#! gmake
# This is Makefile for Beremiz installer
# Invoke with "make -f path/to/Makefile" on a linux box
# in directory where build should happen.
# All those dependencies have to be installed :
# Windows installer :
# - wine (tested with 1.2 and 1.6. Fail with 1.4)
# - mingw32
# - flex
# - bison
# - tar
# - unrar
# - wget
# - nsis
# - libtool
# - xmlstarlet
# - xsltproc
# - python-lxml
# WARNING : DISPLAY variable have to be defined to a valid X server
# in case it would be a problem, run :
# xvfb-run make -f /path/to/this/Makefile
version = 1.2-rc1
src := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
HGREMOTE ?= https://hg.beremiz.org/
HGROOT ?= $(abspath $(src)/..)
CPUS := `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e 'processor\W*:\W*[[:digit:]]*' | nl -n ln | tail -n1 | cut -f1`
CROSS_COMPILE_LIBS_DIR=$(shell dirname $(shell $(CROSS_COMPILE)-gcc -print-libgcc-file-name))
define get_runtime_libs
cp $(CROSS_COMPILE_LIBS_DIR)/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll $(1)
cp $(CROSS_COMPILE_LIBS_DIR)/libstdc++-6.dll $(1)
distfiles = $(src)/distfiles
sfmirror = downloads
tmp := $(shell mktemp -d)
define hg_get_archive
test -d $(HGROOT)/`basename $(1)` || hg --cwd $(HGROOT) clone $(HGREMOTE)`basename $(1)`
hg -R $(HGROOT)/`basename $(1)` archive $(2) $(1)
hg -R $(HGROOT)/`basename $(1)` id -i | sed 's/\+//' > $(1)/revision
define get_src_hg
rm -rf $(1)
$(call hg_get_archive, $(1), $(2))
define get_src_git
rm -rf $(1)
mkdir $(1)
(cd $(GITROOT)/`basename $(1)`; git archive --format=tar $(2)) | tar -C $(1) -x
define get_src_http
dld=$(distfiles)/`echo $(2) | tr ' ()' '___'`;( ( [ -f $$dld ] || wget $(1)/$(2) -O $$dld ) && ( [ ! -f $$dld.md5 ] && (cd $(distfiles);md5sum `basename $$dld`) > $$dld.md5 || (cd $(distfiles);md5sum -c `basename $$dld.md5`) ) ) &&
define get_src_pypi
$(call get_src_http,https://pypi.python.org/packages/$(1),$(2))
define get_src_sf
$(call get_src_http,https://$(sfmirror).sourceforge.net/project/$(1),$(2))
all: Beremiz-$(version).exe $(targets_add)
ifneq ("$(DIST)","")
include $(src)/$(DIST).mk
rm -rf build
mkdir -p build
# native toolchain, pre-built
define get_mingw
$(call get_src_sf,mingw/MinGW/Base/$(1),$(2)) tar -C $(mingwdir) -xf $$dld
define get_msys
$(call get_src_sf,mingw/MSYS/Base/$(1),$(2)) tar -C $(mingwdir) -xf $$dld
mingw: |build
rm -rf $(mingwdir)
mkdir -p $(mingwdir)
# windows.h
$(call get_mingw,w32api/w32api-5.0.1,w32api-5.0.1-mingw32-dev.tar.xz)
# mingw runtime
$(call get_mingw,mingwrt/mingwrt-5.0.1,mingwrt-5.0.1-mingw32-dll.tar.xz)
# mingw headers and lib
$(call get_mingw,mingwrt/mingwrt-5.0.1,mingwrt-5.0.1-mingw32-dev.tar.xz)
