# HG changeset patch
# User etisserant
# Date 1188280656 -7200
# Node ID eb9fdd316a405da3b3ab6add3a0b09e55603e639
# Parent f1f0edbeb3139d5a3496e850247785380f2e541d
More precise design for plugins.... to be continued...
diff -r f1f0edbeb313 -r eb9fdd316a40 plugger.py
--- a/plugger.py Mon Aug 27 17:54:55 2007 +0200
+++ b/plugger.py Tue Aug 28 07:57:36 2007 +0200
@@ -1,11 +1,299 @@
+Base definitions for beremiz plugins
import os
+import types
+import shutil
+from xml.dom import minidom
import plugins
-from plugins import PlugTemplate
+from xmlclass import GenerateClassesFromXSDstring
+_BaseParamsClass = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring("""
+ """)[0]["BaseParams"]
+NameTypeSeparator = '@'
+class PlugTemplate:
+ """
+ This class is the one that define plugins.
+ """
+ XSD = None
+ PlugChildsTypes = []
+ PlugMaxCount = None
+ PluginMethods = []
+ def _AddParamsMembers(self):
+ Classes = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(self.XSD)[0]
+ self.PlugParams = []
+ for name, XSDclass in Classes.items():
+ if XSDclass.IsBaseClass:
+ obj = XSDclass()
+ self.PlugParams.append( (name, obj) )
+ setattr(self, name, obj)
+ def __init__(self, PlugPath):
+ # Create BaseParam
+ self.BaseParams = _BaseParamsClass()
+ self.MandatoryParams = [("BaseParams", self.BaseParams)]
+ self._AddParamsMembers()
+ self.PluggedChilds = {}
+ def PluginXmlFilePath(self, PlugName=None):
+ return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(PlugName), "plugin.xml")
+ def PlugPath(self,PlugName=None):
+ if not PlugName:
+ PlugName = self.BaseParams.getName()
+ return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.PlugPath(), PlugName + NameTypeSeparator + self.PlugType)
+ def PlugTestModified(self):
+ return False
+ def OnPlugSave(self):
+ return True
+ def PlugRequestSave(self):
+ # If plugin do not have corresponding directory
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.PlugPath(PlugName)):
+ # Create it
+ os.mkdir(self.PlugPath(PlugName))
+ # generate XML for all XML parameters controllers of the plugin
+ XMLString = ''
+ for nodeName, XMLController in self.PlugParams + self.MandatoryParams:
+ XMLString += XMLController.generateXMLTextMethod(self, nodeName, 0)
+ XMLFile = open(self.PluginXmlFilePath(PlugName),'w')
+ XMLFile.write(XMLString)
+ XMLFile.close()
+ # Call the plugin specific OnPlugSave method
+ self.OnPlugSave()
+ # go through all childs and do the same
+ for PlugChild in self.IterChilds():
+ PlugChild.PlugRequestSave()
+ def PlugImport(self, src_PlugPath):
+ shutil.copytree(src_PlugPath, self.PlugPath)
+ return True
+ def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, current_location, locations):
+ """
+ Generate C code
+ @param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
+ @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
+ [(IEC_loc, IEC_Direction IEC_Type, Name)]\
+ ex: [((0,0,4,5),'I','X','__IX_0_0_4_5'),...]
+ """
+ return [],""
+ def _Generate_C(self, buildpath, current_location, locations):
+ # Generate plugins [(Cfiles, CFLAGS)], LDFLAGS
+ PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS, PlugLDFLAGS = self._Generate_C(buildpath, current_location, locations)
+ # recurse through all childs, and stack their results
+ for PlugChild in self.IterChilds():
+ # Get childs [(Cfiles, CFLAGS)], LDFLAGS
+ PlugChild._Generate_C(
+ #keep the same path
+ buildpath,
+ # but update location (add curent IEC channel at the end)
+ current_location + (self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()),
+ # filter locations that start with current IEC location
+ [ (l,d,t,n) for l,d,t,n in locations if l[0:len(current_location)] == current_location ])
+ # stack the result
+ PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS += CFilesAndCFLAGS
+ return PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS,PlugLDFLAGS
+ def BlockTypesFactory(self):
+ return []
+ def STLibraryFactory(self):
+ return ""
+ def IterChilds(self):
+ for PlugType, PluggedChilds in self.PluggedChilds.items():
+ for PlugInstance in PluggedChilds:
+ yield PlugInstance
+ def _GetChildBySomething(self, sep, something, matching):
+ toks = matching.split(sep,1)
+ for PlugInstance in self.IterChilds:
+ # if match component of the name
+ if getattr(PlugInstance.BaseParams, something) == toks[0]:
+ # if Name have other components
+ if len(toks) == 2:
+ # Recurse in order to find the latest object
+ return PlugInstance._GetChildBySomething( sep, something, toks[1])
+ # No sub name -> found
+ return PlugInstance
+ # Not found
+ return None
+ def GetChildByName(self, Name):
+ return self._GetChildBySomething('.',"Name", Name)
+ def GetChildByIECLocation(self, Location):
+ return self._GetChildBySomething('_',"IEC_Channel", Name)
+ def FindNewIEC_Channel(self, DesiredChannel):
+ """
+ Changes IEC Channel number to DesiredChannel if available, nearest available if not.
