include yslt_noindent.yml2 // overrides yslt's output function to set CDATA decl output(method, cdata-section-elements="xhtml:script"); in xsl decl labels(*ptr, name="defs_by_labels") alias call-template { with "hmi_element", "$hmi_element"; with "labels"{text *ptr}; }; in xsl decl optional_labels(*ptr, name="defs_by_labels") alias call-template { with "hmi_element", "$hmi_element"; with "labels"{text *ptr}; with "mandatory","'no'"; }; in xsl decl svgtmpl(match, xmlns="") alias template; in xsl decl svgfunc(name, xmlns="") alias template; !! debug_output_calls = [] def gen_debug_calls(): # '&bug' is a workaround for pyPEG that choke on # yml2 python results not parsing down into a single yml2 call return ("&bug {"+ "\n".join([""" comment { | | %s: call "%s"; | }"""%(n,n) for n in debug_output_calls])+ "}") !! istylesheet /* From Inkscape */ xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:xhtml="" /* Our namespace to invoke python code */ xmlns:ns="beremiz" extension-element-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn" exclude-result-prefixes="ns str regexp exsl func dyn" { const "hmi_elements", "//svg:*[starts-with(@inkscape:label, 'HMI:')]"; include hmi_tree.ysl2 include geometry.ysl2 include detachable_pages.ysl2 include inline_svg.ysl2 include widgets_common.ysl2 include widget_*.ysl2 template "/" { comment > Made with SVGHMI. // use python to call all debug output from included definitions python gen_debug_calls; html xmlns="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink="" { head; body style="margin:0;overflow:hidden;" { // Inline SVG copy "$result_svg"; script{ call "scripts"; } } } } function "scripts" { | | id = idstr => document.getElementById(idstr); | | var hmi_hash = [«$hmitree/@hash»]; | var hmi_widgets = { apply "$hmi_elements", mode="hmi_elements"; | } | | var heartbeat_index = «$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = '/HEARTBEAT']/@index»; | | var hmitree_types = [ foreach "$indexed_hmitree/*" { | /* «@index» «@hmipath» */ "«substring(local-name(), 5)»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,` } | ] | | var detachable_elements = { foreach "$detachable_elements"{ | "«@id»":[id("«@id»"), id("«../@id»")]`if "position()!=last()" > ,` } | } | | var page_desc = { apply "$hmi_pages", mode="page_desc"; | } | | var default_page = "«$default_page»"; | var svg_root = id("«/svg:svg/@id»"); include text svghmi.js } }