changeset 580 2ae92a99ac10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/objdictgen/i18n/mki18n.py	Mon Jul 27 16:29:59 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+#                      =========
+#   Abstract:         Make Internationalization (i18n) files for an application.
+#   Copyright Pierre Rouleau. 2003. Released to public domain.
+#   Last update: Saturday, November 8, 2003. @ 15:55:18.
+#   File: ROUP2003N01::C:/dev/python/mki18n.py
+#   RCS $Header: //software/official/MKS/MKS_SI/TV_NT/dev/Python/rcs/mki18n.py 1.5 2003/11/05 19:40:04 PRouleau Exp $
+#   Update history:
+#   - File created: Saturday, June 7, 2003. by Pierre Rouleau
+#   - 10/06/03 rcs : RCS Revision 1.1  2003/06/10 10:06:12  PRouleau
+#   - 10/06/03 rcs : RCS Initial revision
+#   - 23/08/03 rcs : RCS Revision 1.2  2003/06/10 10:54:27  PRouleau
+#   - 23/08/03 P.R.: [code:fix] : The strings encoded in this file are encode in iso-8859-1 format.  Added the encoding
+#                    notification to Python to comply with Python's 2.3 PEP 263.
+#   - 23/08/03 P.R.: [feature:new] : Added the '-e' switch which is used to force the creation of the empty English .mo file.
+#   - 22/10/03 P.R.: [code] : incorporated utility functions in here to make script self sufficient.
+#   - 05/11/03 rcs : RCS Revision 1.4  2003/10/22 06:39:31  PRouleau
+#   - 05/11/03 P.R.: [code:fix] : included the unixpath() in this file.
+#   - 08/11/03 rcs : RCS Revision 1.5  2003/11/05 19:40:04  PRouleau
+#   RCS $Log: $
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+mki18n allows you to internationalize your software.  You can use it to 
+create the GNU .po files (Portable Object) and the compiled .mo files
+(Machine Object).
+mki18n module can be used from the command line or from within a script (see 
+the Usage at the end of this page).
+    Table of Contents
+    -----------------
+    makePO()             -- Build the Portable Object file for the application --
+    catPO()              -- Concatenate one or several PO files with the application domain files. --
+    makeMO()             -- Compile the Portable Object files into the Machine Object stored in the right location. --
+    printUsage           -- Displays how to use this script from the command line --
+    Scriptexecution      -- Runs when invoked from the command line --
+NOTE:  this module uses GNU gettext utilities.
+You can get the gettext tools from the following sites:
+   - `GNU FTP site for gettetx`_ where several versions (0.10.40, 0.11.2, 0.11.5 and 0.12.1) are available.
+     Note  that you need to use `GNU libiconv`_ to use this. Get it from the `GNU
+     libiconv  ftp site`_ and get version 1.9.1 or later. Get the Windows .ZIP
+     files and install the packages inside c:/gnu. All binaries will be stored
+     inside  c:/gnu/bin.  Just  put c:/gnu/bin inside your PATH. You will need
+     the following files: 
+      - `gettext-runtime-0.12.1.bin.woe32.zip`_ 
+      - `gettext-tools-0.12.1.bin.woe32.zip`_
+      - `libiconv-1.9.1.bin.woe32.zip`_ 
+.. _GNU libiconv:                            http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/
+.. _GNU libiconv ftp site:                   http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/
+.. _gettext-runtime-0.12.1.bin.woe32.zip:    ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/gettext-runtime-0.12.1.bin.woe32.zip           
+.. _gettext-tools-0.12.1.bin.woe32.zip:      ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/gettext-tools-0.12.1.bin.woe32.zip 
+.. _libiconv-1.9.1.bin.woe32.zip:            http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.9.1.bin.woe32.zip
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Module Import
+# -------------
+import os
+import sys
+import wx
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Global variables
+# ----------------
+__author__ = "Pierre Rouleau"
+__version__= "$Revision: 1.5 $"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def getlanguageDict():
+    languageDict = {}
+    for lang in [x for x in dir(wx) if x.startswith("LANGUAGE")]:
+        i = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT).GetLanguageInfo(getattr(wx, lang))
+        if i:
+            languageDict[i.CanonicalName] = i.Description
+    return languageDict
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# m a k e P O ( )         -- Build the Portable Object file for the application --
+# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+def makePO(applicationDirectoryPath,  applicationDomain=None, verbose=0) :
+    """Build the Portable Object Template file for the application.