+ @param DesiredChannel: The desired IEC channel (int)
+ """
+ # Get Current IEC channel
+ CurrentChannel = self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
+ # Do nothing if no change
+ if CurrentChannel == DesiredChannel: return CurrentChannel
+ # Build a list of used Channels out of parent's PluggedChilds
+ AllChannels=[]
+ for PlugInstance in self.PlugParent.IterChilds():
+ if PlugInstance != self:
+ AllChannels.append(PlugInstance.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
+ AllChannels.sort()
+ # Now, try to guess the nearest available channel
+ res = DesiredChannel
+ while res in AllChannels: # While channel not free
+ if res < CurrentChannel: # Want to go down ?
+ res -= 1 # Test for n-1
+ if res < 0 : return CurrentChannel # Can't go bellow 0, do nothing
+ else : # Want to go up ?
+ res += 1 # Test for n-1
+ # Finally set IEC Channel
+ self.BaseParams.setIEC_Channel(res)
+ return res
+ def OnPlugClose(self):
+ return True
+ def _doRemoveChild(self, PlugInstance):
+ # Remove all childs of child
+ for SubPlugInstance in PlugInstance.IterChilds():
+ PlugInstance._doRemoveChild(SubPlugInstance)
+ # Call the OnCloseMethod
+ PlugInstance.OnPlugClose()
+ # Delete plugin dir
+ shutil.rmtree(PlugInstance.PlugPath())
+ # Remove child of PluggedChilds
+ self.PluggedChilds[PlugInstance.PlugType].remove(PlugInstance)
+ # Forget it... (View have to refresh)
+ def PlugRemoveChild(self, PlugName):
+ # Fetch the plugin
+ PlugInstance = self.GetChildByName(PlugName)
+ # Ask to his parent to remove it
+ PlugInstance.PlugParent._doRemoveChild(PlugInstance)
+ def PlugAddChild(self, PlugName, PlugType):
+ """
+ Create the plugins that may be added as child to this node self
+ @param PlugType: string desining the plugin class name (get name from PlugChildsTypes)
+ @param PlugName: string for the name of the plugin instance
+ """
+ PlugChildsTypes = dict(self.PlugChildsTypes)
+ # Check that adding this plugin is allowed
+ try:
+ PlugClass = PlugChildsTypes[PlugType]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Exception, "Cannot create child %s of type %s "%(PlugName, PlugType)
+ # if PlugClass is a class factory, call it. (prevent unneeded imports)
+ if type(PlugClass) == types.FunctionType:
+ PlugClass = PlugClass()
+ # Eventualy Initialize child instance list for this class of plugin
+ PluggedChildsWithSameClass = self.PluggedChilds.setdefault(PlugType,list())
+ # Check count
+ if PlugClass.MaxCount and len(PluggedChildsWithSameClass) >= PlugClass.MaxCount:
+ raise Exception, "Max count (%d) reached for this plugin of type %s "%(PlugClass.MaxCount, PlugType)
+ # create the final class, derived of provided plugin and template
+ class FinalPlugClass(PlugClass, PlugTemplate):
+ """
+ Plugin class is derivated into FinalPlugClass before being instanciated
+ This way __init__ is overloaded to ensure PlugTemplate.__init__ is called
+ before PlugClass.__init__, and to do the file related stuff.
