# HG changeset patch
# User etisserant
# Date 1230673428 -3600
# Node ID d0e6fc0701fb07f5e5ad8d9af0f1c510a1b06293
# Parent 2221e99d2f8fbe5c34fb7e7b164525a3455f0faa
Added "runtime.py", a file that is executed in python thread in runtime, before handling python_eval FBs requests. Added small python editor taken from wxPython demo, and appropriate icon and button to launch it.
diff -r 2221e99d2f8f -r d0e6fc0701fb PythonSTC.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PythonSTC.py Tue Dec 30 22:43:48 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+import keyword
+import os
+import wx
+import wx.stc as stc
+This Python editor class comes from the wxPython demo, a bit tweaked
+if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ faces = { 'times': 'Times New Roman',
+ 'mono' : 'Courier New',
+ 'helv' : 'Arial',
+ 'other': 'Comic Sans MS',
+ 'size' : 10,
+ 'size2': 8,
+ }
+elif wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
+ faces = { 'times': 'Times New Roman',
+ 'mono' : 'Monaco',
+ 'helv' : 'Arial',
+ 'other': 'Comic Sans MS',
+ 'size' : 12,
+ 'size2': 10,
+ }
+ faces = { 'times': 'Times',
+ 'mono' : 'Courier',
+ 'helv' : 'Helvetica',
+ 'other': 'new century schoolbook',
+ 'size' : 12,
+ 'size2': 10,
+ }
+class PythonSTC(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
+ fold_symbols = 2
+ def __init__(self, parent, ID,
+ pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
+ style=0):
+ stc.StyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, pos, size, style)
+ self.CmdKeyAssign(ord('B'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL, stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMIN)
+ self.CmdKeyAssign(ord('N'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL, stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMOUT)
+ self.SetLexer(stc.STC_LEX_PYTHON)
+ self.SetKeyWords(0, " ".join(keyword.kwlist))
+ self.SetProperty("fold", "1")
+ self.SetProperty("tab.timmy.whinge.level", "1")
+ self.SetMargins(0,0)
+ self.SetViewWhiteSpace(False)
+ #self.SetBufferedDraw(False)
+ #self.SetViewEOL(True)
+ #self.SetEOLMode(stc.STC_EOL_CRLF)
+ #self.SetUseAntiAliasing(True)
+ self.SetEdgeMode(stc.STC_EDGE_BACKGROUND)
+ self.SetEdgeColumn(78)
+ # Setup a margin to hold fold markers
+ self.SetMarginType(2, stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
+ self.SetMarginMask(2, stc.STC_MASK_FOLDERS)
+ self.SetMarginSensitive(2, True)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(2, 12)
+ if self.fold_symbols == 0:
+ # Arrow pointing right for contracted folders, arrow pointing down for expanded
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, stc.STC_MARK_ARROWDOWN, "black", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, stc.STC_MARK_ARROW, "black", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "black", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "black", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "white", "black")
+ elif self.fold_symbols == 1:
+ # Plus for contracted folders, minus for expanded
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, stc.STC_MARK_MINUS, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, stc.STC_MARK_PLUS, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_EMPTY, "white", "black")
+ elif self.fold_symbols == 2:
+ # Like a flattened tree control using circular headers and curved joins
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, stc.STC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUS, "white", "#404040")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, stc.STC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUS, "white", "#404040")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, stc.STC_MARK_VLINE, "white", "#404040")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_LCORNERCURVE, "white", "#404040")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, stc.STC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUSCONNECTED, "white", "#404040")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, stc.STC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUSCONNECTED, "white", "#404040")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_TCORNERCURVE, "white", "#404040")
+ elif self.fold_symbols == 3:
+ # Like a flattened tree control using square headers
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUS, "white", "#808080")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUS, "white", "#808080")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, stc.STC_MARK_VLINE, "white", "#808080")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_LCORNER, "white", "#808080")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED, "white", "#808080")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED, "white", "#808080")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_TCORNER, "white", "#808080")
+ self.Bind(stc.EVT_STC_UPDATEUI, self.OnUpdateUI)
+ self.Bind(stc.EVT_STC_MARGINCLICK, self.OnMarginClick)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyPressed)
+ # Make some styles, The lexer defines what each style is used for, we
+ # just have to define what each style looks like. This set is adapted from
+ # Scintilla sample property files.
