changeset 205 dac0f9b4e3f8
parent 182 988f2b302aa6
child 206 6787754b251b
--- a/objdictgen/objdictedit.py	Fri May 25 23:57:17 2007 +0200
+++ b/objdictgen/objdictedit.py	Mon May 28 18:08:24 2007 +0200
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 from wxPython.wx import *
 from wxPython.grid import *
 import wx
-from wx.lib.anchors import LayoutAnchors
 import wx.grid
 from types import *
@@ -33,7 +32,8 @@
 __version__ = "$Revision$"
 from nodemanager import *
-from node import OD_Subindex,OD_MultipleSubindexes,OD_IdenticalSubindexes,OD_IdenticalIndexes
+from subindextable import *
+from commondialogs import *
 from doc_index.DS301_index import *
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
     return objdictedit(parent)
 def usage():
-    print "\nUsage of objectdict.py :"
+    print "\nUsage of objdictedit.py :"
     print "\n   %s [Filepath, ...]\n"%sys.argv[0]
@@ -126,663 +126,6 @@
 filesOpen = args
 ScriptDirectory = sys.path[0]
-ColSizes = [75, 250, 150, 125, 100, 60, 250]
-AccessList = "Read Only,Write Only,Read/Write"
-RAccessList = "Read Only,Read/Write"
-BoolList = "True,False"
-OptionList = "Yes,No"
-DictionaryOrganisation = [
-    {"minIndex" : 0x0001, "maxIndex" : 0x0FFF, "name" : "Data Type Definitions"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x1000, "maxIndex" : 0x1029, "name" : "Communication Parameters"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x1200, "maxIndex" : 0x12FF, "name" : "SDO Parameters"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x1400, "maxIndex" : 0x15FF, "name" : "Receive PDO Parameters"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x1600, "maxIndex" : 0x17FF, "name" : "Receive PDO Mapping"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x1800, "maxIndex" : 0x19FF, "name" : "Transmit PDO Parameters"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x1A00, "maxIndex" : 0x1BFF, "name" : "Transmit PDO Mapping"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x1C00, "maxIndex" : 0x1FFF, "name" : "Other Communication Parameters"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x2000, "maxIndex" : 0x5FFF, "name" : "Manufacturer Specific"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0x6000, "maxIndex" : 0x9FFF, "name" : "Standardized Device Profile"},
-    {"minIndex" : 0xA000, "maxIndex" : 0xBFFF, "name" : "Standardized Interface Profile"}]
-class SubindexTable(wxPyGridTableBase):
-    """
-    A custom wxGrid Table using user supplied data
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent, data, editors, colnames):
-        # The base class must be initialized *first*
-        wxPyGridTableBase.__init__(self)
-        self.data = data
-        self.editors = editors
-        self.CurrentIndex = 0
-        self.colnames = colnames
-        self.Parent = parent
-        # XXX
-        # we need to store the row length and collength to
-        # see if the table has changed size
-        self._rows = self.GetNumberRows()
-        self._cols = self.GetNumberCols()
-    def GetNumberCols(self):
-        return len(self.colnames)
-    def GetNumberRows(self):
-        return len(self.data)
-    def GetColLabelValue(self, col):
-        if col < len(self.colnames):
-            return self.colnames[col]
-    def GetRowLabelValues(self, row):
-        return row
-    def GetValue(self, row, col):
-        if row < self.GetNumberRows():
-            value = self.data[row].get(self.GetColLabelValue(col), "")
-            if (type(value) == UnicodeType):
-                return value
-            else: 
-                return str(value)
-    def GetEditor(self, row, col):
-        if row < self.GetNumberRows():
-            return self.editors[row].get(self.GetColLabelValue(col), "")
-    def GetValueByName(self, row, colname):
-        return self.data[row].get(colname)
-    def SetValue(self, row, col, value):
-        if col < len(self.colnames):
-            self.data[row][self.GetColLabelValue(col)] = value
-    def ResetView(self, grid):
-        """
-        (wxGrid) -> Reset the grid view.   Call this to
-        update the grid if rows and columns have been added or deleted
-        """
-        grid.BeginBatch()
-        for current, new, delmsg, addmsg in [
-            (self._rows, self.GetNumberRows(), wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_DELETED, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED),
-            (self._cols, self.GetNumberCols(), wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_DELETED, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_APPENDED),
-        ]:
-            if new < current:
-                msg = wxGridTableMessage(self,delmsg,new,current-new)
-                grid.ProcessTableMessage(msg)
-            elif new > current:
-                msg = wxGridTableMessage(self,addmsg,new-current)
-                grid.ProcessTableMessage(msg)
-                self.UpdateValues(grid)
-        grid.EndBatch()
-        self._rows = self.GetNumberRows()
-        self._cols = self.GetNumberCols()
-        # update the column rendering scheme
-        self._updateColAttrs(grid)
-        # update the scrollbars and the displayed part of the grid
-        grid.AdjustScrollbars()
-        grid.ForceRefresh()
-    def UpdateValues(self, grid):
-        """Update all displayed values"""
-        # This sends an event to the grid table to update all of the values
-        msg = wxGridTableMessage(self, wxGRIDTABLE_REQUEST_VIEW_GET_VALUES)
-        grid.ProcessTableMessage(msg)
-    def _updateColAttrs(self, grid):
-        """
-        wxGrid -> update the column attributes to add the
-        appropriate renderer given the column name.
-        Otherwise default to the default renderer.
