installer: mkdir -p installer cp $(src)/ installer CURDIR:=$(shell pwd) PACMANPFX=$(CURDIR)/pacman MSYS_DIR=msys64 MSYS_ENV_DIR=ucrt64 MSYS_ENV=mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64 MSYS_ROOT=$(CURDIR)/$(MSYS_DIR) XVFBRUN ?= xvfb-run -a msysfinaldir=installer/$(MSYS_DIR) pacman-6.0.0/src.stamp: rm -rf pacman pacman-6.0.0 $(call get_src_http,,pacman-6.0.0.tar.xz)\ tar -xJf $$dld touch $@ pacman-6.0.0/patched.stamp: pacman-6.0.0/src.stamp cd pacman-6.0.0 ;\ patch -p1 < $(src)/pacman-6.0.0-nogpg-relative_conf.patch ; touch $@ pacman/.stamp: pacman-6.0.0/patched.stamp cd pacman-6.0.0 ;\ meson -Droot-dir=$(MSYS_ROOT) -Dsysconfdir=$(MSYS_ROOT)/etc -Dlocalstatedir=$(MSYS_ROOT)/var build ;\ DESTDIR=$(PACMANPFX) ninja -C build install touch $@ define pacman_call LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PACMANPFX)/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ fakeroot pacman/usr/bin/pacman $(1) endef pacman_update=$(call pacman_call, -Sy --noconfirm --cachedir $(distfiles)); pacman_install_ming=$(call pacman_call, -S $(1) --arch x86_64 --noconfirm --cachedir $(distfiles)); pacman_install_msys=$(call pacman_call, -S $(1) --noconfirm --cachedir $(distfiles)); # First part are python packages requested by our app and available in msys # Second part are dependencies of packages to be later installed with pip # Third part : neede for cross-install operation # -> all those packages are installed with pacman, ignoring version given in requirements.txt define MSYS_PY_PACKAGES brotli click fonttools lxml matplotlib msgpack pycountry u-msgpack zeroconf twisted cryptography aiosqlite pytz sortedcontainers pip endef define MSYS_PACKAGES_NAMES gcc make wxPython $(foreach package, $(MSYS_PY_PACKAGES), python-$(package)) endef MSYS_PACKAGES=$(foreach package, $(MSYS_PACKAGES_NAMES), $(MSYS_ENV)-$(package)) $(MSYS_DIR)/.stamp: pacman/.stamp rm -rf $(MSYS_DIR) $(call get_src_http,,msys2-base-x86_64-20230718.tar.xz)\ tar -xJf $$dld # Do NOT update package lists to make build reproducible # All packages version are as given in base image. ## $(pacman_update) $(call pacman_install_ming,$(MSYS_PACKAGES)) touch $@ # filter-out all python packages already installed by pacman filtered_requirements.txt: $(MSYS_DIR)/.stamp sources/beremiz_src grep sources/beremiz/requirements.txt -i -v \ `$(call pacman_call, -Qqs 'python-.*') | sed -e 's/$(MSYS_ENV)-python-/ -e /'` \ -e wxPython \ $(foreach package, $(MSYS_PY_PACKAGES), -e $(package)) > filtered_requirements.txt # download remaining pip packages separtately with local python # workaround msys2's git crashing when launched from pip on wine # bug: pip_downloads/.stamp: filtered_requirements.txt rm -rf pip_downloads # python3 -m pip download --no-deps -r filtered_requirements.txt -d pip_downloads python3 -m pip wheel --no-deps -r filtered_requirements.txt -w pip_downloads touch $@ # install downloaded .whl files with wine # TODO: find a less convoluited way instead of wine to unpack wheels # but still populating __pycache__ for this particular python version winpythonbin = $(MSYS_ROOT)/$(MSYS_ENV_DIR)/bin/python.exe wine = WINEPREFIX=$(tmp) $(XVFBRUN) wine pip.stamp: pip_downloads/.stamp cd pip_downloads; $(wine) $(winpythonbin) -m pip install --no-deps * touch $@ $(msysfinaldir)/.stamp: pip.stamp | installer rm -rf $(msysfinaldir) cp -a $(MSYS_DIR) $(msysfinaldir) touch $@ CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CROSS_COMPILE_LIBS_DIR=$(shell dirname $(shell $(CROSS_COMPILE)-gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)) matiecdir = installer/matiec matiec: $(matiecdir)/.stamp $(matiecdir)/.stamp: sources/matiec_src | installer cp -a sources/matiec $(tmp);\ cd $(tmp)/matiec;\ autoreconf ;\ automake --add-missing ;\ LDFLAGS=-lstdc++ ./configure --host=$(CROSS_COMPILE);\ $(MAKE) -j$(CPUS); rm -rf $(matiecdir) mkdir -p $(matiecdir) mv $(tmp)/matiec/*.exe $(matiecdir) # install necessary shared libraries from local cross-compiler cp $(CROSS_COMPILE_LIBS_DIR)/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll $(matiecdir) cp $(CROSS_COMPILE_LIBS_DIR)/libstdc++-6.dll $(matiecdir) mv $(tmp)/matiec/lib $(matiecdir) touch $@ beremizdir = installer/beremiz beremiz: $(beremizdir)/.stamp $(beremizdir)/.stamp: sources/beremiz_src | installer rm -rf $(beremizdir);\ cp -a sources/beremiz $(beremizdir);\ # populate __pycache__'s .pyc files cd $(beremizdir) ;\ find . -name "*.py" | grep -v \ -e \./etherlab \ -e .*/ \ -e \./tests \ -e \./exemples \ > tocompile.lst ;\ $(wine) $(winpythonbin) -m compileall -i tocompile.lst rm $(beremizdir)/tocompile.lst touch $@ ide_revisions = installer/revisions.txt $(ide_revisions): revisions.txt cp $< $@ Beremiz-windows-build: $(msysfinaldir)/.stamp pip.stamp $(matiecdir)/.stamp $(beremizdir)/.stamp ide_targets_from_dist $(ide_revisions) touch $@ Beremiz-windows-build rm -f $@ cd installer; zip -r -q ../$@ . VERSIONPY=sources/beremiz/ Beremiz-nsis-installer.exe: Beremiz-windows-build $(src)/license.txt $(src)/install.nsi export BVERSION=`python3 $(VERSIONPY)` ;\ sed -e "s/\$$BVERSION/$$BVERSION/g" $(src)/license.txt > installer/license.txt ;\ sed -e "s/\$$BVERSION/$$BVERSION/g" $(src)/install.nsi |\ sed -e "s#\$$MSYS_DIR#$(MSYS_DIR)#g" |\ sed -e "s#\$$MSYS_ENV_DIR#$(MSYS_ENV_DIR)#g" > install.nsi makensis install.nsi