+ # Global default styles for all languages
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "face:%(helv)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleClearAll() # Reset all to be like the default
+ # Global default styles for all languages
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "face:%(helv)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, "back:#C0C0C0,face:%(helv)s,size:%(size2)d" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_CONTROLCHAR, "face:%(other)s" % faces)
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_BRACELIGHT, "fore:#FFFFFF,back:#0000FF,bold")
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_BRACEBAD, "fore:#000000,back:#FF0000,bold")
+ # Python styles
+ # Default
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_DEFAULT, "fore:#000000,face:%(helv)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Comments
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_COMMENTLINE, "fore:#007F00,face:%(other)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Number
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_NUMBER, "fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # String
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_STRING, "fore:#7F007F,face:%(helv)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Single quoted string
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_CHARACTER, "fore:#7F007F,face:%(helv)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Keyword
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_WORD, "fore:#00007F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Triple quotes
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_TRIPLE, "fore:#7F0000,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Triple double quotes
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_TRIPLEDOUBLE, "fore:#7F0000,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Class name definition
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_CLASSNAME, "fore:#0000FF,bold,underline,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Function or method name definition
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_DEFNAME, "fore:#007F7F,bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Operators
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_OPERATOR, "bold,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Identifiers
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_IDENTIFIER, "fore:#000000,face:%(helv)s,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # Comment-blocks
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_COMMENTBLOCK, "fore:#7F7F7F,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ # End of line where string is not closed
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_STRINGEOL, "fore:#000000,face:%(mono)s,back:#E0C0E0,eol,size:%(size)d" % faces)
+ self.SetCaretForeground("BLUE")
+ def OnKeyPressed(self, event):
+ if self.CallTipActive():
+ self.CallTipCancel()
+ event.Skip()
+## For later use
+# key = event.GetKeyCode()
+# if key == 32 and event.ControlDown():
+# pos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+# # Tips
+# if event.ShiftDown():
+# self.CallTipSetBackground("yellow")
+# self.CallTipShow(pos, 'lots of of text: blah, blah, blah\n\n'
+# 'show some suff, maybe parameters..\n\n'
+# 'fubar(param1, param2)')
+# # Code completion
+# else:
+# #lst = []
+# #for x in range(50000):
+# # lst.append('%05d' % x)
+# #st = " ".join(lst)
+# #print len(st)
+# #self.AutoCompShow(0, st)
+# kw = keyword.kwlist[:]
+# kw.append("zzzzzz?2")
+# kw.append("aaaaa?2")
+# kw.append("__init__?3")
+# kw.append("zzaaaaa?2")
+# kw.append("zzbaaaa?2")
+# kw.append("this_is_a_longer_value")
+# #kw.append("this_is_a_much_much_much_much_much_much_much_longer_value")
+# kw.sort() # Python sorts are case sensitive
+# self.AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(False) # so this needs to match
+# # Images are specified with a appended "?type"
+# for i in range(len(kw)):
+# if kw[i] in keyword.kwlist:
+# kw[i] = kw[i] + "?1"
+# self.AutoCompShow(0, " ".join(kw))
+# else:
+# event.Skip()
+ def OnUpdateUI(self, evt):
+ # check for matching braces
+ braceAtCaret = -1
+ braceOpposite = -1
+ charBefore = None
+ caretPos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ if caretPos > 0:
+ charBefore = self.GetCharAt(caretPos - 1)
+ styleBefore = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos - 1)