+ """
+ def __init__(_self):
+ # self is the parent
+ _self.PlugParent = self
+ # Keep track of the plugin type name
+ _self.PlugType = PlugType
+ # Call the base plugin template init - change XSD into class members
+ PlugTemplate.__init__(_self)
+ # If dir have already be made, and file exist
+ if os.path.isdir(_self.PlugPath(PlugName)) and os.path.isfile(_self.PluginXmlFilePath(PlugName)):
+ #Load the plugin.xml file into parameters members
+ _self.LoadXMLParams()
+ # Call the plugin real __init__
+ PlugClass.__init__(_self)
+ #Load and init all the childs
+ _self.LoadChilds()
+ # Check that IEC_Channel is not already in use.
+ self.FindNewIEC_Channel(self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
+ else:
+ # If plugin do not have corresponding file/dirs - they will be created on Save
+ # Set plugin name
+ _self.BaseParams.setName(PlugName)
+ # Find an IEC number
+ _self.FindNewIEC_Channel(0)
+ # Call the plugin real __init__
+ PlugClass.__init__(_self)
+ # Create the object out of the resulting class
+ newPluginOpj = FinalPlugClass()
+ # Store it in PluggedChils
+ PluggedChildsWithSameClass.append(newPluginOpj)
+ return newPluginOpj
+ def LoadXMLParams(self):
+ # PlugParams have been filled, make a local dict to work with
+ PlugParams = dict(self.PlugParams + self.MandatoryParams)
+ # Get the xml tree
+ xmlfile = open(self.PluginXmlFilePath(PlugName), 'r')
+ tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
+ xmlfile.close()
+ # for each root elements
+ for subtree in tree.childNodes:
+ # if a plugin specific parameter set
+ if subtree.nodeName in PlugParams:
+ #Load into associated xmlclass.
+ PlugParams[subtree.nodeName].loadXMLTree(subtree)
+ # Basic check. Better to fail immediately.
+ if(self.BaseParams.getName() != PlugName):
+ raise Exception, "Project tree layout do not match plugin.xml %s!=%s "%(PlugName,self.BaseParams.getName())
+ # Now, self.PlugPath() should be OK
+ def LoadChilds(self):
+ # Iterate over all PlugName@PlugType in plugin directory, and try to open them
+ for PlugDir in os.listdir(self.PlugPath()):
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.PlugPath(),PlugDir)) and \
+ PlugDir.count(NameTypeSeparator) == 1:
+ try:
+ self.PlugAddChild(*PlugDir.split[NameTypeSeparator])
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
class PluginsRoot(PlugTemplate):
- # A special PlugChildsTypes
+ # For root object, available Childs Types are modules of the plugin packages.
PlugChildsTypes = [(name,lambda : getattr(__import__("plugins." + name), name).RootClass) for name in plugins.__all__]
XSD = """
@@ -30,13 +318,13 @@
diff -r f1f0edbeb313 -r eb9fdd316a40 plugins/__init__.py
--- a/plugins/__init__.py Mon Aug 27 17:54:55 2007 +0200
+++ b/plugins/__init__.py Tue Aug 28 07:57:36 2007 +0200
@@ -4,7 +4,3 @@
_base_path = path.split(__file__)[0]
__all__ = [name for name in listdir(_base_path) if path.isdir(path.join(_base_path, name)) and name != "CVS" or name.endswith(".py") and not name.startswith("__")]
-#for name in __all__:
-# __import__(name, globals(), locals(), [])
diff -r f1f0edbeb313 -r eb9fdd316a40 plugins/__templates.py
--- a/plugins/__templates.py Mon Aug 27 17:54:55 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-Base definitions for beremiz plugins
-import os
-import types
-import shutil
-from xml.dom import minidom
-_BaseParamsClass = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring("""
- """)[0]["BaseParams"]
-NameTypeSeparator = '@'
-class PlugTemplate:
- """
- This class is the one that define plugins.
