# HG changeset patch
# User etisserant
# Date 1190302372 -7200
# Node ID 6b30cfee163e2ff9f4db1107728439d727d6e763
# Parent  fd45c291fed021754ab409f3f88b7261b439c606
Enhanced and really multi-platform process logging. Use wxProcess and wxExecute instead of python popen3 (unix only).

diff -r fd45c291fed0 -r 6b30cfee163e Beremiz.py
--- a/Beremiz.py	Thu Sep 20 17:30:32 2007 +0200
+++ b/Beremiz.py	Thu Sep 20 17:32:52 2007 +0200
@@ -28,10 +28,14 @@
 import types
+import time
 import os, re, platform, sys, time, traceback, getopt, commands
 from plugger import PluginsRoot
+from wxPopen import wxPopen3
 class LogPseudoFile:
     """ Base class for file like objects to facilitate StdOut for the Shell."""
     def __init__(self, output = None):
@@ -63,40 +67,39 @@
     def isatty(self):
         return false
-    def LogCommand(self, Command, sz_limit = 100):
-        import os, popen2, select, signal
-        child = popen2.Popen3(Command, 1) # capture stdout and stderr from command
-        child.tochild.close()             # don't need to talk to child
-        outfile = child.fromchild 
-        outfd = outfile.fileno()
-        errfile = child.childerr
-        errfd = errfile.fileno()
-        outdata = errdata = ''
-        outeof = erreof = 0
-        outlen = errlen = 0
-        while 1:
-            ready = select.select([outfd,errfd],[],[]) # wait for input
-            if outfd in ready[0]:
-                outchunk = outfile.readline()
-                if outchunk == '': outeof = 1 
-                else : outlen += 1
-                outdata += outchunk
-                self.write(outchunk)
-            if errfd in ready[0]:
-                errchunk = errfile.readline()
-                if errchunk == '': erreof = 1 
-                else : errlen += 1
-                errdata += errchunk
-                self.write_warning(errchunk)
-            if outeof and erreof : break
-            if errlen > sz_limit or outlen > sz_limit : 
-                os.kill(child.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
-                self.write_error("Output size reached limit -- killed\n")
-                break
-        err = child.wait()
-        return (err, outdata, errdata)
+    def LogCommand(self, Command, sz_limit = 100, no_stdout=False):
+        self.errlen = 0
+        self.exitcode = None
+        self.outdata = ""
+        self.errdata = ""
+        def output(v):
+            self.outdata += v
+            if not no_stdout:
+                self.write(v)
+        def errors(v):
+            self.errdata += v
+            self.errlen += 1
+            if self.errlen > sz_limit:
+                p.kill()
+            self.write_warning(v)
+        def fin(pid,ecode):
+            self.exitcode = ecode
+            if self.exitcode != 0:
+                self.write("pid %d exited with status %d\n"%(pid,ecode))
+        def spin(p):
+            while not p.finished:
+                wx.Yield()
+                time.sleep(0.01)
+        input = []
+        p = wxPopen3(Command, input, output, errors, fin, self.output)
+        spin(p)
+        return (self.exitcode, self.outdata, self.errdata)
diff -r fd45c291fed0 -r 6b30cfee163e wxPopen.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wxPopen.py	Thu Sep 20 17:32:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
+#programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival. 
+#Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
+#See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# based on wxPopen.py from boa-constructor
+import time
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from wxPython.wx import *
+class ProcessRunnerMix:
+    def __init__(self, input, handler=None):
+        if handler is None:
+            handler = self
+        self.handler = handler    
+        EVT_IDLE(handler, self.OnIdle)
+        EVT_END_PROCESS(handler, -1, self.OnProcessEnded)
+        input.reverse() # so we can pop
+        self.input = input
+        self.reset()
+    def reset(self):
+        self.process = None
+        self.pid = -1
+        self.output = []
+        self.errors = []
+        self.inputStream = None
+        self.errorStream = None
+        self.outputStream = None
+        self.outputFunc = None
+        self.errorsFunc = None
+        self.finishedFunc = None
+        self.finished = false
+        self.responded = false
+    def execute(self, cmd):
+        self.process = wxProcess(self.handler)
+        self.process.Redirect()
+        self.pid = wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_NOHIDE, self.process)
+        self.inputStream = self.process.GetOutputStream()
+        self.errorStream = self.process.GetErrorStream()
+        self.outputStream = self.process.GetInputStream()
+        #self.OnIdle()
+        wxWakeUpIdle()
+    def setCallbacks(self, output, errors, finished):
+        self.outputFunc = output
+        self.errorsFunc = errors
+        self.finishedFunc = finished
+    def detach(self):
+        if self.process is not None:
+            self.process.CloseOutput()
+            self.process.Detach()
+            self.process = None
+    def kill(self):
+        if self.process is not None:
+            self.process.CloseOutput()
+            if wxProcess_Kill(self.pid, wxSIGTERM) != wxKILL_OK:
+                wxProcess_Kill(self.pid, wxSIGKILL)
+            self.process = None
+    def updateStream(self, stream, data):
+        if stream and stream.CanRead():
+            if not self.responded:
+                self.responded = true
+            text = stream.read()
+            data.append(text)
+            return text
+        else:
+            return None
+    def updateInpStream(self, stream, input):
+        if stream and input:
+            line = input.pop()
+            stream.write(line)
+    def updateErrStream(self, stream, data):
+        return self.updateStream(stream, data)
+    def updateOutStream(self, stream, data):
+        return self.updateStream(stream, data)
+    def OnIdle(self, event=None):
+        if self.process is not None:
+            self.updateInpStream(self.inputStream, self.input)
+            e = self.updateErrStream(self.errorStream, self.errors)
+            if e is not None and self.errorsFunc is not None:
+                wxCallAfter(self.errorsFunc, e)
+            o = self.updateOutStream(self.outputStream, self.output)
+            if o is not None and self.outputFunc is not None:
+                wxCallAfter(self.outputFunc, o)
+            #wxWakeUpIdle()
+            #time.sleep(0.001)
+    def OnProcessEnded(self, event):
+        self.OnIdle()
+        pid,exitcode = event.GetPid(), event.GetExitCode()
+        if self.process:
+            self.process.Destroy()
+            self.process = None
+        self.finished = true
+        # XXX doesn't work ???
+        #self.handler.Disconnect(-1, wxEVT_IDLE)
+        if self.finishedFunc:
+            wxCallAfter(self.finishedFunc, pid, exitcode)
+class ProcessRunner(wxEvtHandler, ProcessRunnerMix):
+    def __init__(self, input):
+        wxEvtHandler.__init__(self)
+        ProcessRunnerMix.__init__(self, input)
+def wxPopen3(cmd, input, output, errors, finish, handler=None):
+    p = ProcessRunnerMix(input, handler)
+    p.setCallbacks(output, errors, finish)
+    p.execute(cmd)
+    return p
\ No newline at end of file