# HG changeset patch
# User Edouard Tisserant
# Date 1584450097 -3600
# Node ID 3bb49f93d48c6ef03d69b66efac610a75ce54a69
# Parent 9da4ac0c9add7e3887736a1fedf847df43dda354
SVGHMI: added widget_common.ysl2
diff -r 9da4ac0c9add -r 3bb49f93d48c svghmi/gen_index_xhtml.xslt
--- a/svghmi/gen_index_xhtml.xslt Tue Mar 17 13:43:19 2020 +0100
+++ b/svghmi/gen_index_xhtml.xslt Tue Mar 17 14:01:37 2020 +0100
@@ -527,157 +527,22 @@
- Made with SVGHMI. https://beremiz.org
- debug_hmitree:
- debug_geometry:
- debug_detachables:
- debug_unlink:
- //(function(){
- id = idstr => document.getElementById(idstr);
- var hmi_hash = [
- ];
- var hmi_widgets = {
- "
- ": {
- type: "
- ",
- args: [
- "
- "
- ,
- ],
- indexes: [
- Widget
- id="
- " : No match for path "
- " in HMI tree
- ,
- ],
- element: id("
- "),
- }
- ,
- }
- var heartbeat_index =
- ;
- var hmitree_types = [
- /*
- */ "
+ "
+ ": {
+ type: "
+ ",
+ args: [
+ "
@@ -685,826 +550,48 @@
- ]
- var detachable_elements = {
- "
- ":[id("
- "), id("
- ")]
- ,
+ ],
+ indexes: [
+ Widget
+ id="
+ " : No match for path "
+ " in HMI tree
+ ,
- }
- var page_desc = {
- }
- var default_page = "
- ";
- var svg_root = id("
- ");
- // svghmi.js
- var cache = hmitree_types.map(_ignored => undefined);
- var updates = {};
- function dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, value, oldval) {
- try {
- let idx = widget.offset ? index - widget.offset : index;
- let idxidx = widget.indexes.indexOf(idx);
- let d = widget.dispatch;
- console.log(index, idx, idxidx, value);
- if(typeof(d) == "function" && idxidx == 0){
- d.call(widget, value, oldval);
- }
- else if(typeof(d) == "object" && d.length >= idxidx){
- d[idxidx].call(widget, value, oldval);
- }
- /* else dispatch_0, ..., dispatch_n ? */
- /*else {
- throw new Error("Dunno how to dispatch to widget at index = " + index);
- }*/
- } catch(err) {
- console.log(err);
- }
- }
- function dispatch_value(index, value) {
- let widgets = subscribers[index];
- let oldval = cache[index];
- cache[index] = value;
- if(widgets.size > 0) {
- for(let widget of widgets){
- dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, value, oldval);
- }
- }
- };
- function init_widgets() {
- Object.keys(hmi_widgets).forEach(function(id) {
- let widget = hmi_widgets[id];
- let init = widget.init;
- if(typeof(init) == "function"){
- try {
- init.call(widget);
- } catch(err) {
- console.log(err);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- // Open WebSocket to relative "/ws" address
- var ws = new WebSocket(window.location.href.replace(/^http(s?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*$/, 'ws$1/ws'));
- ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
- const dvgetters = {
- INT: (dv,offset) => [dv.getInt16(offset, true), 2],
- BOOL: (dv,offset) => [dv.getInt8(offset, true), 1],
- STRING: (dv, offset) => {
- size = dv.getInt8(offset);
- return [
- String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(
- dv.buffer, /* original buffer */
- offset + 1, /* string starts after size*/
- size /* size of string */
- )), size + 1]; /* total increment */
- }
- };
- // Apply updates recieved through ws.onmessage to subscribed widgets
- function apply_updates() {
- for(let index in updates){
- // serving as a key, index becomes a string
- // -> pass Number(index) instead
- dispatch_value(Number(index), updates[index]);
- delete updates[index];
- }
- }
- // Called on requestAnimationFrame, modifies DOM
- var requestAnimationFrameID = null;
- function animate() {
- // Do the page swith if any one pending
- if(current_subscribed_page != current_visible_page){
- switch_visible_page(current_subscribed_page);
- }
- apply_updates();
- requestAnimationFrameID = null;
- }
- function requestHMIAnimation() {
- if(requestAnimationFrameID == null){
- requestAnimationFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
- }
- }
- // Message reception handler