+    makePO builds the .pot file for the application stored inside 
+    a specified directory by running xgettext for all application source 
+    files.  It finds the name of all files by looking for a file called 'app.fil'. 
+    If this file does not exists, makePo raises an IOError exception.
+    By default the application domain (the application
+    name) is the same as the directory name but it can be overridden by the
+    'applicationDomain' argument.
+    makePO always creates a new file called messages.pot.  If it finds files 
+    of the form app_xx.po where 'app' is the application name and 'xx' is one 
+    of the ISO 639 two-letter language codes, makePO resynchronizes those 
+    files with the latest extracted strings (now contained in messages.pot). 
+    This process updates all line location number in the language-specific
+    .po files and may also create new entries for translation (or comment out 
+    some).  The .po file is not changed, instead a new file is created with 
+    the .new extension appended to the name of the .po file.
+    By default the function does not display what it is doing.  Set the 
+    verbose argument to 1 to force it to print its commands.
+    """
+    if applicationDomain is None:
+        applicationName = fileBaseOf(applicationDirectoryPath,withPath=0)
+    else:
+        applicationName = applicationDomain
+    currentDir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(applicationDirectoryPath)                    
+    if not os.path.exists('app.fil'):
+        raise IOError(2,'No module file: app.fil')
+    # Steps:                                  
+    #  Use xgettext to parse all application modules
+    #  The following switches are used:
+    #  
+    #   -s                          : sort output by string content (easier to use when we need to merge several .po files)
+    #   --files-from=app.fil        : The list of files is taken from the file: app.fil
+    #   --output=                   : specifies the name of the output file (using a .pot extension)
+    cmd = 'xgettext -s --no-wrap --language=Python --files-from=app.fil --output=messages.pot'
+    if verbose: print cmd
+    os.system(cmd)                                                
+    languageDict = getlanguageDict()
+    for langCode in languageDict.keys():
+        if langCode == 'en':
+            pass
+        else:
+            langPOfileName = "%s_%s.po" % (applicationName , langCode)
+            if os.path.exists(langPOfileName):
+                cmd = 'msgmerge -s --no-wrap "%s" messages.pot > "%s.new"' % (langPOfileName, langPOfileName)
+                if verbose: print cmd
+                os.system(cmd)
+    os.chdir(currentDir)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# c a t P O ( )         -- Concatenate one or several PO files with the application domain files. --
+# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+def catPO(applicationDirectoryPath, listOf_extraPo, applicationDomain=None, targetDir=None, verbose=0) :
+    """Concatenate one or several PO files with the application domain files.
+    """
+    if applicationDomain is None:
+        applicationName = fileBaseOf(applicationDirectoryPath,withPath=0)
+    else:
+        applicationName = applicationDomain
+    currentDir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(applicationDirectoryPath)
+    languageDict = getlanguageDict()
+    for langCode in languageDict.keys():
+        if langCode == 'en':
+            pass
+        else:
+            langPOfileName = "%s_%s.po" % (applicationName , langCode)
+            if os.path.exists(langPOfileName):
+                fileList = ''
+                for fileName in listOf_extraPo:
+                    fileList += ("%s_%s.po " % (fileName,langCode))
+                cmd = "msgcat -s --no-wrap %s %s > %s.cat" % (langPOfileName, fileList, langPOfileName)
+                if verbose: print cmd
+                os.system(cmd)
+                if targetDir is None:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    mo_targetDir = "%s/%s/LC_MESSAGES" % (targetDir,langCode)
+                    cmd = "msgfmt --output-file=%s/%s.mo %s_%s.po.cat" % (mo_targetDir,applicationName,applicationName,langCode)
+                    if verbose: print cmd
+                    os.system(cmd)
+    os.chdir(currentDir)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# m a k e M O ( )         -- Compile the Portable Object files into the Machine Object stored in the right location. --
+# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+def makeMO(applicationDirectoryPath,targetDir='./locale',applicationDomain=None, verbose=0, forceEnglish=0) :
+    """Compile the Portable Object files into the Machine Object stored in the right location.
+    makeMO converts all translated language-specific PO files located inside 
+    the  application directory into the binary .MO files stored inside the 
+    LC_MESSAGES sub-directory for the found locale files.
+    makeMO searches for all files that have a name of the form 'app_xx.po' 
+    inside the application directory specified by the first argument.  The 
+    'app' is the application domain name (that can be specified by the 
+    applicationDomain argument or is taken from the directory name). The 'xx' 
+    corresponds to one of the ISO 639 two-letter language codes.