+ # check before
+ if charBefore and chr(charBefore) in "[]{}()" and styleBefore == stc.STC_P_OPERATOR:
+ braceAtCaret = caretPos - 1
+ # check after
+ if braceAtCaret < 0:
+ charAfter = self.GetCharAt(caretPos)
+ styleAfter = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos)
+ if charAfter and chr(charAfter) in "[]{}()" and styleAfter == stc.STC_P_OPERATOR:
+ braceAtCaret = caretPos
+ if braceAtCaret >= 0:
+ braceOpposite = self.BraceMatch(braceAtCaret)
+ if braceAtCaret != -1 and braceOpposite == -1:
+ self.BraceBadLight(braceAtCaret)
+ else:
+ self.BraceHighlight(braceAtCaret, braceOpposite)
+ #pt = self.PointFromPosition(braceOpposite)
+ #self.Refresh(True, wxRect(pt.x, pt.y, 5,5))
+ #print pt
+ #self.Refresh(False)
+ def OnMarginClick(self, evt):
+ # fold and unfold as needed
+ if evt.GetMargin() == 2:
+ if evt.GetShift() and evt.GetControl():
+ self.FoldAll()
+ else:
+ lineClicked = self.LineFromPosition(evt.GetPosition())
+ if self.GetFoldLevel(lineClicked) & stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG:
+ if evt.GetShift():
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 1)
+ elif evt.GetControl():
+ if self.GetFoldExpanded(lineClicked):
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, False)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, False, True, 0)
+ else:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 100)
+ else:
+ self.ToggleFold(lineClicked)
+ def FoldAll(self):
+ lineCount = self.GetLineCount()
+ expanding = True
+ # find out if we are folding or unfolding
+ for lineNum in range(lineCount):
+ if self.GetFoldLevel(lineNum) & stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG:
+ expanding = not self.GetFoldExpanded(lineNum)
+ break
+ lineNum = 0
+ while lineNum < lineCount:
+ level = self.GetFoldLevel(lineNum)
+ if level & stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG and \
+ if expanding:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineNum, True)
+ lineNum = self.Expand(lineNum, True)
+ lineNum = lineNum - 1
+ else:
+ lastChild = self.GetLastChild(lineNum, -1)
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineNum, False)
+ if lastChild > lineNum:
+ self.HideLines(lineNum+1, lastChild)
+ lineNum = lineNum + 1
+ def Expand(self, line, doExpand, force=False, visLevels=0, level=-1):
+ lastChild = self.GetLastChild(line, level)
+ line = line + 1
+ while line <= lastChild:
+ if force:
+ if visLevels > 0:
+ self.ShowLines(line, line)
+ else:
+ self.HideLines(line, line)
+ else:
+ if doExpand:
+ self.ShowLines(line, line)
+ if level == -1:
+ level = self.GetFoldLevel(line)
+ if force:
+ if visLevels > 1:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(line, True)
+ else:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(line, False)
+ line = self.Expand(line, doExpand, force, visLevels-1)
+ else:
+ if doExpand and self.GetFoldExpanded(line):
+ line = self.Expand(line, True, force, visLevels-1)
+ else:
+ line = self.Expand(line, False, force, visLevels-1)
+ else:
+ line = line + 1
+ return line
+class PythonCodeEditor(PythonSTC):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ PythonSTC.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.BORDER_NONE)
+ self.SetUpEditor()
+ # Some methods to make it compatible with how the wxTextCtrl is used
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ if wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ value = value.decode('iso8859_1')
+ self.SetText(value)
+ self.EmptyUndoBuffer()
+ self.SetSavePoint()
+ def IsModified(self):
+ return self.GetModify()
+ def Clear(self):
+ self.ClearAll()
+ def SetInsertionPoint(self, pos):
+ self.SetCurrentPos(pos)
+ self.SetAnchor(pos)
+ def ShowPosition(self, pos):
+ line = self.LineFromPosition(pos)
+ #self.EnsureVisible(line)
+ self.GotoLine(line)
+ def GetLastPosition(self):
+ return self.GetLength()
+ def GetPositionFromLine(self, line):
+ return self.PositionFromLine(line)
+ def GetRange(self, start, end):
+ return self.GetTextRange(start, end)
+ def GetSelection(self):
+ return self.GetAnchor(), self.GetCurrentPos()
+ def SetSelection(self, start, end):
+ self.SetSelectionStart(start)
+ self.SetSelectionEnd(end)
+ def SelectLine(self, line):
+ start = self.PositionFromLine(line)
+ end = self.GetLineEndPosition(line)
+ self.SetSelection(start, end)
+ def SetUpEditor(self):
+ """
+ This method carries out the work of setting up the demo editor.