- // Hash is verified and HMI values updates resulting from binary parsing
- // are stored until browser can compute next frame, DOM is left untouched
- ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
- let data = evt.data;
- let dv = new DataView(data);
- let i = 0;
- try {
- for(let hash_int of hmi_hash) {
- if(hash_int != dv.getUint8(i)){
- throw new Error("Hash doesn't match");
- };
- i++;
- };
- while(i < data.byteLength){
- let index = dv.getUint32(i, true);
- i += 4;
- let iectype = hmitree_types[index];
- if(iectype != undefined){
- let dvgetter = dvgetters[iectype];
- let [value, bytesize] = dvgetter(dv,i);
- updates[index] = value;
- i += bytesize;
- } else {
- throw new Error("Unknown index "+index);
- }
- };
- // register for rendering on next frame, since there are updates
- requestHMIAnimation();
- } catch(err) {
- // 1003 is for "Unsupported Data"
- // ws.close(1003, err.message);
- // TODO : remove debug alert ?
- alert("Error : "+err.message+"\nHMI will be reloaded.");
- // force reload ignoring cache
- location.reload(true);
- }
- };
- function send_blob(data) {
- if(data.length > 0) {
- ws.send(new Blob([new Uint8Array(hmi_hash)].concat(data)));
- };
- };
- const typedarray_types = {
- INT: (number) => new Int16Array([number]),
- BOOL: (truth) => new Int16Array([truth]),
- STRING: (str) => {
- // beremiz default string max size is 128
- str = str.slice(0,128);
- binary = new Uint8Array(str.length + 1);
- binary[0] = str.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
- binary[i+1] = str.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- return binary;
- }
- /* TODO */
- };
- function send_reset() {
- send_blob(new Uint8Array([1])); /* reset = 1 */
- };
- // subscription state, as it should be in hmi server
- // hmitree indexed array of integers
- var subscriptions = hmitree_types.map(_ignored => 0);
- // subscription state as needed by widget now
- // hmitree indexed array of Sets of widgets objects
- var subscribers = hmitree_types.map(_ignored => new Set());
- // artificially subscribe the watchdog widget to "/heartbeat" hmi variable
- // Since dispatch directly calls change_hmi_value,
- // PLC will periodically send variable at given frequency
- subscribers[heartbeat_index].add({
- /* type: "Watchdog", */
- frequency: 1,
- indexes: [heartbeat_index],
- dispatch: function(value) {
- // console.log("Heartbeat" + value);
- change_hmi_value(heartbeat_index, "+1");
- }
- });
- function update_subscriptions() {
- let delta = [];
- for(let index = 0; index < subscribers.length; index++){
- let widgets = subscribers[index];
- // periods are in ms
- let previous_period = subscriptions[index];
- // subscribing with a zero period is unsubscribing
- let new_period = 0;
- if(widgets.size > 0) {
- let maxfreq = 0;
- for(let widget of widgets)
- if(maxfreq < widget.frequency)
- maxfreq = widget.frequency;
- if(maxfreq != 0)
- new_period = 1000/maxfreq;
- }
- if(previous_period != new_period) {
- subscriptions[index] = new_period;
- delta.push(
- new Uint8Array([2]), /* subscribe = 2 */
- new Uint32Array([index]),
- new Uint16Array([new_period]));
- }
- }
- send_blob(delta);
- };
- function send_hmi_value(index, value) {
- let iectype = hmitree_types[index];
- let tobinary = typedarray_types[iectype];
- send_blob([
- new Uint8Array([0]), /* setval = 0 */
- new Uint32Array([index]),
- tobinary(value)]);
- cache[index] = value;
- };
- function change_hmi_value(index, opstr) {
- let op = opstr[0];
- let given_val = opstr.slice(1);
- let old_val = cache[index]
- let new_val;
- switch(op){
- case "=":
- eval("new_val"+opstr);
- break;
- case "+":
- case "-":
- case "*":
- case "/":
- if(old_val != undefined)
- new_val = eval("old_val"+opstr);
- break;
- }
- if(new_val != undefined && old_val != new_val)
- send_hmi_value(index, new_val);
- return new_val;
- }
- var current_visible_page;
- var current_subscribed_page;