- """
- XSD = None
- PlugChildsTypes = []
- PlugMaxCount = None
- PluginMethods = []
- def _AddParamsMembers(self):
- Classes = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(self.XSD)[0]
- self.PlugParams = []
- for name, XSDclass in Classes.items():
- if XSDclass.IsBaseClass:
- obj = XSDclass()
- self.PlugParams.append( (name, obj) )
- setattr(self, name, obj)
- def __init__(self, PlugPath):
- # Create BaseParam
- self.BaseParams = _BaseParamsClass()
- self.MandatoryParams = [("BaseParams", self.BaseParams)]
- self._AddParamsMembers()
- self.PluggedChilds = {}
- def PluginXmlFilePath(self, PlugName=None):
- return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(PlugName), "plugin.xml")
- def PlugPath(self,PlugName=None):
- if not PlugName:
- PlugName = self.BaseParams.getName()
- return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.PlugPath(), PlugName + NameTypeSeparator + self.PlugType)
- def PlugTestModified(self):
- return False
- def OnPlugSave(self):
- return True
- def PlugRequestSave(self):
- # If plugin do not have corresponding directory
- if not os.path.isdir(self.PlugPath(PlugName)):
- # Create it
- os.mkdir(self.PlugPath(PlugName))
- # generate XML for all XML parameters controllers of the plugin
- XMLString = ''
- for nodeName, XMLController in self.PlugParams + self.MandatoryParams:
- XMLString += XMLController.generateXMLTextMethod(self, nodeName, 0)
- XMLFile = open(self.PluginXmlFilePath(PlugName),'w')
- XMLFile.write(XMLString)
- XMLFile.close()
- # Call the plugin specific OnPlugSave method
- self.OnPlugSave()
- # go through all childs and do the same
- for PlugChild in self.IterChilds():
- PlugChild.PlugRequestSave()
- def PlugImport(self, src_PlugPath):
- shutil.copytree(src_PlugPath, self.PlugPath)
- return True
- def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, current_location, locations):
- """
- Generate C code
- @param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
- @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
- [(IEC_loc, IEC_Direction IEC_Type, Name)]\
- ex: [((0,0,4,5),'I','X','__IX_0_0_4_5'),...]
- """
- return [],""
- def _Generate_C(self, buildpath, current_location, locations):
- # Generate plugins [(Cfiles, CFLAGS)], LDFLAGS
- PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS, PlugLDFLAGS = self._Generate_C(buildpath, current_location, locations)
- # recurse through all childs, and stack their results
- for PlugChild in self.IterChilds():
- # Get childs [(Cfiles, CFLAGS)], LDFLAGS
- PlugChild._Generate_C(
- #keep the same path
- buildpath,
- # but update location (add curent IEC channel at the end)
- current_location + (self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()),
- # filter locations that start with current IEC location
- [ (l,d,t,n) for l,d,t,n in locations if l[0:len(current_location)] == current_location ])
- # stack the result
- PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS += CFilesAndCFLAGS
- return PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS,PlugLDFLAGS
- def BlockTypesFactory(self):
- return []
- def STLibraryFactory(self):
- return ""
- def IterChilds(self):
- for PlugType, PluggedChilds in self.PluggedChilds.items():
- for PlugInstance in PluggedChilds:
- yield PlugInstance
- def _GetChildBySomething(self, sep, something, matching):
- toks = matching.split(sep,1)
- for PlugInstance in self.IterChilds:
- # if match component of the name
- if getattr(PlugInstance.BaseParams, something) == toks[0]:
- # if Name have other components
- if len(toks) == 2:
- # Recurse in order to find the latest object
- return PlugInstance._GetChildBySomething( sep, something, toks[1])
- # No sub name -> found
- return PlugInstance
- # Not found
- return None
- def GetChildByName(self, Name):
- return self._GetChildBySomething('.',"Name", Name)
- def GetChildByIECLocation(self, Location):
- return self._GetChildBySomething('_',"IEC_Channel", Name)
- def FindNewIEC_Channel(self, DesiredChannel):
- """
- Changes IEC Channel number to DesiredChannel if available, nearest available if not.
- @param DesiredChannel: The desired IEC channel (int)
- """
- # Get Current IEC channel
- CurrentChannel = self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
- # Do nothing if no change
- if CurrentChannel == DesiredChannel: return CurrentChannel
- # Build a list of used Channels out of parent's PluggedChilds
- AllChannels=[]
- for PlugInstance in self.PlugParent.IterChilds():
- if PlugInstance != self:
- AllChannels.append(PlugInstance.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
- AllChannels.sort()
- # Now, try to guess the nearest available channel
- res = DesiredChannel
- while res in AllChannels: # While channel not free
- if res < CurrentChannel: # Want to go down ?
- res -= 1 # Test for n-1
- if res < 0 : return CurrentChannel # Can't go bellow 0, do nothing
- else : # Want to go up ?
