include yslt_noindent.yml2 // overrides yslt's output function to set CDATA decl output(method, cdata-section-elements="xhtml:script"); // helper to emit some content to internal namespaces decl emit(*name) alias - { *name; template *name { | | /* «local-name()» */ | content; | } }; istylesheet /* From Inkscape */ xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:xhtml="" /* Internal namespaces to allow emit code/content from anywhere */ xmlns:debug="debug" xmlns:preamble="preamble" xmlns:declarations="declarations" xmlns:definitions="definitions" xmlns:epilogue="epilogue" /* Namespace to invoke python code */ xmlns:ns="beremiz" extension-element-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn" exclude-result-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn debug preamble epilogue declarations definitions" { const "svg", "/svg:svg"; const "hmi_elements", "//svg:*[starts-with(@inkscape:label, 'HMI:')]"; include hmi_tree.ysl2 include geometry.ysl2 include detachable_pages.ysl2 include inline_svg.ysl2 include widgets_common.ysl2 include widget_*.ysl2 template "/" { comment > Made with SVGHMI. // all debug output from included definitions, as comments comment apply "document('')/*/debug:*"; html xmlns="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink="" { head; // prevents user selection by mouse click / touch and drag // prevents pinch zoom and other accidental panning panning with touch devices body style="margin:0;overflow:hidden;user-select:none;touch-action:none;" { // Inline SVG copy "$result_svg"; script{ | \n//\n//\n// Early independent declarations \n//\n// apply "document('')/*/preamble:*"; | \n//\n//\n// Declarations depending on preamble \n//\n// apply "document('')/*/declarations:*"; | \n//\n//\n// Order independent declaration and code \n//\n// apply "document('')/*/definitions:*"; | \n//\n//\n// Statements that needs to be at the end \n//\n// apply "document('')/*/epilogue:*"; include text svghmi.js } } } } }