changeset 0 4472ee7c6c3e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drivers/ecos_lpc2138_sja1000/ReadMe.txt	Wed May 10 16:59:40 2006 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
+  ____    _    _   _
+ / ___|  / \  | \ | | ___  _ __   ___ _ __
+| |     / _ \ |  \| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \
+| |___ / ___ \| |\  | (_) | |_) |  __/ | | |
+ \____/_/   \_\_| \_|\___/| .__/ \___|_| |_|
+                          |_|
+          ____                      _
+         / ___|__ _ _ __   __ _  __| | __ _
+        | |   / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _` |
+        | |__| (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | (_| |
+         \____\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|
+See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+CanFestival driver for the Philips ARM7 model LPC2138 , with a Philips
+SJA1000 CAN controler, and running on the eCOS operating system.
+Driver Features:
+Full CANfestival-3 support including:
+DS-150/205: CAN Power Management Layer specification (sleep/wake-up)
+DS-201: CAN low level layer
+DS-301: CANopen Application layer and Communication Profile (basic CANopen specification)
+DS-303-1: LED diagnostic usage (led.c)
+DS-305: Layer Setting Service (lss.c) to set the baudrateand node ID in a PnP fashion.
+NVRAM: Non Volatil Ram (nvram.c) Full support for internal Philips IAT programming FLASH mode
+To use this driver, you need to proceed to do all these steps.
+NB: We choose to leave this driver in .o object code to keep the capability
+to make on-the-fly redefinition of some parameters for all examples.
+Step 1
+Have a developpement workstation. To build everything, we chose to use
+an old AMD K6/2-300Mhz running with FreeBSD-5.2-RELEASE freely available
+To install freebsd, download the two floppy images from
+and copy them to a simple floppy disk by typeing:
+	dd if=./image.dd of=/dev/fd0
+	dd if=./image2.dd of=/dev/fd0
+and proceed to boot on them.
+You can use Linux or Windows also or any other O/S where you can use GCC.
+on FreeBSD, you need to configure the serial port by editing the /etc/rc/serial
+config file by adding this entry:
+lpc2000 () {
+        # Philips LPC2000 serial port configuration for 57600 bauds connection.
+        ci=$1; shift
+        co=$1; shift
+        for i in $*
+        do
+                # Lock clocal on, hupcl off.
+                # XON-XOFF printer
+                stty < /dev/ttyi${ci}${i} clocal -hupcl ixon -imaxbel -ixany -ixoff -crtscts 57600
+                stty < /dev/ttyl${ci}${i} clocal  hupcl
+                stty < /dev/cuai${co}${i} clocal -hupcl ixon -imaxbel -ixany -ixoff -crtscts 57600
+                stty < /dev/cual${co}${i} clocal  hupcl
+        done
+lpc2000		d a 0 1  # to configure COM1 and COM2, mean, /dev/cuaa0 and /dev/cuaa1
+Step 2
+Find an upload tool to be able to flash the LPC2138.
+We found the lpc2isp at the address: 
+ You can use this upload script to call it with proper arguments.
+lpc21isp -term -control build/terminal.hex /dev/cuaa1 57600 14746
+Step 3
+Proceed to build a GCC cross compiler to be able to produce ARM7TDMI compatible
+binary. Go to the port directory of your FreeBSD
+	cd /usr/ports/devel/arm-elf-binutils
+	gmake install
+	cd /usr/ports/devel/arm-elf-gcc295
+	gmake install
+And add the installation binary PATH to your environment variables. 
+	cd /etc
+	vi profile
+		export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/armelf/bin
+Step 4
+Build an eCOS tree for the LPC2138.
+Download eCOS from  and proceed to compile
+the configtool program.  
+	cd /usr/ports/devel/ecos-tools/
+	gmake install
+	untar our special package for eCOS named  eCOS-OLIMEX-p2138.tgz in 
+	the eCOS three on your files system.
+Start now your configtool for eCOS:
+	configtool 
+Choose the right target 
+For our purpose, we choose to use an OLIMEX P2138 target board.
+This target is not in the list, we created it from a derivative of
+the OLIMEX P2106. We simply selected an other processor in the pulldown menu
+of the configtool. The LPC2138. Adjust some memory capacity, and that's it.
+When all you need is properly selected in the configtool, you click on
+Save_As and you suggest a name like My2138. 
+After, you click on Generate Build Tree.
+	cd My2138_build
+	gmake depend
+	gmake
+	gmake install
+ And now you have you own eCOS tree for your project in  My2138_install
+Step 5
+Prepare the hardware board for this project. We chose to use an
+  board, the P2138.
+Any other LPC2138 evaluation could made the job.
+On the P2138 board, we have a little area that we can use to solder
+the SJA1000 controler.
+See can_controler.gif to know how to solder all wires.
+Warning: If you want to use different GPIO (General Purpose Input Output)
+pin to fit with your own project, 
+you can choose a different one, but you need
+to be sure to properly define then in the lpc2138_pinout.h
+Step 6
+Put the CANfestival-3.tar.gz stuff in My2138_install/src/CANfestival-3
+	cd My2138_install/src/CANfestival-3
+	./configure target=ecos-lpc2138-sja1000
+	gmake
+	cd My2138_install/lib
+	ln -s My2138_install/src/CANfestival-3/src/libcanfestival.a
+	cd My2138_install/src 
+	ln -s My2138_install/src/CANfestival-3/driver/ecos-lpc2138-sja1000
+Step 7
+Now you are ready to build our demo.
+  cd My2138_install/src/CANfestival-3/examples/DS-406Master_ecos
+	gmake
+  cd My2138_install/src/CANfestival-3/examples/TerminalSlave_ecos
+	gmake
+Step 8
+To test, upload both .hex file to both targets with lpc21isp and
+see the DS-406 absolut rotary encoder transmiting his absolute value to the
+	For more info about this project, see
+Step 9
+For your own project, you can copy all the examples files in your own
+directory and modify them.
+What is important to understand is:
+	build_baudrate.c is a commande line tool to generate the proper
+		timing file for your sja1000 regarding your sja1000 clk.
+			see the Makefile for adjustment.
+	canOpenDriver.c is the only link between the libcanfestival and
+		the hardware.
+			f_can_send
+			f_can_receive
+			interrupts
+			nvram_save/load
+			baudrate
+	eCOS-OLIMEX-p2138.tgz  eCOS package for the OLIMEX p2138 evaluation board
+		you have to untar that files in your eCOS three.
+	sja1000.c containe only function for initialization or 
+		configuration of the CAN controler. All this stuff is
+		_not_ use by the libcanfestival. You have to call them
+		from your main() to enable CAN with your needed configuration.
+		hardware init 
+	lpc2138.c All the basic stuff to run the LPC2138
+		iat_flash  user programmable internal flash of the lpc2138
+	lpc2138_pinout.h  Is your LPC2138 pinout definition. Modify this file
+		if you want to redefine your pinout affectation.
+	time_slicer.c  eCOS implementation of the CANfestival scheduler.
+		settimer
+		alarm
+	applicfg.h is your configuration file for the libcanfestival
+	lpc2138_pinout.h define all your GPIO to fit macros.
+	Objdictedit  will produce the dictionary.
+	Generate your dictionnary. (Or use an already made YourFile.od with
+	the tool:
+	The job is to implement all functions define in the YourFIle.c in
+		your own project files.
+		Canopen Canada core team