template "widget[@type='ForEach']", mode="widget_defs" { param "hmi_element"; const "class","arg[1]/@value"; const "base_path","path/@value"; const "hmi_index_base", "$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $base_path]"; const "hmi_tree_base", "$hmitree/descendant-or-self::*[@path = $hmi_index_base/@path]"; const "hmi_tree_items", "$hmi_tree_base/*[@class = $class]"; const "hmi_index_items", "$indexed_hmitree/*[@path = $hmi_tree_items/@path]"; const "items_paths", "$hmi_index_items/@hmipath"; | index_pool: [ foreach "$hmi_index_items" { | «@index»`if "position()!=last()" > ,` } | ], | init: function() { const "prefix","concat($class,':')"; const "buttons_regex","concat('^',$prefix,'[+\-][0-9]+')"; const "buttons", "$hmi_element/*[regexp:test(@inkscape:label, $buttons_regex)]"; foreach "$buttons" { const "op","substring-after(@inkscape:label, $prefix)"; | id("«@id»").setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_click('«$op»', evt)"); } | | this.items = [ const "items_regex","concat('^',$prefix,'[0-9]+')"; const "unordered_items","$hmi_element//*[regexp:test(@inkscape:label, $items_regex)]"; foreach "$unordered_items" { const "elt_label","concat($prefix, string(position()))"; const "elt","$unordered_items[@inkscape:label = $elt_label]"; const "pos","position()"; const "item_path", "$items_paths[$pos]"; | [ /* item="«$elt_label»" path="«$item_path»" */ if "count($elt)=0" error > Missing item labeled «$elt_label» in ForEach widget «$hmi_element/@id» foreach "func:refered_elements($elt)[@id = $hmi_elements/@id][not(@id = $elt/@id)]" { if "not(func:is_descendant_path(func:widget(@id)/path/@value, $item_path))" error > Widget id="«@id»" label="«@inkscape:label»" is having wrong path. Accroding to ForEach widget ancestor id="«$hmi_element/@id»", path should be descendant of "«$item_path»". | hmi_widgets["«@id»"]`if "position()!=last()" > ,` } | ]`if "position()!=last()" > ,` } | ] | }, | item_offset: 0, } template "widget[@type='ForEach']", mode="widget_class" || class ForEachWidget extends Widget{ unsub(){ for(let item of this.items){ for(let widget of item) { widget.unsub(); } } this.offset = 0; } foreach_widgets_do(todo){ for(let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { let item = this.items[i]; let orig_item_index = this.index_pool[i]; let item_index = this.index_pool[i+this.item_offset]; let item_index_offset = item_index - orig_item_index; for(let widget of item) { todo(widget).call(widget, this.offset + item_index_offset); } } } sub(new_offset=0){ this.offset = new_offset; this.foreach_widgets_do(w=>w.sub); } apply_cache() { this.foreach_widgets_do(w=>w.apply_cache); } on_click(opstr, evt) { let new_item_offset = eval(String(this.item_offset)+opstr); if(new_item_offset + this.items.length > this.index_pool.length) { if(this.item_offset + this.items.length == this.index_pool.length) new_item_offset = 0; else new_item_offset = this.index_pool.length - this.items.length; } else if(new_item_offset < 0) { if(this.item_offset == 0) new_item_offset = this.index_pool.length - this.items.length; else new_item_offset = 0; } this.item_offset = new_item_offset; this.unsub(); this.sub(this.offset); update_subscriptions(); need_cache_apply.push(this); jumps_need_update = true; requestHMIAnimation(); } } ||