-        """
-        for col in range(self.GetNumberCols()):
-            attr = wxGridCellAttr()
-            attr.SetAlignment(ColAlignements[col], wxALIGN_CENTRE)
-            grid.SetColAttr(col, attr)
-            grid.SetColSize(col, ColSizes[col])
-        typelist = None
-        accesslist = None
-        for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()):
-            editors = self.editors[row]
-            for col in range(self.GetNumberCols()):
-                editor = None
-                renderer = None
-                colname = self.GetColLabelValue(col)
-                editortype = editors[colname]
-                if editortype:
-                    grid.SetReadOnly(row, col, False)
-                    if editortype == "string":
-                        editor = wxGridCellTextEditor()
-                        renderer = wxGridCellStringRenderer()
-                        if colname == "value" and "length" in editors:
-                            editor.SetParameters(editors["length"]) 
-                    elif editortype == "number":
-                        editor = wxGridCellNumberEditor()
-                        renderer = wxGridCellNumberRenderer()
-                        if colname == "value" and "min" in editors and "max" in editors:
-                            editor.SetParameters("%s,%s"%(editors["min"],editors["max"]))
-                    elif editortype == "real":
-                        editor = wxGridCellFloatEditor()
-                        renderer = wxGridCellFloatRenderer()
-                        if colname == "value" and "min" in editors and "max" in editors:
-                            editor.SetParameters("%s,%s"%(editors["min"],editors["max"]))
-                    elif editortype == "bool":
-                        editor = wxGridCellChoiceEditor()
-                        editor.SetParameters(BoolList)
-                    elif editortype == "access":
-                        editor = wxGridCellChoiceEditor()
-                        editor.SetParameters(AccessList)
-                    elif editortype == "raccess":
-                        editor = wxGridCellChoiceEditor()
-                        editor.SetParameters(RAccessList)
-                    elif editortype == "option":
-                        editor = wxGridCellChoiceEditor()
-                        editor.SetParameters(OptionList)
-                    elif editortype == "type":
-                        editor = wxGridCellChoiceEditor()
-                        editor.SetParameters(self.Parent.Manager.GetCurrentTypeList())
-                    elif editortype == "map":
-                        editor = wxGridCellChoiceEditor()
-                        editor.SetParameters(self.Parent.Manager.GetCurrentMapList())
-                    elif editortype == "time":
-                        editor = wxGridCellTextEditor()
-                        renderer = wxGridCellStringRenderer()
-                    elif editortype == "domain":
-                        editor = wxGridCellTextEditor()
-                        renderer = wxGridCellStringRenderer()
-                else:
-                    grid.SetReadOnly(row, col, True)
-                grid.SetCellEditor(row, col, editor)
-                grid.SetCellRenderer(row, col, renderer)
-                grid.SetCellBackgroundColour(row, col, wxWHITE)
-    def SetData(self, data):
-        self.data = data
-    def SetEditors(self, editors):
-        self.editors = editors
-    def GetCurrentIndex(self):
-        return self.CurrentIndex
-    def SetCurrentIndex(self, index):
-        self.CurrentIndex = index
-    def AppendRow(self, row_content):
-        self.data.append(row_content)
-    def Empty(self):
-        self.data = []
-        self.editors = []
-] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(10)]
-] = [wx.NewId() for _init_coll_IndexListMenu_Items in range(3)]
-] = [wx.NewId() for _init_coll_SubindexGridMenu_Items in range(2)]
-class EditingPanel(wx.SplitterWindow):
-    def _init_coll_AddToListSizer_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddWindow(self.AddButton, 0, border=0, flag=0)
-        parent.AddWindow(self.IndexChoice, 0, border=0, flag=wxGROW)
-    def _init_coll_SubindexGridSizer_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddWindow(self.CallbackCheck, 0, border=0, flag=0)
-        parent.AddWindow(self.SubindexGrid, 0, border=0, flag=wxGROW)
-    def _init_coll_IndexListSizer_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddWindow(self.IndexList, 0, border=0, flag=wxGROW)
-        parent.AddSizer(self.AddToListSizer, 0, border=0, flag=wxGROW)
-    def _init_coll_AddToListSizer_Growables(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddGrowableCol(1)
-    def _init_coll_SubindexGridSizer_Growables(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddGrowableCol(0)
-        parent.AddGrowableRow(1)
-    def _init_coll_IndexListSizer_Growables(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddGrowableCol(0)
-        parent.AddGrowableRow(0)
-    def _init_coll_SubindexGridMenu_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_EDITINGPANELMENU1ITEMS0,
-              kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='Add')
-        parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_EDITINGPANELMENU1ITEMS1,
-              kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='Delete')
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddSubindexMenu,
-              id=wxID_EDITINGPANELMENU1ITEMS0)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnDeleteSubindexMenu,
-              id=wxID_EDITINGPANELMENU1ITEMS1)
-    def _init_coll_IndexListMenu_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_EDITINGPANELINDEXLISTMENUITEMS0,
-              kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='Rename')
-        parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_EDITINGPANELINDEXLISTMENUITEMS2,
-              kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='Modify')
-        parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_EDITINGPANELINDEXLISTMENUITEMS1,
-              kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='Delete')
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnRenameIndexMenu,
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnDeleteIndexMenu,
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnModifyIndexMenu,
-    def _init_utils(self):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        self.IndexListMenu = wx.Menu(title='')
-        self.SubindexGridMenu = wx.Menu(title='')
-        self._init_coll_IndexListMenu_Items(self.IndexListMenu)
-        self._init_coll_SubindexGridMenu_Items(self.SubindexGridMenu)
-    def _init_sizers(self):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        self.IndexListSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
-        self.SubindexGridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
-        self.AddToListSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2, hgap=0, rows=1, vgap=0)
-        self._init_coll_IndexListSizer_Growables(self.IndexListSizer)
-        self._init_coll_IndexListSizer_Items(self.IndexListSizer)
-        self._init_coll_SubindexGridSizer_Growables(self.SubindexGridSizer)
-        self._init_coll_SubindexGridSizer_Items(self.SubindexGridSizer)
-        self._init_coll_AddToListSizer_Growables(self.AddToListSizer)
-        self._init_coll_AddToListSizer_Items(self.AddToListSizer)
-        self.SubindexGridPanel.SetSizer(self.SubindexGridSizer)
-        self.IndexListPanel.SetSizer(self.IndexListSizer)
-    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
-        wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, id=wxID_EDITINGPANEL,
-              name='MainSplitter', parent=prnt, point=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=wx.SP_3D)
-        self._init_utils()
-        self.SetNeedUpdating(True)
-        self.SetMinimumPaneSize(1)
-        self.PartList = wx.ListBox(choices=[], id=wxID_EDITINGPANELPARTLIST,
-              name='PartList', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=0)
-        self.PartList.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnPartListBoxClick,
-              id=wxID_EDITINGPANELPARTLIST)
-        self.SecondSplitter = wx.SplitterWindow(id=wxID_EDITINGPANELSECONDSPLITTER,
-              name='SecondSplitter', parent=self, point=wx.Point(0,
-              0), size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=wx.SP_3D)
-        self.SecondSplitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(1)
-        self.SplitHorizontally(self.PartList, self.SecondSplitter,
-              110)
-        self.SubindexGridPanel = wx.Panel(id=wxID_EDITINGPANELSUBINDEXGRIDPANEL,
-              name='SubindexGridPanel', parent=self.SecondSplitter, pos=wx.Point(0,
-              0), size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
-        self.IndexListPanel = wx.Panel(id=wxID_EDITINGPANELINDEXLISTPANEL,
-              name='IndexListPanel', parent=self.SecondSplitter, pos=wx.Point(0,
-              0), size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
-        self.SecondSplitter.SplitVertically(self.IndexListPanel,
-              self.SubindexGridPanel, 280)
-        self.SubindexGrid = wx.grid.Grid(id=wxID_EDITINGPANELSUBINDEXGRID,
-              name='SubindexGrid', parent=self.SubindexGridPanel, pos=wx.Point(0,