+    makeMo stores the resulting files inside a sub-directory of `targetDir`
+    called xx/LC_MESSAGES where 'xx' corresponds to the 2-letter language
+    code.
+    """
+    if targetDir is None:
+        targetDir = './locale'
+    if verbose:
+        print "Target directory for .mo files is: %s" % targetDir
+    if applicationDomain is None:
+        applicationName = fileBaseOf(applicationDirectoryPath,withPath=0)
+    else:
+        applicationName = applicationDomain
+    currentDir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(applicationDirectoryPath)
+    languageDict = getlanguageDict()
+    for langCode in languageDict.keys():
+        if (langCode == 'en') and (forceEnglish==0):
+            pass
+        else:
+            langPOfileName = "%s_%s.po" % (applicationName , langCode)
+            if os.path.exists(langPOfileName):
+                mo_targetDir = "%s/%s/LC_MESSAGES" % (targetDir,langCode)
+                if not os.path.exists(mo_targetDir):
+                    mkdir(mo_targetDir)
+                cmd = 'msgfmt --output-file="%s/%s.mo" "%s_%s.po"' % (mo_targetDir,applicationName,applicationName,langCode)
+                if verbose: print cmd
+                os.system(cmd)
+    os.chdir(currentDir)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# p r i n t U s a g e         -- Displays how to use this script from the command line --
+# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+def printUsage(errorMsg=None) :
+    """Displays how to use this script from the command line."""
+    print """
+    ##################################################################################
+    #   mki18n :   Make internationalization files.                                  #
+    #              Uses the GNU gettext system to create PO (Portable Object) files  #
+    #              from source code, coimpile PO into MO (Machine Object) files.     #
+    #              Supports C,C++,Python source files.                               #
+    #                                                                                #
+    #   Usage: mki18n {OPTION} [appDirPath]                                          #
+    #                                                                                #
+    #   Options:                                                                     #
+    #     -e               : When -m is used, forces English .mo file creation       #
+    #     -h               : prints this help                                        #
+    #     -m               : make MO from existing PO files                          #
+    #     -p               : make PO, update PO files: Creates a new messages.pot    #
+    #                        file. Creates a dom_xx.po.new for every existing        #
+    #                        language specific .po file. ('xx' stands for the ISO639 #
+    #                        two-letter language code and 'dom' stands for the       #
+    #                        application domain name).  mki18n requires that you     #
+    #                        write a 'app.fil' file  which contains the list of all  #
+    #                        source code to parse.                                   #
+    #     -v               : verbose (prints comments while running)                 #
+    #     --domain=appName : specifies the application domain name.  By default      #
+    #                        the directory name is used.                             #
+    #     --moTarget=dir : specifies the directory where .mo files are stored.       #
+    #                      If not specified, the target is './locale'                #
+    #                                                                                #
+    #   You must specify one of the -p or -m option to perform the work.  You can    #
+    #   specify the path of the target application.  If you leave it out mki18n      #
+    #   will use the current directory as the application main directory.            #        
+    #                                                                                #
+    ##################################################################################"""
+    if errorMsg:
+        print "\n   ERROR: %s" % errorMsg
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# f i l e B a s e O f ( )         -- Return base name of filename --
+# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+def fileBaseOf(filename,withPath=0) :
+   """fileBaseOf(filename,withPath) ---> string
+   Return base name of filename.  The returned string never includes the extension.
+   Use os.path.basename() to return the basename with the extension.  The 
+   second argument is optional.  If specified and if set to 'true' (non zero) 
+   the string returned contains the full path of the file name.  Otherwise the 
+   path is excluded.
+   [Example]
+   >>> fn = 'd:/dev/telepath/tvapp/code/test.html'
+   >>> fileBaseOf(fn)
+   'test'
+   >>> fileBaseOf(fn)
+   'test'
+   >>> fileBaseOf(fn,1)
+   'd:/dev/telepath/tvapp/code/test'
+   >>> fileBaseOf(fn,0)
+   'test'
+   >>> fn = 'abcdef'
+   >>> fileBaseOf(fn)
+   'abcdef'
+   >>> fileBaseOf(fn,1)
+   'abcdef'
+   >>> fn = "abcdef."
+   >>> fileBaseOf(fn)
+   'abcdef'
+   >>> fileBaseOf(fn,1)
+   'abcdef'
+   """            
+   pos = filename.rfind('.')             