# binutils
$(call get_mingw,binutils/binutils-2.28,binutils-2.28-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz)
# C compiler
$(call get_mingw,gcc/Version6/gcc-6.3.0,gcc-core-6.3.0-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz)
# dependencies
$(call get_mingw,gmp/gmp-6.1.2,libgmp-6.1.2-2-mingw32-dll-10.tar.xz)
$(call get_mingw,mpc/mpc-1.0.3,libmpc-1.0.3-1-mingw32-dll-3.tar.xz)
$(call get_mingw,mpfr/mpfr-3.1.5,libmpfr-3.1.5-1-mingw32-dll-4.tar.xz)
$(call get_mingw,gettext/gettext-,libintl-
$(call get_mingw,gettext/gettext-,libgettextpo-
$(call get_mingw,libiconv/libiconv-1.14-3,libiconv-1.14-3-mingw32-dll.tar.lzma)
# make, bash, and dependencies
$(call get_msys,bash/bash-3.1.23-1,bash-3.1.23-1-msys-1.0.18-bin.tar.xz)
$(call get_msys,coreutils/coreutils-5.97-3,coreutils-5.97-3-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.lzma)
$(call get_msys,libiconv/libiconv-1.14-1,libiconv-1.14-1-msys-1.0.17-bin.tar.lzma)
$(call get_msys,libiconv/libiconv-1.14-1,libiconv-1.14-1-msys-1.0.17-dll-2.tar.lzma)
$(call get_msys,gettext/gettext-,libintl-
$(call get_msys,regex/regex-1.20090805-2,libregex-1.20090805-2-msys-1.0.13-dll-1.tar.lzma)
$(call get_msys,termcap/termcap-0.20050421_1-2,libtermcap-0.20050421_1-2-msys-1.0.13-dll-0.tar.lzma)
$(call get_msys,make/make-3.81-3,make-3.81-3-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.lzma)
$(call get_msys,msys-core/msys-1.0.19-1,msysCORE-1.0.19-1-msys-1.0.19-bin.tar.xz)
$(call get_msys,termcap/termcap-0.20050421_1-2,libtermcap-0.20050421_1-2-msys-1.0.13-dll-0.tar.lzma)
touch $@
msiexec = WINEPREFIX=$(tmp) msiexec
wine = WINEPREFIX=$(tmp) wine
pydir = build/python
pysite = $(pydir)/Lib/site-packages
python: |build
rm -rf $(pydir)
mkdir -p $(pydir)
# Python
$(call get_src_http,http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3,python-2.7.3.msi)\
$(msiexec) /qn /a $$dld TARGETDIR=.\\$(pydir)
# WxPython 2.8 (needs running inno unpacker in wine)
$(call get_src_sf,innounp/innounp/innounp%200.36,innounp036.rar)\
unrar e $$dld innounp.exe $(tmp)
$(call get_src_sf,wxpython/wxPython/,wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-\
$(wine) $(tmp)/innounp.exe -d$(tmp) -x $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/\{code_GetPythonDir\}/* $(pydir)
cp -R $(tmp)/\{app\}/* $(pysite)
# WxPython 3.0 (needs running inno unpacker in wine)
$(call get_src_sf,wxpython/wxPython/,wxPython3.0-win32-\
$(wine) $(tmp)/innounp.exe -d$(tmp) -x $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/\{code_GetPythonDir\}/* $(pydir)
cp -R $(tmp)/\{app\}/* $(pysite)