- function prepare_svg() {
- for(let eltid in detachable_elements){
- let [element,parent] = detachable_elements[eltid];
- parent.removeChild(element);
- }
- };
- function switch_page(page_name, page_index) {
- if(current_subscribed_page != current_visible_page){
- /* page switch already going */
- return;
- } else if(page_name == current_visible_page){
- /* already in that page */
- return;
- }
- switch_subscribed_page(page_name, page_index);
- };
- function* chain(a,b){
- yield* a;
- yield* b;
- };
- function switch_subscribed_page(page_name, page_index) {
- let old_desc = page_desc[current_subscribed_page];
- let new_desc = page_desc[page_name];
- if(new_desc == undefined){
- return;
- }
- if(page_index == undefined){
- page_index = new_desc.page_index;
- }
- if(old_desc){
- for(let widget of old_desc.absolute_widgets){
- /* remove subsribers */
- for(let index of widget.indexes){
- subscribers[index].delete(widget);
- }
- }
- for(let widget of old_desc.relative_widgets){
- /* remove subsribers */
- for(let index of widget.indexes){
- let idx = widget.offset ? index + widget.offset : index;
- subscribers[idx].delete(widget);
- }
- /* lose the offset */
- delete widget.offset;
- }
- }
- for(let widget of new_desc.absolute_widgets){
- /* add widget's subsribers */
- for(let index of widget.indexes){
- subscribers[index].add(widget);
- }
- }
- var new_offset = page_index == undefined ? 0 : page_index - new_desc.page_index;
- for(let widget of new_desc.relative_widgets){
- /* set the offset because relative */
- widget.offset = new_offset;
- /* add widget's subsribers */
- for(let index of widget.indexes){
- subscribers[index + new_offset].add(widget);
- }
- }
- update_subscriptions();
- current_subscribed_page = page_name;
- requestHMIAnimation();
- }
- function switch_visible_page(page_name) {
- let old_desc = page_desc[current_visible_page];
- let new_desc = page_desc[page_name];
- if(old_desc){
- for(let eltid in old_desc.required_detachables){
- if(!(eltid in new_desc.required_detachables)){
- let [element, parent] = old_desc.required_detachables[eltid];
- parent.removeChild(element);
- }
- }
- for(let eltid in new_desc.required_detachables){
- if(!(eltid in old_desc.required_detachables)){
- let [element, parent] = new_desc.required_detachables[eltid];
- parent.appendChild(element);
- }
- }
- }else{
- for(let eltid in new_desc.required_detachables){
- let [element, parent] = new_desc.required_detachables[eltid];
- parent.appendChild(element);
- }
- }
- for(let widget of chain(new_desc.absolute_widgets,new_desc.relative_widgets)){
- for(let index of widget.indexes){
- /* dispatch current cache in newly opened page widgets */
- let cached_val = cache[index];
- if(cached_val != undefined)
- dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, cached_val, cached_val);
- }
- }
- svg_root.setAttribute('viewBox',new_desc.bbox.join(" "));
- current_visible_page = page_name;
- };
- // Once connection established
- ws.onopen = function (evt) {
- init_widgets();
- send_reset();
- // show main page
- prepare_svg();
- switch_page(default_page);
- };
- ws.onclose = function (evt) {
- // TODO : add visible notification while waiting for reload
- console.log("Connection closed. code:"+evt.code+" reason:"+evt.reason+" wasClean:"+evt.wasClean+" Reload in 10s.");
- // TODO : re-enable auto reload when not in debug
- //window.setTimeout(() => location.reload(true), 10000);
- alert("Connection closed. code:"+evt.code+" reason:"+evt.reason+" wasClean:"+evt.wasClean+".");
- };
- //})();
+ ],
+ element: id("
+ "),
+ }
+ ,
@@ -1537,6 +624,920 @@
+ Made with SVGHMI. https://beremiz.org
+ debug_hmitree:
+ debug_geometry:
+ debug_detachables:
+ debug_unlink:
+ //(function(){
+ id = idstr => document.getElementById(idstr);
+ var hmi_hash = [
+ ];
+ var hmi_widgets = {
+ }
+ var heartbeat_index =
+ ;
+ var hmitree_types = [
+ /*
+ */ "
