canReceive_driver(): invalid channel selected\n");
return 1;
if( m == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canReceive_driver(): message is NULL\n");
return 1;
memset( &canmsg, 0x00, sizeof(co_pcican_message_t) );
canmsg.channelnum = selectedChannelRx;
ioctl( *pfd, CAN_READ, &canmsg );
if( canmsg.timestamp_lo == 0 )
memset( m, 0x00, sizeof(Message) );
m->cob_id = 0xffff; /* set to invalid so nothing happens */
m->len = canmsg.size;
m->cob_id = canmsg.id;
m->rtr = canmsg.type & MSG_RTR;
if( !m->rtr )
/* this is for safety */
if( m->len > 8 )
m->len = 8;
memcpy( m->data, canmsg.data, m->len);
return ret;
UNS8 canSend_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd0, Message *m )
co_pcican_message_t canmsg;
UNS8 ret = 0;
int *pfd = (int*)fd0;
if( pfd == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canSend_driver(): file descriptor is NULL\n");
return 1;
if( *pfd < 0 )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canSend_driver(): invalid file descriptor\n");
return 1;
if( selectedChannelTx >= NUM_CAN_CHANNELS )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canSend_driver(): invalid channel selected\n");
return 1;
if( m == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canSend_driver(): message is NULL\n");
return 1;
memset( &canmsg, 0x00, sizeof(co_pcican_message_t) );
canmsg.channelnum = selectedChannelTx;
canmsg.size = m->len;
canmsg.id = m->cob_id;
if( canmsg.id >= 0x800 )
canmsg.type |= MSG_EXT;
if( m->rtr )
canmsg.type |= MSG_RTR;
/* this is for safety */
if( canmsg.size > 8 )
canmsg.size = 8;
memcpy( canmsg.data, m->data, canmsg.size);
if( ioctl( *pfd, CAN_WRITE, &canmsg ) < 0 )
ret = 1;
return ret;
CAN_HANDLE canOpen_driver( s_BOARD *board )
int *pfd;
if( board == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canOpen_driver(): board is NULL\n");
return NULL;
if( board->busname == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canOpen_driver(): busname is NULL\n");
return NULL;
/* create dynamically to avoid global variable */
pfd = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int) );
if( pfd == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canOpen_driver(): file descriptor is NULL\n");
return NULL;
*pfd = open( board->busname, O_RDWR, 0 );
if( *pfd < 0 )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canOpen_driver(): invalid file descriptor\n");
/* clear resources if open failed */
free( pfd );
pfd = NULL;
/*MSG("can_copcican_linux: canOpen_driver(): handle is %d\n", *pfd);*/
return (CAN_HANDLE)pfd;
int canClose_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd0 )
int *pfd = (int*)fd0;
if( pfd == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canClose_driver(): file descriptor is NULL\n");
return -1;
if( *pfd < 0 )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canClose_driver(): invalid file descriptor\n");
return -1;
close( *pfd );
free( pfd );
pfd = NULL;
selectedChannelRx = 0;
selectedChannelTx = 0;
return 0;
UNS8 canChangeBaudRate_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd0, char* baud )
s_BOARD board;
UNS8 ret = 0;
int *pfd = (int*)fd0;
if( pfd == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canChangeBaudRate_driver(): file descriptor is NULL\n");
return 1;
if( *pfd < 0 )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canChangeBaudRate_driver(): invalid file descriptor\n");
return 1;
if( baud == NULL )
MSG("can_copcican_linux: canChangeBaudRate_driver(): baud is NULL\n");
return 1;
memset( &board, 0x00, sizeof(s_BOARD) );
board.baudrate = baud;
if( co_pcican_configure_selected_channel( *pfd, &board, RX ) < 0 )
ret = 1;
if( co_pcican_configure_selected_channel( *pfd, &board, TX ) < 0 )
ret = 1;
return ret;