-              0), size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=0)
-        self.SubindexGrid.SetFont(wx.Font(12, 77, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False,
-              'Sans'))
-        self.SubindexGrid.SetLabelFont(wx.Font(10, 77, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL,
-              False, 'Sans'))
-        self.SubindexGrid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE,
-              self.OnSubindexGridCellChange)
-        self.SubindexGrid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK,
-              self.OnSubindexGridRightClick)
-        self.SubindexGrid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL,
-              self.OnSubindexGridSelectCell)
-        self.CallbackCheck = wx.CheckBox(id=wxID_EDITINGPANELCALLBACKCHECK,
-              label='Have Callbacks', name='CallbackCheck',
-              parent=self.SubindexGridPanel, pos=wx.Point(0, 0), size=wx.Size(152,
-              24), style=0)
-        self.CallbackCheck.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCallbackCheck,
-        self.IndexList = wx.ListBox(choices=[], id=wxID_EDITINGPANELINDEXLIST,
-              name='IndexList', parent=self.IndexListPanel, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=0)
-        self.IndexList.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnIndexListClick,
-        self.IndexList.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnIndexListRightUp)
-        self.AddButton = wx.Button(id=wxID_EDITINGPANELADDBUTTON, label='Add',
-              name='AddButton', parent=self.IndexListPanel, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(50, 30), style=0)
-        self.AddButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnAddButtonClick,
-        self.IndexChoice = wx.Choice(choices=[], id=wxID_EDITINGPANELINDEXCHOICE,
-              name='IndexChoice', parent=self.IndexListPanel, pos=wx.Point(50,
-              0), size=wx.Size(-1, 30), style=0)
-        self._init_sizers()
-    def __init__(self, parent, manager):
-        self._init_ctrls(parent.GetNoteBook())
-        self.Parent = parent
-        self.Manager = manager
-        self.ListIndex = []
-        self.ChoiceIndex = []
-        self.FirstCall = False
-        for values in DictionaryOrganisation:
-            text = "   0x%04X-0x%04X      %s"%(values["minIndex"],values["maxIndex"],values["name"])
-            self.PartList.Append(text)
-        self.Table = SubindexTable(self, [], [], ["subindex", "name", "type", "value", "access", "save", "comment"])
-        self.SubindexGrid.SetTable(self.Table)
-        self.SubindexGrid.SetRowLabelSize(0)
-        self.CallbackCheck.Disable()
-        self.Table.ResetView(self.SubindexGrid)
-    def GetSelection(self):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-            subIndex = self.SubindexGrid.GetGridCursorRow()
-            return index, subIndex
-        return None
-    def OnAddButtonClick(self, event):
-        self.SubindexGrid.SetGridCursor(0, 0)
-        selected = self.IndexChoice.GetStringSelection()
-        if selected != "":
-            if selected == "User Type":
-                self.Parent.AddUserType()
-            elif selected == "SDO Server":
-                self.Manager.AddSDOServerToCurrent()
-            elif selected == "SDO Client":
-                self.Manager.AddSDOClientToCurrent()
-            elif selected == "PDO Receive":
-                self.Manager.AddPDOReceiveToCurrent()
-            elif selected == "PDO Transmit":
-                self.Manager.AddPDOTransmitToCurrent()
-            elif selected == "Map Variable":
-                self.Parent.AddMapVariable()
-            elif selected in [menu for menu, indexes in self.Manager.GetCurrentSpecificMenu()]:
-                self.Manager.AddSpecificEntryToCurrent(selected)
-            else:
-                index = self.ChoiceIndex[self.IndexChoice.GetSelection()]
-                self.Manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent([index], [])
-            self.Parent.RefreshBufferState()
-            self.RefreshIndexList()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnPartListBoxClick(self, event):
-        self.SubindexGrid.SetGridCursor(0, 0)
-        self.RefreshIndexList()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnIndexListClick(self, event):
-        self.SubindexGrid.SetGridCursor(0, 0)
-        self.RefreshTable()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnSubindexGridSelectCell(self, event):
-        wxCallAfter(self.Parent.RefreshStatusBar)
-        event.Skip()
-#                             Refresh Functions
-    def RefreshIndexList(self):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        choice = self.IndexChoice.GetStringSelection()
-        choiceindex = self.IndexChoice.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            selectedindex = self.ListIndex[selected]
-        self.IndexList.Clear()
-        self.IndexChoice.Clear()
-        i = self.PartList.GetSelection()
-        if i < len(DictionaryOrganisation):
-            values = DictionaryOrganisation[i]
-            self.ListIndex = []
-            for name, index in self.Manager.GetCurrentValidIndexes(values["minIndex"], values["maxIndex"]):
-                self.IndexList.Append("0x%04X   %s"%(index, name))
-                self.ListIndex.append(index)
-            self.ChoiceIndex = []
-            if i == 0:
-                self.IndexChoice.Append("User Type")
-                self.IndexChoice.SetStringSelection("User Type")
-            elif i == 2:
-                self.IndexChoice.Append("SDO Server")
-                self.IndexChoice.Append("SDO Client")
-                if choiceindex != wxNOT_FOUND and choice == self.IndexChoice.GetString(choiceindex):
-                     self.IndexChoice.SetStringSelection(choice)
-            elif i in (3, 4):
-                self.IndexChoice.Append("PDO Receive")
-                self.IndexChoice.SetStringSelection("PDO Receive")
-            elif i in (5, 6):
-                self.IndexChoice.Append("PDO Transmit")
-                self.IndexChoice.SetStringSelection("PDO Transmit")
-            elif i == 8:
-                self.IndexChoice.Append("Map Variable")
-                self.IndexChoice.SetStringSelection("Map Variable")
-            else:
-                for name, index in self.Manager.GetCurrentValidChoices(values["minIndex"], values["maxIndex"]):
-                    if index:
-                        self.IndexChoice.Append("0x%04X   %s"%(index, name))
-                    else:
-                        self.IndexChoice.Append(name)
-                    self.ChoiceIndex.append(index)
-            if choiceindex != wxNOT_FOUND and choice == self.IndexChoice.GetString(choiceindex):
-                self.IndexChoice.SetStringSelection(choice)
-        self.IndexChoice.Enable(self.IndexChoice.GetCount() != 0)
-        self.AddButton.Enable(self.IndexChoice.GetCount() != 0)
-        if selected == wxNOT_FOUND or selected >= len(self.ListIndex) or selectedindex != self.ListIndex[selected]:
-            self.Table.Empty()
-            self.CallbackCheck.SetValue(False)
-            self.CallbackCheck.Disable()
-            self.Table.ResetView(self.SubindexGrid)
-            self.Parent.RefreshStatusBar()
-        else:
-            self.IndexList.SetSelection(selected)
-            self.RefreshTable()
-    def RefreshTable(self):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-            if index > 0x260:
-                self.CallbackCheck.Enable()
-                self.CallbackCheck.SetValue(self.Manager.HasCurrentEntryCallbacks(index))
-            result = self.Manager.GetCurrentEntryValues(index)
-            if result != None:
-                self.Table.SetCurrentIndex(index)
-                data, editors = result
-                self.Table.SetData(data)
-                self.Table.SetEditors(editors)
-                self.Table.ResetView(self.SubindexGrid)
-        self.Parent.RefreshStatusBar()
-#                        Editing Table value function
-    def OnSubindexGridCellChange(self, event):
-        index = self.Table.GetCurrentIndex()
-        subIndex = event.GetRow()
-        col = event.GetCol()
-        name = self.Table.GetColLabelValue(col)
-        value = self.Table.GetValue(subIndex, col)
-        editor = self.Table.GetEditor(subIndex, col)
-        self.Manager.SetCurrentEntry(index, subIndex, value, name, editor)
-        self.Parent.RefreshBufferState()
-        wxCallAfter(self.RefreshTable)
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnCallbackCheck(self, event):
-        index = self.Table.GetCurrentIndex()
-        self.Manager.SetCurrentEntryCallbacks(index, self.CallbackCheck.GetValue())
-        self.Parent.RefreshBufferState()
-        wxCallAfter(self.RefreshTable)
-        event.Skip()
-#                          Contextual Menu functions
-    def OnIndexListRightUp(self, event):
-        if not self.FirstCall:
-            self.FirstCall = True
-            selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-            if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-                index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-                if index < 0x260:
-                    self.IndexListMenu.FindItemByPosition(0).Enable(False)
-                    self.IndexListMenu.FindItemByPosition(1).Enable(True)