+ "
+ ,
+ ]
+ var detachable_elements = {
+ "
+ ":[id("
+ "), id("
+ ")]
+ ,
+ }
+ var page_desc = {
+ }
+ var default_page = "
+ ";
+ var svg_root = id("
+ ");
+ // svghmi.js
+ var cache = hmitree_types.map(_ignored => undefined);
+ var updates = {};
+ function dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, value, oldval) {
+ try {
+ let idx = widget.offset ? index - widget.offset : index;
+ let idxidx = widget.indexes.indexOf(idx);
+ let d = widget.dispatch;
+ console.log(index, idx, idxidx, value);
+ if(typeof(d) == "function" && idxidx == 0){
+ d.call(widget, value, oldval);
+ }
+ else if(typeof(d) == "object" && d.length >= idxidx){
+ d[idxidx].call(widget, value, oldval);
+ }
+ /* else dispatch_0, ..., dispatch_n ? */
+ /*else {
+ throw new Error("Dunno how to dispatch to widget at index = " + index);
+ }*/
+ } catch(err) {
+ console.log(err);
+ }
+ }
+ function dispatch_value(index, value) {
+ let widgets = subscribers[index];
+ let oldval = cache[index];
+ cache[index] = value;
+ if(widgets.size > 0) {
+ for(let widget of widgets){
+ dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, value, oldval);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function init_widgets() {
+ Object.keys(hmi_widgets).forEach(function(id) {
+ let widget = hmi_widgets[id];
+ let init = widget.init;
+ if(typeof(init) == "function"){
+ try {
+ init.call(widget);
+ } catch(err) {
+ console.log(err);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ // Open WebSocket to relative "/ws" address
+ var ws = new WebSocket(window.location.href.replace(/^http(s?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*$/, 'ws$1/ws'));
+ ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
+ const dvgetters = {
+ INT: (dv,offset) => [dv.getInt16(offset, true), 2],
+ BOOL: (dv,offset) => [dv.getInt8(offset, true), 1],
+ STRING: (dv, offset) => {
+ size = dv.getInt8(offset);
+ return [
+ String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(
+ dv.buffer, /* original buffer */
+ offset + 1, /* string starts after size*/
+ size /* size of string */
+ )), size + 1]; /* total increment */
+ }
+ };
+ // Apply updates recieved through ws.onmessage to subscribed widgets
+ function apply_updates() {
+ for(let index in updates){
+ // serving as a key, index becomes a string
+ // -> pass Number(index) instead
+ dispatch_value(Number(index), updates[index]);
+ delete updates[index];
+ }
+ }
+ // Called on requestAnimationFrame, modifies DOM
+ var requestAnimationFrameID = null;
+ function animate() {
+ // Do the page swith if any one pending
+ if(current_subscribed_page != current_visible_page){
+ switch_visible_page(current_subscribed_page);
+ }
+ apply_updates();
+ requestAnimationFrameID = null;
+ }
+ function requestHMIAnimation() {
+ if(requestAnimationFrameID == null){
+ requestAnimationFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
+ }
+ }
+ // Message reception handler
+ // Hash is verified and HMI values updates resulting from binary parsing
+ // are stored until browser can compute next frame, DOM is left untouched
+ ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
+ let data = evt.data;
+ let dv = new DataView(data);
+ let i = 0;
+ try {
+ for(let hash_int of hmi_hash) {
+ if(hash_int != dv.getUint8(i)){
+ throw new Error("Hash doesn't match");
+ };
+ i++;
+ };
+ while(i < data.byteLength){
+ let index = dv.getUint32(i, true);
+ i += 4;
+ let iectype = hmitree_types[index];
+ if(iectype != undefined){
+ let dvgetter = dvgetters[iectype];
+ let [value, bytesize] = dvgetter(dv,i);
+ updates[index] = value;
+ i += bytesize;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Unknown index "+index);
+ }
+ };
+ // register for rendering on next frame, since there are updates
+ requestHMIAnimation();
+ } catch(err) {
+ // 1003 is for "Unsupported Data"
+ // ws.close(1003, err.message);
+ // TODO : remove debug alert ?