+   if pos > 0:
+      filename = filename[:pos]
+   if withPath:
+      return filename
+   else:
+      return os.path.basename(filename)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# m k d i r ( )         -- Create a directory (and possibly the entire tree) --
+# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+def mkdir(directory) :
+   """Create a directory (and possibly the entire tree).
+   The os.mkdir() will fail to create a directory if one of the
+   directory in the specified path does not exist.  mkdir()
+   solves this problem.  It creates every intermediate directory
+   required to create the final path. Under Unix, the function 
+   only supports forward slash separator, but under Windows and MacOS
+   the function supports the forward slash and the OS separator (backslash
+   under windows).
+   """ 
+   # translate the path separators
+   directory = unixpath(directory)
+   # build a list of all directory elements
+   aList = filter(lambda x: len(x)>0, directory.split('/'))
+   theLen = len(aList)                     
+   # if the first element is a Windows-style disk drive
+   # concatenate it with the first directory
+   if aList[0].endswith(':'):
+      if theLen > 1:
+         aList[1] = aList[0] + '/' + aList[1]
+         del aList[0]      
+         theLen -= 1         
+   # if the original directory starts at root,
+   # make sure the first element of the list 
+   # starts at root too
+   if directory[0] == '/':     
+      aList[0] = '/' + aList[0]
+   # Now iterate through the list, check if the 
+   # directory exists and if not create it
+   theDir = ''
+   for i in range(theLen):
+      theDir += aList[i]
+      if not os.path.exists(theDir):
+         os.mkdir(theDir)
+      theDir += '/'   
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# u n i x p a t h ( )         -- Return a path name that contains Unix separator. --
+# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+def unixpath(thePath) :
+   r"""Return a path name that contains Unix separator.
+   [Example]
+   >>> unixpath(r"d:\test")
+   'd:/test'
+   >>> unixpath("d:/test/file.txt")
+   'd:/test/file.txt'
+   >>> 
+   """
+   thePath = os.path.normpath(thePath)
+   if os.sep == '/':
+      return thePath
+   else:
+      return thePath.replace(os.sep,'/')
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+# S c r i p t   e x e c u t i o n               -- Runs when invoked from the command line --
+# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import getopt     # command line parsing
+    argc = len(sys.argv)
+    if argc == 1:
+        printUsage('Missing argument: specify at least one of -m or -p (or both).')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # If there is some arguments, parse the command line
+    validOptions     = "ehmpv"
+    validLongOptions = ['domain=', 'moTarget=']             
+    option = {}
+    option['forceEnglish'] = 0
+    option['mo'] = 0
+    option['po'] = 0        
+    option['verbose'] = 0
+    option['domain'] = None
+    option['moTarget'] = None
+    try:
+        optionList,pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],validOptions,validLongOptions)
+    except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+        printUsage(e[0])
+        sys.exit(1)       
+    for (opt,val) in optionList:
+        if  (opt == '-h'):    
+            printUsage()
+            sys.exit(0) 
+        elif (opt == '-e'):         option['forceEnglish'] = 1
+        elif (opt == '-m'):         option['mo'] = 1
+        elif (opt == '-p'):         option['po'] = 1
+        elif (opt == '-v'):         option['verbose'] = 1
+        elif (opt == '--domain'):   option['domain'] = val
+        elif (opt == '--moTarget'): option['moTarget'] = val
+    if len(pargs) == 0:
+        appDirPath = os.getcwd()
+        if option['verbose']:
+            print "No project directory given. Using current one:  %s" % appDirPath
+    elif len(pargs) == 1:
+        appDirPath = pargs[0]
+    else:
+        printUsage('Too many arguments (%u).  Use double quotes if you have space in directory name' % len(pargs))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if option['domain'] is None:
+        # If no domain specified, use the name of the target directory
+        option['domain'] = fileBaseOf(appDirPath)
+    if option['verbose']:
+        print "Application domain used is: '%s'" % option['domain']
+    if option['po']:
+        try:
+            makePO(appDirPath,option['domain'],option['verbose'])
+        except IOError, e:
+            printUsage(e[1] + '\n   You must write a file app.fil that contains the list of all files to parse.')
+    if option['mo']:
+        makeMO(appDirPath,option['moTarget'],option['domain'],option['verbose'],option['forceEnglish'])
+    sys.exit(1)            
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------