-                    self.PopupMenu(self.IndexListMenu)
-                elif 0x1000 <= index <= 0x1BFF:
-                    self.IndexListMenu.FindItemByPosition(0).Enable(False)
-                    self.IndexListMenu.FindItemByPosition(1).Enable(False)
-                    self.PopupMenu(self.IndexListMenu)
-                elif 0x2000 <= index <= 0x5FFF:
-                    self.IndexListMenu.FindItemByPosition(0).Enable(True)
-                    self.IndexListMenu.FindItemByPosition(1).Enable(False)
-                    self.PopupMenu(self.IndexListMenu)
-                elif index >= 0x6000:
-                    self.IndexListMenu.FindItemByPosition(0).Enable(False)
-                    self.IndexListMenu.FindItemByPosition(1).Enable(False)
-                    self.PopupMenu(self.IndexListMenu)
-        else:
-            self.FirstCall = False
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnSubindexGridRightClick(self, event):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-            if self.Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index):
-                infos = self.Manager.GetEntryInfos(index)
-                if index >= 0x2000 and infos["struct"] & OD_MultipleSubindexes or infos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
-                    self.PopupMenu(self.SubindexGridMenu)
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnRenameIndexMenu(self, event):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-            if self.Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index):
-                infos = self.Manager.GetEntryInfos(index)
-                dialog = wxTextEntryDialog(self, "Give a new name for index 0x%04X"%index,
-                             "Rename an index", infos["name"], wxOK|wxCANCEL)
-                if dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
-                    self.Manager.SetCurrentEntryName(index, dialog.GetValue())
-                    self.Parent.RefreshBufferState()
-                    self.RefreshIndexList()
-                dialog.Destroy()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnModifyIndexMenu(self, event):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-            if self.Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index) and index < 0x260:
-                values, valuetype = self.Manager.GetCustomisedTypeValues(index)
-                dialog = UserTypeDialog(self)
-                dialog.SetTypeList(self.Manager.GetCustomisableTypes(), values[1])
-                if valuetype == 0:
-                    dialog.SetValues(min = values[2], max = values[3])
-                elif valuetype == 1:
-                    dialog.SetValues(length = values[2])
-                if dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
-                    type, min, max, length = dialog.GetValues()
-                    self.Manager.SetCurrentUserType(index, type, min, max, length)
-                    self.Parent.RefreshBufferState()
-                    self.RefreshIndexList()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnDeleteIndexMenu(self, event):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-            if self.Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index):
-                self.Manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent([],[index])
-                self.Parent.RefreshBufferState()
-                self.RefreshIndexList()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnAddSubindexMenu(self, event):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-            if self.Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index):
-                dialog = wxTextEntryDialog(self, "Number of subindexes to add:",
-                             "Add subindexes", "1", wxOK|wxCANCEL)
-                if dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
-                    try:
-                        number = int(dialog.GetValue())
-                        self.Manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(index, number)
-                        self.Parent.RefreshBufferState()
-                        self.RefreshIndexList()
-                    except:
-                        message = wxMessageDialog(self, "An integer is required!", "ERROR", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR)
-                        message.ShowModal()
-                        message.Destroy()
-                dialog.Destroy()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnDeleteSubindexMenu(self, event):
-        selected = self.IndexList.GetSelection()
-        if selected != wxNOT_FOUND:
-            index = self.ListIndex[selected]
-            if self.Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index):
-                dialog = wxTextEntryDialog(self, "Number of subindexes to delete:",
-                             "Delete subindexes", "1", wxOK|wxCANCEL)
-                if dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
-                    try:
-                        number = int(dialog.GetValue())
-                        self.Manager.RemoveSubentriesFromCurrent(index, number)
-                        self.Parent.RefreshBufferState()
-                        self.RefreshIndexList()
-                    except:
-                        message = wxMessageDialog(self, "An integer is required!", "ERROR", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR)
-                        message.ShowModal()
-                        message.Destroy()
-                dialog.Destroy()
-        event.Skip()
@@ -860,13 +203,13 @@
               kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='DS-301 Standard\tF1')
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpDS301Menu,
+        parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_OBJDICTEDITHELPMENUITEMS1,
+              kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='CAN Festival Docs\tF2')
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpCANFestivalMenu,
         if Html_Window:
-            parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_OBJDICTEDITHELPMENUITEMS1,
-                  kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='CAN Festival Docs\tF2')
             parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_OBJDICTEDITHELPMENUITEMS2,
                   kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text='About')
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpCANFestivalMenu,
-                  id=wxID_OBJDICTEDITHELPMENUITEMS1)
             self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAboutMenu,
@@ -1007,9 +350,6 @@
-        self.RefreshMainMenu()
-        self.RefreshBufferState()
@@ -1052,9 +392,11 @@
         selected = event.GetSelection()
         # At init selected = -1
         if selected >= 0:
-        	self.Manager.ChangeCurrentNode(selected)
-        	self.RefreshBufferState()
-        	self.RefreshProfileMenu()
+            window = self.FileOpened.GetPage(selected)
+            self.Manager.ChangeCurrentNode(window.GetIndex())
+            self.RefreshBufferState()
+            self.RefreshStatusBar()
+            self.RefreshProfileMenu()
     def OnHelpDS301Menu(self, event):
@@ -1143,34 +485,35 @@
     def RefreshStatusBar(self):
-        window = self.FileOpened.GetPage(self.FileOpened.GetSelection())
-        selection = window.GetSelection()
-        if selection:
-            index, subIndex = selection
-            if self.Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index):
-                self.HelpBar.SetStatusText("Index: 0x%04X"%index, 0)
-                self.HelpBar.SetStatusText("Subindex: 0x%02X"%subIndex, 1)
-                entryinfos = self.Manager.GetEntryInfos(index)
-                name = entryinfos["name"]
-                category = "Optional"
-                if entryinfos["need"]:
-                    category = "Mandatory"
-                struct = "VAR"
-                number = ""
-                if entryinfos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalIndexes:
-                    number = " possibly defined %d times"%entryinfos["nbmax"]
-                if entryinfos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
-                    struct = "REC"
-                elif entryinfos["struct"] & OD_MultipleSubindexes:
-                    struct = "ARRAY"
-                text = "%s: %s entry of struct %s%s."%(name,category,struct,number)
-                self.HelpBar.SetStatusText(text, 2)
+        if self.HelpBar:
+            window = self.FileOpened.GetPage(self.FileOpened.GetSelection())
+            selection = window.GetSelection()
+            if selection:
+                index, subIndex = selection
+                if self.Manager.IsCurrentEntry(index):
+                    self.HelpBar.SetStatusText("Index: 0x%04X"%index, 0)
+                    self.HelpBar.SetStatusText("Subindex: 0x%02X"%subIndex, 1)
+                    entryinfos = self.Manager.GetEntryInfos(index)
+                    name = entryinfos["name"]
+                    category = "Optional"
+                    if entryinfos["need"]:
+                        category = "Mandatory"
+                    struct = "VAR"
+                    number = ""
+                    if entryinfos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalIndexes:
+                        number = " possibly defined %d times"%entryinfos["nbmax"]
