# Dockerfile to setup beremiz_public_dist build container FROM ubuntu:focal ENV TERM xterm-256color COPY provision_focal64.sh . RUN ./provision_focal64.sh ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANGUAGE en_US:en ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 ARG UNAME=devel ENV UNAME ${UNAME} ARG UID=1000 ARG GID=1000 RUN groupadd -g $GID $UNAME RUN useradd -m -u $UID -g $GID -s /bin/bash $UNAME # easy to remember 'build' alias to invoke main makefile ARG OWNDIRBASENAME=beremiz_public_dist ENV OWNDIRBASENAME ${OWNDIRBASENAME} RUN /bin/echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nmake -f /home/'$UNAME'/src/'$OWNDIRBASENAME'/Makefile $*' > /usr/local/bin/build RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/build USER $UNAME RUN mkdir /home/$UNAME/build /home/$UNAME/src