# wxPython fails if VC9.0 bullshit is not fully here.
$(call get_src_http,http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/1/1/1116b75a-9ec3-481a-a3c8-1777b5381140,vcredist_x86.exe)\
cp $$dld $(tmp)
$(wine) $(tmp)/vcredist_x86.exe /qn /a
cp $(tmp)/drive_c/windows/winsxs/x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT*/* $(pydir)
# MathPlotLib
$(call get_src_http,https://github.com/downloads/matplotlib/matplotlib,matplotlib-1.2.0.win32-py2.7.exe)\
unzip -d $(tmp)/mathplotlib $$dld ; [ $$? -eq 1 ] #silence error unziping .exe
cp -R $(tmp)/mathplotlib/PLATLIB/* $(pysite)
# pywin32
$(call get_src_sf,pywin32/pywin32/Build216,pywin32-216.win32-py2.7.exe)\
unzip -d $(tmp)/pw32 $$dld ; [ $$? -eq 1 ] #silence error unziping .exe
cp -R $(tmp)/pw32/PLATLIB/* $(pysite)
# zope.interface (twisted prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,2.7/z/zope.interface,zope.interface-4.3.2-py2.7-win32.egg)\
unzip -d $(tmp) $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/zope $(pysite)
# six (pyopenssl prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,py2.py3/s/six,six-1.11.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl)\
unzip -d $(tmp) $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/six.py $(pysite)
# enum34 (cryptography prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,source/e/enum34,enum34-1.1.6.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/enum34-1.1.6/enum $(pysite)
# cryptography (pyopenssl prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,cp27/c/cryptography,cryptography-1.0.2-cp27-none-win32.whl)\
unzip -d $(tmp) $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/cryptography $(pysite)
# pyopenssl (twisted/ssl prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,py2.py3/p/pyOpenSSL,pyOpenSSL-0.15.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl)\
unzip -d $(tmp) $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/OpenSSL $(pysite)
# pyasn1 (service identity prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,source/p/pyasn1,pyasn1-0.1.9.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/pyasn1-0.1.9/pyasn1 $(pysite)
# pyasn1-modules (service identity prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,source/p/pyasn1-modules,pyasn1-modules-0.0.8.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/pyasn1-modules-0.0.8/pyasn1_modules $(pysite)
# characteristic (service identity prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,source/c/characteristic,characteristic-14.3.0.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/characteristic-14.3.0/characteristic.py $(pysite)
# service identity (twisted prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,source/s/service_identity,service_identity-14.0.0.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/service_identity-14.0.0/service_identity $(pysite)
# txaio (autobahn prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,source/t/txaio,txaio-2.6.0.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/txaio-2.6.0/txaio $(pysite)
# python-msgpack (autobahn prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,cp27/m/msgpack-python,msgpack_python-0.4.8-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl)\
unzip -d $(tmp) $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/msgpack $(pysite)
# u-msgpack-python (autobahn prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,source/u/u-msgpack-python,u-msgpack-python-2.3.0.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/u-msgpack-python-2.3.0/umsgpack.py $(pysite)
# cffi (cryptography prereq)
$(call get_src_pypi,cp27/c/cffi,cffi-1.2.1-cp27-none-win32.whl)\
unzip -d $(tmp) $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/cffi $(tmp)/_cffi_backend.pyd $(pysite)
# Twisted
$(call get_src_pypi,cp27/T/Twisted,Twisted-15.4.0-cp27-none-win32.whl)\
unzip -d $(tmp) $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/twisted $(pysite)