+                    if entryinfos["struct"] & OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
+                        struct = "REC"
+                    elif entryinfos["struct"] & OD_MultipleSubindexes:
+                        struct = "ARRAY"
+                    text = "%s: %s entry of struct %s%s."%(name,category,struct,number)
+                    self.HelpBar.SetStatusText(text, 2)
+                else:
+                    for i in xrange(3):
+                        self.HelpBar.SetStatusText("", i)
                 for i in xrange(3):
                     self.HelpBar.SetStatusText("", i)
-        else:
-            for i in xrange(3):
-                self.HelpBar.SetStatusText("", i)
     def RefreshMainMenu(self):
         if self.FileMenu:
@@ -1255,15 +598,16 @@
         self.FilePath = ""
         dialog = CreateNodeDialog(self)
         if dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
-            name, id, type, description = dialog.GetValues()
+            name, id, nodetype, description = dialog.GetValues()
             profile, filepath = dialog.GetProfile()
             NMT = dialog.GetNMTManagement()
             options = dialog.GetOptions()
-            result = self.Manager.CreateNewNode(name, id, type, description, profile, filepath, NMT, options)
-            if not IsOfType(result, StringType):
+            result = self.Manager.CreateNewNode(name, id, nodetype, description, profile, filepath, NMT, options)
+            if type(result) == IntType:
                 new_editingpanel = EditingPanel(self, self.Manager)
+                new_editingpanel.SetIndex(result)
                 self.FileOpened.AddPage(new_editingpanel, "")
-                self.FileOpened.SetSelection(self.Manager.GetCurrentNodeIndex())
+                self.FileOpened.SetSelection(self.FileOpened.GetPageCount() - 1)
                 self.EditMenu.Enable(wxID_OBJDICTEDITEDITMENUITEMS8, False)
                 if "DS302" in options:
                     self.EditMenu.Enable(wxID_OBJDICTEDITEDITMENUITEMS8, True)
@@ -1287,10 +631,11 @@
             filepath = dialog.GetPath()
             if os.path.isfile(filepath):
                 result = self.Manager.OpenFileInCurrent(filepath)
-                if type(result) != StringType:
+                if type(result) == IntType:
                     new_editingpanel = EditingPanel(self, self.Manager)
+                    new_editingpanel.SetIndex(result)
                     self.FileOpened.AddPage(new_editingpanel, "")
-                    self.FileOpened.SetSelection(self.Manager.GetCurrentNodeIndex())
+                    self.FileOpened.SetSelection(self.FileOpened.GetPageCount() - 1)
                     if self.Manager.CurrentDS302Defined(): 
                         self.EditMenu.Enable(wxID_OBJDICTEDITEDITMENUITEMS8, True)
@@ -1381,11 +726,11 @@
             filepath = dialog.GetPath()
             if os.path.isfile(filepath):
                 result = self.Manager.ImportCurrentFromEDSFile(filepath)
-                if not result:
-                    if self.FileOpened.GetPageCount() == 0:
-                        new_editingpanel = EditingPanel(self, self.Manager)
-                        self.FileOpened.AddPage(new_editingpanel, "")
-                        self.FileOpened.SetSelection(self.Manager.GetCurrentNodeIndex())
+                if type(result) == IntType:
+                    new_editingpanel = EditingPanel(self, self.Manager)
+                    new_editingpanel.SetIndex(result)
+                    self.FileOpened.AddPage(new_editingpanel, "")
+                    self.FileOpened.SetSelection(self.FileOpened.GetPageCount() - 1)
@@ -1517,6 +862,10 @@
             self.Manager.SetCurrentNodeInfos(name, id, type, description)
+            selected = self.FileOpened.GetSelection()
+            if selected >= 0:
+                window = self.FileOpened.GetPage(selected)
+                window.RefreshTable()
@@ -1551,7 +900,7 @@
         if dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
             type, min, max, length = dialog.GetValues()
             result = self.Manager.AddUserTypeToCurrent(type, min, max, length)
-            if not IsOfType(result, StringType):
+            if not result:
@@ -1559,872 +908,6 @@
-#                          Editing Communication Dialog
-] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(8)]
-class CommunicationDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    def _init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddWindow(self.MainPanel, 0, border=0, flag=0)
-    def _init_sizers(self):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        self.flexGridSizer1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
-        self._init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self.flexGridSizer1)
-        self.SetSizer(self.flexGridSizer1)
-    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_COMMUNICATIONDIALOG,
-              name='CommunicationDialog', parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(234, 216),
-              size=wx.Size(726, 437), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,
-              title='Edit Communication Profile')
-        self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(726, 437))
-        self.MainPanel = wx.Panel(id=wxID_COMMUNICATIONDIALOGMAINPANEL,
-              name='MainPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(688, 382), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
-        self.MainPanel.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        self.PossibleIndexes = wx.ListBox(choices=[],
-              name='PossibleIndexes', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(40,
-              48), size=wx.Size(280, 320), style=wxLB_EXTENDED)
-        self.PossibleIndexes.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnPossibleIndexesDClick,
-        self.CurrentIndexes = wx.ListBox(choices=[],
-              id=wxID_COMMUNICATIONDIALOGCURRENTINDEXES, name='CurrentIndexes',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(400, 48), size=wx.Size(280,
-              320), style=wxLB_EXTENDED)
-        self.CurrentIndexes.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnCurrentIndexesDClick,
-        self.Select = wx.Button(id=wxID_COMMUNICATIONDIALOGSELECT, label='>>',
-              name='Select', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(345, 136),
-              size=wx.Size(32, 32), style=0)
-        self.Select.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSelectButton,
-        self.Unselect = wx.Button(id=wxID_COMMUNICATIONDIALOGUNSELECT,
-              label='<<', name='Unselect', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(345, 216), size=wx.Size(32, 30), style=0)
-        self.Unselect.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnUnselectButton,
-        self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_COMMUNICATIONDIALOGSTATICTEXT1,
-              label='Possible Profile Indexes:', name='staticText1',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(40, 24), size=wx.Size(156,
-              17), style=0)
-        self.staticText2 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_COMMUNICATIONDIALOGSTATICTEXT2,
-              label='Current Profile Indexes:', name='staticText2',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(400, 24), size=wx.Size(152,
-              17), style=0)
-        self._init_sizers()
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        self._init_ctrls(parent)
-        self.ButtonSizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wxOK|wxCANCEL)
-        self.flexGridSizer1.Add(self.ButtonSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER)
-        self.AllList = []
-        self.CurrentList = []
-        self.IndexDictionary = {}
-    def SetIndexDictionary(self, dictionary):
-        self.IndexDictionary = dictionary
-    def SetCurrentList(self, list):
-        self.CurrentList = []
-        self.CurrentList.extend(list)
-        self.CurrentList.sort()
-    def GetCurrentList(self):
-        return self.CurrentList
-    def RefreshLists(self):
-        self.PossibleIndexes.Clear()
-        self.CurrentIndexes.Clear()
-        self.AllList = []
-        for index in self.IndexDictionary.iterkeys():
-            if index not in self.CurrentList:
-                self.AllList.append(index)
-        self.AllList.sort()
-        for index in self.AllList:
-            self.PossibleIndexes.Append("0x%04X   %s"%(index, self.IndexDictionary[index][0]))
-        for index in self.CurrentList:
-            if index in self.IndexDictionary:
-                self.CurrentIndexes.Append("0x%04X   %s"%(index, self.IndexDictionary[index][0]))
-    def OnPossibleIndexesDClick(self, event):
-        self.SelectPossible()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnCurrentIndexesDClick(self, event):
-        self.UnselectCurrent()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnSelectButton(self, event):
-        self.SelectPossible()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnUnselectButton(self, event):
-        self.UnselectCurrent()
-        event.Skip()
-    def SelectPossible(self):
-        selected = self.PossibleIndexes.GetSelections()
-        for i in selected:
-            self.CurrentList.append(self.AllList[i])
-        self.CurrentList.sort()