+ alert("Error : "+err.message+"\nHMI will be reloaded.");
+ // force reload ignoring cache
+ location.reload(true);
+ }
+ };
+ function send_blob(data) {
+ if(data.length > 0) {
+ ws.send(new Blob([new Uint8Array(hmi_hash)].concat(data)));
+ };
+ };
+ const typedarray_types = {
+ INT: (number) => new Int16Array([number]),
+ BOOL: (truth) => new Int16Array([truth]),
+ STRING: (str) => {
+ // beremiz default string max size is 128
+ str = str.slice(0,128);
+ binary = new Uint8Array(str.length + 1);
+ binary[0] = str.length;
+ for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
+ binary[i+1] = str.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return binary;
+ }
+ /* TODO */
+ };
+ function send_reset() {
+ send_blob(new Uint8Array([1])); /* reset = 1 */
+ };
+ // subscription state, as it should be in hmi server
+ // hmitree indexed array of integers
+ var subscriptions = hmitree_types.map(_ignored => 0);
+ // subscription state as needed by widget now
+ // hmitree indexed array of Sets of widgets objects
+ var subscribers = hmitree_types.map(_ignored => new Set());
+ // artificially subscribe the watchdog widget to "/heartbeat" hmi variable
+ // Since dispatch directly calls change_hmi_value,
+ // PLC will periodically send variable at given frequency
+ subscribers[heartbeat_index].add({
+ /* type: "Watchdog", */
+ frequency: 1,
+ indexes: [heartbeat_index],
+ dispatch: function(value) {
+ // console.log("Heartbeat" + value);
+ change_hmi_value(heartbeat_index, "+1");
+ }
+ });
+ function update_subscriptions() {
+ let delta = [];
+ for(let index = 0; index < subscribers.length; index++){
+ let widgets = subscribers[index];
+ // periods are in ms
+ let previous_period = subscriptions[index];
+ // subscribing with a zero period is unsubscribing
+ let new_period = 0;
+ if(widgets.size > 0) {
+ let maxfreq = 0;
+ for(let widget of widgets)
+ if(maxfreq < widget.frequency)
+ maxfreq = widget.frequency;
+ if(maxfreq != 0)
+ new_period = 1000/maxfreq;
+ }
+ if(previous_period != new_period) {
+ subscriptions[index] = new_period;
+ delta.push(
+ new Uint8Array([2]), /* subscribe = 2 */
+ new Uint32Array([index]),
+ new Uint16Array([new_period]));
+ }
+ }
+ send_blob(delta);
+ };
+ function send_hmi_value(index, value) {
+ let iectype = hmitree_types[index];
+ let tobinary = typedarray_types[iectype];
+ send_blob([
+ new Uint8Array([0]), /* setval = 0 */
+ new Uint32Array([index]),
+ tobinary(value)]);
+ cache[index] = value;
+ };
+ function change_hmi_value(index, opstr) {
+ let op = opstr[0];
+ let given_val = opstr.slice(1);
+ let old_val = cache[index]
+ let new_val;
+ switch(op){
+ case "=":
+ eval("new_val"+opstr);
+ break;
+ case "+":
+ case "-":
+ case "*":
+ case "/":
+ if(old_val != undefined)
+ new_val = eval("old_val"+opstr);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(new_val != undefined && old_val != new_val)
+ send_hmi_value(index, new_val);
+ return new_val;
+ }
+ var current_visible_page;
+ var current_subscribed_page;
+ function prepare_svg() {
+ for(let eltid in detachable_elements){
+ let [element,parent] = detachable_elements[eltid];
+ parent.removeChild(element);
+ }
+ };
+ function switch_page(page_name, page_index) {
+ if(current_subscribed_page != current_visible_page){
+ /* page switch already going */
+ return;
+ } else if(page_name == current_visible_page){
+ /* already in that page */
+ return;
+ }
+ switch_subscribed_page(page_name, page_index);
+ };
