include yslt_noindent.yml2 istylesheet xmlns:ppx="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:ns="beremiz" extension-element-prefixes="ns" exclude-result-prefixes="ns" { template "text()"; template "ppx:pou[ppx:body]|ppx:transition[ppx:body]|ppx:action[ppx:body]", priority="-1.0" { apply "ppx:body/*[self::ppx:FBD or self::ppx:LD or self::ppx:SFC]/*"; } function "add_instance" { param "type"; value "ns:AddBlockInstance($type, @localId, ppx:position/@x, ppx:position/@y, @width, @height)"; } function "execution_order" { choose { when "@executionOrderId" > «@executionOrderId» otherwise > 0 } } function "ConnectionInfos" { param "type"; param "negated"; param "edge"; param "formalParameter"; value "ns:AddInstanceConnection($type, $formalParameter, $negated, $edge, ppx:relPosition/@x, ppx:relPosition/@y)"; } template "ppx:position" { value "ns:AddLinkPoint(@x, @y)"; } template "ppx:connection" { value "ns:AddConnectionLink(@refLocalId, @formalParameter)"; apply "ppx:position"; } template "ppx:connectionPointIn" { param "negated"; param "edge"; param "formalParameter"; call "ConnectionInfos" { with "type" > input with "negated" > «$negated» with "edge" > «$edge» with "formalParameter" > «$formalParameter» } apply "ppx:connection"; } template "ppx:connectionPointOut" { param "negated"; param "edge"; param "formalParameter"; call "ConnectionInfos" { with "type" > output with "negated" > «$negated» with "edge" > «$edge» with "formalParameter" > «$formalParameter» } } template "ppx:connectionPointOutAction" { call "ConnectionInfos" { with "type" > output } } template "ppx:comment" { value "ns:SetSpecificValues(ppx:content/xhtml:p/text())"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «local-name()» } } template "ppx:block" { variable "execution_order" { call "execution_order"; } value "ns:SetSpecificValues(@instanceName, $execution_order)"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «@typeName» } foreach "ppx:inputVariables/ppx:variable" { apply "ppx:connectionPointIn" { with "negated", "@negated"; with "edge", "@edge"; with "formalParameter", "@formalParameter"; } } foreach "ppx:outputVariables/ppx:variable" { apply "ppx:connectionPointOut" { with "negated", "@negated"; with "edge", "@edge"; with "formalParameter", "@formalParameter"; } } } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType or self::ppx:returnType]/ppx:derived" { > «@name» } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType or self::ppx:returnType]/ppx:string" { > STRING } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType or self::ppx:returnType]/ppx:wstring" { > WSTRING } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType or self::ppx:returnType]/*" { > «local-name()» } function "VariableBlockInfos" { param "type"; variable "expression" > «ppx:expression/text()» variable "value_type" { choose { when "ancestor::ppx:transition[@name=$expression]" > BOOL when "ancestor::ppx:pou[@name=$expression]" { apply "ancestor::ppx:pou/child::ppx:interface/ppx:returnType" } otherwise { apply "ancestor::ppx:pou/child::ppx:interface/*/ppx:variable[@name=$expression]/ppx:type" } } } variable "execution_order" { call "execution_order"; } value "ns:SetSpecificValues($expression, $value_type, $execution_order)"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «$type» } apply "ppx:connectionPointIn" { with "negated", "@negatedIn"; with "edge", "@edgeIn"; } apply "ppx:connectionPointOut" { with "negated", "@negatedOut"; with "edge", "@edgeOut"; } } template "ppx:inVariable" { call "VariableBlockInfos" with "type", "'input'"; } template "ppx:outVariable" { call "VariableBlockInfos" with "type", "'output'"; } template "ppx:inOutVariable" { call "VariableBlockInfos" with "type", "'inout'"; } template "ppx:connector|ppx:continuation" { value "ns:SetSpecificValues(@name)"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «local-name()» } apply "ppx:connectionPointIn"; apply "ppx:connectionPointOut"; } template "ppx:leftPowerRail|ppx:rightPowerRail" { variable "type", "local-name()"; variable "connectors" { choose { when "$type='leftPowerRail'" > «count(ppx:connectionPointOut)» otherwise > «count(ppx:connectionPointIn)» } } value "ns:SetSpecificValues($connectors)"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «$type» } choose { when "$type='leftPowerRail'" { apply "ppx:connectionPointOut"; } otherwise { apply "ppx:connectionPointIn"; } } } template "ppx:contact|ppx:coil" { variable "type", "local-name()"; variable "storage" { choose { when "$type='coil'" > «@storage» } } variable "execution_order" { call "execution_order"; } value "ns:SetSpecificValues(ppx:variable/text(), @negated, @edge, $storage, $execution_order)"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «$type» } apply "ppx:connectionPointIn"; apply "ppx:connectionPointOut"; } template "ppx:step" { value "ns:SetSpecificValues(@name, @initialStep)"; apply "ppx:connectionPointOutAction" { with "negated", "@negated"; } call "add_instance" { with "type" > «local-name()» } apply "ppx:connectionPointIn"; apply "ppx:connectionPointOut"; } template "ppx:transition" { variable "priority" { choose { when "@priority" > «@priority» otherwise > 0 } } variable "condition_type" { choose { when "ppx:condition/ppx:connectionPointIn" > connection when "ppx:condition/ppx:reference" > reference when "ppx:condition/ppx:inline" > inline } } variable "condition" { choose { when "ppx:condition/ppx:reference" > «ppx:condition/ppx:reference/@name» when "ppx:condition/ppx:inline" > «ppx:condition/ppx:inline/ppx:ST/xhtml:p/text()» } } value "ns:SetSpecificValues($priority, $condition_type, $condition)"; apply "ppx:condition/ppx:connectionPointIn" { with "negated", "ppx:condition/@negated"; } call "add_instance" { with "type" > «local-name()» } apply "ppx:connectionPointIn"; apply "ppx:connectionPointOut"; } template "ppx:selectionDivergence|ppx:selectionConvergence|ppx:simultaneousDivergence|ppx:simultaneousConvergence" { variable "type" > «local-name()» variable "connectors" { choose { when "$type='selectionDivergence' or $type='simultaneousDivergence'" { > «count(ppx:connectionPointOut)» } otherwise > «count(ppx:connectionPointIn)» } } value "ns:SetSpecificValues($connectors)"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «$type» } apply "ppx:connectionPointIn"; apply "ppx:connectionPointOut"; } template "ppx:jumpStep" { variable "type" > jump value "ns:SetSpecificValues(@targetName)"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «$type» } apply "ppx:connectionPointIn"; } template "ppx:action" { variable "type" { choose { when "ppx:reference" > reference when "ppx:inline" > inline } } variable "value" { choose { when "ppx:reference" > «ppx:reference/@name» when "ppx:inline" > «ppx:inline/ppx:ST/xhtml:p/text()» } } variable "qualifier" { choose { when "@qualifier" > «@qualifier» otherwise > N } } value "ns:AddAction($qualifier, $type, $value, @duration, @indicator)"; } template "ppx:actionBlock" { value "ns:SetSpecificValues()"; apply "ppx:action"; call "add_instance" { with "type" > «local-name()» } apply "ppx:connectionPointIn" { with "negated", "@negated"; } } }