-        self.RefreshLists()
-    def UnselectCurrent(self):
-        selected = self.CurrentIndexes.GetSelections()
-        for i in selected:
-            if not self.IndexDictionary[self.CurrentList[i]][1]:
-                self.CurrentList.pop(i)
-        self.CurrentList.sort()
-        self.RefreshLists()
-#                          Create Map Variable Dialog
-] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(12)]
-class MapVariableDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    def _init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddWindow(self.MainPanel, 0, border=0, flag=0)
-    def _init_sizers(self):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        self.flexGridSizer1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
-        self._init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self.flexGridSizer1)
-        self.SetSizer(self.flexGridSizer1)
-    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOG,
-              name='CommunicationDialog', parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(376, 223),
-              size=wx.Size(444, 186), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,
-              title='Add Map Variable')
-        self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(444, 186))
-        self.MainPanel = wx.Panel(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGMAINPANEL,
-              name='MainPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(431, 142), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
-        self.MainPanel.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGSTATICTEXT1,
-              label='Index:', name='staticText1', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 24), size=wx.Size(156, 17), style=0)
-        self.Index = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGINDEX, name='Index',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 48), size=wx.Size(152,
-              25), style=0, value='0x2000')
-        self.staticText3 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGSTATICTEXT3,
-              label='Name:', name='staticText3', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 80), size=wx.Size(47, 17), style=0)
-        self.IndexName = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGINDEXNAME,
-              name='IndexName', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 104),
-              size=wx.Size(152, 24), style=0, value='Undefined')
-        self.staticText2 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGSTATICTEXT2,
-              label='Type:', name='staticText2', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(208, 24), size=wx.Size(38, 17), style=0)
-        self.radioButton1 = wx.RadioButton(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGRADIOBUTTON1,
-              label='VAR', name='radioButton1', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(208, 48), size=wx.Size(72, 24), style=wxRB_GROUP)
-        self.radioButton1.SetValue(True)
-        self.radioButton1.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnRadioButton1Click,
-        self.radioButton2 = wx.RadioButton(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGRADIOBUTTON2,
-              label='ARRAY', name='radioButton2', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(208, 72), size=wx.Size(80, 24), style=wxRB_SINGLE)
-        self.radioButton2.SetValue(False)
-        self.radioButton2.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnRadioButton2Click,
-        self.radioButton3 = wx.RadioButton(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGRADIOBUTTON3,
-              label='REC', name='radioButton3', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(208, 96), size=wx.Size(96, 24), style=wxRB_SINGLE)
-        self.radioButton3.SetValue(False)
-        self.radioButton3.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnRadioButton3Click,
-        self.staticText4 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGSTATICTEXT4,
-              label='Number:', name='staticText4', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(312, 80), size=wx.Size(88, 16), style=0)
-        self.Number = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_MAPVARIABLEDIALOGNUMBER,
-              name='Number', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(312, 104),
-              size=wx.Size(112, 24), style=wx.TE_RIGHT, value='0')
-        self._init_sizers()
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        self._init_ctrls(parent)
-        self.ButtonSizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wxOK|wxCANCEL)
-        self.flexGridSizer1.Add(self.ButtonSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER)
-        self.staticText4.Enable(False)
-        self.Number.Enable(False)
-        EVT_BUTTON(self, self.ButtonSizer.GetAffirmativeButton().GetId(), self.OnOK)
-    def SetIndex(self, index):
-        self.Index.SetValue("0x%04X"%index)
-    def OnOK(self, event):
-        error = []
-        try:
-            int(self.Index.GetValue(), 16)
-        except:
-            error.append("Index")
-        if self.radioButton2.GetValue() or self.radioButton3.GetValue():
-            try:
-                int(self.Number.GetValue())
-            except:
-                error.append("Number")
-        if len(error) > 0:
-            text = ""
-            if len(error) > 1:
-                suffix = "s"
-            else:
-                suffix = ""
-            for i, item in enumerate(error):
-                if i == 0:
-                    text += item
-                elif i == len(error) - 1:
-                    text += " and %s"%item
-                else:
-                    text += ", %s"%item
-            message = wxMessageDialog(self, "Form isn't valid. %s must be integer%s!"%(text,suffix), "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR)
-            message.ShowModal()
-            message.Destroy()
-        else:
-            self.EndModal(wxID_OK)
-    def GetValues(self):
-        name = self.IndexName.GetValue()
-        index = int(self.Index.GetValue(), 16)
-        if self.radioButton1.GetValue():
-            struct = 1
-            number = None
-        elif self.radioButton2.GetValue():
-            struct = 3
-            number = int(self.Number.GetValue())
-        elif self.radioButton3.GetValue():
-            struct = 7
-            number = int(self.Number.GetValue())
-        return index, name, struct, number
-    def OnRadioButton1Click(self, event):
-        self.EnableNumberTyping(False)
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnRadioButton2Click(self, event):
-        self.EnableNumberTyping(True)
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnRadioButton3Click(self, event):
-        self.EnableNumberTyping(True)
-        event.Skip()
-    def EnableNumberTyping(self, enable):
-        self.staticText4.Enable(enable)
-        self.Number.Enable(enable)
-#                          Create User Type Dialog
-] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(11)]
-class UserTypeDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    def _init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddWindow(self.MainPanel, 0, border=0, flag=0)
-    def _init_sizers(self):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        self.flexGridSizer1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
-        self._init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self.flexGridSizer1)
-        self.SetSizer(self.flexGridSizer1)
-    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOG, name='UserTypeDialog',
-              parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(376, 223), size=wx.Size(444, 228),
-              style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title='Add User Type')
-        self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(444, 228))
-        self.MainPanel = wx.Panel(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGMAINPANEL,
-              name='MainPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(431, 182), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
-        self.MainPanel.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGSTATICTEXT1,
-              label='Type:', name='staticText1', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 24), size=wx.Size(156, 17), style=0)
-        self.Type = wx.Choice(choices=[], id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGTYPE,
-              name='Type', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 48),
-              size=wx.Size(160, 24), style=0)
-        self.Type.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnTypeChoice,
-              id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGTYPE)
-        self.staticBox1 = wx.StaticBox(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGSTATICBOX1,
-              label='Values', name='staticBox1', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(200, 24), size=wx.Size(224, 144), style=0)
-        self.staticText2 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGSTATICTEXT2,
-              label='Minimum:', name='staticText2', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(216, 48), size=wx.Size(67, 17), style=0)
-        self.Min = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGMIN, name='Min',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(296, 48), size=wx.Size(112,