+ It's seperate so as not to clutter up the init code.
+ """
+ import keyword
+ self.SetLexer(stc.STC_LEX_PYTHON)
+ self.SetKeyWords(0, " ".join(keyword.kwlist))
+ # Enable folding
+ self.SetProperty("fold", "1" )
+ # Highlight tab/space mixing (shouldn't be any)
+ self.SetProperty("tab.timmy.whinge.level", "1")
+ # Set left and right margins
+ self.SetMargins(2,2)
+ # Set up the numbers in the margin for margin #1
+ self.SetMarginType(1, wx.stc.STC_MARGIN_NUMBER)
+ # Reasonable value for, say, 4-5 digits using a mono font (40 pix)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(1, 40)
+ # Indentation and tab stuff
+ self.SetIndent(4) # Proscribed indent size for wx
+ self.SetIndentationGuides(True) # Show indent guides
+ self.SetBackSpaceUnIndents(True)# Backspace unindents rather than delete 1 space
+ self.SetTabIndents(True) # Tab key indents
+ self.SetTabWidth(4) # Proscribed tab size for wx
+ self.SetUseTabs(False) # Use spaces rather than tabs, or
+ # TabTimmy will complain!
+ # White space
+ self.SetViewWhiteSpace(False) # Don't view white space
+ # EOL: Since we are loading/saving ourselves, and the
+ # strings will always have \n's in them, set the STC to
+ # edit them that way.
+ self.SetEOLMode(wx.stc.STC_EOL_LF)
+ self.SetViewEOL(False)
+ # No right-edge mode indicator
+ self.SetEdgeMode(stc.STC_EDGE_NONE)
+ # Setup a margin to hold fold markers
+ self.SetMarginType(2, stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
+ self.SetMarginMask(2, stc.STC_MASK_FOLDERS)
+ self.SetMarginSensitive(2, True)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(2, 12)
+ # and now set up the fold markers
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_TCORNER, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, stc.STC_MARK_LCORNER, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, stc.STC_MARK_VLINE, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUS, "white", "black")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUS, "white", "black")
+ # Global default style
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT,
+ 'fore:#000000,back:#FFFFFF,face:Courier New')
+ elif wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
+ # TODO: if this looks fine on Linux too, remove the Mac-specific case
+ # and use this whenever OS != MSW.
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT,
+ 'fore:#000000,back:#FFFFFF,face:Monaco')
+ else:
+ defsize = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_ANSI_FIXED_FONT).GetPointSize()
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT,
+ 'fore:#000000,back:#FFFFFF,face:Courier,size:%d'%defsize)
+ # Clear styles and revert to default.
+ self.StyleClearAll()
+ # Following style specs only indicate differences from default.
+ # The rest remains unchanged.