+ function* chain(a,b){
+ yield* a;
+ yield* b;
+ };
+ function switch_subscribed_page(page_name, page_index) {
+ let old_desc = page_desc[current_subscribed_page];
+ let new_desc = page_desc[page_name];
+ if(new_desc == undefined){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(page_index == undefined){
+ page_index = new_desc.page_index;
+ }
+ if(old_desc){
+ for(let widget of old_desc.absolute_widgets){
+ /* remove subsribers */
+ for(let index of widget.indexes){
+ subscribers[index].delete(widget);
+ }
+ }
+ for(let widget of old_desc.relative_widgets){
+ /* remove subsribers */
+ for(let index of widget.indexes){
+ let idx = widget.offset ? index + widget.offset : index;
+ subscribers[idx].delete(widget);
+ }
+ /* lose the offset */
+ delete widget.offset;
+ }
+ }
+ for(let widget of new_desc.absolute_widgets){
+ /* add widget's subsribers */
+ for(let index of widget.indexes){
+ subscribers[index].add(widget);
+ }
+ }
+ var new_offset = page_index == undefined ? 0 : page_index - new_desc.page_index;
+ for(let widget of new_desc.relative_widgets){
+ /* set the offset because relative */
+ widget.offset = new_offset;
+ /* add widget's subsribers */
+ for(let index of widget.indexes){
+ subscribers[index + new_offset].add(widget);
+ }
+ }
+ update_subscriptions();
+ current_subscribed_page = page_name;
+ requestHMIAnimation();
+ }
+ function switch_visible_page(page_name) {
+ let old_desc = page_desc[current_visible_page];
+ let new_desc = page_desc[page_name];
+ if(old_desc){
+ for(let eltid in old_desc.required_detachables){
+ if(!(eltid in new_desc.required_detachables)){
+ let [element, parent] = old_desc.required_detachables[eltid];
+ parent.removeChild(element);
+ }
+ }
+ for(let eltid in new_desc.required_detachables){
+ if(!(eltid in old_desc.required_detachables)){
+ let [element, parent] = new_desc.required_detachables[eltid];
+ parent.appendChild(element);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(let eltid in new_desc.required_detachables){
+ let [element, parent] = new_desc.required_detachables[eltid];
+ parent.appendChild(element);
+ }
+ }
+ for(let widget of chain(new_desc.absolute_widgets,new_desc.relative_widgets)){
+ for(let index of widget.indexes){
+ /* dispatch current cache in newly opened page widgets */
+ let cached_val = cache[index];
+ if(cached_val != undefined)
+ dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, cached_val, cached_val);
+ }
+ }
+ svg_root.setAttribute('viewBox',new_desc.bbox.join(" "));
+ current_visible_page = page_name;
+ };
+ // Once connection established
+ ws.onopen = function (evt) {
+ init_widgets();
+ send_reset();
+ // show main page
+ prepare_svg();
+ switch_page(default_page);
+ };
+ ws.onclose = function (evt) {
+ // TODO : add visible notification while waiting for reload
+ console.log("Connection closed. code:"+evt.code+" reason:"+evt.reason+" wasClean:"+evt.wasClean+" Reload in 10s.");
+ // TODO : re-enable auto reload when not in debug
+ //window.setTimeout(() => location.reload(true), 10000);
+ alert("Connection closed. code:"+evt.code+" reason:"+evt.reason+" wasClean:"+evt.wasClean+".");
+ };
+ //})();
frequency: 5,
diff -r 9da4ac0c9add -r 3bb49f93d48c svghmi/gen_index_xhtml.ysl2
--- a/svghmi/gen_index_xhtml.ysl2 Tue Mar 17 13:43:19 2020 +0100
+++ b/svghmi/gen_index_xhtml.ysl2 Tue Mar 17 14:01:37 2020 +0100
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
include inline_svg.ysl2
+ include widget_common.ysl2
