changeset 413 57c7a451c671
child 525 9b81decd4662
equal deleted inserted replaced
412:84867470a60c 413:57c7a451c671
     1 /*
     2 This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
     4 Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
     5 AVR Port: Andreas GLAUSER and Peter CHRISTEN
     7 See COPYING file for copyrights details.
     9 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    10 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    11 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    12 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    14 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    17 Lesser General Public License for more details.
    19 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    20 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    21 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    22 */
    23 /******************************************************************************
    24 Project description:
    25 Test projekt for a DS 401 slave, running on Atmel's STK500 with AT90CAN128
    26 Short description:
    27   PORTA:	Inputs (Keys, low active)
    28   PORTB:	Outputs (LEDs, low active)
    29   PORTC:	Node ID (1 BCD switch)
    31 ******************************************************************************/
    32 #include "hardware.h"
    33 #include "canfestival.h"
    34 #include "can_AVR.h"
    35 #include "objdict.h"
    36 #include "ds401.h"
    39 unsigned char timer_interrupt = 0;		// Set if timer interrupt eclapsed
    40 unsigned char inputs;
    42 // CAN
    43 unsigned char nodeID;
    44 unsigned char digital_input[1] = {0};
    45 unsigned char digital_output[1] = {0};
    47 static Message m = Message_Initializer;		// contain a CAN message
    49 void sys_init();
    51 // macros to handle the schedule timer
    52 #define sys_timer			timer_interrupt
    53 #define reset_sys_timer()		timer_interrupt = 0
    54 #define CYCLE_TIME	        	1000     	// Sample Timebase [us]
    56 int main(void)
    57 {
    58   sys_init();                                   // Initialize system
    59   canInit(CAN_BAUDRATE);         		// Initialize the CANopen bus
    60   initTimer();                                 	// Start timer for the CANopen stack
    61   nodeID = read_bcd();				// Read node ID first
    62   setNodeId (&ObjDict_Data, nodeID);
    63   setState(&ObjDict_Data, Initialisation);	// Init the state
    65   for(;;)		                        // forever loop
    66   {
    67     if (sys_timer)	                        // Cycle timer, invoke action on every time slice
    68     {
    69       reset_sys_timer();	                // Reset timer
    70       digital_input[0] = get_inputs();
    71       digital_input_handler(&ObjDict_Data, digital_input, sizeof(digital_input));
    72       digital_output_handler(&ObjDict_Data, digital_output, sizeof(digital_output));
    73       set_outputs(digital_output[0]);
    75       // Check if CAN address has been changed
    76       if(!( nodeID == read_bcd()))
    77       {
    78         nodeID = read_bcd();                    // Save the new CAN adress
    79         setState(&ObjDict_Data, Stopped);         // Stop the node, to change the node ID
    80         setNodeId(&ObjDict_Data, nodeID);         // Now the CAN adress is changed
    81         setState(&ObjDict_Data, Pre_operational); // Set to Pre_operational, master must boot it again
    82       }
    83     }
    85     // a message was received pass it to the CANstack
    86     if (canReceive(&m))			// a message reveived
    87       canDispatch(&ObjDict_Data, &m);         // process it
    88     else
    89     {
    90       // Enter sleep mode
    91       #ifdef WD_SLEEP		// Watchdog and Sleep
    92       wdt_reset();
    93       sleep_enable();
    94       sleep_cpu();
    95       #endif				// Watchdog and Sleep
    96     }
    97   }
    98 }
   100 void sys_init()
   101 /******************************************************************************
   102 Initialize the relays, the main states and the modbus protocol stack.
   103 INPUT	LOCK_STATES *lock_states
   104 OUTPUT	void
   105 ******************************************************************************/
   106 {
   107   OSCCAL = 0x43;
   109   PORTA = 0xFF;	                        // Inputs (Keys, low active) with pullup
   110   DDRA  = 0x00;		                // 
   111   PORTB = 0xFF;	                        // Outputs (LEDs, low active) all 1
   112   DDRB  = 0xFF;		                // 
   113   PORTC = 0xFF;	                        // 1 BCD switch with pullup
   114   DDRC  = 0x00;		                // 
   115   PORTD = 0x2C;	                        // 2xCOM, unused, CAN, unused
   116   DDRD  = 0x2A;		                // All init 0 or without pullup
   117   PORTE = 0x00;	                        // Output
   118   DDRE  = 0x3C;		                // 2x not used, 2x not used
   119   PORTF = 0x00;	                        // Not used
   120   DDRF  = 0xFF;		                // All output
   121   PORTG = 0x00;	                        // Not used
   122   DDRG  = 0x1F;		                // Output for debug (only 5 pins)
   124 // Set timer 0 for main schedule time
   125   TCCR0A |= 1 << WGM01 | 1 << CS01 | 1 << CS00;// Timer 0 CTC , Timer 0 mit CK/64 starten
   126   TIMSK0 = 1 << OCIE0A;		        // Timer Interrupts: Timer 0 Compare
   127   OCR0A = (unsigned char)(F_CPU / 64 * CYCLE_TIME/1000000 - 1);	// Reloadvalue for timer 0
   128   #ifdef WD_SLEEP		// Watchdog and Sleep
   129   wdt_reset();
   130   wdt_enable(WDTO_15MS);   	// Watchdogtimer start with 16 ms timeout
   131   #endif			// Watchdog and Sleep
   132   sei();         // Enable Interrupts
   133 }
   136 #ifdef  __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
   137 #pragma type_attribute = __interrupt
   138 #pragma vector=TIMER0_COMP_vect
   139 void TIMER0_COMP_interrupt(void)
   140 #else	// GCC
   141 ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect)
   142 #endif	// GCC
   143 /******************************************************************************
   144 Interruptserviceroutine Timer 2 Compare A for the main cycle
   145 ******************************************************************************/
   147 {
   148   timer_interrupt = 1;	// Set flag
   149 }