-              24), style=wx.TE_RIGHT, value='0')
-        self.staticText3 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGSTATICTEXT3,
-              label='Maximum:', name='staticText3', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(216, 88), size=wx.Size(71, 17), style=0)
-        self.Max = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGMAX, name='Max',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(296, 88), size=wx.Size(112,
-              25), style=wx.TE_RIGHT, value='0')
-        self.staticText4 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGSTATICTEXT4,
-              label='Length:', name='staticText4', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(216, 128), size=wx.Size(52, 17), style=0)
-        self.Length = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_USERTYPEDIALOGLENGTH, name='Length',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(296, 128), size=wx.Size(112,
-              25), style=wx.TE_RIGHT, value='0')
-        self._init_sizers()
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        self._init_ctrls(parent)
-        self.ButtonSizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wxOK|wxCANCEL)
-        self.flexGridSizer1.Add(self.ButtonSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER)
-        self.TypeDictionary = {}
-        EVT_BUTTON(self, self.ButtonSizer.GetAffirmativeButton().GetId(), self.OnOK)
-    def OnOK(self, event):
-        error = []
-        good = True
-        firstmessage = ""
-        secondmessage = ""
-        name = self.Type.GetStringSelection()
-        if name != "":
-            valuetype = self.TypeDictionary[name][1]
-            if valuetype == 0:
-                try:
-                    int(self.Min.GetValue(), 16)
-                except:
-                    error.append("Minimum")
-                    good = False
-                try:
-                    int(self.Max.GetValue(), 16)
-                except:
-                    error.append("Maximum")
-                    good = False
-            elif valuetype == 1:
-                try:
-                    int(self.Length.GetValue(), 16)
-                except:
-                    error.append("Length")
-                    good = False
-            if len(error) > 0:
-                secondmessage = ". "
-                for i, item in enumerate(error):
-                    if i == 0:
-                        secondmessage += item
-                    elif i == len(error) - 1:
-                        secondmessage += " and %s"%item
-                    else:
-                        secondmessage += ", %s"%item
-                secondmessage += " must be integer"
-                if len(error) > 1:
-                    secondmessage += "s"
-        else:
-            firstmessage = ". A type must be selected"
-            good = False
-        if not good:
-            message = wxMessageDialog(self, "Form isn't valid%s%s%s!"%(firstmessage,secondmessage), "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR)
-            message.ShowModal()
-            message.Destroy()
-            self.Name.SetFocus()
-        else:
-            self.EndModal(wxID_OK)
-    def SetValues(self, min = None, max = None, length = None):
-        if min != None:
-            self.Min.SetValue(str(min))
-        if max != None:
-            self.Max.SetValue(str(max))
-        if length != None:
-            self.Length.SetValue(str(length))
-    def SetTypeList(self, typedic, type = None):
-        self.Type.Clear()
-        list = []
-        for index, (name, valuetype) in typedic.iteritems():
-            self.TypeDictionary[name] = (index, valuetype)
-            list.append((index, name))
-        list.sort()
-        for index, name in list:
-            self.Type.Append(name)
-        if type != None:
-            self.Type.SetStringSelection(typedic[type][0])
-        self.RefreshValues()
-    def OnTypeChoice(self, event):
-        self.RefreshValues()
-        event.Skip()
-    def RefreshValues(self):
-        name = self.Type.GetStringSelection()
-        if name != "":
-            valuetype = self.TypeDictionary[name][1]
-            if valuetype == 0:
-                self.staticText2.Enable(True)
-                self.staticText3.Enable(True)
-                self.staticText4.Enable(False)
-                self.Min.Enable(True)
-                self.Max.Enable(True)
-                self.Length.Enable(False)
-            elif valuetype == 1:
-                self.staticText2.Enable(False)
-                self.staticText3.Enable(False)
-                self.staticText4.Enable(True)
-                self.Min.Enable(False)
-                self.Max.Enable(False)
-                self.Length.Enable(True)
-        else:
-            self.staticText2.Enable(False)
-            self.staticText3.Enable(False)
-            self.staticText4.Enable(False)
-            self.Min.Enable(False)
-            self.Max.Enable(False)
-            self.Length.Enable(False)
-    def GetValues(self):
-        name = self.Type.GetStringSelection()
-        type = self.TypeDictionary[name][0]
-        min = int(self.Min.GetValue())
-        max = int(self.Max.GetValue())
-        length = int(self.Length.GetValue())
-        return type, min, max, length
-#                          Editing Node Infos Dialog
-] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(10)]
-class NodeInfosDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    def _init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddWindow(self.MainPanel, 0, border=0, flag=0)
-    def _init_sizers(self):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        self.flexGridSizer1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
-        self._init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self.flexGridSizer1)
-        self.SetSizer(self.flexGridSizer1)
-    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOG,
-              name='NodeInfosDialog', parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(376, 223),
-              size=wx.Size(300, 300), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,
-              title='Node Infos')
-        self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(300, 300))
-        self.MainPanel = wx.Panel(id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGMAINPANEL,
-              name='MainPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(280, 264), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
-        self.MainPanel.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGSTATICTEXT1,
-              label='Name:', 
-              name='staticText1', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 24), size=wx.Size(156, 17), style=0)
-        self.Name = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGNAME, name='Name',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 48), size=wx.Size(250,
-              25), style=0, value='')
-        self.staticText2 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGSTATICTEXT2,
-              label='Node ID:', name='staticText2', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 80), size=wx.Size(67, 17), style=0)
-        self.NodeID = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGNODEID, name='NodeID',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 104), size=wx.Size(250,
-              25), style=wx.TE_RIGHT, value='')
-        self.staticText3 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGSTATICTEXT3,
-              label='Type:', name='staticText3', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 136), size=wx.Size(71, 17), style=0)
-        self.Type = wx.Choice(choices=[], id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGTYPE,
-              name='Type', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 160),
-              size=wx.Size(250, 25), style=0)
-        self.staticText4 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGSTATICTEXT4,
-              label='Description:', name='staticText4', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 192), size=wx.Size(71, 17), style=0)
-        self.Description = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_NODEINFOSDIALOGDESCRIPTION, 
-              name='Description', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 216), 
-              size=wx.Size(250, 25), style=0, value='')
-        self._init_sizers()
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        self._init_ctrls(parent)
-        self.ButtonSizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wxOK|wxCANCEL)
-        self.flexGridSizer1.Add(self.ButtonSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER)
-        self.Type.Append("master")
-        self.Type.Append("slave")
-        EVT_BUTTON(self, self.ButtonSizer.GetAffirmativeButton().GetId(), self.OnOK)
-    def OnOK(self, event):
-        name = self.Name.GetValue()
-        message = ""
-        if name != "":
-            good = not name[0].isdigit()
-            for item in name.split("_"):
-                good &= item.isalnum()
-            if not good:
-                message = "Node name can't be undefined or start with a digit and must be composed of alphanumerical characters or underscore!"
-        if message != "":
-            try:
-                nodeid = int(self.NodeID.GetValue(), 16)
-            except:
-                message = "Node ID must be integer!"