template "/" {
comment > Made with SVGHMI. https://beremiz.org
@@ -120,31 +122,7 @@
| var hmi_widgets = {
- foreach "$hmi_elements" {
- const "widget", "func:parselabel(@inkscape:label)/widget";
- const "eltid","@id";
- | "«@id»": {
- | type: "«$widget/@type»",
- | args: [
- foreach "$widget/arg"
- | "«@value»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
- | ],
- | indexes: [
- foreach "$widget/path" {
- choose {
- when "not(@index)" {
- warning > Widget «$widget/@type» id="«$eltid»" : No match for path "«@value»" in HMI tree
- }
- otherwise {
- | «@index»`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
- }
- }
- }
- | ],
- | element: id("«@id»"),
- apply "$widget", mode="widget_defs" with "hmi_element",".";
- | }`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
- }
+ apply "$hmi_elements", mode="hmi_elements";
| }
| var heartbeat_index = «$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = '/HEARTBEAT']/@index»;
@@ -207,31 +185,6 @@
// }
- function "defs_by_labels" {
- param "labels","''";
- param "mandatory","'yes'";
- param "hmi_element";
- const "widget_type","@type";
- foreach "str:split($labels)" {
- const "name",".";
- const "elt_id","$result_svg_ns//*[@id = $hmi_element/@id]//*[@inkscape:label=$name][1]/@id";
- choose {
- when "not($elt_id)" {
- if "$mandatory='yes'" {
- // TODO FIXME error > «$widget_type» widget must have a «$name» element
- warning > «$widget_type» widget must have a «$name» element
- }
- // otherwise produce nothing
- }
- otherwise {
- | «$name»_elt: id("«$elt_id»"),
- }
- }
- }
- }
template "widget[@type='Display']", mode="widget_defs" {
param "hmi_element";
| frequency: 5,
diff -r 9da4ac0c9add -r 3bb49f93d48c svghmi/widget_common.ysl2
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/svghmi/widget_common.ysl2 Tue Mar 17 14:01:37 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+in xsl decl labels(*ptr, name="defs_by_labels") alias call-template {
+ with "hmi_element", "$hmi_element";
+ with "labels"{text *ptr};
+in xsl decl optional_labels(*ptr, name="defs_by_labels") alias call-template {
+ with "hmi_element", "$hmi_element";
+ with "labels"{text *ptr};
+ with "mandatory","'no'";
+template "svg:*", mode="hmi_elements" {
+ const "widget", "func:parselabel(@inkscape:label)/widget";
+ const "eltid","@id";
+ | "«@id»": {
+ | type: "«$widget/@type»",
+ | args: [
+ foreach "$widget/arg"
+ | "«@value»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
+ | ],
+ | indexes: [
+ foreach "$widget/path" {
+ choose {
+ when "not(@index)" {
+ warning > Widget «$widget/@type» id="«$eltid»" : No match for path "«@value»" in HMI tree
+ }
+ otherwise {
+ | «@index»`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ | ],
+ | element: id("«@id»"),
+ apply "$widget", mode="widget_defs" with "hmi_element",".";
+ | }`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
+function "defs_by_labels" {
+ param "labels","''";
+ param "mandatory","'yes'";
+ param "hmi_element";
+ const "widget_type","@type";
+ foreach "str:split($labels)" {
+ const "name",".";
+ const "elt_id","$result_svg_ns//*[@id = $hmi_element/@id]//*[@inkscape:label=$name][1]/@id";
+ choose {
+ when "not($elt_id)" {
+ if "$mandatory='yes'" {
+ // TODO FIXME error > «$widget_type» widget must have a «$name» element
+ warning > «$widget_type» widget must have a «$name» element
+ }
+ // otherwise produce nothing
+ }
+ otherwise {
+ | «$name»_elt: id("«$elt_id»"),
+ }
+ }
+ }