+ # Line numbers in margin
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER,'fore:#000000,back:#99A9C2')
+ # Highlighted brace
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_BRACELIGHT,'fore:#00009D,back:#FFFF00')
+ # Unmatched brace
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_BRACEBAD,'fore:#00009D,back:#FF0000')
+ # Indentation guide
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_INDENTGUIDE, "fore:#CDCDCD")
+ # Python styles
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_DEFAULT, 'fore:#000000')
+ # Comments
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_COMMENTLINE, 'fore:#008000,back:#F0FFF0')
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_COMMENTBLOCK, 'fore:#008000,back:#F0FFF0')
+ # Numbers
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_NUMBER, 'fore:#008080')
+ # Strings and characters
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_STRING, 'fore:#800080')
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_CHARACTER, 'fore:#800080')
+ # Keywords
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_WORD, 'fore:#000080,bold')
+ # Triple quotes
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_TRIPLE, 'fore:#800080,back:#FFFFEA')
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_TRIPLEDOUBLE, 'fore:#800080,back:#FFFFEA')
+ # Class names
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_CLASSNAME, 'fore:#0000FF,bold')
+ # Function names
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_DEFNAME, 'fore:#008080,bold')
+ # Operators
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_OPERATOR, 'fore:#800000,bold')
+ # Identifiers. I leave this as not bold because everything seems
+ # to be an identifier if it doesn't match the above criterae
+ self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_P_IDENTIFIER, 'fore:#000000')
+ # Caret color
+ self.SetCaretForeground("BLUE")
+ # Selection background
+ self.SetSelBackground(1, '#66CCFF')
+ self.SetSelBackground(True, wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT))
+ self.SetSelForeground(True, wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT))
+ def RegisterModifiedEvent(self, eventHandler):
+ self.Bind(wx.stc.EVT_STC_CHANGE, eventHandler)
+class PythonCodePanel(wx.Panel):
+ """Panel for the 'Demo Code' tab"""
+ def __init__(self, parent, mainFrame):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, size=(1,1))
+ if 'wxMSW' in wx.PlatformInfo:
+ self.Hide()
+ self.mainFrame = mainFrame
+ self.editor = PythonCodeEditor(self)
+ self.editor.RegisterModifiedEvent(self.OnCodeModified)
+ self.btnSave = wx.Button(self, -1, "Save")
+ self.btnRestore = wx.Button(self, -1, "Restore")
+ self.btnSave.Enable(False)
+ self.btnSave.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSave)
+ self.btnRestore.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnRestore)
+ self.controlBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ self.controlBox.Add(self.btnSave, 0, wx.RIGHT, 5)
+ self.controlBox.Add(self.btnRestore, 0)
+ self.box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.box.Add(self.controlBox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ self.box.Add(wx.StaticLine(self), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ self.box.Add(self.editor, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ self.box.Fit(self)
+ self.SetSizer(self.box)
+ self.sourceFile = None
+ # Loads from a file object
+ def LoadSourceFile(self, filename):
+ self.sourceFile = filename
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ self.LoadSource(file(filename).read())
+ def LoadSource(self, source):
+ self.editor.Clear()
+ self.editor.SetValue(source)
+ self.JumpToLine(0)
+ self.btnSave.Enable(False)
+ def JumpToLine(self, line, highlight=False):
+ self.editor.GotoLine(line)
+ self.editor.SetFocus()
+ if highlight:
+ self.editor.SelectLine(line)
+ def OnCodeModified(self, event):
+ self.btnSave.Enable(self.editor.IsModified())
+ # TODO : add callback
+ def OnSave(self, event):
+ overwriteMsg = "You are about to overwrite that file\n" + \
+ "Do you want to continue?"
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, overwriteMsg, "wxPython Demo",
+ result = dlg.ShowModal()
+ if result == wx.ID_NO:
+ return
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ source = self.editor.GetText()
+ f = file(self.sourceFile, "w")
+ f.write(source)
+ f.close()