-        if message != "":
-            message = wxMessageDialog(self, message, "ERROR", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR)
-            message.ShowModal()
-            message.Destroy()
-            self.Name.SetFocus()
-        else:
-            self.EndModal(wxID_OK)
-    def SetValues(self, name, id, type, description):
-        self.Name.SetValue(name)
-        self.NodeID.SetValue("0x%02X"%id)
-        self.Type.SetStringSelection(type)
-        self.Description.SetValue(description)
-    def GetValues(self):
-        name = self.Name.GetValue()
-        nodeid = int(self.NodeID.GetValue(), 16)
-        type = self.Type.GetStringSelection()
-        description = self.Description.GetValue()
-        return name, nodeid, type, description
-#                          Create New Node Dialog
-] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(21)]
-class CreateNodeDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    def _init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self, parent):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        parent.AddWindow(self.MainPanel, 0, border=0, flag=0)
-    def _init_sizers(self):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        self.flexGridSizer1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=2, vgap=0)
-        self._init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Items(self.flexGridSizer1)
-        self.SetSizer(self.flexGridSizer1)
-    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
-        # generated method, don't edit
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOG,
-              name='CreateNodeDialog', parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(376, 223),
-              size=wx.Size(451, 376), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,
-              title='Create a new Node')
-        self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(451, 376))
-        self.MainPanel = wx.Panel(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGMAINPANEL,
-              name='MainPanel', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
-              size=wx.Size(440, 278), style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
-        self.MainPanel.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSTATICTEXT1,
-              label='Name:', name='staticText1', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 24), size=wx.Size(156, 17), style=0)
-        self.staticText2 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSTATICTEXT2,
-              label='Node ID:', name='staticText2', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 80), size=wx.Size(67, 17), style=0)
-        self.staticText3 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSTATICTEXT3,
-              label='Type:', name='staticText3', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 136), size=wx.Size(71, 17), style=0)
-        self.Type = wx.Choice(choices=[], id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGTYPE,
-              name='Type', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 160),
-              size=wx.Size(200, 24), style=0)
-        self.Name = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGNAME, name='Name',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 48), size=wx.Size(200,
-              25), style=0, value='')
-        self.NodeID = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGNODEID, name='NodeID',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 104), size=wx.Size(200,
-              25), style=wx.TE_RIGHT, value='')
-        self.staticText4 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSTATICTEXT4,
-              label='Profile:', name='staticText4', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 192), size=wx.Size(47, 17), style=0)
-        self.Profile = wx.Choice(choices=[], id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGPROFILE,
-              name='Profile', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 216),
-              size=wx.Size(200, 24), style=0)
-        self.Profile.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnProfileChoice,
-        self.staticText5 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSTATICTEXT5,
-              label='Network Management:', name='staticText5',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(256, 24), size=wx.Size(152,
-              16), style=0)
-        self.NMT_None = wx.RadioButton(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGNMT_NONE,
-              label='None', name='NMT_None', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(256, 40), size=wx.Size(114, 24), style=0)
-        self.NMT_None.SetValue(True)
-        self.NMT_NodeGuarding = wx.RadioButton(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGNMT_NODEGUARDING,
-              label='Node Guarding', name='NMT_NodeGuarding',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(256, 64), size=wx.Size(128,
-              24), style=0)
-        self.NMT_NodeGuarding.SetValue(False)
-        self.NMT_Heartbeat = wx.RadioButton(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGNMT_HEARTBEAT,
-              label='Heartbeat', name='NMT_Heartbeat', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(256, 88), size=wx.Size(114, 24), style=0)
-        self.NMT_Heartbeat.SetValue(False)
-        self.staticText6 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSTATICTEXT6,
-              label='Options:', name='staticText6', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(256, 128), size=wx.Size(72, 17), style=0)
-        self.DS302 = wx.CheckBox(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGGENSYNC,
-              label='DS-302 Profile', name='DS302', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(256, 144), size=wx.Size(128, 24), style=0)
-        self.DS302.SetValue(False)
-        #self.DS302.Enable(False)
-        self.GenSYNC = wx.CheckBox(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGGENSYNC,
-              label='Generate SYNC', name='GenSYNC', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(256, 168), size=wx.Size(128, 24), style=0)
-        self.GenSYNC.SetValue(False)
-        self.Emergency = wx.CheckBox(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGEMERGENCY,
-              label='Emergency support', name='Emergency',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(256, 192), size=wx.Size(152,
-              24), style=0)
-        self.Emergency.SetValue(False)
-        self.Emergency.Enable(False)
-        self.SaveConfig = wx.CheckBox(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSAVECONFIG,
-              label='Save Configuration', name='SaveConfig',
-              parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(256, 216), size=wx.Size(152,
-              24), style=0)
-        self.SaveConfig.SetValue(False)
-        self.SaveConfig.Enable(False)
-#        self.StoreEDS = wx.CheckBox(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSTOREEDS,
-#              label='Store EDS', name='StoreEDS', parent=self.MainPanel,
-#              pos=wx.Point(256, 240), size=wx.Size(144, 24), style=0)
-#        self.StoreEDS.SetValue(False)
-        self.staticText7 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGSTATICTEXT7,
-              label='Description:', name='staticText7', parent=self.MainPanel,
-              pos=wx.Point(24, 248), size=wx.Size(71, 17), style=0)
-        self.Description = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_CREATENODEDIALOGDESCRIPTION, 
-              name='Description', parent=self.MainPanel, pos=wx.Point(24, 272), 
-              size=wx.Size(400, 25), style=0, value='')
-        self._init_sizers()
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        self._init_ctrls(parent)
-        self.ButtonSizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wxOK|wxCANCEL)
-        self.flexGridSizer1.Add(self.ButtonSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER)
-        self.NodeID.SetValue("0x00")
-        self.Type.Append("master")
-        self.Type.Append("slave")
-        self.Type.SetStringSelection("slave")
-        self.Description.SetValue("")
-        self.ListProfile = {"None" : ""}
-        self.Profile.Append("None")
-        self.Directory = os.path.join(ScriptDirectory, "config")
-        listfiles = os.listdir(self.Directory)
-        listfiles.sort()
-        for item in listfiles:
-            name, extend = os.path.splitext(item)
-            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.Directory, item)) and extend == ".prf" and name != "DS-302":
-                self.ListProfile[name] = os.path.join(self.Directory, item)
-                self.Profile.Append(name)
-        self.Profile.Append("Other")
-        self.Profile.SetStringSelection("None")
-        self.Name.SetFocus()
-        EVT_BUTTON(self, self.ButtonSizer.GetAffirmativeButton().GetId(), self.OnOK)
-    def OnOK(self, event):
-        name = self.Name.GetValue()
-        message = ""
-        if name != "":
-            good = not name[0].isdigit()
-            for item in name.split("_"):
-                good &= item.isalnum()
-            if not good:
-                message = "Node name can't be undefined or start with a digit and must be composed of alphanumerical characters or underscore!"
-        if message != "":
-            try:
-                nodeid = int(self.NodeID.GetValue(), 16)
-            except:
-                message = "Node ID must be an integer!"
-        if message != "":
-            message = wxMessageDialog(self, message, "ERROR", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR)
-            message.ShowModal()
-            message.Destroy()
-            self.Name.SetFocus()
-        else:
-            self.EndModal(wxID_OK)
-    def GetValues(self):
-        name = self.Name.GetValue()
-        nodeid = 0
-        if self.NodeID.GetValue() != "":
-            nodeid = int(self.NodeID.GetValue(), 16)
-        type = self.Type.GetStringSelection()
-        description = self.Description.GetValue()
-        return name, nodeid, type, description
-    def GetProfile(self):
-        name = self.Profile.GetStringSelection()
-        return name, self.ListProfile[name]
-    def GetNMTManagement(self):
-        if self.NMT_None.GetValue():
-            return "None"
-        elif self.NMT_NodeGuarding.GetValue():
-            return "NodeGuarding"
-        elif self.NMT_Heartbeat.GetValue():
-            return "Heartbeat"
-        return None
-    def GetOptions(self):
-        options = []
-        if self.DS302.GetValue():
-            options.append("DS302")
-        if self.GenSYNC.GetValue():
-            options.append("GenSYNC")
-        if self.Emergency.GetValue():
-            options.append("Emergency")
-        if self.SaveConfig.GetValue():
-            options.append("SaveConfig")
-#        if self.StoreEDS.GetValue():
-#            options.append("StoreEDS")
-        return options
-    def OnProfileChoice(self, event):
-        if self.Profile.GetStringSelection() == "Other":
-            dialog = wxFileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self.Directory, "",  "OD Profile files (*.prf)|*.prf|All files|*.*", wxOPEN|wxCHANGE_DIR)
-            dialog.ShowModal()
-            filepath = dialog.GetPath()
-            dialog.Destroy()
-            if os.path.isfile(filepath):
-                name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]
-                self.ListProfile[name] = filepath
-                length = self.Profile.GetCount()
-                self.Profile.Insert(name, length - 2)
-                self.Profile.SetStringSelection(name)
-            else:
-                self.Profile.SetStringSelection("None")
-        event.Skip()