# Autobahn
$(call get_src_pypi,source/a/autobahn,autobahn-17.6.1.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
for i in autobahn twisted; do cp -R $(tmp)/autobahn-17.6.1/$$i $(pysite); done
# Nevow
$(call get_src_pypi,source/N/Nevow,Nevow-0.10.0.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
for i in nevow formless twisted; do cp -R $(tmp)/Nevow-0.10.0/$$i $(pysite); done
# Numpy
$(call get_src_pypi,2.7/n/numpy,numpy-1.6.1.win32-py2.7.exe)\
unzip -d $(tmp)/np $$dld ; [ $$? -eq 1 ] #silence error unziping .exe
cp -R $(tmp)/np/PLATLIB/* $(pysite)
# SimpleJson
$(call get_src_pypi,source/s/simplejson,simplejson-2.2.1.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/simplejson-2.2.1/simplejson/ $(pysite)
# Zeroconf
$(call get_src_pypi,6b/88/48dbe88b10098f98acef33218763c5630b0081c7fd0849ab4793b1e9b6d3,zeroconf-0.19.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl)\
unzip -d $(tmp)/zeroconf $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/zeroconf/* $(pysite)
# netifaces
$(call get_src_pypi,05/00/c719457bcb8f14f9a7b9244c3c5e203c40d041a364cf784cf554aaef8129,netifaces-0.10.6-py2.7-win32.egg)\
unzip -d $(tmp)/netifaces $$dld
cp -R $(tmp)/netifaces/* $(pysite)
# WxGlade
$(call get_src_http,https://bitbucket.org/wxglade/wxglade/get,034d891cc947.zip)\
unzip -d $(tmp) $$dld
mv $(tmp)/wxglade-wxglade-034d891cc947 $(pysite)/wxglade
# Pyro
$(call get_src_pypi,source/P/Pyro,Pyro-3.9.1.tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
mv $(tmp)/Pyro-3.9.1/Pyro $(pysite)
# Build Openssl
$(call get_src_http,https://openssl.org/source,$(OSSLVER).tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cd $(tmp)/$(OSSLVER); \
CC=$(MINGPFX)gcc ./Configure mingw && \
make all build-shared CROSS_COMPILE=$(MINGPFX) SHARED_LDFLAGS=-static-libgcc
# Build M2crypto
$(call get_src_pypi,source/M/M2Crypto,$(M2CRVER).tar.gz)\
tar -C $(tmp) -xzf $$dld
cd $(tmp)/$(M2CRVER); \
patch -p1 < $(src)/M2Crypto-mingw-cross-compile-fix.patch && \
PYTHONLIB=$(abspath $(pydir))/libs \
PYTHONINC=$(abspath $(pydir))/include/ \
python setup.py build build_ext \
--openssl=$(tmp)/$(OSSLVER) -cmingw32
# Copy openssl dlls directly in M2Crypto package directory
cp -a $(tmp)/$(OSSLVER)/*.dll $(tmp)/$(M2CRVER)/build/lib.win32-2.7/M2Crypto
# Move result into python site packages
mv $(tmp)/$(M2CRVER)/build/lib.win32-2.7/M2Crypto $(pysite)
# Lxml
$(call get_src_pypi,2.7/l/lxml,lxml-3.2.3.win32-py2.7.exe)\
unzip -d $(tmp)/lxml $$dld ; [ $$? -eq 1 ] #silence error unziping .exe
cp -R $(tmp)/lxml/PLATLIB/* $(pysite)
touch $@
matiecdir = build/matiec
matiec: |build
$(call get_src_hg,$(tmp)/matiec)
cd $(tmp)/matiec ;\
automake --add-missing;\
./configure --host=$(CROSS_COMPILE);\
make -j$(CPUS);
rm -rf $(matiecdir)
mkdir -p $(matiecdir)
mv $(tmp)/matiec/*.exe $(matiecdir)
# install necessary shared libraries from local cross-compiler
$(call get_runtime_libs,$(matiecdir))
mv $(tmp)/matiec/lib $(matiecdir)
touch $@
examples: |build
rm -rf examples
mkdir -p examples
beremiz: | build examples
$(call get_src_hg,build/beremiz)
$(call tweak_beremiz_source)
rm -rf examples/canopen_tests
mkdir -p examples/canopen_tests
mv build/beremiz/tests/canopen_* examples/canopen_tests
rm -rf examples/base_tests
mkdir -p examples/base_tests
mv build/beremiz/tests/* examples/base_tests
touch $@
CFbuild = build/CanFestival-3
CFconfig = $(CFbuild)/objdictgen/canfestival_config.py
canfestival: mingw
rm -rf $(CFbuild)
$(call get_src_hg,$(CFbuild))
cd $(CFbuild); \
./configure --can=tcp_win32 \
--cc=$(CC) \
--cxx=$(CXX) \
--target=win32 \
$(MAKE) -C $(CFbuild)
cd $(CFbuild); find . -name "*.o" -exec rm {} ';' #remove object files only
touch $@
targets=python mingw matiec beremiz
Beremiz-$(version).exe: $(targets) $(src)/license.txt $(src)/install.nsi $(targets_ex)
sed -e 's/\$$BVERSION/$(version)/g' $(src)/license.txt > build/license.txt
sed -e 's/\$$BVERSION/$(version)/g' $(src)/install.nsi |\
sed -e 's/\$$BEXTENSIONS/$(extensions)/g' |\
makensis -
rm -rf build Beremiz-$(version).exe $(targets) $(targets_ex)