+ # TODO
+ #self.mainFrame.SetTreeModified(True)
+ def OnRestore(self, event):
+ self.LoadSourceFile(self.sourceFile)
+ self.btnSave.Enable(self.editor.IsModified())
diff -r 2221e99d2f8f -r d0e6fc0701fb images/editPYTHONcode.png
Binary file images/editPYTHONcode.png has changed
diff -r 2221e99d2f8f -r d0e6fc0701fb images/icons.svg
--- a/images/icons.svg Wed Dec 24 00:02:12 2008 +0100
+++ b/images/icons.svg Tue Dec 30 22:43:48 2008 +0100
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+ gradientTransform="translate(170,0)" />
+ gradientTransform="translate(170,0)" />
+ gradientTransform="translate(170,0)" />
+ y2="144.96741"
+ gradientTransform="translate(110,0)" />
%% editIECrawcode EditCfile Transfer Connect Disconnect Debug %%
+ y="121.52582">%% editIECrawcode editPYTHONcode EditCfile Transfer Connect Disconnect Debug %%
+ transform="matrix(1.1031299,0.6368924,-0.6368924,1.1031299,168.02287,-226.14748)" />
+ Py
diff -r 2221e99d2f8f -r d0e6fc0701fb plugger.py
--- a/plugger.py Wed Dec 24 00:02:12 2008 +0100
+++ b/plugger.py Tue Dec 30 22:43:48 2008 +0100
@@ -850,6 +850,10 @@
# define name for IEC raw code file
return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "raw_plc.st")
+ def _getPYTHONcodepath(self):
+ # define name for IEC raw code file
+ return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "runtime.py")
def GetLocations(self):
locations = []
filepath = os.path.join(self._getBuildPath(),"LOCATED_VARIABLES.h")
@@ -984,7 +988,18 @@
@param locations: ignored
@return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
- return [(C_file_name, self.plcCFLAGS) for C_file_name in self.PLCGeneratedCFiles ] , "", False
+ res = ([(C_file_name, self.plcCFLAGS)
+ for C_file_name in self.PLCGeneratedCFiles ],
+ "", # no ldflags
+ False) # do not expose retreive/publish calls
+ pyfile=self._getPYTHONcodepath()
+ if os.path.exists(pyfile):
+ res += (("runtime.py", file(pyfile,"rb")),)
+ return res
def ResetIECProgramsAndVariables(self):
@@ -1263,6 +1278,17 @@
+ def _editPYTHONcode(self):
+ from PythonSTC import PythonCodePanel
+ new_dialog = wx.Frame(self.AppFrame)
+ PYTHON_viewer = PythonCodePanel(new_dialog, self.AppFrame)
+ #ST_viewer.Enable(False)
+ pyfile=self._getPYTHONcodepath()
+ PYTHON_viewer.LoadSourceFile(pyfile)
+ new_dialog.Show()
def _EditPLC(self):
if self.PLCEditor is None:
@@ -1648,7 +1674,11 @@
"tooltip" : "Show IEC code generated by PLCGenerator",
"method" : "_showIECcode"},
{"bitmap" : opjimg("editIECrawcode"),
- "name" : "Append code",
+ "name" : "Raw IEC code",
"tooltip" : "Edit raw IEC code added to code generated by PLCGenerator",
"method" : "_editIECrawcode"},
+ {"bitmap" : opjimg("editPYTHONcode"),
+ "name" : "Python code",
+ "tooltip" : "Write Python runtime code, for use with python_eval FBs",
+ "method" : "_editPYTHONcode"},
diff -r 2221e99d2f8f -r d0e6fc0701fb runtime/PLCObject.py
--- a/runtime/PLCObject.py Wed Dec 24 00:02:12 2008 +0100
+++ b/runtime/PLCObject.py Tue Dec 30 22:43:48 2008 +0100
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
import Pyro.core as pyro
from threading import Timer, Thread
import ctypes, os, commands
-import time
if os.name in ("nt", "ce"):
from _ctypes import LoadLibrary as dlopen
@@ -170,11 +169,15 @@
return False
def PythonThreadProc(self):
+ pyfile = os.path.join(self.workingdir, "runtime.py")
+ if os.path.exists(pyfile):
+ # TODO handle exceptions in runtime.py
+ execfile(pyfile)
res = ""
print "PythonThreadProc started"
while self.PLCStatus == "Started":
cmd = self._PythonIterator(res)
- print "_PythonIterator(", res, ") -> ", cmd
+ #print "_PythonIterator(", res, ") -> ", cmd
try :
res = eval(cmd)
except Exception,e:
diff -r 2221e99d2f8f -r d0e6fc0701fb tests/python/plc.xml
--- a/tests/python/plc.xml Wed Dec 24 00:02:12 2008 +0100
+++ b/tests/python/plc.xml Tue Dec 30 22:43:48 2008 +0100
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+ modificationDateTime="2008-12-30T00:26:11">
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@
@@ -242,7 +247,7 @@
- 'sys.stdout.write("90AB\n")'
+ 'myprintfunc("90AB\n")'
@@ -288,6 +293,170 @@
+ 3
+ pytest_var1
+ 3
+ pytest_var3
diff -r 2221e99d2f8f -r d0e6fc0701fb tests/python/runtime.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/python/runtime.py Tue Dec 30 22:43:48 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import time
+def myprintfunc(arg):
+ print arg
+ return arg