// widget_dropdown.ysl2 template "widget[@type='DropDown']", mode="widget_defs" { param "hmi_element"; labels("text box button"); || dispatch: function(value) { if(!this.opened) this.set_selection(value); }, init: function() { this.button_elt.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_button_click()"); this.text_bbox = this.text_elt.getBBox() this.box_bbox = this.box_elt.getBBox() lmargin = this.text_bbox.x - this.box_bbox.x; tmargin = this.text_bbox.y - this.box_bbox.y; this.margins = [lmargin, tmargin].map(x => Math.max(x,0)); this.content = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen"]; //this.content = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "5", "6"]; this.menu_offset = 0; this.lift = 0; this.opened = false; this.bound_inhibit_click_elsewhere = this.inhibit_click_elsewhere.bind(this); }, on_selection_click: function(selection) { console.log("selected "+selection); this.close(); this.set_selection(selection); }, on_button_click: function() { this.open(); }, on_backward_click:function(){ this.move(false); }, on_forward_click:function(){ this.move(true); }, set_selection: function(value) { this.text_elt.firstElementChild.textContent = (value >= 0 && value < this.content.length) ? this.content[value] : "?"+String(value)+"?"; }, grow_text: function(up_to) { let count = 1; let txt = this.text_elt; let first = txt.firstElementChild; let bounds = svg_root.getBoundingClientRect(); this.lift = 0; while(count < up_to) { let next = first.cloneNode(); next.removeAttribute("y"); next.setAttribute("dy", "1.1em"); next.textContent = "..."; txt.appendChild(next); let rect = txt.getBoundingClientRect(); if(rect.bottom > bounds.bottom){ let backup = first.getAttribute("dy"); first.setAttribute("dy", "-"+String((this.lift+1)*1.1)+"em"); rect = txt.getBoundingClientRect(); if(rect.top > bounds.top){ this.lift += 1; } else { if(backup) first.setAttribute("dy", backup); else first.removeAttribute("dy"); txt.removeChild(next); return count; } } count++; } return count; }, inhibit_click_elsewhere: function(e) { console.log("inhibit", e); console.log(e.target.parentNode, this.text_elt); if(e.target.parentNode !== this.text_elt) e.stopPropagation(); }, close: function(){ this.reset_text(); this.reset_box(); this.element.appendChild(this.button_elt); document.removeEventListener("click", this.bound_inhibit_click_elsewhere, true); this.opened = false; }, set_complete_text: function(){ let spans = this.text_elt.children; let c = 0; for(let item of this.content){ let span=spans[c]; span.textContent = item; span.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_selection_click("+c+")"); c++; } }, move: function(forward){ let contentlength = this.content.length; let spans = this.text_elt.children; let spanslength = spans.length; if(this.menu_offset != 0) spanslength--; if(this.menu_offset < contentlength - 1) spanslength--; if(forward){ this.menu_offset = Math.min( contentlength - spans.length + 1, this.menu_offset + spanslength); }else{ this.menu_offset = Math.max( 0, this.menu_offset - spanslength); } console.log(this.menu_offset); this.set_partial_text(); }, set_partial_text: function(){ let spans = this.text_elt.children; let contentlength = this.content.length; let spanslength = spans.length; let i = this.menu_offset, c = 0; while(c < spanslength){ let span=spans[c]; if(c == 0 && i != 0){ span.textContent = "↑ ↑ ↑"; span.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_backward_click()"); }else if(c == spanslength-1 && i < contentlength - 1){ span.textContent = "↓ ↓ ↓"; span.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_forward_click()"); }else{ span.textContent = this.content[i]; span.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_selection_click("+i+")"); i++; } c++; } }, open: function(){ let length = this.content.length; this.reset_text(); let slots = this.grow_text(length); if(slots == length) { this.set_complete_text(); } else { this.set_partial_text(); } this.adjust_box_to_text(); this.element.removeChild(this.button_elt); this.element.parentNode.appendChild(this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element)); // disable interaction with background document.addEventListener("click", this.bound_inhibit_click_elsewhere, true); this.opened = true; }, reset_text: function(){ let txt = this.text_elt; let first = txt.firstElementChild; first.removeAttribute("onclick"); first.removeAttribute("dy"); for(let span of Array.from(txt.children).slice(1)){ txt.removeChild(span) } }, reset_box: function(){ let m = this.box_bbox; let b = this.box_elt; b.x.baseVal.value = m.x; b.y.baseVal.value = m.y; b.width.baseVal.value = m.width; b.height.baseVal.value = m.height; }, adjust_box_to_text: function(){ let [lmargin, tmargin] = this.margins; let m = this.text_elt.getBBox(); let b = this.box_elt; b.x.baseVal.value = m.x - lmargin; b.y.baseVal.value = m.y - tmargin; b.width.baseVal.value = 2 * lmargin + m.width; b.height.baseVal.value = 2 * tmargin + m.height; }, || } // | let p = new DOMPoint(this.box_elt.x.baseVal.value, this.box_elt.y.baseVal.value); // | let k = DOMMatrix.fromMatrix(this.box_elt.getCTM()); // | let new_corner = k.transformPoint(p); // | new_corner.y = 0; // | let nc = k.inverse().transformPoint(new_corner); // | this.box_elt.x.baseVal.value = nc.x; // | this.box_elt.y.baseVal.value = nc.y;