- res += 1 # Test for n-1
- # Finally set IEC Channel
- self.BaseParams.setIEC_Channel(res)
- return res
- def OnPlugClose(self):
- return True
- def _doRemoveChild(self, PlugInstance):
- # Remove all childs of child
- for SubPlugInstance in PlugInstance.IterChilds():
- PlugInstance._doRemoveChild(SubPlugInstance)
- # Call the OnCloseMethod
- PlugInstance.OnPlugClose()
- # Delete plugin dir
- shutil.rmtree(PlugInstance.PlugPath())
- # Remove child of PluggedChilds
- self.PluggedChilds[PlugInstance.PlugType].remove(PlugInstance)
- # Forget it... (View have to refresh)
- def PlugRemoveChild(self, PlugName):
- # Fetch the plugin
- PlugInstance = self.GetChildByName(PlugName)
- # Ask to his parent to remove it
- PlugInstance.PlugParent._doRemoveChild(PlugInstance)
- def PlugAddChild(self, PlugName, PlugType):
- """
- Create the plugins that may be added as child to this node self
- @param PlugType: string desining the plugin class name (get name from PlugChildsTypes)
- @param PlugName: string for the name of the plugin instance
- """
- PlugChildsTypes = dict(self.PlugChildsTypes)
- # Check that adding this plugin is allowed
- try:
- PlugClass = PlugChildsTypes[PlugType]
- except KeyError:
- raise Exception, "Cannot create child %s of type %s "%(PlugName, PlugType)
- # if PlugClass is a class factory, call it. (prevent unneeded imports)
- if type(PlugClass) == types.FunctionType:
- PlugClass = PlugClass()
- # Eventualy Initialize child instance list for this class of plugin
- PluggedChildsWithSameClass = self.PluggedChilds.setdefault(PlugType,list())
- # Check count
- if PlugClass.MaxCount and len(PluggedChildsWithSameClass) >= PlugClass.MaxCount:
- raise Exception, "Max count (%d) reached for this plugin of type %s "%(PlugClass.MaxCount, PlugType)
- # create the final class, derived of provided plugin and template
- class FinalPlugClass(PlugClass, PlugTemplate):
- """
- Plugin class is derivated into FinalPlugClass before being instanciated
- This way __init__ is overloaded to ensure PlugTemplate.__init__ is called
- before PlugClass.__init__, and to do the file related stuff.
- """
- def __init__(_self):
- # self is the parent
- _self.PlugParent = self
- # Keep track of the plugin type name
- _self.PlugType = PlugType
- # Call the base plugin template init - change XSD into class members
- PlugTemplate.__init__(_self)
- # If dir have already be made, and file exist
- if os.path.isdir(_self.PlugPath(PlugName)) and os.path.isfile(_self.PluginXmlFilePath(PlugName)):
- #Load the plugin.xml file into parameters members
- _self.LoadXMLParams()
- # Call the plugin real __init__
- PlugClass.__init__(_self)
- #Load and init all the childs
- _self.LoadChilds()
- # Check that IEC_Channel is not already in use.
- self.FindNewIEC_Channel(self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
- else:
- # If plugin do not have corresponding file/dirs - they will be created on Save
- # Set plugin name
- _self.BaseParams.setName(PlugName)
- # Find an IEC number
- _self.FindNewIEC_Channel(0)
- # Call the plugin real __init__
- PlugClass.__init__(_self)
- # Create the object out of the resulting class
- newPluginOpj = FinalPlugClass()
- # Store it in PluggedChils
- PluggedChildsWithSameClass.append(newPluginOpj)
- return newPluginOpj
- def LoadXMLParams(self):
- # PlugParams have been filled, make a local dict to work with
- PlugParams = dict(self.PlugParams + self.MandatoryParams)
- # Get the xml tree
- xmlfile = open(self.PluginXmlFilePath(PlugName), 'r')
- tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
- xmlfile.close()
- # for each root elements
- for subtree in tree.childNodes:
- # if a plugin specific parameter set
- if subtree.nodeName in PlugParams:
- #Load into associated xmlclass.
- PlugParams[subtree.nodeName].loadXMLTree(subtree)
- # Basic check. Better to fail immediately.
- if(self.BaseParams.getName() != PlugName):
- raise Exception, "Project tree layout do not match plugin.xml %s!=%s "%(PlugName,self.BaseParams.getName())
- # Now, self.PlugPath() should be OK
- def LoadChilds(self):
- # Iterate over all PlugName@PlugType in plugin directory, and try to open them
- for PlugDir in os.listdir(self.PlugPath()):
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.PlugPath(),PlugDir)) and \
- PlugDir.count(NameTypeSeparator) == 1:
- try:
- self.PlugAddChild(*PlugDir.split[NameTypeSeparator])
- except Exception, e:
- print e